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1. Speaking in front of an audience can be nerve-racking but once you become accustomed to it, you’ll
find it easy. SWING
2. My apartment block has a 24-hour security system. CLOCK
3. I’m tired of ordinary novels. I want to read something original. MILL
4. We decided to do to a desert island so that we could escape from our daily problems. AWAY
5. I was extremely happy when I won first prize. MOON
6. This novel isn’t as good as everyone says it is. CRACKED
7. I play badminton quite often now that I know the game and I’m getting better with it. SWING
8. After her holiday, trouble at work made Martha face reality again. EARTH
9. Janet was really happy at the disco as she loves dancing. ELEMENT
10. It’s the first time we’ve won the cup and we’re delighted. MOON
11. John worked all day and all night to finish the assignment. CLOCK
12. Since shellfish upset mu stomach, I try to avoid it. STEER
13. My father didn’t tell me about my mother’s illness. DARK
14. After a week on the beach in Tunisia, I have a great suntan. BERRY
15. I got up early in order to avoid the traffic on the way to work. CRACK
get into the swing of it/things = to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something
round-the-clock= happening or done all day and all night
run-of-the-mill = Không có gì đặc biệt; tầm thường
get away from somebody/something = to avoid something that is difficult or unpleasant for you, or
something that limits what you can do in some way
over the moon = vui sướng, hạnh phúc = on cloud nine = like a dog with two tails
Not everything it’s cracked up to be = mọi thứ không như lời đồn
-> nghĩa là thất vọng, vỡ mộng
come (back) down to earth= to start dealing with life and problems again after you have had a very
exciting time
Be in (one’s) element" = đúng trong môi trường -> nghĩa là ở trạng thái làm việc thoải mái hoặc thành
Steer clear of: có từ steer là hướng theo một con đường, hướng bước về và clear là tách ra, xa ra; vì thế
cụm từ này nghĩa là tránh/lánh xa ai đó/điều gì đó mà có vẻ khó chịu/khó ưa, nguy hiểm hoặc có thể gây
rắc rối = to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to cause problems
keep (someone) in the dark (about something) = To keep someone uninformed (about something); to
exclude someone from full knowledge or disclosure (of something).
(as) brown as a berry = làn da rám nắng.

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