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You are shifting out of your accommodation.

You think the place is suitable for your English speaking

colleague who is arriving next month.

Write a letter to your colleague -

Explain why you are shifting out.

- Describe your accommodation

- Why is it suitable for your friend?

Dear Amir,

How are you? I hope you are in the best of health. Yesterday, I received your letter in which you have
asked me about different economical accommodations in the US as you are arriving here in the month
of January. I am writing this letter to you to tell you that my place is the best option for you.

I completed my graduation and have taken admission in The Stratford University for doing Masters. This
place is quite far from my university and, therefore, I have decided to shift to the university’s hostel.

Currently, I am residing in a two room apartment near Preston University, where you have taken an
admission. This is a posh area with all the amenities present nearby. Furthermore, this place is very close
to library which has a huge collection of engineering books.

Moreover, this is the best option for you as most of the houses present in this area are expensive, and
you do not have to pay an extra amount for utility bills over here. The landlord is cooperative and there
is a free parking over here.

Please share with me the fight details so, that I can pick you up from the airport. I am looking forward to
hearing from you soon.

With best wishes,

Waqas Wahab

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