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From the acronym LGBTQ stand for lesbians, guy , bisexual, transgender and queer.

(LGBTQ+) youth and those perceived as LGBTQ+ are at an increased risk of being bullied nowadays
student who believed they face discrimination at school on sexual orientation , gender identity or
because they're not conform with sex stereotypes or for another reason . Leaving as LGBTQ person can
be a life threatening in a number of countries across the globe because many LGBTQ+ Young people
face an alarming amount of bullying and harassment

However, making comments about person's gender or sexuality that deliberately makes them
uncomfortable is not right, were just a human and no one is perfect, everyone should be able to be who
they are, to love who they love and live their lives without judgement or fear. I want all of us not to
make judgement about one's personality. Instead we should understand each other . It is important to
build a safe environment for all LGBTW+ youth and to avoid discrimination.

Lastly, the parents , school and communities can all play a role in preventing bullying and helping
LGBTQ+ youth feel physically and emotionally safe, encourage respect to all students. The language used
against LGBTQ+ student is unacceptable, LGBTQ+ pupils , like other pupils deserved to be treated with
respect tolerance and dignity because the reality is, it should never matter what your sexual orientation
or identity is. And to deal with LGBTQ+ bullying, if you're being bullied in this way you need tell your
parents and report it to a teacher.

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