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PROGRAM :- LLB ( 3 years )



( Interpretation Of Statutes )

STUDENT ID :- 2112215004030

REGISTRATION NO :- 210040304669
Q 1 ) What is the meaning of interpretation ? ( Mention any 5 definition )


Interpretation is the art of process of discovering and expounding which means

the author designed it to convey to others.

" Normally, the word ' interpretation ' in its widest sense , may be used to
indicate the collective activities of the judges.


1)According to salmond:-

Interpretation is " the process by which the courts seek to ascertain the
meaning of the legislature throughout the medium of authoritative forms in
which expressed."

2)According to " Gray" :-

a legal scholar, defined interpretation in law as the process of understanding

and applying legal texts based on the purpose or intent behind the words. In
simpler terms, it involves uncovering the meaning of laws or contracts by
considering the reasons or goals they aim to achieve.

3) According to Crawford :-

Interpretation is the art of finding out the true sense of words.

4) according to Cooley :-

Interpretation is the art of finding out the true sense of words and enabling
others to derive from them the same idea which the author intended to

Q 2 ) How is interpretation different from Construction ?



Interpretation involves deciphering the meaning of statutory language or legal

texts. It aims to understand the intended purpose, scope, and implications of
the law.

Courts often consider legislative intent, the plain meaning of the text, and the
context in which the law was enacted during interpretation.


The goal of interpretation is to give effect to the legislator's intent and ensure a
fair and just application of the law.
• Example in iOS Law:

In the iOS App Store guidelines, a provision may state, "Apps must not violate
user privacy."

Case Law:
Apple Inc. v. Developer ------- A case interpreting the meaning of "violating
user privacy" in the context of a specific app's data collection practices.



Construction is the process of applying legal principles to specific cases or

situations. It involves the actual use and implementation of the law to resolve
disputes or make decisions.

Courts engage in construction when they apply statutory provisions to
concrete cases. This may involve reconciling ambiguities, filling gaps, or
adapting the law to new circumstances.

Construction seeks to provide practical solutions and outcomes based on legal
principles and the interpreted meaning of the law.
Example in iOS Law:
A provision may state, "Penalties for violating user privacy may include app
suspension or removal from the App Store."

Case Law:
Apple Inc. v. App Developer ------ A case involving the construction of
penalties specified in the guidelines, applying the interpreted meaning of
"violating user privacy" to determine appropriate sanctions

From the above discussion I understand interpretation focuses on
understanding the intended meaning of legal texts, while construction involves
applying that meaning to real-world situations. The examples provided
illustrate how these processes might occur in the context of iOS law, with both
interpretation and construction playing vital roles in legal decision-making.

Q 3 ) what is a statute ? What are the parts of a statute? Discuss.

a statute in iOS refers to a written law created by the government for iPhones,
iPads, and other Apple devices. It's like a set of rules or instructions that Apple
users need to follow. These rules can cover various things, from how apps
should behave to privacy guidelines. So, when you hear about an "iOS statute,"
it means a specific rule or law set by Apple for the proper use and functioning
of their devices and software.
What are the parts of a statute?

These key parts are most important.

1) Title or Heading:
This is the name or title of the statute, providing a brief overview of its subject

2) Preamble or Purpose Clause:

Sometimes present, it outlines the reasons or objectives behind enacting the

3) Enacting Clause:
This clause formally states that the statute is being enacted into law. It often
begins with phrases like "Be it enacted by the [legislative body]."

4) Sections:
The main body of the statute is divided into sections, each addressing a specific
aspect of the law. Sections are numbered for easy reference.

5) Provisions or Articles:
Statutes may have provisions or articles, grouping related sections together
under a common theme.

6) Definitions:
Important terms used in the statute are defined to ensure clarity and
consistency in interpretation.
7) Penalties or Sanctions:
This part outlines the consequences or punishments for violations of the

8) Effective Date:

Indicates when the law becomes applicable and enforceable.

9) Repeal or Amendment Clause:

Specifies whether any existing laws are repealed or if the statute amends or
modifies other laws.

“ These parts collectively form the structure of a statute in iOS law, providing a
comprehensive framework for understanding and applying the rules and
regulations related to Apple devices and software. Keep in mind that the
specific details can vary depending on the nature and complexity of the law” .

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