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Ryan McManus

Professor Jason Molloy

Literature to Film FILM 202-01

2 October 2019

Creature of the Abyss

There I stood, looking down a long dark hallway, the cold stone floor beneath my feet.

That was the moment I felt, I understood true fear. Up to this point I had all my comrades beside

me, but now all alone, the last survivor. My battle armor felt heavy, my sword had become worn

and dull. Many creatures inside the dungeon had tried to stop me, but I killed every one. I have

over come many challenges to get here. I climbed the tallest mountains, ford the greatest seas,

my sword has claimed the lives of every man, creature, or beast that has crossed its path, but now

I fear that’s not enough.

I stand looking into the void, the hallway seems to go off into the abyss. I hear a

monstrous howl from deep within the dungeon. A foul-smelling wind brushes against my cheeks

and I snap back to reality. I quell my shaking heart and proceed deeper into the darkness. As the

dark swallows me whole I lose all sense of vision. The sensory deprivation makes me feel as if I

am floating. Any sense of direction lost. When I stumble upon a dim light, finally a reprieve

from the darkness. The light washes over me and feel safety from the unknown.

My rest is short lived, for now I see the monstrosity that has been calling to me since I

first came in. I see the monster of the abyss. It stands ten feet tall with course purple fur.

A snarling snout hangs over its large toothy maw. Whip like tendrils shimmer in the light as they
slither and slide across the ground. It has no eyes, but I can feel it staring into my soul. It lets out

a terrible shriek that causes my ears to bleed. I try to mount my courage to its sticking place, but

I feel my blood hastily leave my face, as my stomach drops to my knees. This may be my final


The creature opens its mouth as three more mouths appear and begin to open on its body. A thick

black ichor begins to spew forth like oil and covers the ground. A strong static like sounds begins

to echo from deep within its throats. The light begins to fade, and I charge towards the beast.

Who knows if will ever see my home again, or if this vile dwelling becomes my resting place?

As the light is extinguished, I see the end.

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