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A global citizen is a person with knowledge and possibly experience to connect with people in a

interconnected world, a global citizen hold traits like open minded, considerate, caring,
knowledgeable, curiosity and inquisitiveness, and risk-taking.

The ambassador school of global leadership academy of the robert f kennedy community
school’s mission to create global citizens and leaders and preparation for the world as its main
focus, the school utilizes the ib learner profile to define what a global leader and citizen is, and
who exemplifies those traits as a leader and inspiration to many people here and around the
world. The vision of the school is to create more globally minded while being college and career
ready while developing global competency and awareness with collaboration as a community to
ensure student success and encouraging student success in a interconnected world

A person who i believe exhibits the ib traits of caring and principled is Sergeant major of the
Marine corps carlos ruiz
Sgt. maj. Ruiz is a native of sonora, mexico and enlisted in the u.s. Marine corps on november
2, 1993 from buckeye arizona, and became a warehouse clerk as his military occupational
specialty. He has been stationed in many places like okinawa, japan, and marine logistic base
barstow, he was a recruiter in los angeles, saw service in a logistics group in operation iraqi
freedom, and served as a drill instructor at marine corps recruit depot san diego, california.
He saw service in afghanistan as a company gunnery sergeant with company L, 3rd, btl, 4th
marine regiment in helmand provence, afghanistan in support of operarion enduring freedom,
he also served as first sergeant and later as sergeant major in a variety of units. In august 2023
sgt. Maj. ruiz was chosen by the commandant of the marine corps, general eric m. smith, and
since then he has been very active with outreach, participating in events and pushing to make
improvements to the quality of life for enlisted marines, his work and efforts include “barracks
2030 plan” which looks to improve the housing conditions and quality of lids for the unmarried
junior enlisted marine, and speaking to the house armed services committee on the housing of
enlisted marines.
The sergeant major of the marine corps is the senior most enlisted marine and the advisor to
the commandant on all matters relating to the enlisted marine and the most senior enlisted, so
he has to keep a principle for the enlisted marine and show what a enlisted marine is supposed
to manner himself and conduct himself, sgt maj. Ruiz has visited enlisted marines, and marine
corps recruit depot parris island, california, and midshipman at the naval academy and given
speech and lead pt’s and talks with junior marines and nco’s, showing as the senior most
enlisted marine, he has to set a example and lead other marines, and be the expert on all
matters relating to the enlisted, andthese 2 ib profiles exhibit well in him.

A profile I exhibit is risk taker, due to my unusual path compared to the path of a standard high
schooler. Most high schoolers would be planning to apply to college or looking up scholarships
or other plans, while im doing something different, in march 2023 i decided to start a option that
would and will change my life forever, i spoke to a marine recruiter, i passed screening and
qualified, but i was too young as i was still 16, so during that time i trained my body to be better
and stronger. In november soon after my 17th birthday i was picked up by my recruiter after
school to start my process for military entry processing station, which screens new applicants for
physical and medical qualifications and service into the u.s Armed forces, i passed and have a
leave date of june 10, 2024 and with my recruiter selected the mos 5700, chemical, biological,
radiological and nuclear (cbrn) defense.
Another ib profile that i exhibit is inquirer as i have been cuirous in a multitude of topics, mainly
military battles, history and other topics, which i often do my own reaserch that expands my own
I have been fascinated with history and military topics ever since i was younger, which is similar
to my dad, who also enjoys military history too. I often find articles or videos that catch my
interest and make me want to keep learning on this subject which i enjoy doing and often find
myself doing on a frequent basis, which grows my own knowledge on topics ranging from
military organization, napoleonic wars, the world wars, and modern operations today which
makes me aware of the world today and how the people of the past today impacts us today.

A profile that i can improve on is balanced, i have the tendency to forget certain things,
especially school related as i tend to have alot of things happening, especially this year as my
military enlistment demands alot of attention to myself as i need to make myself ready for the
demands of recruit training. Aswell as that i have social and family things i do like workout, go
out with friends and family and other stuff which i enjoy as well. These are just some things i do
and have to learn to balance as in the future balance is needed in both professional and
personal environments.
Another that i can improve on is open minded, although i am a pretty open minded person but i
have been pretty closed minded on some things which i could have been more open minded on.
A example is when i noticed other peers obsessing about grades and extracurriculars and
academics, which i considered exessive and not nessecary, but throught inquiring and other
means i figurerd out that it was these people’s family had never been to higher eduication, and
there the first to go, compared to me, which my whole family has a higher education degrees,
and for these people this was a big deal as there family and there community wanted them to go
to a 4 year college, while that pressure and urgency was not there when i was growing up, since
my whole family has higher education it was seen as just something you did, nothiong special,
and i had more freedom to pursue things that i wanted to do, like enlist in the armed forces.
So with being more open minded, i figured out why so many of my near peers are obsessing
with entering a 4 year university, which i found odd due to my background and with my family
generally having higher levels of education and my family being in the u.s. Longer compared to
others which ment i didnt have the pressure and urgency to attend a school and i was free to
pursue things other.

In conclusion, a global citizen is a person who is open minded, considerate, with the knowledge
and intrinsic motivation to understand the experiences and culture of others in a local, national
and global setting, which allows us to connect with others and build a community with others.
Some ib learners that can help are caring, principled, risk taker, inquirer, balanced and open

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