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Sharn: City of Blood!

Sharn: City of Blood!
Running the Three Mysteries
Adventure City of Blood includes three important,
interconnected mysteries that act as the
Sharn: City of Blood! is an adventure designed centerpoints for the adventure’s story.
for 4 characters of 3rd to 5th level. It is divided
into three main acts:
The Murders
I. The Bloody Bird. A warforged private eye The adventure’s instigating event is the murder
of Kystine Sinndel, a woman who came to
named Steel-Eye Dixon calls upon the
characters to help him investigate the murder Steel-Eye Dixon seeking his help. Her sister had
of a would-be client. fallen in with a ‘bad crowd’ and wanted to
escape. When Steel-Eye went to her home to
II. Hitting the Streets. Steel-Eye and the
speak with her about the case, he found her
characters investigate a number of murders
that seem connected to their case.
III. Thicker than Water. The characters track
down the hideout of a secretive cult, but is Her murder, and the cult, is tied to a handful of
everything what it seems? other murders in Sharn that happened around
the same time as Kystine’s. Seemingly
unconnected individuals have been killed; in
Text appearing in these boxes is read aloud or
each case, someone in close proximity to the
paraphrased as you see fit.
victim is missing and are considered persons of
Helpful information, usually elaborating on The False Cult
locations, lore, or NPCs, can be found in The wayward sister, Delthana, joined with a
sidebars like this one. new Blood of Vol sect in Sharn. In truth the
cult’s leader, Zeke McKerrig, is running the cult
as a front for criminal activity. Unknown to the
lower-ranking members, Zeke is working with
the cult’s trusted inner circle in a fraud

Sharn: City of Blood! 2

operation to buy inexpensive items at auction  Zeke organizes a handful of co-conspirators in an
and overinsure them. The items are stolen by insurance fraud scheme. Zeke is a con artist
Zeke’s criminal companions, and the inner circle running a fake Blood of Vol cult.
collects on the insurance policies.  Over several weeks the inner circle begins buying
cheap art objects at auction and fraudulently
over-insuring them for huge sums.
The members of the inner circle are the  Delthana Sinndel joins the cult in the middle of
supposed murder victims. One of the inner its ongoing purchase stage.
circle’s members identified a cursed dagger:  The inner circle comes into possession of a
victims killed by the dagger transform to cursed dagger that makes murder victims look
resemble their killer. Normally a liability, the like their killers. They hatch an endgame plan to
curse is a boon to the cult: each inner circle fake their own deaths and escape Sharn with
member used the dagger to kill a coworker or their ill-gotten wealth. Delthana secretly
employee to fake their own death. The inner overhears this plan.
circle plans to flee Sharn with their fraudulent  Zeke sends his criminal goons to steal the insured
items; the inner circle collects on the policies.
gains, leaving the cult members holding the
 Delthana goes to her twin sister, Kystine, and
bag. asks for her help. Kystine urges Delthana to steal
from the inner circle; Delthana refuses. In the
The Switch ensuing argument, Kystine kills Delthana.
 Kystine formulates a plan to frame the cult for
Steel-Eye and the characters will eventually find
her sister’s murder and steal from the inner circle
the cult. There they meet Delthana, the twin as planned. She goes to Steel-Eye Dixon’s office
sister of Kystine who wants help escaping the to set the events in motion…
cult. Delthana is eager to help, and her  Meanwhile, the inner circle begins enacting their
information points Steel-Eye and the characters own murderous plans, unaware that someone
to the inner circle and their plot to fake their has set a inquisitive on their trail.
own deaths.

One twist is left for Steel-Eye and the characters Resolving Mysteries
to discover: the bank notes for the inner circle’s It is not guaranteed that the characters solve or
fraud are missing, and Delthana isn’t who she even engage with, all three of the mysteries
claims to be. Delthana is actually Kystine presented above. There are a few likely
herself. When Delthana found out that the cult outcomes which can result from different
was a front for the inner circle’s crime, she went approaches at your table, failed ability checks,
to her sister Kystine for help. Kystine urged her and so on:
sister to steal from the inner circle so they could
both profit; when Delthana refused, the sisters The Cult is ‘Real.’ The characters might not
fought and Delthana ended up dead. Kystine discover or understand the clues involving the
decided to use her sister’s body to fake her own inner circle’s fraud scheme and escape plan and
death and infiltrate the cult as Delthana so she assume they’re taking down an extremist Blood
can steal the bank notes for herself. of Vol cult. The inner circle might escape
without their crime ever being discovered.

Sequence of Events Kystine Escapes Justice. Kystine hopes Steel-Eye

Here’s another way of looking at the events, in and the characters focus on the cult and
chronological order: ‘rescuing’ Delthana. Kystine is a skilled liar and
the clues regarding the switch are easy to miss.
If the characters don’t realize Kystine is posing
as her sister, you can choose to let her get away

Sharn: City of Blood! 3

with murder, have Steel-Eye reveal this twist as
part of a denoument, or provide a final after- Credits and Legal Text
the-fact clue that lets the characters put it all Design: Alex Clippinger
together too late. Editing: Cristopher Walz

Dramatis Personae Cover: Danny Pavlov

Page Background: Darrin G. Scott
The following NPCs appear in the adventure: Cartography: Dyson Logos
Internal Art: Wizards of the Coast, Daniel
Main Characters Comerci, Jeff Preston, Dean Spencer
Special Thanks: Laura Hirsbrunner, lore check
 Steel-Eye Dixon. Warforged private
inquisitor living in Sharn. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
 Kystine Sinndel. A half-elf woman who Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
sought Steel-Eye’s help for her sister. ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
 Delthana Sinndel. Kystine’s wayward twin, of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
apparently involved with a bad crowd.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
The False Cult permission under the Community Content Agreement for
 Zeke McKerrig. Criminal and con man Dungeon Masters Guild.
running the sham sect.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by
 Aleris Ravari. Auction clerk at the Aurora Alex Clippinger and published under the Community
Gallery and part of Zeke’s fraud scheme. Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
 Overlun Berylsmith. An insurance agent
and part of Zeke’s fraud scheme.
 Cobalt. Well-to-do collector and part of
Zeke’s insurance scheme.

The Victims
 Dover Austren. Housekeeper killed to fake
Cobalt’s death.
 Penti Jonnz. Auction house worker killed to
fake Aleris Ravari’s death.
 Fivem Bronzecoat. Neighbor killed to fake
Overlun Berylsmith’s death.

Karrnathi NPCs
 Halden Balich. Karrnathi veteran; hears
rumors the Blood of Vol is being framed for
murders in Sharn.
 Lorleta Sattler. A Blood of Vol priestess in
Graywall who knows Steel-Eye Dixon.

Miscellaneous NPCs
Yogani. Gnome jeweler in Middle Dura; made
the fake cult’s blood drop pendants.

Sharn: City of Blood! 4

I. The Bloody Bird circumstance where Steel-Eye helped them that
isn’t represented on the table below.

Adventure Hooks d4 Steel-Eye helped me when…

The characters are summoned to an apartment I got caught in the middle of a turf war
in Broken Arch, a district in Middle Dura. The 1 between two criminal gangs. Steel-Eye
invitation comes from Steel-Eye Dixon, a got me out of there safely.
warforged private inquisitive the characters
I was suspected in a high-profile
may have history with. The characters can
2 burglary. Steel-Eye had evidence that
utilize any of the following hooks to explain how
cleared my name.
they know Steel-Eye (or to explain how Steel-
Eye knows them). Not every character needs to I was jumped by muggers in a back alley.
have a history with Steel-Eye, but it makes 3 Steel-Eye was working a case in the area
sense for two or more characters with shared and intervened.
backstory details to know Steel-Eye from the
same event. Work with the party on I was about to be looped into a
determining who, if anyone, knows the smuggling conspiracy involving fake
warforged inquisitive from their life prior to falcon statues, but Steel-Eye stopped me
becoming an adventurer. from getting in with the wrong people.

War Buddies Word Gets Around

Steel-Eye Dixon served in the Last War. Barring a personal connection to Steel-Eye, the
Characters who were part of that conflict, characters have been called in because they’re
especially with the soldier background, might an independent group of adventurers who are
have served alongside Steel-Eye or fought new to the scene. Sharn can be a corrupt place;
beside them in battle. Steel-Eye saved their life Steel-Eye’s heard one or more of the
in battle (or vice-versa) and the inquisitive character’s names through the grapevine and
decided to call up an old comrade to help him wants to bring in ‘new blood’ to assist him. If
with a serious situation. the characters participated in the events of the
Forgotten Relics adventure in Chapter 4 of
Calling in a Favor Rising from the Last War, Steel-Eye may refer to
The characters have been brought in because those events as stories he’s heard about their
they owe the inquisitive a favor. At some point exploits.
in the characters’ backstory, Steel-Eye helped
them out of a jam for no immediate charge, Patron Assignment
asking the characters to help out in the future Steel-Eye has worked investigations for all kinds
by way of payment. of clients. Perhaps one of them now acts as a
At least one character should roll on the patron to the characters as described in Chapter
table below to determine how Steel-Eye helped 1 of Rising from the Last War. The patron
them in the past. Characters with shared assigns the characters to assist Steel-Eye.
backstories can decide to share the same event.
For an ongoing campaign, this event could be
something that happened before the character
entered your campaign. Alternatively,
characters can work with you to create a unique

Sharn: City of Blood! 5

The Body in Broken Arch Steel-Eye’s Involvement
Steel-Eye is waiting for the characters at a crime
scene in Broken Arch, a district in Middle Dura. Steel-Eye explains that the victim is Kystine
Dura is the old part of Sharn, and Broken Arch is Sinndel, a woman who made a living tending
a low-income residential district in the bar at various establishments in Middle Dura
dilapidated remains of once-impressive manors and Northedge. Kystine came to Steel-Eye’s
office in Underlook, another district in Middle
and grand architecture.
Dura, asking for his help with her sister
The characters’ destination might have once
been used for business offices, but the units
have been converted to apartments of varying
size and styles. When the characters arrive at “She was worked up in a real way, all lightning and
the apartment, read or paraphrase the no rail. She was going on about her sister getting
following: in with a bad guy, hangin’ around the wrong
crowd, and that she wanted out. She asked me to
meet her here so she could lay it out plain. I show
A member of the Sharn Watch gestures you non- up and find she’s been bumped off; I need to get
committedly into the small apartment, where the to the bottom of this to square it up.”
body of a blonde half-elf woman lies sprawled
dead on the ground. A warforged in a tan fedora
and long coat stands nearby, metal mouth The warforged feels a tinge of regret that he
chewing thoughtfully on an ashing cigar as it didn’t come to Kystine’s apartment sooner or
examines a red symbol smeared on the wall. take her situation more seriously. He offers the
characters 100 gp each up front to assist him,
The warforged is Steel-Eye Dixon, the plus another 600 gp to the group as a whole
independent warforged inquisitive and the one when the case is closed.
who requested the characters meet him at the
scene of the crime. Steel-Eye has the
mannerisms of a hardboiled detective; see the
The Scene of the Crime
sidebar for ideas on how to portray him. His Kystine lived in a small studio apartment; the
statistics can be found in the Appendix. only notable furniture is a bed, a small table,
and two chairs. She generally operated on a
modest lifestyle and had few personal
Sidebar: Roleplaying Steel-Eye possessions of value. Steel-Eye discourages the
Steel-Eye Dixon is modeled after hardboiled characters from taking any money or valuables
detectives found in works like The Maltese they might find in the apartment.
Falcon or The Neon Rain. Like the gumshoes The characters can examine Kystine’s body
found in these works, Steel-Eye operates within and the apartment for clues.
shades-of-gray-morality and solves mysteries
through persistence as much as intelligence.
Some ideas for roleplaying him include:
The Body
The body is sprawled on the floor, a small pool
 He speaks in a Transatlantic accent.
of blood near the head. Steel-Eye notes that
 His wand sheath “came cheap” and
she’s wearing the same outfit as when she
sometimes sticks when he deploys the
came to his office. Characters can learn the
wand; a quick knock shakes it loose.
following from an examination of the body:
 He sometimes lights a stubby cigar when
he’s thinking, but forgets to actually smoke
 A cursory examination of the victim identifies
it since he doesn’t need to breathe.
slight bruising and abrasions on Kystine’s

Sharn: City of Blood! 6

forearms, indicating a brief struggle with her using a blood-dipped finger. The symbol is
attacker. sloppy and appears hastily done.
 A DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check of the body
identifies a wound above Kystine’s right
temple made by some blunt object; this is
For the Dungeon Master
certainly the killing blow. The real Kystine killed her sister Delthana in an
 On a Wisdom (Medicine) check result of 16 or argument. Thinking quickly, she visited Steel-
higher, the character determines the time of Eye’s office to ensure he would come to the
apartment. Returning home, Kystine dressed
death to be approximately 6 hours ago. Steel-
Eye admits he doesn’t remember exactly the body in her clothes and fled the scene. Any
confusion about the timeline of events or time
when Kystine came to his office, but it was
of death are because Delthana (presumed to be
around that time. The timeline is hazy, but
Kystine) has been dead longer than Steel-Eye
Kystine must have been killed immediately
upon returning home from Steel-Eye’s office.
 A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
notes blood smears on the ground and the
fact that the head is positioned away from the More Murders?
pooled blood. This suggests the body lay When the characters are finished examining the
where it fell for a short while and was then scene and share their conclusions with Steel-
moved, rearranged, or interacted with in Eye, the inquisitive informs them that a number
some way. of other murders have just been discovered in
 Character that cast detect magic (based on various Sharn districts, and that his sources in
their interaction with future victims) find no the Watch tell him there are similarities to
magical auras and dispel magic has no effect. Kystine’s death. Steel-Eye doesn’t think this is a
coincidence; he thinks the other crime scenes
should be investigated to understand the bigger
The Scene picture.
Characters can learn the following from an
examination of the crime scene: When the characters are ready, proceed to Part
II: Hitting the Streets.
 Furniture and other possessions are in their
proper place; there are no signs of an
extended struggle or obvious signs that
anything is missing.
 The table not far from the body has an
empty heavy metal water jug on it. A
character picking up the jug to examine it
discovers a bit of dried blood on the bottom
of it, with a few blonde hairs attached. This
is a possible murder weapon, confirmed if
someone identifies the blow to Kystine’s
 A crimson symbol in the shape of a red
teardrop is smeared on the wall in blood,
presumably Kystine’s blood. A close
examination indicates the symbol was made

Sharn: City of Blood! 7

II. Hitting the
Steel-Eye’s contacts in the Sharn Watch have
tipped him off to three other murders in Sharn:
one in Upper Central, one in Middle Northedge,
and one in Middle Menthis. All of them
occurred within hours of Kystine Sinndel’s
murder and all of them share some
commonalities. The Watch will conduct their
own follow-up, but they’re happy to allow
Steel-Eye to call in favors and conduct his own

Running this Section

The characters and Steel-Eye are expected to
visit each of three murder scenes. The mix of
easily-made observations and conclusions
based on ability checks can lead the characters
in a number of directions, but should ultimately
push them towards suspecting followers of the
Blood of Vol:

 If the characters need more clues pushing

them towards the Blood of Vol or seem
ready for a combat encounter, angry
members of the faith confront them in the
Karrn Confrontation optional encounter.
 If the characters don’t know much about the
Blood of Vol or can’t recall information
about it with an Intelligence (Religion) check
(see below), Steel-Eye might suggest asking
around in Graywall, a neighborhood in
Middle Tavick’s Landing full of Karrnathi
immigrants and a rumored hub for Blood of
Vol worship.
 The optional Karrn and Graywall sections can
be modified or even combined as makes
sense for how the characters conduct their

Ultimately, the characters should be led to

investigate or learn the origin of the red
teardrop amulets, as detailed in On the Trail of
Blood. Some clues point toward the conspiracy
of the cult’s inner circle and their fraud scheme.

Sharn: City of Blood! 8

 A DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check clarifies
Splitting Up. The characters can either travel as that the Blood of Vol sees the use of undead
one group or split up to visit multiple scenes at as pragmatic but don’t seek to become
once. If the characters split up, Steel-Eye undead themselves. Members donate a
accompanies a group of the characters’ choice small amount of blood as a sacrament and
or defaults to accompanying a group that lacks symbol of unity during services. A check
his proficiency in Intelligence (Investigation) result that beats the DC by 5 or more notes
checks. that the victims’ blood wasn’t collected or
To trim the adventure’s play time or if the used in any significant way; an extremist
characters aren’t interested in visiting one of conducting a ritual killing but ignoring the
the crime scenes, Steel-Eye can visit one of the blood makes no sense.
murder sites on his own. If this happens, Steel-  A DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check
Eye provides obvious information from the identifies the red teardrop shape as a
crime scene and additional clues as determined general symbol of the Blood of Vol. A result
by ability checks he makes off-screen. that beats the DC by 5 or more also notes
that it’s strange for a follower to carry this
Getting Around. If the characters are travelling shape as a holy symbol, because followers
on foot, their travel is limited by the bridges usually make their own symbol with
that connect the quarters to one another. From personal significance.
Dura where the adventure begins, the only
connected quarter containing a crime scene is
Menthis. Menthis connects to Central Plateau, Murder Scene 1: The
and Central Plateau connects to Northedge. The
characters can visit the crime scenes in this
linear order or use alternate means of travel; Location: Townhome
see Getting Around in Chapter 3 of Rising from Area: Ivy Towers district, Upper Menthis
the Last War. plateau
Area Snapshot: The main residential area for
Morgrave University; most of these middle-class
About the Blood of Vol homes belong to faculty or are converted to
There are multiple clues across the crime apartments for student housing.
scenes that can prompt an Intelligence
(Religion) check regarding the Blood of Vol, Arriving on the Scene
such as identifying a common symbol or Ivy Towers is a residential district with a strong
recalling information about the religion. Use the academic streak, catering heavily to the
following benchmarks for Intelligence (Religion) students and faculty of Morgrave University. A
checks about possible clues: number of young people, likely students, are
gathered outside a well-to-do townhome and
 Without any check, a well-socialized buzzing curiously amongst themselves.
character knows that there is a religion The interior of the house is decorated with
called the Blood of Vol. It preaches that reserved upper-middle-class sensibility, though
everyone has divine power within the corpse in the study clashes badly with the
themselves and there is no afterlife. A lot of aesthetic:
people associate the Blood of Vol with the
undead and necromancy and know some
rites use blood for some purpose, giving it a
negative reputation in the eyes of many.

Sharn: City of Blood! 9

The body of a middle-aged longclaw shifter is
slumped in a lavish armchair. Blood soaks the
expensive upholstery all around the body, which is
holding a feather duster in one lifeless hand.

Victim Background
Cobalt was a longclaw shifter whose family
made a name (and considerable coin) acquiring
Xen’drik artifacts for Morgrave University.
Cobalt inherited their comfortable wealth and
home in Ivy Towers, keeping casual social
connections with members of the University
and some of Sharn’s upper-class families.

Recent Burglary Victim. The Sharn Watch tells over the body. A dispel magic or remove
the characters that Cobalt’s home was burgled curse spell with a successful DC 17 check using
about a week before today. A number of items the caster’s spellcasting ability causes the body
from Cobalt’s collection were stolen. Cobalt to transform back into its true form, that of
seemed resigned about the break-in, telling Dover Austren.
members of the Watch that his collection was
insured and that he could recoup the loss.
Investigating the Scene
Missing Housekeeper. Dover Austren is an The characters can pick up on the following by
Aundairian man who worked for a number of investigating the scene:
homes in Ivy Towers, providing cleaning
services on alternating days. He was supposed Handwriting Samples. The study has numerous
to be working in Cobalt’s home today, but he’s examples of Cobalt’s handwriting. Though not
missing and no-one has seen him. Given the relevant on their own, a character that
close timing of the burglary and the murder, the examines them or takes a sample with them
Sharn Watch considers him a potential suspect. can compare it to the note in Overlun’s
apartment (see Murder Scene 3).
The Body Insurance Documents. Searching the writing
The characters can examine the body for the desk yields a number of filed-away envelopes.
following clues: Inside each is a uniform letter for an insurance
payout for one of the items stolen in the recent
Cause of Death. An examination of the body burglary.
indicates the victim was stabbed in the chest  Each letter lists a payout that totals to a
and died of blood loss. A DC 12 Wisdom massive amount, over 100,000 gp.
(Medicine) check of the wound suggests the  The payouts were given in enclosed bearer
weapon used was a short, curved blade. The bonds instead of credited to an account,
check is made with advantage if the characters which is unusual.
succeeded on this check at another crime
 The bearer bonds aren’t in the envelopes or
anywhere else on the scene.
Aura of Magic. A detect magic spell or similar
Blood-Drop Amulet. Glinting under the chair is
magic notes a faint aura of transmutation magic
a small silver amulet inlaid with a red garnet in

Sharn: City of Blood! 10

the shape of a droplet. Characters proficient in
Intelligence (Religion) checks easily recognize Murder Scene 2: The
this as a symbol for the Blood of Vol; otherwise,
someone will recognize the symbol if the Auctioneer
characters spend a little time asking around. Location: Aurora Gallery
The back of the amulet bears maker’s marks Area: Platinum Heights, Upper Central Plateau
that can lead the characters to the artisan that Area Snapshot: Upper Central is a seat of
created it. See Tracking the Symbol in On the money and power, and Platinum Heights is
Trail of Blood for more on this topic. where the wealthy go to shop. Aurora Gallery is
the finest auction house in Sharn where the
Eyewitness. The Sharn Watch gathered most expensive, exotic, and interesting pieces
accounts from people in the area, who saw a are sold.
figure in red and black robes hastily leaving the
scene. The figure had a hood raised and no-one
saw any identifying features.
Arriving on the Scene
The Upper Plateau district of Platinum Heights
caters to the wealthiest people in Sharn, and
For the Dungeon Master the Aurora Gallery holds auctions for curiosities,
In the insurance fraud scheme, Cobalt acted as magic items, and antiques that its clientele will
the innocent purchaser. He was tipped off to find desirable. The workers and shoppers in
bid for certain lots by Aleris (Murder Scene 2) at Platinum Heights tend to look down on anyone
the auction house. Upon purchase Overlun who doesn’t obviously share their economic
(Murder Scene 3) secured vastly overinflated class.
insurance policies for the items. Zeke sent his An attendant at the Aurora Gallery escorts
goons to burglarize Cobalt’s home. the characters and Steel-Eye through the
Cobalt killed Dover Austren with the cursed building, keeping them away from trafficked
dagger while the young man was going about areas and occupied auction rooms where active
his cleaning duties. Dover grabbed at Cobalt’s bidding is taking place. They are led to an office
amulet and Cobalt chose to leave it, as it area where clerks coordinate the acquisition,
implicates the Blood of Vol. The fruit of the appraisal, and auction scheduling for new items.
fraud scheme, the bearer bonds, are already
safely in the fake cult’s hideout. The body of a dark-haired elf woman is slumped
forward dramatically over the desk of this small
office. Her austere workplace clothes are soaked
with blood, which has flowed down the side of the
desk to form a large dark puddle on the floor.

Victim Background
Aleris Ravari was a raven-haired elf woman
working as an auction clerk in the Aurora
Gallery. When potential sellers submit items to
the Aurora Gallery for auction, clerks like Aleris
appraise them based on the price of similar
items and organize appraisals with experts if

Sharn: City of Blood! 11

Missing Colleague. The Sharn Watch informs leaving their office. The witness couldn’t see the
the characters that Aleris’s colleague, a Brelish person’s face because they had a red-and-black
woman named Penti Jonnz, is missing and robe, with a hood pulled up over their head.
considered a person of interest. According to However, when the figure glanced back at them
the Aurora Gallery staff, Penti had been working they saw some kind of necklace hanging from
with Aleris regarding a missing item. The the person’s neck; a silver amulet with a drop-
missing object was a curved dagger submitted shaped red garnet.
as part of an estate sale.
Teardrop Symbol. A bloody symbol in the shape
The Body of a red teardrop has been smeared on the wall
in blood, presumably the victim’s blood. A close
The characters can learn the following by
examination indicates the symbol was carefully
examining the body:
applied with a brush.
Cause of Death. An examination of the body
indicates the victim was stabbed in the chest For the Dungeon Master
and died of blood loss. A DC 12 Wisdom Aleris used her position at the auction house to
(Medicine) check of the wound suggests the schedule various items at favorable prices and
weapon used was a short, curved blade. The in time slots inconvenient for competitive bids.
check is made with advantage if the characters All of the lots in question are art objects
succeeded on this check at another crime selected for Cobalt (Murder Scene 1) to win at
scene. auction and insure through Overlun (Murder
Scene 3).
Aura of Magic. A detect magic spell or similar To fake her death Aleris used the cursed
notes a faint aura of transmutation magic over dagger to kill her co-worker. Then, donning her
the body. A dispel magic or remove curse spell Blood of Vol robes, Aleris fled to the hideout.
with a successful DC 17 check using the caster’s
spellcasting ability causes the body to transform
back into its true form, that of Penti Jonnz. Murder Scene 3: The
Investigating the Scene Insurance Agent
The characters can find the following clues by Location: Apartment
investigating the scene: Area: Holdfast district, Middle Northedge
plateau area
Auction List. Searching Aleris’s desk yields a Area Snapshot: The hub for Sharn-born dwarves
scheduling planner she used in her work. and their traditions. Holdfast is home to many
Characters that succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence artisans, but plenty of dwarves who go into
(Investigation) check note that certain auction other professions continue to live there among
dates and times are highlighted, with lot people with a common upbringing.
numbers noted next to them.
Characters who compare the highlighted
auction dates and times to the ledger from
Arriving on the Scene
While other areas of Sharn boast dwarf
Overlun’s apartment (see Murder Scene 3) communities from the Mror Holds and
discover that they match up exactly. elsewhere, Holdfast is a district for dwarves
born and raised in Sharn itself. They feel deeply
Eyewitness. According to members of the connected to its myriad towers, especially along
Watch, one of the Aurora Gallery clerks saw the Northedge Plateau. The dwarves of Holdfast
someone leaving the office area as they were

Sharn: City of Blood! 12

look out for one another like family, and it’s no with a successful DC 17 check using the caster’s
surprise that a crowd of concerned residents spellcasting ability causes the body to transform
have crowded into the hallways of the back into its true form, that of Fivem
apartment building where the crime took place, Bronzecoat.
kept at bay by Watch members’ stern looks.

A dwarf lies dead on the floor of this modest

apartment, blood pooled around his cold corpse.
The room around the body is in disarray: an
overturned bookshelf has left papers scattered
haphazardly around the room.

Victim Background
The dwarf Overlun Berylsmith worked in the
Kundarak Bank of Sharn, located in the Upper
Central’s Korranath district. He created
insurance policies on behalf of the bank and
worked closely with various institutions
throughout the city, especially in Central
Plateau neighborhoods.

Missing Neighbor. The victim’s next-door

neighbor is Fivem Bronzecoat, who is now
missing and wanted for questioning. Fivem told Investigating the Scene
other residents of the building that Overlun The characters can find the following clues by
planned to move into a much richer district and searching the crime scene:
wondered where Overlun would get the money.
The same residents note that Fivem is a rumor-
Letter. Searching the desk yields one item of
starter and is far too nosy for his own good.
interest: a handwritten note. The note is a letter
in Common addressed to Overlun. It reads
The Body “Overlun, make sure the policies pay out in
The characters can determine the following by bearer bonds. They obviously can’t be tied to
examining the corpse: my name.”
Characters who compare the note to a
Cause of Death. An examination of the body sample of Cobalt’s handwriting determine the
indicates the victim was stabbed in the chest samples match with a successful DC 14
and died of blood loss. A DC 12 Wisdom Intelligence check. Characters proficient with
(Medicine) check of the wound suggests the the forgery kit or calligrapher’s supplies can add
weapon used was a short, curved blade. The their proficiency bonus to the check.
check is made with advantage if the characters
succeeded on this check at another crime Ledger. Characters searching the living room
scene. note a small leatherbound journal pinned under
the fallen bookshelf, which can be moved with a
Aura of Magic. A detect magic spell or similar successful DC 14 Strength check. The journal is a
notes a faint aura of transmutation magic over personal ledger; the pages are dated and have
the body. A dispel magic or remove curse spell shorthand entries of two columns; each row has

Sharn: City of Blood! 13

two amounts of coin listed, the second always
larger than the first. The first column is labelled Optional Encounter: Karrn
“Lot coin” and the second “Ins.”
A successful DC 15 Intelligence Confrontation
(Investigation) check deduces that the ledger After visiting the crime scenes, the characters
refers to items, or ‘lots,’ bought at auction. The might find themselves squaring up with Halden
first column lists what the item sold for and the Balich (N male Karrnathi human veteran) and
second column lists how the item was priced for his friends:
an insurance policy, which is always far higher
than the item’s auctioned price. Your path is blocked by a group of grim-faced
Characters who compare the ledger’s toughs. One of them points an accusing finger at
contents to the list of highlighted auction dates you and growls, “Word’s gotten around about
and lots from Aleris Ravani’s office notice that those stiffs. You flatfoots think you can frame up
the two match up exactly. members of the Blood and get away with it?”

Forged Documents. A careful examination of Who? Halden and his companions are true
the scattered bookshelf contents finds Blood of Vol faithful with Karrnathi roots.
components of a forgery kit and a number of Rumors have spread like wildfire among the
half-finished documents. A successful DC 16 faithful about the murders, and some believe
Intelligence (Investigation) check on the the Sharn Watch (or Steel-Eye) are trying to
documents surmises they are fake appraisals: frame their oft-misunderstood religion.
the documents are from fictitious art experts
with ready-to-fill-in sections for an item’s
description and its suggested value.
Sidebar: The Real Blood of Vol
Followers of the Blood of Vol are called Seekers.
Seekers reject the views of life and afterlife as
followers of the Sovereign Host portray it,
For the Dungeon Master thinking death is actually oblivion. They also see
Overlun’s role in the fraud scheme was to the use of undead as a pragmatic practice—it’s
insure the items bought from Aleris’s selected just a body, after all. Because of these
auctions for vastly inflated sums. Where unpopular opinions and other beliefs, it’s a
necessary, Overlun forged notes of appraisal to common misconception that Seekers are all evil
justify the insured price to the bank. and that the Blood of Vol is an evil religion.
When it came time to fake his death, Overlun In the context of City of Blood, it’s ignorance
chose Fivem, inviting his nosy neighbor over of the religion that Zeke McKerrig uses to form
with the promise of interesting rumors. When a fake cult, and prejudice against Seekers that
Overlun ambushed Fivem, the book case was he hopes will keep the law focused on the
knocked over in the struggle. Fearing the noise Blood of Vol long after he’s skipped town.
would attract attention, Overlun fled in his
Blood of Vol disguise, leaving his ledger and
other materials behind. Talking it Out. The characters can try to avoid a
fight by talking to Halden with a successful DC
16 Charisma check using Persuasion or
Intimidation. Attempts to intimidate the Karrns
are made with disadvantage; characters who
demonstrate that they share Halden’s faith or

Sharn: City of Blood! 14

detailed knowledge of it have advantage on Halden or subdue and interrogate him can get
their check to calm tensions. the same answers as detailed in Optional
Location: Graywall.

Optional Location: Graywall

Location: Neighborhood district and the Bloody
Mug, a local tavern
Area: Graywall district, Upper Tavick’s Landing
Area Snapshot: An area settled primarily by
people from Karrnath or with Karrnathi roots. A
close family community that tends to give
outsiders the cold shoulder. The Sharn Watch
has little presence here; Graywall denizens look
after their own.

Characters wanting to know more about the

Blood of Vol or who suspect the religion’s
involvement can visit the Graywall district in
Fighting the Karrns. The group is comprised of Middle Tavick’s Landing. Graywall is the
Halden (a veteran) and two bandits for principal home and cultural hub for Karrnathi
characters of 3rd level, or Halden and three immigrants, and as such is also rumored to be
bandits for characters for 4th level. For the main site of Blood of Vol followers in Sharn.
characters of 5th level, the Karrnathi group is
Halden and three thugs. The statistics of the
Karrnathi are modified in the following ways: An Inside Source
 Halden wields a club and a light hammer. Steel-Eye knows a resident of Graywall from a
Each deals 5 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage previous case: Lorleta Sattler (NG female
on hit. Karrnathi priest) is both well-known and
 The bandits use clubs and deal 2 (1d4) respected in the neighborhood, though the
bludgeoning damage on hit. elderly woman keeps her status as a priestess of
 The thugs use clubs and deal 4 (1d4+2) the Blood of Vol secret from outsiders. The
bludgeoning damage on hit. warforged detective dropped a case at her
request when robbery evidence pointed to
The Karrnathi want to rough up Steel-Eye and some Karrnathi teenagers, letting the
the characters, not kill them. If they reduce a neighborhood dispense justice instead of the
character to 0 hit points, they elect to render Sharn Watch. As such, Steel-Eye can trade in a
them unconscious but stable. If all of the favor for a sit-down with Lorleta in a local
characters are reduced to 0 hit points, they tavern, the Bloody Mug.
awaken in a nearby alley 1d4 hours later with 1
hit point or are revived by members of the In the Bloody Mug
Sharn Watch who respond to the scene. Graywall is a Karrnathi district, and visitors to
the Bloody Mug are reminded of this by the
Moving Forward. After the confrontation, image of the Karrnathi heraldic crest, a red wolf
Steel-Eye might make note of Halden’s head on a black background, displayed
comment about the ‘Blood’ or suggest the prominently behind the bar. The locals in the
thugs match the demeanor of residents from common room fix the characters with icy stares,
Graywall. Characters that calm tensions with only warming to those of Karrnathi heritage.

Sharn: City of Blood! 15

Lorleta is awaiting the characters in a private a dark-haired elf with a business-like air
booth separated from the tavern’s common about her.
room. She is a cautious conversationalist,  The two of them briefly debated how many
hoping to learn information about the murders pendants they should order. Yogani got the
and provide information that will prove that the sense that they were placing the order for
Blood of Vol isn’t responsible. She doesn’t future use, not current demand.
disclose her status as a clergy member unless  Yogani offered her customers delivery of the
necessary. Examples of information Lorleta can finished products, but they declined. Yogani
provide include: overheard the man say “Imagine trying to
deliver past all the damn Ravers” to the elf
 She can provide knowledgeable information woman.
about the faith and its general practices.  Yogani admits she was paid a little extra not
 Lorleta asks if the victims’ blood was to take a name with the order, but figured it
specifically drained and collected. She notes wasn’t hurting anyone.
that blood is given willingly by the faithful as
a ritual gesture. Extremists would at least Steel-Eye or any other resident of Sharn knows
take the victim’s blood with the belief that it that Ravers are feral humanoids that live in the
held power, not leave them to bleed out. ruined Lower Dura neighborhood of Fallen. It’s
 If the characters or Steel-Eye bring up blood- an abandoned district and the perfect place for
drop amulets found at the scene or from a strange extremist sect of the Blood of Vol to
witness accounts, Lorleta notes that this hide out.
makes no sense. Followers carry personal
holy symbols they made themselves, not a
mass-produced general icon of the faith.
Area Canvass
Steel-Eye and the characters can do a good old-
fashioned canvass of the city, looking for
On the Trail of Blood witnesses or other informants who saw people
matching the eyewitness descriptions of the
After visiting the crime scenes and coming to
suspects. The search takes 2d4-1 hours and
suspect the Blood of Vol’s involvement, the
costs 4d4 gold pieces in bribes; a character that
characters need to track the sect to its hideout.
succeeds on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion)
Depending on what clues the characters
check can find the information without
discovered or focus on, tracking down the sect
spending coin or in half the time.
can be done in any of the following ways.
The characters find enough witnesses to
track suspect movements to Lower Dura, where
Tracking the Symbol locals say they’ve seen people matching that
It’s unusual for Blood of Vol members to wear description emerging from the Fallen district.
uniform holy symbols instead of personal ones,
a fact the characters might learn from talking to
a practitioner or with a successful ability check.
Mysterious Note
If the characters are at a loss, a short note is
The characters can track the maker’s marks on a
delivered by gargoyle courier wherever they are
pendant to The Silver Shard in the Bazaar,
in Sharn, or it’s dropped off at Steel-Eye’s office.
located in Middle Dura. The proprietor is a
The note reads “Blood of Vol in Fallen, Lower
gnome jeweler named Yogani. She recalls the
Dura. Shrine of Onatar. Please help.”
The note is from Kystine, posing as Delthana
 A man and woman came in to place the
and attempting to grease the wheels so that
order several months ago. The man was a
Steel-Eye and the character will come ‘rescue’
smooth-talking human and the woman was
her from the cult.

Sharn: City of Blood! 16

III. Thicker than plus 2 additional Ravers for each character level
above 3rd. The Ravers leaping down from

Water second-floor balconies don’t take falling

damage from the maneuver. The statistics for
In the previous sections, the characters should Ravers can be found in the Appendix.
have acquired enough information to suspect
some Blood of Vol cult is responsible for the
murders, and that this cult seems to be located Shrine of Onatar
somewhere in the ruined Lower Dura The god of smith, craftsmen, and artificers is
neighborhood of Fallen, making their home in a Onatar, the Sovereign of Forge and Flame.
shrine of Onatar. Temples in honor of this Sovereign Host
member are usually functional spaces of

Arriving in Fallen smithing and of worship, and the abandoned

shrine in Fallen is no exception. Though the
Fallen, formerly Godsgate, was Sharn’s temple building is more or less intact, Zeke has
district before terrorist action brought a floating decorated it with a layman’s expectation of
tower crashing into it during the Last War. The Blood of Vol aesthetic, including a number of
area is a wasteland abandoned by the city carefully concealed mechanisms used to dazzle
government; where streets were not crushed to his followers with the illusion of divine magic.
rubble, the buildings have fallen into disrepair.
It takes the characters 1d4-1 hours to
navigate the ruined neighborhood and locate
The Fake Cult
The cult members might think they are in a
the shrine of Onatar. If you think the characters
Blood of Vol sect, but it’s a grift headed by Zeke,
would enjoy a combat encounter on the way to
its leader. Zeke believes there’s a sucker born
the cult’s hideout, proceed to ‘Deady Rave,’
every minute, and the people he’s roped into
below. Otherwise, proceed to ‘The Bloody
the cult help prove the rule. Zeke is a lifelong
con artist and career criminal, and spent weeks
preparing the shrine with hidden magical and
Deadly Rave practical effects.
As the characters navigate the ruined streets
they are attacked by Ravers, maddened The Vampire. Zeke tells his followers that the
berserkers who live in Fallen and attack inner sanctum (area 8) contains the stone coffin
travelers. As the characters travel through an of Dorlus, a vampire and ‘true’ spiritual guide of
area of scattered rubble, they are ambushed by the cult. According to Zeke and the rest of the
Fallen’s dangerous residents: inner circle conspirators, only they can
communicate with the slumbering vampire or
A falling piece of crumbled stonework falling from dare to enter his chambers.
a second-floor balcony is the only warning as a
deranged half-elf launches drops onto you from The Loot. In reality the vampire is fictitious, and
above, bellowing nonsense. Other humanoid stolen art objects from Cobalt’s house and the
figures appear on the surrounding balconies and bearer bonds from the fraudulent insurance
from half-collapsed alleyways, twitching and policies are the only contents of Dorlus’s stone
screeching as they rush forward to attack! sarcophagus. See area 8 for further.

Characters with a passive Perception score of

14 or higher aren’t surprised by the ambush.
Zeke and the Inner Circle
Zeke McKerrig (NE male human cult fanatic)
There are 5 Ravers for characters of 3rd level,
leads the false cult; only the inner circle,

Sharn: City of Blood! 17

comprised of Cobalt, Aleris Ravari, and Overlun
Berylsmith, share knowledge of the insurance
fraud scheme.
1. Entrance Hall
This dusty stone hallway is dimly lit by low-
Zeke keeps control of the cultists through
burning continual flame torches set in sconces,
charlatan tricks and fear; he has a handful of
which cast a blood-red crimson light.
‘enforcers’ in the hideout who keep the
followers in line. These enforcers know the cult
is a scam but don’t know about the insurance

Other Cult Members

The cultists taken in by Zeke’s scams are
noncombatants with AC 11 and 9 hit
points. They wear simple red robes and
red garnet teardrop pendants that
match those seen or found at the
murder scenes. When caught in the
middle of combat they cower or try to
flee to safety.
If interrogated, the cultists truthfully
say they don’t know anything about any
murders, or the burglary of Cobalt’s home.
Characters familiar with Blood of Vol beliefs
who ask about the cult’s practices notice how
the cult’s practices have no similarities to the
actual religion.

Kystine’s Gambit
After killing her twin and posing the body as if it
were her own, Kystine has infiltrated the cult as
Delthana. As Steel-Eye and the characters
investigated the murders, Kystine has been
waiting for an opening when she could sneak
into the inner circle’s sanctum (area 8) and
steal their bearer bonds. She successfully did
so, but couldn’t leave the shrine; she hid the
bearer bonds in a storeroom (area 6).
Kystine hears the characters enter the
hideout and shackles herself in area 4. She
pretends to be Delthana and asks them to help
‘save’ her from the cult’s clutches. She is a
talented liar and feigns ignorance about the
inner circle and their insurance fraud. She looks
for the first opportunity to sneak away to area
6 to retrieve the bonds and hide them on her
person, including pretending to run away in
fright during combat.

Sharn: City of Blood! 18

Guard. A thug lurks with their loyal iron
defender (see Eberron: Rising from the Last
War) in an alcove just around the corner from
5. Common Room
A long table in this room is used as a gathering
the entrance. There is an additional iron
place by low-ranking cult members. Three
defender for characters of 4th or 5th level. The
noncombatant cultists are in this room.
thug is wary of intruders but can be fooled into
thinking the characters are new cult recruits
with a DC 14 Charisma (Deception) check. If a 6. Storeroom
fight breaks out, the thug instructs their iron This room is crammed full of tool racks, old
defender(s) to harry the intruders while the forge tools, Onatar paraphernalia, and other
thug runs to area 2 for help. items from when the shrine of Onatar was in
operation. The Blood of Vol cult has moved all
2. Dining Room the unused items to an unused storeroom.
Four rickety stools surround a small wooden
table in this room, which is brightly lit by a lamp Hidden Bonds. Posing as Delthana, Kystine stole
fixture hanging from the ceiling. the inner circle’s bearer bonds from area 8 and
hid them in this room. A creature that makes a
successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
Occupants. Two bandits and two cult members
check while searching the area finds the bonds
are seated around the table. The other cult
tucked behind a storage crate.
members are noncombatants.

3. Hall and Antechamber 7. Forge Room

A huge anvil sits near the far end of this room.
This antechamber is brightly lit with hanging
Against the far wall behind it, a large forge
lamps. At any given time 2d4 cultist
glows eerily with a baleful, blood-red light. Four
noncombatants are tasked with menial chores
figures (see below) stand behind the anvil,
in this room or are kneeling before a crude
while cult enforcers (see Enemies, below) stand
Blood of Vol symbol hanging on the west wall
guard near them.
near the door to area 7.
When the characters enter this room, they see
4. Quarters the following:
This room is used as crude sleeping quarters by
the low-ranking cult members, and is full of Behind the anvil at the far side of the room stands
simple bedrolls and blankets. It’s also occupied a row of four cultists in red-and-black robes.
by a shockingly familiar face: Though the man in the center is a stranger to you,
the other three are all too familiar: they are
A manacled figure is hunched against the far wall, identical to Aleris, Overlun, and Cobalt, the
long blonde hair obscuring their face. They look murder victims!
up as the door opens, revealing a familiar face; it’s
Kystine, the half-elf who came to Steel-Eye for Enemies. Aleris, Overlun, and Cobalt have the
help. But you saw her dead at her apartment… statistics of nobles. Zeke McKerrig has the
statistics of a cult fanatic. The enforcers in the
Kystine pretends to be her sister Delthana, room are based on party level:
pretending not to recognize Steel-Eye and  Two thugs for characters of 3rd level.
begging the characters to rescue her. She’s  Three thugs for characters of 4th level.
hoping to secretly retrieve the bearer bonds  Two veterans for characters of 5th level.
from area 6 before she leaves.

Sharn: City of Blood! 19

In a fight, Zeke does his best to remain behind Teleportation Rune. An arcane symbol etched
the anvil to utilize its powers (see below). If the into the south wall allows teleportation to area
fight doesn’t look to be going his way, Zeke uses 7, just behind the anvil (see Anvil, above). A
the anvil’s teleportation effect to escape to area creature that touches the rune in area 8 causes
8. He attempts to retrieve the bearer bonds in the furnace in area 7 to emit a burst of illusory
area 8 and finds them missing. He tries to hide flame and harmless heat as the creature
there until he can sneak out of the hideout or reappears there.
use the teleportation rune again in his attempt
to escape. Coffin. A large stone coffin against the north
wall is the purported resting place of Dorlus, a
Anvil. The anvil measures 20 feet in length. vampire that advises the cult’s inner circle. In
Zeke utilizes it as a kind of lectern when reality, the coffin holds the good stolen from
speaking to his followers. He inscribed the far Cobalt’s home by the cult members and the
side of the anvil with hidden arcane symbols, bearer bonds from the inner circle’s insurance
which he can touch to create one of the fraud scheme.
following effects. A creature that succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom
 False Flames. Touching this rune causes (Perception) check notices a crowbar tucked
illusory flames to flare up from the forge and between the coffin and the wall behind it.
swirl around the speaker. The flames radiate Moving the coffin lid requires a DC 18
convincing heat for the benefit of onlookers Strength check. When the lid of the coffin is
but leave the speaker unharmed. moved an illusory sound effect triggers, causing
 Real Flames. As an action, pointing at a rustling of movement and a rattling hiss to
someone while using this rune causes emit from the coffin. A creature can identify this
streaks of flame to lance out from the forge as an illusion with a successful DC 15
as a firebolt cantrip (+5 to hit, 1d10 fire Intelligence (Investigation) check.
damage on hit) targeting up to two creatures
of the speaker’s choice in the room that it Treasure. The coffin contains statuettes, pots,
can see. and other art objects. There are 7 items in total,
 Teleportation. Touching this rune causes each worth about 250 gp to the right buyer. The
illusory flames to billow out from the forge coffin also contains a large filing envelope and
and appear to consume the speaker; the cursed dagger (see below).
instead, it teleports them to the nearest
unoccupied space in area 8. Missing Bonds. An envelope in the coffin should
contain the amassed bearer bonds from the
A creature can locate the runes with a inner circle’s insurance scam, but the envelope
successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) is empty. Kystine, posing as Delthana, has
check of the anvil, or with a successful DC 14 already removed the bonds and hidden them in
Wisdom (Perception) check when a speaker area 6 for later retrieval.
uses one of their effects. A creature can
determine the runes’ effects with a successful Cursed Dagger. A curved dagger rests on the
DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. bottom of the coffin, blade still covered in dried
blood. A character can easily match its shape to
8. Inner Sanctum the wounds that killed each of the three
stabbing victims.
This small room is lit by a hanging brazier set
The dagger is considered an uncommon
above a large stone coffin.
magic item that radiates an aura of
transmutation magic. When a humanoid
creature kills another humanoid using the

Sharn: City of Blood! 20

dagger, the victim’s body transforms to match
the wielder’s appearance. This transformation
Steel-Eye Dixon
lasts for 30 days or until dispelled (DC 17). The warforged inquisitive pays the characters
the money owed for their assistance. At your
discretion, the warforged could offer the
Conclusion characters more work as the characters’ group
The adventure can end in a number of ways, patron. For ideas on how to utilize Steel-Eye as
depending on the clues the characters a group patron, see Inquisitive Agency group
discovered or how they engaged with them. patrons in Chapter 1 of Rising from the Last
War. Whether or not the characters form an
inquisitive agency with Steel-Eye, he may call
Kystine upon them again…
If Kystine’s deception isn’t discovered and the
characters don’t find the bearer bonds, Kystine
successfully retrieves them and cashes in on the
cult’s insurance fraud. With ill-gotten gains in
hand, Kystine leaves Sharn forever.
The characters might realize the truth too
late to stop her, or discover it later when Steel-
Eye looks to finish wrapping up the case’s loose
ends. To Steel-Eye, Kystine will always be one
that got away.

If Zeke manages to escape the characters’
clutches, he might become a recurring villain.
He’s always looking for the next grift but has a
new motivation: revenge. The characters might
also assume Zeke is the one who took the
bearer bonds from area 8 and made good his
escape with the loot.

Dagger and Bonds

Though he’ll look the other way on the
retrieved art objects, Steel-Eye insists on taking
the dagger to the Sharn Watch as key evidence
in the murder investigation.
If the characters find the bearer bonds, they
are asked to turn them over to the Sharn Watch
as evidence. The bonds are worthless to the
characters: the Sharn Watch connects the dots
on Zeke’s fraud scheme and banks are warned
not to honor the bonds.

Sharn: City of Blood! 21

Appendix: Steel-Eye Dixon
Medium humanoid (warforged), neutral good

Statblocks Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.
Kystine Sinndel
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral evil
Armor Class 10 Skills Intimidation +2, Investigation +6, Perception
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) +2, Persuasion +4, Stealth +3
Speed 30 ft. Damage Resistances poison
Senses passive Perception 12
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Skills Deception +8, Insight +3, Persuasion +6, Sleight
of Hand +3 Gumshoe. Steel-Eye can make a Wisdom
Senses passive Perception 10 (Perception) check or an Intelligence (Investigation)
Languages Common, Elvish check as a bonus action.
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Warforged Resilience. Steel-Eye has advantage on
saving throws against being poisoned and is immune
Actions to disease. Magic can’t put him to sleep.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Wand Sheath. Steel-Eye has a wand sheath
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 (1 + 0) bludgeoning containing a wand of magic missiles with 7 charges.
damage. As an action, Steel-Eye can use 1 charge from the
wand to cast magic missile as a 1st-level spell. The
wand regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn.
Raver Actions
Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic evil
Armor Class 11 Multiattack. Steel-Eye makes two fisticuffs attacks.
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 12) Fisticuffs. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Speed 30 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) type damage.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
Senses passive Perception 9
Languages Understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the Raver can gain
advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes
during that turn, but attack rolls against it have
advantage until the start of its next turn.

Multiattack. The Raver makes two frenzied strike
Frenzied Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning

Sharn: City of Blood! 22

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