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Breastfeeding And Neurodevelopment: A Literature Review

Exploring the complex relationship between breastfeeding and neurodevelopment is a challenging

yet crucial endeavor. The literature surrounding this topic is vast and multifaceted, encompassing
various studies, theories, and findings. Understanding the nuances of this relationship requires
diligent research, critical analysis, and synthesis of information from diverse sources.

Writing a comprehensive literature review on breastfeeding and neurodevelopment demands

meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Researchers must sift
through numerous scholarly articles, journals, and publications to identify relevant studies and
evidence. Additionally, they must critically evaluate the methodologies, findings, and limitations of
each study to draw meaningful conclusions.

One of the main difficulties in writing a literature review on this topic is the sheer volume of
research available. Sorting through extensive databases and archives to locate pertinent studies can be
time-consuming and overwhelming. Furthermore, synthesizing the information obtained from
disparate sources while maintaining coherence and clarity poses its own set of challenges.

Moreover, interpreting the findings of various studies and reconciling conflicting results adds another
layer of complexity to the writing process. Researchers must navigate through divergent perspectives
and theoretical frameworks to construct a balanced and informed narrative.

Given the intricacies involved in conducting a literature review on breastfeeding and

neurodevelopment, seeking professional assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers
specialized writing services tailored to the needs of researchers and scholars. Our team of
experienced writers and researchers can assist you in crafting a comprehensive and compelling
literature review that meets the highest academic standards.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your paper is
thoroughly researched, meticulously written, and effectively communicates the current state of
knowledge on breastfeeding and neurodevelopment. Our commitment to excellence and attention to
detail make us the premier choice for academic writing assistance.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on breastfeeding and neurodevelopment is a challenging

but rewarding endeavor. With the assistance of ⇒ ⇔, researchers can overcome the
complexities associated with this task and produce a high-quality paper that contributes to the
advancement of knowledge in this important field.
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the data made available in
this article, unless otherwise stated. Each paper can be rated with only one star for each point,
besides Comparability that can be rated up to two stars. Timing of breastfeeding initiation and
exclusivity of breastfeeding during the first month of life: Effects on neonatal mortality and
morbidity—a systematic review and meta-analysis. As metabolism changes during pregnancy from
an anabolic (building up) to a largely catabolic (breaking down) state ( King, 2000 ), nutrient
absorption by the mother’s intestine is increased, while their excretion from the mother’s kidneys
and gastrointestinal tract is altered ( Zhang et al., 2013; Plecas et al., 2014 ). In addition to these
metabolic changes, nutrients are redirected to the placenta and mammary glands, as well as mostly
transferred to the developing fetus ( Nnam, 2015 ). Using multiple regression analyses, associated
symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep, well-being pain severity scores, BSES, and group
assignment was assessed related to EBF at 6 weeks postpartum. To explore the experiences of
women on reasons in initiating and maintaining breastfeeding in urban area of Karachi, Pakistan: An
exploratory study. Participants with scores less than 85, defined by the Bayley-III as “low average,
borderline and extremely low,” were described as showing evidence of neuroimpairment and were
also compared between groups. Review of bilirubin neurotoxicity I: molecular biology and
neuropathology of disease. We wish to acknowledge the Human Milk Banking Association of North
America and specifically the Mother’s Milk Bank of Ohio and the NorthernStar Mothers’ Milk Bank
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for providing the donor milk. Household knowledge and practices of
newborn and maternal health in Haripur district, Pakistan. Effects of saccharomyces boulardii on
neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: a randomized controlled trial. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Download citation
Received: 23 November 2015 Accepted: 10 June 2016 Published: 18 June 2016 DOI: Share this
article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link
Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. It was concluded that the relationship
between exclusive breastfeeding and preterm newborns may have difficulties in establishing itself,
mainly due to factors related to maternal intention to breastfeed, support from family and health
professionals, education, presence of the partner and among others. The levels relevant to the factors
of this health issue were identified to be: geographical, health-specific, socio-economic, and
individual. During pregnancy, vitamin A and its derived products are needed by the mother for
placental maintenance and by the embryo for the formation and development of various organs (i.e.,
hearth, eye, kidney, lung, limbs, spinal cord, and brain). For more information, please refer to our
Privacy Policy. Quality assessment was performed independently by the same investigators that
performed the literature search and study selection. The recommendations of the PRISMA group
were followed in terms of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion criteria ( Moher et al.,
2009 ). Infant feeding practices of mothers in an urban area in Nepal. Search terms Search terms
were applied with various Boolean operators for three core concepts: breastfeeding; timing of
breastfeeding initiation; and countries in South Asia. These consistencies confirm that promoting and
facilitating the use of maternal health services should be prioritised to achieve progress on early
initiation of breastfeeding. With an increasing awareness of the benefits of mother’s milk, use of
pasteurized donor human milk (donor milk) as a supplement has increased substantially in North
America. 9, 10 The Human Milk Banking Association of North America estimated that its members
dispensed 3.8 million ounces of donor milk in 2015. 9. For more information, please refer to our
Privacy Policy. Determinants of timely initiation of breastfeeding among mothers in Goba Woreda,
South East Ethiopia: a cross sectional study. Data and Safety Monitoring Committee: Frank Greer,
MD, Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health,
Madison (chair); Sharon Groh-Wargo, PhD, RD, Case Western Reserve University at MetroHealth
Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio; Ardythe Morrow, PhD, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in
Human Milk and Lactation Global Health Center and Department of Pediatrics, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Newborn care practices in low socioeconomic settlements of Karachi,
Pakistan. In three of these cases, the delivery mode is known and in two cases the birthweight is
known. Factors associated with early initiation of breastfeeding The factors associated with timely or
early initiation of breastfeeding as revealed by the existing literature, according to the levels for
analysis, are: geographical, socioeconomic, individual and health-specific. You are encouraged to
report adverse drug event information to the FDA.
At this time, the World Health Organization recommended that mothers with suspected, probable or
confirmed ZIKV infection, or who reside in or have travelled within 2 weeks to areas of ongoing
ZIKV transmission, should start breastfeeding within 1 h of birth, breastfeed exclusively for 6
months and continuing breastfeeding their child up to 2 years of age or beyond ( World Health
Organization, 2016a ). Determinants of suboptimal breast-feeding practices in Pakistan. A decrease
in SCFA due to dysbacteriosis can aggravate the intestinal inflammatory response, which leads to a
decrease in intestinal motility, resulting in a large of bilirubin entering the enterohepatic circulation
and ultimately causing the development of BMJ ( 45, 46 ). The mother’ immune activation during
pregnancy appears to be an important risk factor for the neurodevelopmental alterations observed in
the progeny that later manifest as behavioral disorders ( Boksa, 2010; Knuesel et al., 2014; Ziats et
al., 2015 ). It also reviews the literature identifying barriers to the successful establishment and
maintenance of breastfeeding in preterm infants and discusses the strengths and limitations of this
body of research. For each reference, primary data pertaining to the participants, exposures,
outcomes, methods and results were reviewed. In the community, the impact of neonatal BMJ on
reduced breastfeeding and vaccination rates has been widely observed, which may resulting in
adverse consequences for infant growth and disease prevention, even though clinicians generally
advise continuing exclusive breastfeeding during BMJ ( 5 ). The following electronic databases were
searched: Pubmed, Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR), Embase, Cochrane Library,
Medline, Web of Science and Ovid. Methods Protocol of the systematic literature review was
proposed in the University of Melbourne Master of Public Health research project and was approved
by the University prior to commencement. The information, content, or conclusions expressed in this
article reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or
policies of their affiliated institutions. Among these metabolites, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) has
become a focal point in recent years. Although research is expanding on the matter, limited
knowledge remains. Direct inspection for transverse and vertical relation. Armijo-Olivo S, Stiles CR,
Hagen NA, Biondo PD, Cummings GG. In a landmark paper, germ-free mice, which are born to a
sterile environment and are thus not colonized by bacteria, were shown to have an inadequate
development of their stress response through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, hence altering
anxiety-like behavior ( Sudo, 2014 ). Human Milk Banking Association of North America website..
Accessed May 9, 2016. 10. Colaizy. Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria Full size table.
Determinants of infant and young child feeding practices in Sri Lanka: secondary data analysis of
demographic and health survey 2000. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of
our website. Serum testing of the newborn produced a negative result for ZIKV on the first and third
days after birth. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the data
made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Newborn care practices in low socioeconomic
settlements of Karachi, Pakistan. Socioeconomic factors The social and economic circumstances of a
woman and the household have much influence on timing of breastfeeding initiation in the South
Asian context, pertinently the education of mother, occupation of mother, household wealth and
family size and family type. SCFA are mainly produced by the fermentation of dietary fiber by
microbiota, which is produced in the upper part of the colon near the ileocecal junction ( 34, 35 ).
National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. This article was based on the selection of 13
studies related to breastfeeding and prematurity found in Scielo, CAPES and BVS in the last six
years, which passed inclusion and exclusion criteria. Although probiotics and prebiotics have a
significant impact on the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, the efficacy remains controversial.
Relationship between Breastfeeding and Malocclusion: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Several studies have investigated the connection between occlusion and breastfeeding and they often
came to different conclusions. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
You can call them as caretakers of this holy task. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their
healthy newborn infants. The nature of the evidence, the lack of strong quality studies by design and
sample size, limit the overall strength of the findings however this is not a topic suited to randomised
controlled trials therefore this review reflects some of the highest quality that is likely to be
generated. Breastfeeding in the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study. In the community, the
impact of neonatal BMJ on reduced breastfeeding and vaccination rates has been widely observed,
which may resulting in adverse consequences for infant growth and disease prevention, even though
clinicians generally advise continuing exclusive breastfeeding during BMJ ( 5 ). Overbite alterations:
anterior open bite (negative overbite) and anterior deep bite (increased overbite) Validated
questionnaire. The levels relevant to the factors of this health issue were identified to be:
geographical, health-specific, socio-economic, and individual. Find support for a specific problem in
the support section of our website. Breastfeeding in infancy: identifying the program-relevant issues
in Bangladesh. However, the inclusion dates were limited and findings presented based on countries
and detailing their specify context and participant type where possible to assist the use of the
findings per situation. In order to increase the incidence and duration of breastfeeding preterm
infants, researchers must examine breastfeeding experiences longitudinally. Existing theories
(biochemical, behavioral, and genetic) used to explain the effect of breastfeeding on
neurodevelopment are explained including the supporting research. A changing ecosystem across age,
environment, diet, and diseases. Twenty-five studies meeting inclusion criteria were included for
review. However, for the quantitative data the study based findings only on descriptive values
without statistical associations. Several studies involve random selection of participants while others
targeted new mothers and fathers, untrained TBAs, ethnic minority women, attendees of
immunisation clinics, postnatal mothers, mothers who were currently breastfeeding and those who
had discontinued breastfeeding. In this review, we perused the recently published studies on the
association of breastfeeding with developmental outcomes. Screening examination of premature
infants for retinopathy of prematurity. Though there isn’t any evidence to support this fact, scientists
are of the belief that breast milk helps tackle the respiratory problems connected with SIDS. For the
developing central nervous system (CNS), ketones not only can act as an energy source but also be
used in lipogenesis as a lipid precursor. As to occlusion development and breastfeeding, Peres et al.
Overall, understanding the mechanisms of intestinal flora in the role of BMJ may increase the
promotion and support of breastfeeding, and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goal of maternal and child health. Cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases can convert PUFAs into
short-lived hormones—eicosanoids—that possess inflammatory properties (e.g., prostaglandins,
thromboxanes, lipoxins, and leukotrienes). Children who were fed by the bottle for a period of time
greater than 18 months have a risk greater than 1.6%, 1.16% and 1.43% of having, respectively,
posterior cross bite, maxillary compression and canine Class II than children who received said
feeding until 18 months. There was no disagreement regarding the eligibility of studies. Descriptive
analysis, t-test, chi-square test, Kaplan---Meier curves and Cox regressionwere used. An independent
data and safety monitoring committee reviewed key safety data (growth, major morbidity, death)
after the first one-third and two-thirds of infants completed the feeding intervention. In this review,
we will describe the underlying pathogenetic mechanism of the intestinal flora effects on BMJ. In
addition, more multicenter randomized clinical trial studies are needed to further elucidate the long-
term benefits or risks of probiotics and prebiotics on BMJ. The infection can be acquired through
different routes: a bite from the Aedes mosquito, sexual contact, from mother to child during
pregnancy and by blood transfusion.
Therefore, it may be a corner stone in setting the developmental outcomes of the progeny. Share with
us your inputs and knowledge on the subject by writing in. Two studies used qualitative methods, 17
used quantitative methods and six were mixed-methods studies. Descriptive analysis, t-test, chi-
square test, Kaplan---Meier curves and Cox regressionwere used. MeSH heading was used for
breastfeeding; and ASIA South-eastern or Asia. Results Factors at geographical, socioeconomic,
individual, and health-specific levels, such as residence, education, occupation, income, mother’s age
and newborn’s gender, and ill health of mother and newborn at delivery, affect early or timely
breastfeeding initiation in South Asia. Grey literature was not included thus it is possible that
relevant unpublished articles were overlooked however the lack of peer-review for grey literature
inflicts quality concerns. Zinc is thus crucial to embryogenesis, fetal growth, and development, as
well as milk production ( Donangelo and King, 2012; Roohani et al., 2013 ). Zinc is also an essential
mineral for intestinal microbiome flora health. There were no restrictions in terms of study design,
date or language. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, United States. The methodology
of published studies is critiqued in the areas of classification of infant feeding, definition of
outcomes, study design and statistical analysis, control of confounding variables, and interpretation
of results. Two papers were deemed excluded after reading the abstract, the title and the study
design. However, for the quantitative data the study based findings only on descriptive values
without statistical associations. Interventions for promoting the initiation of breastfeeding. Armijo-
Olivo S, Stiles CR, Hagen NA, Biondo PD, Cummings GG. Infant feeding practices of mothers in
an urban area in Nepal. Filling the gap, identified in this review, in evidence concerning socio-
economic and political context that influence breastfeeding practices may lead to better informed
and more context-specific policies that impact more significantly. For more information on the
journal statistics, click here. Table 3 Barriers to early initiation of breastfeeding Full size table. Breast
feeding practices in post IMNCI era in rural community of Haryana. The search was undertaken
from July to September, 2013. Description of breastfeeding practices among poorer sections in
Calcutta Metropolitan area and its impact on postpartum infecundity. During pregnancy, vitamin A
and its derived products are needed by the mother for placental maintenance and by the embryo for
the formation and development of various organs (i.e., hearth, eye, kidney, lung, limbs, spinal cord,
and brain). Timing of breastfeeding initiation and exclusivity of breastfeeding during the first month
of life: Effects on neonatal mortality and morbidity—a systematic review and meta-analysis. This
review was influenced by several limitations thus results should not be interpreted as a necessarily
definitive list of all factors and barriers experienced by women in South Asia. Quality appraisal
Quality of included studies was appraised separately for qualitative and quantitative methods
assessing features of study design, methodology and analysis. This way, researchers and clinicians
can begin to understand the barriers to breastfeeding at various time periods in the breastfeeding
experience and begin implementing strategies to remove these barriers. Expand 61 1 Excerpt Save
Fatty acid composition of brain, retina, and erythrocytes in breast- and formula-fed infants. M.
Makrides M. Neumann R. Byard K. Simmer R. Gibson Medicine, Biology The American journal of
clinical nutrition 1994 TLDR The higher concentration of DHA in brains of breast- fed infants may
explain the improved neurodevelopment reported in breast-fed compared with formula-fed infants.
Escobar-Morreale Medicine BMJ: British Medical Journal 2006 TLDR Breast feeding has little or no
effect on intelligence in children and the mother's IQ was more highly predictive of breastfeeding
status than were her race, education, age, poverty status, smoking, the home environment, or the
child's birth weight or birth order. Coincidentally, the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin that
induced BMJ also happens to be hydrolytically separated at the end of the ileum, and then forms
unconjugated bilirubin that is absorbed by the intestine ( 36 ).

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