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Crafting a literature review on copper mining can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research,

analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works. Delving into the vast body of literature on this
subject demands meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the key
themes, theories, and methodologies employed in previous studies.

Navigating through numerous academic journals, books, reports, and other sources to gather relevant
information can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Additionally, critically evaluating the
credibility and reliability of each source adds another layer of complexity to the process.

Furthermore, synthesizing the findings of various studies, identifying gaps in the existing literature,
and formulating coherent arguments require advanced analytical and critical thinking skills.
Achieving clarity and coherence in presenting the literature review demands careful organization and
effective communication of ideas.

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The manufacture of sulphuric acid from the high pyritic ores of the district, which began in 1877,
boosted the declining production and maintained it at a fair level until about 1920 when competition
with natural sulphur deposits became too severe and a shut-down ensued. As a result, new
technologies and innovations will be required to mitigate cost escalation. World ex-China refined
copper usage has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and is estimated to have declined by
about 9% in 2020, ICSG reports, adding that usage over the first three months of this year is
estimated to have declined by a further 4%. At first mining was confined to open-pit work at the
Copper Flat mine, but in 1915 enough underground development had been done for large-scale
production to be started at the Ruth mine, the caving system being used. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. ALLU introduces large material processing bucket designed for front-
shovel. The economic history of the metals and mining industry as a whole, however, is better
documented, and thus may provide insights into the potential for market growth amongst the critical
metals. In 1873 Denver interests bought the property from its current owners, who presumably held
title under American locations made after the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. KGHM Poland consists
of Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Lubin mines. A crew in a large stope consists of one miner,
one timberman and helper, and two muckers. As a result, copper occurs in many different minerals.
Data indicates that world copper mine production increased by 3.7% in the first three months of
2021, with concentrate production increasing by 5.5% and solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-
EW) declining by about 3.5%. World mine production started to recover in June 2020 as lockdown
measures eased and the industry adapted to stricter health protocols that remain in place in 2021.
Officials on Tuesday reported the collapse at the Bulla Loca mine in Bolivar state in the south of the
country. The company needed to communicate with the relatives of the tapped employees, detailing
how it was going to meet the needs of the trapped copper. The role that high quality new mineral
discoveries could play in mitigating industry cost pressures is typically understated, if considered at
all. The walls of the veins in these two mines are generally weak and the ore is blocky. KGHM
Poland consists of Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Lubin mines. Thereafter production
increased rapidly, and successive additions were made to the mill. A rill cut-and-fill method is used in
some of the narrower veins, but the method has been found to be only slightly cheaper than square-
setting. The use of scenarios is therefore potentially capable of providing insight into aspects of the
future of copper mining about which little is currently known or that remains considerably uncertain.
Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. Aquifer Protection
Permitting: Rosemont Mine Aquifer Protection Permitting: Rosemont Mine Hudbay Minerals Inc. In
the next few years (after 1896) five or six more smelters were built in southern British Columbia,
none of which was in operation in 1932, but two which served the Boundary district until after the
World War made this the most important copper district of British Columbia for many years. Note:
Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. HOWE SOUND In 1898
claims, now a part of the Britannia mine, were staked on the east shore of Howe Sound, 30 miles
north of Vancouver.50 About 500,000 pounds of copper were produced in 1905, 4,500,000 pounds
in 1906, and 1,700,000 pounds in 1907. The copper oxide minimum minerals are dissolved by the
acid to give a blue copper rich solution mainly of copper sulfate. Rosemont Copper Dry Stack
Presentation 2009 Rosemont Copper Dry Stack Presentation 2009 Hudbay Minerals Inc. This
solution is tapped off from the bottom of the pad and placed into big tanks with steel plates an
electrical current is passed from the tank to the steel which is then electroplated with pure copper. A
7,500-ton leaching plant was built and began treating mixed sulphide and oxide ore late in 1926. This
is the same process for both copper and molybdenum porphyries.
The country has a mining law in place which provides the government with the power to provide
mining licences to the operating companies and continue to monitor and inspect the mining activities
in Laos (Peachey 2016,p 11). The bed containing the ore dips about 15 percent (80 or 90). World's
most. Simple theme. Theme images by compassandcamera. The original locators did some trenching,
and other interests in the next 3 years completed more than 25,000 feet of diamond drilling. Aquifer
Protection Permitting: Rosemont Mine Aquifer Protection Permitting: Rosemont Mine Hudbay
Minerals Inc. Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. The use of
scenarios is therefore potentially capable of providing insight into aspects of the future of copper
mining about which little is currently known or that remains considerably uncertain. Through the
geology department, the government manages to negotiate for licences and mining agreements and
also take part in investment of infrastructure that eases the mining activities. Very cool, and hope to
share with 5th grade teachers who teach table of elements. Note: Results may vary based on the
legibility of text within the document. Mine Rock Geochemistry and Pit Lake Model Mine Rock
Geochemistry and Pit Lake Model Hudbay Minerals Inc. Successive cuts of ore are taken along the
strike, and the space made by the previous cut is filled with waste stripped from the ore; mining and
filling are done contemporaneously.7 The back at the working face is held up by regular rows of
stulls placed normal to the back. Rosemont Copper Cooperating Agencies - 2009 Rosemont Copper
Cooperating Agencies - 2009 Hudbay Minerals Inc. The opening of copper mines has had an
important bearing on the develop- ment and settlement of many sections of the continent. New
concentrators and converter plants were built for both mines between 1895 and 1900. Chilean
electrolytic refined output increased by 15% mainly due to the fact that in the comparative period of
2020 production was ramping up after smelter upgrades to comply with new environmental
regulations. Generally, the government agencies are working to promote mining investments in our
company. Since then it has been impossible to segregate the dividend of the mother company into the
separate units, and the copper production of the different mines has not been published. In December
1927 the first copper was poured, and a 500-ton concentrator was being built. Eramet, which has
refused to inject more funds into SLN, aims to reach a deal in the coming weeks to remove some
320 million euros of debt. The following table shows the production from 1927 through 1934: 42
Douglas, James, Early Copper Mining in the Province of Quebec: Jour. In 1916-20 the plant worked
to capacity, produc- ing 16,000,000 to 18,000,000 pounds of copper annually. World ex-China
refined copper usage has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and is estimated to have
declined by about 9% in 2020, ICSG reports, adding that usage over the first three months of this
year is estimated to have declined by a further 4%. The chronic water quality criteria for copper are
exceeded in the surface water of four among the six ponds on the Ely Brook tributary and in the
whole system. Augustus Heinze and William A. Clark. With several maps and photographic
reproductions of the claims and works undertaken. However, despite rapid market growth amongst
some critical metal markets over the last decade, as a group they have lagged the market growth rates
of the non-ferrous industrial and precious metals sectors. The United States is the most important
producer of copper among the nations; more copper is mined in North America than in any other
continent, and for many years the United States alone produced about half of the copper of the
world. Specifically, the USGS found that about 350 million tons of copper had been discovered and
estimated that about 290 million tons of copper remained undiscovered in the United States. KGHM
Poland consists of Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Lubin mines. This is 100% legal. You may
not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Studies have suggested two opposing functions for copper bound prions: as anti-oxidants for the
neuronal functions and as pro-oxidants increasing the neurodegenerative process (Yokawa et al,
2008). Very cool, and hope to share with 5th grade teachers who teach table of elements. Operations
were suspended in October 1934; from 1931 to 1934 the mine was operated at about 20 percent of
capacity. Junior explorers have struggled to raise funds, whilst explorers within larger companies
have found budgets cut, or their roles eliminated entirely. For a few years after 1899, while a group
of men associated with Amalgamated Copper Co. (Anaconda) had control, lessees made a
considerable output. The section on mining methods and costs is largely a compilation of information
previously published in Bureau of Mines information circulars, supplemented by articles published
elsewhere and original data collected by the authors. S. E. Casterton and Paul T. Conventional
scientific and economic techniques for analysing the future of copper supply, generally by studying
the project pipeline, ignore as yet undiscovered resources and also struggle to fully incorporate the
multiple internal and external factors that could impact upon copper mining practices in the future. In
the spring of 1936 the mine was being operated on a reduced scale. However, the exploration sector
has also often provided unattractive returns, struggling with falling discovery rates, falling discovery
quality and increased discovery costs. The copper in 1929 was derived from the treatment of
17,700,000 tons of ore which contained 0.99 percent copper and yielded also about 13 cents in gold
and 0.06 ounce of silver to the ton. Methods are illustrated by descriptions of practices at typical
mines. The Mining Corporation of Canada bought control in 1921 and continued work until about
16,000,000 tons of ore had been developed above the 900-foot level. Officials on Tuesday reported
the collapse at the Bulla Loca mine in Bolivar state in the south of the country. ALLU introduces
large material processing bucket designed for front-shovel. In this study, the Oxford University
Scenarios methodology was employed to analyse different plausible futures for copper mining and
the consequent implications for exploration targeting strategies. The collapse of this basin, with
accompanying Cooke, H. C., Studies of the Physiography of the Canadian Shield; the Pre-Pliocene
Physiographies as Inferred from the Geologic Record: Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, 3d ser., vol. 25,
1931, p. 138. Specifically, the USGS found that about 350 million tons of copper had been
discovered and estimated that about 290 million tons of copper remained undiscovered in the United
States. Collapse came along the zone of thinning, with folding of the sedimentary rocks and
formation of reverse and overthrust faults that dip toward the areas of erosion and away from the
basin of sedimentation. Welsh, both commended in print by Montana copper kings F. British
Columbia was the leading copper producer in Canada from about 1900 (when the Boundary district
began large-scale production) to 1930, when Ontario took the lead owing to the International Nickel
Co. The ore is about 2 feet thick and can be broken readily with a pick. By contrast, moving away
from sustainable development appears strategically riskier. The copper oxide minimum minerals are
dissolved by the acid to give a blue copper rich solution mainly of copper sulfate. Commonwealth
Government and Australian Alliance to Save Energy. In July 1932, owing to the low price of copper,
operations were discontinued indefinitely. In 1923 the mine was producing about 3,000 tons daily,
and a flota- tion concentrator was started. Sugavaimad, vanimad, suurimad, parimad jm - koige
koige e. Production started in 1908, with about 15,000,000 pounds of copper, which was doubled the
next year and again the next. Square-setting is used for mining relatively high grade ore in areas
where the overlying country rock must be supported. Research into the growth prospects of the
critical metal markets is clearly required; however, their limited economic history and a paucity of
data make this difficult.
A rill cut-and-fill method is used in some of the narrower veins, but the method has been found to be
only slightly cheaper than square-setting. In 1882 their holdings were sold to the Arizona Copper
Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. Some of the material reached the surface as flows, while much of it
solidified as various kinds of intrusive bodies with some of which mineral deposits are associated.
However, in Chile, the world’s biggest copper mine producing country, total output was down by 2%
with a 3.5% growth in concentrate production being more than offset by a 16% decline in SX-EW
output. The Utah Copper Co. produced, from 1905 through 1934, about 3,834,000,000 pounds of
copper from the mining and treating of about 223,000,000 tons of ore. Of the amygdaloid lodes, the
Isle Royale was discovered in 1852, the Pewabic and Quincy in 1856, and the Atlantic in 1864. The
following table shows the production from 1927 through 1934: 42 Douglas, James, Early Copper
Mining in the Province of Quebec: Jour. In 1873 Denver interests bought the property from its
current owners, who presumably held title under American locations made after the treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo. It will also cover copper's mining, manufacturing and processing process and
elaborate further on its market and distribution. Although usage started to recover in the 2nd half of
2020, global demand remains below pre-pandemic levels in most countries. Production figures for the
early years are not available, but in 1901 the mine produced over 8,000,000 pounds of copper. Most
of the eroded material came from one side of the basin of deposition and the greatest thickness was
deposited near that side. Globally, secondary refined production (from scrap) increased by 2.3% with
China being the biggest contributor to growth. They were expecting an exceptionally strong
assurance from the mining company, as well. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
The hostility of the Apaches necessitated a military guard and a strong fort for refuge in case of
attack and caused abandonment of the venture for short periods. BOLEO The method of mining a
flat bed at the mine of the Campagnie du Boleo at Boleo, Baja California, Mexico, does not come
under any of the classifications in this paper but approaches square-setting more nearly than any
other. However, after taking into account a significant 16% reduction in electrowinning refined
production, total Chilean refined copper production (electrolytic and electrowinning) declined by
6%, the report reads. After an ore body has been proved an extraction drift is run on the footwall in
the vein. The company mined and smelted chiefly oxide ores from claims ad- joining those of the
Arizona Copper Co., to which it sold out in 1919 after a very profitable career. ALLU introduces
large material processing bucket designed for front-shovel. Research into the growth prospects of the
critical metal markets is clearly required; however, their limited economic history and a paucity of
data make this difficult. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own,
that is cheating. Also you. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The broken ore is
generally shoveled or wheeled into the chutes. Grasberg reserves include Block Cave under
development and undeveloped Kucing Liar deposits. Production in 1914, the first year, was nearly
16,000,000 pounds of copper from about 475,000 tons of ore. Welsh, both commended in print by
Montana copper kings F. KGHM Poland consists of Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Lubin
mines. However, to target new high quality deposits explorers need some understanding of the nature
of high quality copper mines in the long-term future.
When operations were resumed in 1922, after a general shut-down, the block-caving method was
used to mine the Humboldt ore body; since then all ore from the district has been produced by this
method, except an insignificant amount mined by lessees. Production in 1914, the first year, was
nearly 16,000,000 pounds of copper from about 475,000 tons of ore. A reconstruction program that
started in 1918 involved not only a new mill but the introduction of Diesel- engine power, the
installation of a Diesel-driven compressor plant, the sinking of a new service shaft for the mine, and
the building of new shops. WARREN (BISBEE) 18 The first mining location in the Warren district
of southern Arizona was made in August 1877 by John Dunn, a scout attached to the Army post at
Bowie. Check out my personal top 10 favorite articles here. The foot-wall side of the stope usually is
kept two or more sets higher than the hanging-wall side. Ore reserves on December 31, 1935, were
approximately 69,000,000 tons with a grade of 1.373 percent copper. Operations were resumed at the
mine on a reduced scale late in 1935. As a result, new technologies and innovations will be required
to mitigate cost escalation. KGHM Poland consists of Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Lubin
mines. Some of the material reached the surface as flows, while much of it solidified as various
kinds of intrusive bodies with some of which mineral deposits are associated. Chilean electrolytic
refined output increased by 15% mainly due to the fact that in the comparative period of 2020
production was ramping up after smelter upgrades to comply with new environmental regulations.
Dry Stack Tailings Facility Dry Stack Tailings Facility Hudbay Minerals Inc. Note: Results may vary
based on the legibility of text within the document. The ore is treated in a flotation mill at the portal
of a lower haulage level. The copper oxide minimum minerals are dissolved by the acid to give a blue
copper rich solution mainly of copper sulfate. In 1843 a rush started for the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, inspired largely by a report by Dr. Douglass Houghton, State geologist. The Mohawk
Mining Company was established in 1898, very profitable and closed after 34 years of operation. -
image courtesy Scripophily.Com. Control of the best properties passed chiefly into the hands of two
companies-the Eustis Mining Co. In 1882 their holdings were sold to the Arizona Copper Co., of
Edinburgh, Scotland. In part, this is a response to negative external market factors. SONORA
NACOZARI At the beginning of the twentieth century, Boleo lost her position of leadership to two
great copper mines in the State of Sonora. These two axes in turn frame four different scenarios for
the future of the copper mining industry. Milling methods and costs have been described in a
companion paper by Chapman.5 This paper was first prepared in 1932, but as no funds for its publi-
cation were available at that time it was laid aside until 1936, when it was revised. Rosemont Copper
- Mining Law of 1872 Rosemont Copper - Mining Law of 1872 Hudbay Minerals Inc. MICHIGAN
COPPER DISTRICT Although native copper was noted by explorers in the Lake Superior region in
the seventeenth century, mining did not begin until the middle of the nineteenth. Recently activity
has been renewed at the Eustis mine.43 The total production of the district from 1886, the earliest
year for which production figures are available, through 1921 was about 103,000,000 pounds of
copper (based on the estimated recovery of copper from ore shipped). The mill was progressively
enlarged, and in 1918 the output increased to a maximum of 42,000,000 pounds. The three principal
mines of this company, the Champion, Tri-Mountain, and Baltic, from about 1900 through 1934
yielded 1,016,000,000 pounds of copper. Talk to us Get news and research reviews on the topic of
your choice, right in your inbox. Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the
Methods are illustrated by descriptions of practices at typical mines. In the next few years (after
1896) five or six more smelters were built in southern British Columbia, none of which was in
operation in 1932, but two which served the Boundary district until after the World War made this
the most important copper district of British Columbia for many years. Present ore reserves at
Bingham are estimated at 632,000,000 tons, with an average grade of 1.01 percent copper.
NEVADA ELY The second of the great porphyry copper mines to produce in the United States was
the mine of the Nevada Consolidated Copper Co. Collapse came along the zone of thinning, with
folding of the sedimentary rocks and formation of reverse and overthrust faults that dip toward the
areas of erosion and away from the basin of sedimentation. According to the discussion coming third
after chile and USA, Australia has 6 per cent of total global resources. Control of the best properties
passed chiefly into the hands of two companies-the Eustis Mining Co. Data indicates that world
copper mine production increased by 3.7% in the first three months of 2021, with concentrate
production increasing by 5.5% and solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) declining by about
3.5%. World mine production started to recover in June 2020 as lockdown measures eased and the
industry adapted to stricter health protocols that remain in place in 2021. The ore bodies occur in a
shear zone about 7,000 feet long. Well Protection Program - Groundwater Modeling Presentation
Well Protection Program - Groundwater Modeling Presentation Hudbay Minerals Inc. Such deposits,
once discovered, would improve the overall quality of the industry asset base, as well as benefitting
their owners substantially through higher margins. This paper therefore reviews the economic history
of metals and mining, and in particular, that of the aluminium, nickel and uranium industries in an
attempt to understand the key drivers behind transformational growth within the metals' markets.
The economic history of the metals and mining industry as a whole, however, is better documented,
and thus may provide insights into the potential for market growth amongst the critical metals. This
solution is tapped off from the bottom of the pad and placed into big tanks with steel plates an
electrical current is passed from the tank to the steel which is then electroplated with pure copper.
Trending Diamond Firm ZCDC Under Parliament Scrutiny Indonesian production increased by
about 91% mainly due to the continued ramp-up of underground production at the Grasberg mine.
The total production from 1915 through May 1932, when operations were suspended, was about
72,000,000 tons of ore, which yielded 1,334,000,000 pounds of copper. World ex-China refined
copper usage has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and is estimated to have declined by
about 9% in 2020, ICSG reports, adding that usage over the first three months of this year is
estimated to have declined by a further 4%. In 1929 the smelter capacity was stepped up to 2,000
tons and the concentrator enlarged; in that year production was over 50,000,000 pounds of copper,
and a first dividend was paid. Rosemont Reclamation Plan July 2007 Rosemont Reclamation Plan
July 2007 Hudbay Minerals Inc. Rosemont Copper Dry Stack Presentation 2009 Rosemont Copper
Dry Stack Presentation 2009 Hudbay Minerals Inc. The implication is that the exploration focus
must change. They were expecting an exceptionally strong assurance from the mining company, as
well. Grasberg reserves include Block Cave under development and undeveloped Kucing Liar
deposits. The paper therefore concludes that efforts by industry are required to generate mine
concepts that would be viable across all scenarios, and thus act also as exploration targeting proxies.
The company mined and smelted chiefly oxide ores from claims ad- joining those of the Arizona
Copper Co., to which it sold out in 1919 after a very profitable career. In 1930 and 1931, diamond
drilling in the Clay ore body indicated ore reserves of approximately 200,000,000 tons, having an
average grade of about 1 percent of copper; the estimate was later raised to 284,000,000 tons
carrying 1.036 percent copper by further drilling. Deposits of this period have yielded most of the
copper of North America in the past and have the largest known reserves. The use of scenarios is
therefore potentially capable of providing insight into aspects of the future of copper mining about
which little is currently known or that remains considerably uncertain. The collapse of this basin,
with accompanying Cooke, H. C., Studies of the Physiography of the Canadian Shield; the Pre-
Pliocene Physiographies as Inferred from the Geologic Record: Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, 3d ser.,
vol. 25, 1931, p. 138. Square-setting, however, is the chief method used in the Victoria and Empress
mines. As a result, new technologies and innovations will be required to mitigate cost escalation.
The project's mineral resources estimate has increased 445% since the previous report, released in late
2018. The out- put during the next 4 years ranged from 18,000,000 to 23,000,000 pounds of copper
per year. Low-risk exploration during the recent copper price cycle has unveiled few new world-class
copper deposits. Rosemont Project Orientation Rosemont Project Orientation Hudbay Minerals Inc.
New high quality discoveries can be mined at lower cost than existing assets and potentially if
discovered in the right locations within a more amenable contemporary environmental and socio-
political setting. Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document. Square-
setting, however, is the chief method used in the Victoria and Empress mines. More Related Content
More from Hudbay Minerals Inc. Baseline Noise Study Baseline Noise Study Hudbay Minerals Inc.
Through the geology department, the government manages to negotiate for licences and mining
agreements and also take part in investment of infrastructure that eases the mining activities. Where
the stope is more than eight sets wide a raise may be run into the hanging wall to obtain filling for
the hanging-wall side of the stope. In 1881, again under different ownership, a concentrator was
erected. In 2010, the country had an estimated population of about 16.6 million, with the median age
of the citizens at 31.7 years, and with a population growth rate of 0.881%7. Its rate of urbanization is
also estimated at 1.3% based on 2005 to 2010 estimates. The first copper mining at Cananea of
which there is an authentic account was in 1881, when an American company began smelting 3s
Layton, H. B., The Nacozari Mines, Mexico: Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. 69, 1900, pp. 678-679, 707.
Ore reserves, estimated in 1928 as 18,000,000 tons aver- aging 1.71 percent copper, 3.45 percent of
zinc, and 0.074 ounce of gold and 1.06 ounces of silver to the ton, were raised later to 20,000,000
tons by further development. For a few years after 1899, while a group of men associated with
Amalgamated Copper Co. (Anaconda) had control, lessees made a considerable output. MOHAMC-
1 vignette of quiver filled with arrows - Large amounts of mohawkite were found on the mine's
property. The width of the veins ranges from one to six sets. Since then it has been impossible to
segregate the dividend of the mother company into the separate units, and the copper production of
the different mines has not been published. To name a few: Adventure Mining Company of
Michigan, Indiana Mining Co., Mohawk Mining Co., Ojibway Mining Co. Very cool, and hope to
share with 5th grade teachers who teach table of elements. In 1882 their holdings were sold to the
Arizona Copper Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. It will also cover copper's mining, manufacturing and
processing process and elaborate further on its market and distribution. Collapse came along the zone
of thinning, with folding of the sedimentary rocks and formation of reverse and overthrust faults that
dip toward the areas of erosion and away from the basin of sedimentation. Actual production from
the Ray Consolidated Copper Co. The Rouyn district of Quebec was the scene of a rush in the fall
of 1922 as a result of a gold strike, although the Horne deposit had been discovered and staked 2
years previously. Grasberg reserves include Block Cave under development and undeveloped Kucing
Liar deposits. The foot-wall side of the stope usually is kept two or more sets higher than the
hanging-wall side. Specifically, the USGS found that about 350 million tons of copper had been
discovered and estimated that about 290 million tons of copper remained undiscovered in the United
States. ColinByrne101 5 years ago report 3 This would be brilliant if the resources that you mention
in slide 7 were here as well - looks really interesting.

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