Reading Comprehension Shoulders To Cry Answer Key

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Introduce the document as precisely as possible. origin / date etc)


What we have here is an article by Dan Kadison who may be a New York Post journalist (which was certainly taken from the online edition of the NY Post). The New York Post is a tabloid * known for its sensationalist headlines and which is generally acknowledged as the nations oldest newspaper. The article is entitled Shoulders to cry on :Tattoo pain Therapy for 9/11 grief and was issued on September 5, 2006 five years after the terrorist attacks on the WTC in NY City .It must have been posted on the online edition of the NY Post for the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 events . It must have been written shortly after/following an interview with Cassidy himself as the firefighter is quoted several times by the journalist throughout the article. The article deals with FDNY Firefighter Tiernach Cassidy , a 9/11 witness, who went through tattoo therapy to relieve ( to cope with /to deal with) his pain and pay tribute to his rescue team who
about the Nature of the document (date/origin) about the firefighter (2006) about his friends(names on the tattoo)

- A photograph
by Jonathan Hyman (taken in 2003 )

- Tiernach Cassidy
= a FDNY Firefighter

- Lost 5 of his
friends =9/11 victims

- A 34-year-old
FDNY veteran = 28 years old on September 11

- Got their names

tattooed on his back

- Appeared in
Time Magazine (September , 2006) = on the same week as the NY Post

- Battalion
Commander Orio Palmer / 45

- West 19 Street



- A 8-year vet of the


- Steve Belson of
Battalion 7 /51

- Will be part of
2 exhibits featuring Hymans work at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and at 7 World Trade Center.

- First tattooed at
the age of 18

- Lt. Phil Petti /43 - Mike Mullan /34 - Angel Juarbe

Jr ./35 of ladder 12

- Doesnt like

- Wife called
Cristina =met her at the tattoo parlor

- Son called Lucas /

3 years old

- A huge back

- Was deployed at
Ground zero during the attacks

about his back tattoo

about his motivation for a commemorative tattoo

- A massive back tattoo

representing the 9/11 attacks with the burning Twin Towers

- To remember his friends - A pain therapy had to go

through some sort of pain = a pain thing /help him get through the pain

- A commemorative tattoo - Famous all over the US - Cost = $ 5,000 - Took him 50 hours to
complete (for a year)

- A form of survivors guilt = he

felt guilty for being alive

- An outlet to his fears and pain

/ to exhort his pain

- At the tattoo parlor on West

- Deal with the loss of his team

mates /the 9-11 events

23rd St = Rising Dragon

- attacks with the burning Twin


- Tribute to his friend in

memory of the day he will never forget

- to heal a healing process - memorialize the friends he

had lost and the day

- A tattoo therapy

What do the following acronyms, words , figures refer to in the article ?

Ground Zero : Most of the time it refers to a crash impact . Here it refers to the devastated site of the collapsed WTC towers in NY after 9/11 Lt. : it refers to lieutenant /leftenant/ Phil Petti one of Cassidys friends who perished that day. FDNY: It refers to New York City Fire Department /the Fire Department of New York/Fire Department , City of New York Jr. : Junior / it refers to Angel Juarbe one of Cassidys colleagues. vet : it refers to Cassidy, a FDNY Veteran eight-year : It refers to the length of time (how long) he has been a FDNY veteran /the number of working years with the FDNY / to the years he spent as a FDNY firefighter / 8 years of seniority/being in the profession. 9-11 : It refers to September 11, 2001 and to the terrorist attacks that happened that day. 18 : He was 18 years old when he got tattooed for the first time. there : It refers to the tattoo parlor / at the Rising Dragon / to the place where he got tattooed and where he met his girlfriend.

it : it refers to the loss of his friends / to the 9-11 events/tragedy /the painful trauma

Infer the meaning of 2 unknown words making use of the

context and the words you knwow.

everybody heals in their own way Cest un verbe conjugu la 3eme personne du singulier car il est plac aprs le sujet dans la phrase (everybody) ; cette phrase est prononce par Cassidy pour justifier son choix de se faire tatouer. Il dit que chacun le fait sa manire, et lui a choisi le tatouage pour cela. Comme il confre ce tatouage une vertu thrapeutique, jen conclue que heal signifie gurir . On peut remarquer que heal se rapproche de health qui signifie la sant .

Tattoo pain therapy for 9/11 grief On sait quil sagit dun nom grce sa

position dans la phrase. Il se trouve dans le sous-titre, donc il reprend ncessairement lide principale du texte . Il est prcd de 9/11 qui fait rfrence aux attentats terroristes meurtriers du 11 Septembre et qui qualifie le mot inconnu et la pain therapy en est une consquence ; nous sommes dans un contexte de douleur (pain therapy) ; sa signification doit tre en lien avec ces vnements ; De plus, comme 9/11 grief est prcd de for qui introduit toujours un objectif, je peux en dduire que grief donne la raison pour laquelle Cassidy a choisi de se faire tatouer. Comme le dit la phrase dans laquelle il se trouve, cest pour remdier ce mot que le tatouage est une sorte de thrapie. Grief peut alors signifier chagrin/peine /

deuil quelque chose de douloureux (sur le plan motionnel)

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