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School NEMSU-Bislig Grade Level 2nd year

Teachers: Acompañado, Gille P. Learning Area EDUC 6

Besas, Charlot
Delos Reyes, Jelly N.
Licmoan, Maricar
Teaching Dates and March 10, 2024 Quarter/Sem Second sem
Time (1:00-2:30pm)
** Expression is
faulty **.
A. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Competencies/ 1. explain the basic concepts of school as a social system and how they affect
Objectives individual learners, school, and classroom.
2. create a model with labels showing different inputs that the learner must
receive from the different elements in school and the possible outputs.; and
3. value the importance of social interaction in building harmonious relationship
inside and outside the school.
** Expression is faulty
A. Topic School as a Social System
B. Reference

C. Materials  PowerPoint Presentation

 Visual Aids/Conventional IMs
 Laptop
 Bottles and straws
 Bond papers
 Markers
D. Value  Accuracy on the concept of social system model and the different
Integration elements that made the school as a social system.
 Understand the value of each key elements of the school system and how
the students are affected by these social systems.
** Expression is faulty Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(5 minutes)
Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am!
May I request everyone to please stand In the name of the Father, and of the
Prayer for our opening prayer. Son, and of the Holy Spirit…Amen!

Okay, you may now take your seat. Thank you, ma’am.
How’s your day? We’re doing great, ma’am!

Yes ma’am!
Secretary of the class, please check the
Attendance attendance for today’s meeting, then
Checking submit it to me later.

Now, I want all of you to know that we

Reading of the will have a set of expectations for this
House Rules class. For you to be a good student, let Class Rules
us check the rules.
 Respect everyone.
 Use positive language.
 Listen
 Enjoy
 Smile

We also have to keep in mind the

Reading of learning goals that guide our class on A. Learning Competencies/
Objectives track, everyone please read. Objectives At the end of
the lesson, the students should
be able to:

a. Explain the basic concepts

of school as a social
system and how they affect
individual learners, school
and classroom; and

b. perform the given activity

related to the topic; and

c. value the importance of

social interaction in
building harmonious
relationship inside and
outside the school.
I hope that at the end of our discussion,
we will achieve all of the following
Yes ma’am!
Understood class?
Now before we begin our discussion this
afternoon, let’s have first an activity!

I have here an activity called “Race to (the students will read the directions)
Raise” please read the directions class!
A. Activity
(3 minutes) Direction: “Race to be Raise” Direction: “ Race to be Raise”

1.Group the class into 4 groups.

2.Each group will pick a
representative in each round of the
3.There will be bottles and with it are
straws and the first one to get the
straws and put it back again in the
4.This is a game of who will be the
fastest to reach and raise the object in
5.Whoever gets and raise the object
first will have the chance to answer
whether the statement is a fact or a
6.You will be given only 5 seconds to
answer the question otherwise
chances will be given to the other

Alright class! Thank you for reading. Yes ma’am!

Are the directions clear class?

Okay then! Let’s start the game! Yes ma’am!

1.Socializing only happen in business
world. (BLUFF)
2. Sharing culture, beliefs and
tradition does not belong to the social
system (BLUFF)
3. Social Interaction may happen at
school (FACT)
4. The Social System is the patterned
series of interrelationships existing
between individuals, groups and
institutions. (FACT)
5. Outputs is the information produced
by a system or process from a specific
input. (FACT)

Did everyone enjoy the activity class!
It was fun right! You’re having fun while
still learning something. Yes ma’am!

Okay class! Yes ma’am!

Since you were able to determine
whether the statements were fact or bluff
in the activity we conducted, I think you
can answer the questions that I am going
to give you.

Okay good! Okay ma’am!

B. Analysis First question is, can I have everyone to

(3 minutes) please read the question.

(How do you think school system

Let’s hear the answer from,,,,,,,
(the teacher will choose a student from a School system works because of the
randomizer) people that work together to make
things possible. The teachers as
responsible for the teaching and
learning. Administration who’s
responsible for managing the over-all
operation. The funding and legislation
where funds and resources came
from and of course the students, if
anything, school doesn’t function
You’re right! School is consisting of a lot without learners.
of individuals working together to attain
the same goal and that is to make
students learn. Very good miss/Mr.
_______ (the class will perform the “nice “clap)
Let’s give him/her a nice clap!

Next question is,
(teacher will read the question)
1. Do you think school system
works with only the presence of
students and teachers? Why?
What do you think class? Is it possible for
school to function without the help of
another individuals? If yes, why? If no,
Let’s have the idea of miss/Mr. ,,,,,,,,
(teachers will select a student from the No ma’am, because yes, the physical
class) presence of students and teachers is
Okay Mr./miss (name of the student) irreplaceable for building
relationships, fostering a sense of
community, and providing immediate
feedback. But a well-rounded school
system also requires a strong
foundation of resources, curriculum
design, and support staff to truly

Let’s give her a very good clap!
Yes, you’re right, although students and
teacher are the core aspect of the
school, school won’t work without the The administration, the staff, the
support systems. And what are those community, and the government and
support systems? even the parents also.

Yes class! Very good.

Now for my last question 2. Aside from those people you
Can you please read class! have mentioned, what do you
(the class will read the question) think are the factors why school
system works?

Let’s have the opinion of Mr./miss ,,,,,,

(teacher will pick someone from the


Okay Mr./miss (name of the student)

Aside from those people that were
What else do you think can be already mentioned, good and effective
contributing factor for school system to leadership is important, Safe and
work? Orderly Environment, High
Expectations is one thing also,
parents and the community’s
involvement, professional
development also is very important.

(students will perform the good job

You are right! clap)
Very good!
Let’s give him/her a good job clap.
Indeed! The things she has mentioned
are very important for the school system
to work effectively. Very good!

Alright class! (someone from the class may answer)

Have you got any idea what our topic will School system ma’am!

Very close!
Our topic this afternoon will be all about
school as a social system.
With it, we will know the social system
model for school and what are the Okay ma’am!
contributing factors or elements that
make the system work and who are the
individuals involve.
C. Abstraction (Besas)
(1hr minutes)
The School as a Social System

Systems theory, also called social

systems theory (model).
In social science, it is the study of society
as a complex arrangement of elements,
including individuals and their beliefs, as
they relate to a whole (e.g. a country).

In this chapter, we are going to tackle

about school as a social system.

Why is school considered a social


What is school? And what is social


School is,
Kindly read the definition of school class!
(the students will read the definition of

The school
✓Is a system of social interaction.
✓It is an organized whole comprising
interacting personalities bound
together in an organic relationship
(Waller, 1932)
✓As a social system, it is
characterized by an interdependence
of parts, a clearly defined population,
differentiation from its environment, a
complex network social relationships
and its own culture.

According to it, school is a system with

social interaction which means there are
people of different personalities,
interdependence parts, meaning they
depend on each other but with clear
understanding of each role.

while social system is,

Please read it everyone!
(the students will read the definition)

Social System
✓Is a social organization.
✓Is a group of elements and activities
that interact and constitute a single
social entity (Longress, 2fififi)
✓It is a model or organization that
possess creativity beyond its
component parts; it is distinguished
from its environment by a clearly
defined boundary; it is composed of
subunits, elements and subsystems
Social system class is a complex network that are interrelated within relatively
of interconnected parts that work stable patterns of social order
together to form a whole.

Now class, there are basic assumptions

for social system.

“Basic Assumption for Social System

✓Assumption is a fact/statement that is
taken for granted.

1. Social systems are open systems.

2. Social systems consist of
interdependent parts, characteristics, and
activities that contribute to and receive
from the whole.
3. Social systems are peopled.
4. Social systems are goal oriented.
5. Social systems are structural
6. Social systems are normative.
7. Social systems are sanction bearing.
8. Social systems are political.
9. Social systems have distinctive
10. Social systems are conceptual and
11. All formal organizations are social
system. But all social systems are not
formal organizations.

Based on the definition and assumption

given for social system, why do you think
school is considered as a social system?

Any volunteer from the class?

(someone will volunteer, or the teacher
will pick the student)
Schools qualify as social systems
because it has Interconnected
Individuals with shared values and
norms and interact and work with
each other to attain the same goal.
Yes exactly!
Schools are institutions with people or
individuals socially interact to attain
common goal.

I have here social system model for

( teacher will show the model)
The Basic Social System model for
• Inputs
• Teaching and Learning Process
• Outputs

•The human, material, financial, or
information resources used in the
teaching and learning process

Teaching And Learning Process

• The interaction between and among the

•The graduates and/or services produced

• Information concerning the outputs or
the teaching and learning process that
influences decision making and the
selection of inputs during the next
academic year

•The external environment of the school
including the social, political, and
economic forces that impinge on the
school’s operation.

basically these are what consist a school

these are the elements that make a
school system work.

First one is the structure or the structural

Please read it everyone

Key Elements of the School as a Social


d. Structure
✓ roles are expectations of positions that
are arranged in a hierarchy. (the class will read the definition of
structure presented in the PPT)
roles are expectations of positions
that are arranged in a hierarchy.
The hierarchy distributes tasks to
specialized individuals, and the
Organization is a result of the division
of labor (Parsons, 1960).
Remember the strips of paper that I gave
you earlier class? Who’s assigned for the (group assigned will answer and
structure? elaborate the definition)

It means ma’am there is specific job

for a certain specific individual. And it
is arrange accordingly.
Yes! You’re right.
Like any other organizations, roles are
what is expected of you according to
your job description and usually roles are
arrange according to ranks and position.
How about here in our school?
Who do you think is in charge?
( students may answer in chorus)
Sir Whelson Pasos ma’am!
Yes, very good!
At least this class knows who sir
Whelson Pasos is

Moving on, our next element will be the

Who’s in charge for this class!
( the group in charge will answer)
Okay! Kindly read the definition and
please do tell us what it means.
Okay ma’am!
( the student will rwad the definition)

e. Individual
✓the individual is a key unit in any
social system; regardless of positions,
people bring with them individual
needs, beliefs, and a cognitive
understanding of the job.

It means that individuals are very

important in an organization because
thy’re the ones that carry the work out.
Yes ! exactly!
And these individuals carry with them the
own beliefs, needs, morals and goals
that can affect any social system.

Understood class?
Any questions? Or Sclarifications?
Additional insights?
If none, let me call ma’am gille to Good afternoon Ma’am!
continue the discussion.

Good afternoon, once again BSED2B! I

am your next teacher, and I will be
discussing the two elements which are For example, a student who has been
the culture and political. Kindly read first raised in a home with the belief that
the culture. children should be quite and passive
“From the given definitions, can you might struggle with class participation,
state an example of how culture affects while a student who's been raised in a
the learning of an individual?” community-based culture might
“Thank you for that and also that’s struggle with independent work.

Having a good classroom culture will

enable students to learn and thrive. It will
help equip students to learn to their best
abilities and help to increase their
achievements. It's also likely to make
them feel happier at school.

e. Culture
✓represents the unwritten feeling part of
the organizations: its share values.

Next is the politics, what does it mean to Good afternoon, ma’am!

be p

f. Politics
✓informal power relations that develop

Good afternoon again class!

I am Jelly N. Delos Reyes, your next
teacher for this afternoon. We are going
to discuss another Key Elements of  The main goal of attending
School, the next was the Technical Core: school is to learn important
Teaching and Learning. Kindly read the information and skills that
definition class could help us in real world
g. Core situations.
✓the teaching-learning process is the  In school, our behaviors are
technical core of schools. also molded to become a
better person.
What do think is the purpose of going to

Exactly! Teaching and learning are the Yes, ma’am.

technical core of a school. The main
purpose of attending school is to acquire
knowledge, skills and appropriate
behavior that are applicable in real life
Did you understand the importance of (The students will read the definition
teaching and learning? of the environment.)
Very good, now let’s proceed to another
element which is the environment.
The environment will affect the
Kindly read everyone. student’s motivation, values, behavior,
h. Environment demands and knowledge.
✓everything outside the organization;
source of inputs.

What do you think is the connection of

environment to learners?

Accurately! Miss (name of the student)

explanations are very understandable.
Now let’s proceed to the next element,
which will be discussed by Teacher
Maricar. Good afternoon, ma’am!
Now let’s call teacher Maricar to continue
the lesson.

Good afternoon once again class, I am Output is the product of the

Teacher Maricar. Now, we are down to organizations that are educated
the last two key elements of school as a students. The performance outcomes
social system. are the indicators of goal
Let’s have the Output first. Which group
was assigned for the Output? Can you
please tell us your ideas about Output?

i. Outputs
✓the products of the organizations, e.g.
educated students.
Yes, ma’am.
Correct! The outcomes refer to the
products of the school which are the
graduate students. This also refers to
how many students pass the board exam
from your school.
Did you understand class?

Since you really understand the Output

let us move to the last one which is Feedback serves as the is an
Feedback. information and recommendation that
Again, which group is assigned to was given to the students for them to
Feedback? improve their performance.

j. Feedback Loops
✓communication that monitor behavior.

Thank you, Ms./Mr., for your accurate

Idea. So, Feedback will help the students
deepen their understanding and improve
their performances as the teacher will
correct their errors and appreciate their
best performances.

Feedback Loops has two part which is

• Internal
The relative level of goal achievement
serves as an indicator of the need to
adjust one or more of the elements of the
transformation process. Yes ma’am.

Different constituencies in the community
evaluate the school’s products.

Did you understand our lesson for

today’s class?

That’s good to know that you understand

so well.

D. Application Direction:
(15 minutes)
1. With the same group.
][poiuytr2. Create a model with labels showing different inputs that the learner
must receive from the different elements in school and the possible outputs.
3. You will be given only 5 minutes to do the task.
4. You will be graded according to the following rubrics.

Criteria Exceeds Meets Approaching Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
(5points) (4 points) (3 points) (2point)
Accuracy & Model accurately Model mostly reflects Significant deviations Model poorly
reflects the intended the intended design or from the intended represents the
Representation design or concept with concept with a design or concept. intended design or
a high degree of reasonable level of concept.
realism (if applicable). accuracy.
Creativity Demonstrates Shows some creativity Limited creativity Lacks creativity. Design
exceptional creativity in design or material evident. Design shows minimal effort.
and resourcefulness in usage. follows a basic
design and execution. approach.
May incorporate
unique features or
Collaboration Consistently Regularly contributes May require Rarely contributes to
demonstrates to group discussions, prompting to group discussions.
exceptional teamwork listens attentively, and participate actively. Dominates
skills. Actively listens, generally avoids Communication is conversations or
communicates interrupting others. sometimes unclear disrupts teamwork.
effectively, and readily Shares assigned tasks and may not actively Hinders group
shares ideas. and works well with listen to others. progress.
Proactively helps others.
others and seeks
Presentation Model is presented Model is presented Presentation is Model is poorly
professionally with neatly with somewhat messy presented and
clear explanations explanations that and explanations explanations are
and effective use of are mostly clear. may be unclear. lacking.
visuals (if

Inputs Outputs

E. Valuing  How does the school environment foster a sense of community and
(4 minutes) belonging among students?
 How does the school system prepare students for future challenges in
 How does the school as a social system help transform individual inputs
into societal outputs?

F. Evaluation Quiz: Read each statement carefully and write the letter of the correct
(5 minutes) answer on your answer sheet.
Read each statement carefully and write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
Direction: Choose the best answer.

1. Is the human, financial, and material used in the teaching and learning?
A. Feedback
B. Input
C. Output
D. Environment

2. Is the communication that monitor behavior?

A. Feedback
B. Input
C. Output
D. Environment
3. It is the graduate or services produced?
A. Feedback
B. Input
C. Output
D. Environment

4. Is a key unit of social system; regardless of position?

A. Structure
B. Individual
C. Culture
D. Political

5. Are expectations of positions that are arranged in a hierarchy?

A. Structure
B. Individual
C. Culture
D. Political
6-10.) Explain briefly in your own words how school functions as a social

G. Assignment
(3 minutes) Direction:
In a ½ sheet of paper, write three scenarios showing the elements of school as a
social system.

I. Reflection
dddcc A.a.
A. No. of learners who earned 80 % on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who requires additional

activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter on the

remedial process?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with
other practice teachers?

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