Unit Lesson Plan Weather Intro 1

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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Skyler Ramp Date: 2/6/24

Group Size: Whole Class Allotted Time: 30 minutes Grade Level: 2nd
Subject or Topic: Science Unit weather

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

- S.K-2.D.2.1.1 Identify weather variables (i.e., temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and
- S.K-2.D.2.1.2 Identify how weather conditions affect daily life.

Learning Targets/Objectives
● Students will be able to identify different weather conditions
● Students will be able to identify the different cloud shapes
● Students will be able to identify different weather tools and how they are used for
different weather conditions
Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection
1. Students will create weather journals to 1. At the end of the unit I will collect the
identify the weather everyday and keep journals to see if the students were
different vocab words and their definitions as following along and took good notes
well as pictures to help them visualize to help them understand the unit
2. Students will receive a fill in the blank
2. Students will take guided notes and fill out worksheet to fill out missing vocab
vocabulary words that can can follow on the
powerpoint on the smartboard

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

3- High fliers - Student who excels in the content ( Students who follow the guided
notes and fill out all blanks correctly
2- Right on- Student is right on track and has an understanding of the content
(Students who complete the guided notes but not all of them are correct/ filled in)
1- Strivers - Students who did not complete the guided notes and did not follow along)

Summative if applicable N/A

Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

Weather is the different conditions that happen every day

New Key Vocabulary

- Meteorologist: an expert in or student of meteorology; a weather forecaster.
- Thermometer: an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one
consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and
having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in
the tube with heating and cooling.
- Fog: a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface
of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility
- Rain gauge: measures the amount of rain that falls.
- Anemometer: an instrument for measuring the speed of the wind, or of any current of

Weather Journals that students will create to keep track of all different vocab and the weather
I can Read About Weather by Robyn Supraner
PowerPoint on weather vocab
PBS what is weather video

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies
Call all students up to the carpet
“Today we are going to start our unit on weather!”
“There are lots of different parts of the weather and many things to learn so make sure we are
being great listeners and hearing all the great things about the weather around us!”
“First I am going to read a story called Weather!”
“What is everyone's favorite type of weather?”
“Mine is for sure when it is warm and sunny out!”
After reading the book the teacher will put on the video from PBS
Once the video is finished students will go back to their desks
We will then start creating their weather journals

Development/Teaching Approaches
1. Once students are back at their seats I will pass out paper for them and teacher will
demonstrate how we are going to create their journals
2. Students will then follow along with step by step instructions from the teacher
3. Once the books are created students will get about 5 minutes to decorate the front
cover making sure their name is on it somewhere
4. Once the students are done we will record the weather and date on the first page
5. Teacher will then project the power point with vocab up on the smart board
6. Students will follow along with the guided fill in the blank notes to help them with
7. Teacher will create examples from each vocabulary word to help the students visualize
what it means

Closure/Summarizing Strategies

Once students are finished with the vocab fill in the blank they will fold the paper up to fit in
their journals
“Today was just the start of our weather unit. We have many more exciting things to keep up


- Follow all IEPs and 504 plans

- Chunking material
- Preferential seating
- Repetition of directions
- Allow extra time if needed
- Provide visual pictures for the students to match up with the vocabulary words

Materials and Resources:

- PBS video about weather
- I can read about Weather by Robyn Supraner
- Paper for the students journals
- Scissors
- Powerpoint on vocabulary
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/

- Fill in the blank vocab definitions

___________________ is a physical scientist who observes, studies, or
forecasts the weather.

Weather is

__________________________________is the movement of water from the air to

the land back to the air.

Evaporation is

___________________________ A tool that measures temperature. You can use a

thermometer to measure air temperature.

_________________________ A measure of how hot or cold something is. In the

summer the temperature of the air is higher than in the winter.

___________________________ each of the four divisions of the year (spring,

summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight
hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.

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