Wireless Sensor Network Literature Review

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Navigating the Depths of Literature Review for Wireless Sensor Networks

Embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review for wireless sensor networks (WSN) is akin
to navigating a vast ocean of information. It's a meticulous process that demands not only time and
dedication but also a keen eye for detail and synthesis. A literature review serves as the backbone of
any research endeavor, providing a comprehensive overview of existing knowledge and insights in a
particular field. For those delving into the realm of WSN, the task can prove to be particularly
challenging due to the interdisciplinary nature of the subject and the rapid pace at which new
advancements emerge.

Challenges Galore

The challenges inherent in crafting a literature review for WSN are manifold. Firstly, the sheer
volume of literature available on the subject can be overwhelming. From research papers and journal
articles to conference proceedings and technical reports, the plethora of sources can make it difficult
to discern which are most pertinent to your research question. Furthermore, WSN intersects with
various disciplines such as computer science, electrical engineering, and environmental monitoring,
adding another layer of complexity to the review process.

Compiling and synthesizing the information gleaned from these diverse sources is no easy feat. It
requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the underlying concepts but also the ability to
identify patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing literature. Additionally, ensuring the accuracy and
relevance of the sources selected is paramount, as outdated or irrelevant information can compromise
the integrity of the review.

Why Seek Assistance?

Given the myriad challenges associated with writing a literature review for WSN, many researchers
opt to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, in particular, offers a
reliable solution for those in need of expert guidance and support. With a team of experienced
writers well-versed in the intricacies of literature review writing, ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ can help
streamline the process and ensure the delivery of a high-quality, well-researched review.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can save valuable time and energy
while ensuring that your review meets the highest standards of excellence. Whether you're a
seasoned researcher or a novice embarking on your first foray into the world of WSN, ⇒
StudyHub.vip ⇔ can provide the assistance you need to navigate the complexities of literature
review writing with confidence and ease.


In conclusion, writing a literature review for wireless sensor networks is a challenging yet essential
task for researchers seeking to contribute to the advancement of the field. By enlisting the support of
professional writing services like ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can navigate the complexities of the
review process with ease and confidence. With their expertise and guidance, you can craft a review
that not only showcases your understanding of the subject but also lays the groundwork for future
research and innovation in the exciting realm of WSN.
The main role of the virtual machine is to interpret those distributed modules. Once direct sunbeam
on the light sensor can be confused with the fire, Penha et al. It requires large memory and great
processing power Limited Limited The shortest route is used. In ZRP, only a small amount of routing
information is required and less routing traffic is caused. ZRP divides the network into zones and
uses two schemes for routing, one for in-zone nodes, and one for nodes outside of it. Then, size O
(logN) routing tables are created and, after that, broadcast trees that span all nodes are constructed.
(iii) Maintenance phase: In this phase, routing tables and node energy levels are being created. The
limited energy sufficiency of sensor nodes is the main cause for the termination of their operation
and thus the gradual elimination of the overall lifetime of WSNs. The contents of such a database
are stored data and the sensor data. Every node is assigned with a specific role inside the network
such as data acquisition and processing. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as
one view. Low None The nodes pick their next hop neighbor node to send data via a cost function.
An interested node sends an REQ message and, in the case that it does not receive the DATA, it
resends the REQ message. Previous Article in Journal Compact Finite Field Multiplication Processor
Structure for Cryptographic Algorithms in IoT Devices with Limited Resources. After clustering, it
uses the chain formation process of PEGASIS to construct a chain starting from the distant cluster
heads within every cluster and ending at the BS. When the protocol starts the clustering process, the
base station constructs DVB and divides the cluster heads in levels, according to their distance from
the base station. Supported None Nodes in Zone 0 use direct routing while nodes in Zones 1 and 2
transmit data to the BS via their cluster heads. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion
and Power (IJTPP). Nodes transmit sensed data if their sensed value is above the hard threshold and
changed from their previous value by the soft threshold. In what follows in this section, two typical
examples of hybrid flat energy efficient routing protocols are described. In this subsection, five
typical examples of protocols of this type are described. Journal of Low Power Electronics and
Applications (JLPEA). Synopsis of Network Structure Protocols belonging to the Flat Reactive
subcategory. Evolution of wireless sensor network for air quality measurements Arroyo, P.; Lozano,
J.; Suarez, J. 2018 24. Industrial wireless sensor and actuator networks in Industry 4.0: Exploring
requirements, protocols, and challenges—A MAC survey S. Raza, M. Faheem, and M. Genes 2019
25. Cause the Industry 4.0 in the automated industry to new requirements on the user interface C.
Furthermore, the protocol tries to position the cluster head in the middle of the cluster, to avoid long
distances between cluster nodes and, by utilizing a cost propagation model, it achieves a good link
between cluster heads and cluster nodes that saves more energy. By using HMRP, extension of
network lifetime using data aggregation and energy balanced routing is achieved. In case they
receive an REQ message from another interested node, they cancel their REQ message to limit
unnecessary requests. These entities are described in detail below. 4.4.1. Solo Entities Solo entities
are those that work alone with minimal safety. WSN-specific MAC-protocols are highly op- timized
for a particular scenario and the associated traffic pattern. IoT has dramatically changed human life,
especially regarding communication devices integrating technologies. There is a waiting time before
sending the REQ messages.
They discussed each application of WSN in urban areas and their solutions. Of course, the
achievement of energy efficiency along with other performance metrics is not an easy task because of
the contradictory conditions that must be met. Wireless Sensor Network for Ignitions Detection: An
IoT approach. Some issues, such as sniffing and spoofing, unauthorized access, data changing,
forging, and unapproved alteration of IoT and WSN nodes, pose significant uncertainties in IoT.
Then, the prototype was turned on for 10 tests collecting data within the laboratory with a 2 s
collection interval (using a USB cable). A cost function is used to capture delay, throughput, and
energy consumption from every node to the base station. Low None The route with minimum energy
cost is used. Finally, the mobility unit provides transportability. Limited None Maximum PDR and
minimum end-to-end delay and energy consumption routes are used. Good. It can be used to define
the data rate transmission between modules and the central system. This means that energy is a
scarce resource and energy effi ciency is key in designing protocols and algorithms. As the radio is
and will remain the largest consumer of energy in the node it is important to communicate only when
necessary. Lange 2020 34. Industry 4.0: adoption challenges and benefits for SMEs T. Next, DHAC
controls the minimum cluster size, which can be used as a lower limit size by using the procedure
Merge Clusters. Indoor sensors can be easily managed and protected, while outdoor sensors are more
vulnerable to attackers due to remote locations with poor security, harsh climates, etc 78. A worm,
such as a Trojan horse, can infect one’s computer when one downloads a file or receives an update.
This paper covers several aspects of Industry 4.0, from the designing phase to security needs, from
the deployment stage to the classification of the network, the difficulties, challenges, and future
directions. In addition to data, its transmission over the network should also be protected. The
developers by using an SQL-like language assume that the whole network is the database. During the
first phase, the rank of the linear system built, which represents the energy spent, is reduced by using
the forward elimination technique. A synopsis of the characteristics of the aforementioned zone
based hierarchical routing protocols is presented in Table 9. 4. Topology Routing protocols of this
category are classified into four subcategories depending on whether they use their location
information, tree topology, mobile sinks, or mobile agents to route data. They also discussed the
challenges they faced during deployment and presented future directions in the acoustic area. Thus,
energy consumption is reduced and a set of minimum energy routes to each source is found. Note
that the ob- stacles may be mobile, which will make for changing signal conditions and therefore
changing channel reli- ability. However, a single path use removes path failure tolerance. The WSN
community that has formed over the years is divided into tw o sub-communities: the systems sub-
community and the theory sub-community. Yet, nodes are considered to be static during data
gathering. Then, sending nodes send the actual data (DATA) to interested nodes. The intruder can
take over a node and reprogram it with a malicious code, damaging the entire network.
Updates:system components could not be upgraded due to interoperability between protocols,
systems, and their components. However, link instability caused by quickly changing channel
conditions such as collisions, interference from other devices and moving obstacles can not be elimi-
nated this way.
In this attack, a node sends an RREQ packet to all its neighbors in the network, and the router is
supposed to forward the packet instead of discarding it. Then, we evaluated the quality of the
papers, and then extracted the relevant features. 3.1. Planning Review The planning of the review
was based on the research questions and their objectives. Additionally, the soft, hard, and energy
thresholds are defined. Finally, the mobility unit provides transportability. Although new security
mechanisms are being developed, intruders can easily find other ways to attack systems. Table 8
explains the network security attacks in the IoT and WSN domains. In what follows in this section,
eight typical examples of fuzzy logic based energy efficient routing protocols are described.
ThingSpeak only has eight data fields (the name of this field must be field1 to field8). The main
advantage of MIP is that lower energy consumption is achieved with small number of sources.
During the clustering process, the number of clusters is derived from the SEP algorithm. Synopsis of
Hierarchical Protocols belonging to the Zone based subcategory. They perform well in networks with
few sensor nodes, but they have extremely low scalability. It requires large memory and great
processing power Limited Limited The shortest route is used. Low Static BS Data are sent from
cluster nodes to the cluster head, and via the master cluster head reach the BS. In what follows in
this section, two typical examples of this subcategory are described. The comparative investigation
of such works was the aim of the survey presented in this article. Cluster nodes transmit packets to
their cluster heads using single-hop and cluster heads send their data to the BS via direct
communication or via relay nodes. The route establishment algorithm is used to gather information
and specifications of the route to construct a routing tree, with the BS being its root. When the
energy reserves of nodes are unequal and the BS is far away from the network field, the use of
SHPER protocol becomes even more beneficial. However, this only reduces the overhead associated
with radio communication. In addition, collision-free data transmission is attained. Cluster heads
transmit their data to the master cluster head, which aggregates data and forwards them to the BS.
During the life-cycle of the network the mid- dleware should establish protective mechanisms to
ensure security requirements such as authenticity, in- tegrity and confidentiality. Also, they proved
that it is very possible that an application will grow in time, therefore mechanisms for a dynamic
network to- pology should be available from the middleware. In what follows in this section, two
typical examples of proactive flat energy efficient routing protocols are described. Moreover, less
energy consumption than SPIN occurs when broadcasting messages. Despite that, there are several
research challenges in WSN are energy constraints, communication and routing, and security. They
performed multiple algorithms such as multi-layer perceptron, SVM, and PCA to discriminate and
quantify the volatile organic compounds. When the selection has been done, the sending node
reduces antenna’s power level to the minimum required to reach only the selected node. However, as
it uses single hop routing, it is not suggested for sensor networks deployed in large areas. They
discussed technologies, various challenges, future directions, and various Internet of Things (IoT)
Synopsis of Hierarchical Protocols belonging to the Zone based subcategory. This methodology will
be presented in a future paper. It combines a Dominating Set algorithm (DS) for cluster formation
and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to shorten transmission distance within a cluster, in order to
reduce the chain lengths of it. It requires large memory and great processing power Limited Limited
The shortest route is used. Meter Group. 5TE Soil Moisture, Temperature, and Electrical
Conductivity Sensor. The base of this project is the acquisition and communication modules, that will
be spread in the forest, and will gather information about several relevant data for efficient
characterization of existing forest conditions (fire ignition detection and danger index, as examples).
Fortune favors the prepared: How SMEs approach business model innovations in Industry 4.0. J. M.
Muller et al. 2018 32. Visual computing as a critical enabling technology for industries 4.0 and
industrial Internet J. After cluster formation process, two thresholds for sensed characteristics, which
namely are Soft Threshold (ST) and Hard Threshold (HT), are broadcasted to cluster nodes from
cluster heads. The data packets flow through the downstream direction from distant nodes to closer
to the BS nodes. In what follows in this section, seventeen typical examples of location based
energy efficient routing protocols are described. Then, size O (logN) routing tables are created and,
after that, broadcast trees that span all nodes are constructed. (iii) Maintenance phase: In this phase,
routing tables and node energy levels are being created. Specifically, first neighboring nodes are
grouped in formations called zones and then it applies a maximum battery life policy. RT expresses
the period of time, within which reports are sent from every node while A represents the physical
parameters. Conv ergence is a good option for termination in asynchronous algorithms, and is
actually also often used in rounds-based algorithms. Another op- tion is to bound the maximum
number of messages sent for one algorithm run. Their core architecture is based on creating a
communi- cation model that will facilitate message exchanges be- tween nodes and the sink nodes of
the wireless sensor network. However, in terms of network and other failures MOTE-VIEW does not
provide any self-configuration scheme. Another advantage of GBDD is that only the BS constructs
the grid. After the quality analysis, only 120 articles were reviewed. The data abstraction layer acts
as the database interface where all the data is been stored. They also proposed a topology-based
maintenance system to analyze network architecture. Journal of Functional Morphology and
Kinesiology (JFMK). There are four phases in the self-organizing algorithm: (i) Discovery phase:
Every node discovers neighbor nodes. (ii) Organization phase: Groups that are formed and merged
forming a hierarchy where every node has an address based on its hierarchy position. High None The
route that starts with different single hop neighbor is used. Within every cluster, there are multiple
CCOs depending on the number of the nearby clusters, each transmitting data to one of them. In
HGR, every node defines a priority for its next hop Q i, which can take many forms for proper use
of its distance and direction routing criteria. In addition, it maintains a desired delivery speed across
the network while it includes a two-tier adaption for diverting traffic at network layer and locally
regulating packets sent to the MAC layer. With the use of MOFKA, higher energy efficiency is
achieved comparatively with other fuzzy logic based protocols. The survey continues by presenting
the middleware solution as a key player in overcoming the wireless sensor networks limitations and
as our main methodology behind our proposed approach. Part of this problem is solved by the MAC
layer orchestrating the communication in such a way that the radio can be turned off most of the
time. Internal intruders are people inside the organization; they can be either a customer or a
legitimate user, such as an employee of the organization’s network.
Good Supported Single hop routing to neighbor nodes is used. In Figure 7 a, there was a necessity to
reorganize some peripherals, such as the arrangement of flame sensors. The root can increase a
sequence number in the DIO messages to trigger “global recalculation” of DODAG. As the objective
was only to test the communication, exclusively the data from Sensor 5 are shown in the Figure 14,
together with the data transmitted from the battery voltage. Sensor nodes usually have limited
power, processing, and memory. Good Good The minimum energy ingestion route is used. Due to the
tremendous proliferation of IoT devices, this paradigm is now being shifted from the IoT to the
Internet of Everything. In the end, en ergy efficiency is simply a metric to compare and rank
different algorithms. To com- pare different algorithms w ith respect to energy effi- ciency, what is
required is a precise analysis of the num- ber of messages sent. Firstly, all the queries that are
generated are easy to read and understand and secondly the underlying system will be responsible
for the genera- tion and the modifications of the query without the query itself to need any
modifications. However, in the case that the number of cluster nodes exceeds a specific amount,
network operation faces a negative effect. Firstly, the unreliability of the underlying network is often
ignored. Low None The best route with balanced clusters is used. Nodes close to the BS need to
relay more data than the distant nodes and consume more energy. On the other hand, different
energy levels are not considered. I-LEACH, during cluster head election, implements a threshold and
takes into account three parameters which namely are: (i) Number of Neighbors. (ii) Residual Energy.
(iii) Ratio of the average distance of nodes from the BS and the distance between each individual
node. It lacks GPS navigation and consumes energy from periodic data sending. In order to
maximize information gain while maintaining latency and bandwidth at minimum, nodes are queried
and data are routed by activating sensor nodes close to a specific event and data routes are
dynamically adjusted. As performed in the original PEGASIS, within the level area, chain
construction begins from the farthest nodes utilizing a greedy algorithm. The non-uniform node
distribution causes imbalanced energy consumption, which EADC implements an increased
forwarding task of cluster heads in sporadic areas to solve it. ATEER classifies sensor nodes into
three modes, super-advanced, advanced and normal, depending on their residual energy level. The
main objective of using the QAC was to ensure that the primary studies selected were appropriate to
address the concerns of previous studies. SPIN-EC considers energy constraints and properly adapts
its operation. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). If a
sender cannot find a destination node, it turns into void handling mode. However, there seems to be
no connection between the two sub-com- munities. Various representative examples of the
aforementioned categories of protocols were studied and their pros and cons were highlighted.
Studies with a score greater than or equal to 80 were selected according to the grading criteria shown
in Figure 7. 3.7. Data Extraction and Synthesis Process After collecting articles relevant to the
research questions and objectives, we performed a SLR according to various characteristics, such as
year of publication, limitations, and future work. The taxonomy of existing studies and the
contribution of IoT in IR 4.0 is shown in Figure 8. 4.3. RQ3: Type of WSN Coverage Area for IR
4.0 WSN coverage is an important factor in sensor quality. Feature papers are submitted upon
individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. As Sympa- thy is
a fully automated system, we will be aiming to provide some kind of automatic mechanisms in our
mid- dleware for the above design criteria without thou gh this to be our first priority.

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