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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Subject Entrepreneurial Mind
A.Y. 2021 - 2022

Submitted to:
Glenndon Sobrejuanite

Submitted by:
Group J

Budiongan, Ma. Hannah

Casim, Alhasib
Godinez, Josly Reg
Gultiano, Aldrian Jay
Racoma, Dexter Louie

Code: 1224

December 2021
I – Concept Name

The “Panulat: School Supplies Vending Machine” business idea is an

automated dispenser that provides school materials within reach to students and
educators. The coined concept name “Panulat” is a Filipino term that simply means
“writing instrument” or “for writing” in English. The word “Panulat” brands the vending
machine that is exclusive for dispensing school items. Hence, People can easily
distinguish that the vending machine provides school materials. Finally, the concept
name can effortlessly be perceived and remembered by the consumers (e.g.,
students, educators, and school administrators).

People today are not new to vending machines. One can spot these machines
in convenience stores or malls. Several educational institutions have vending
machines that provide food and beverages to students and educators. Vending
machines are made to help in optimizing life to be more productive. It is the go-to in
solving the day-to-day problem within reach. Therefore, the school supplies vending
machines offer a solution to one of the major problems of the learners. It is not a new
occurrence where students forget to bring materials (e.g., pencil, paper, ruler) needed
in class. These happening trouble the student because the school will not allow them
to be outside during school hours. Having a vending machine for school supplies
inside the campus will lessen the hassle. The students do not need to go beyond the
school's grounds. The school and the parents can be free from the relentless worry of
students' safety during school hours. Moreover, the machine is a product of
technological advancement which programmed with built-in services and would not
need a constant watch.
II – Problem Statement

In a situation where the students, educators, or even administrators forgot to

bring or needed a specific school item pushed the simple idea of installing vending
machines with a variety of common school supplies. Students who do not have or
forget to bring necessary school material will often find themselves in a difficult
position. Requesting or asking for an extra school utensil from other students, thinking
they are badgering. Therefore, the Panulat automated dispenser sells common
classroom necessities such as pens, papers, and erasers which students and teachers
alike need, yet commonly forget.

The safety of students during school hours is the main issue that educational
institutions face to this day. When students forget to bring the necessary school
materials, they tend in buying outside the school premises. These occurrences
challenge the school authorities in ensuring that the student is safe and secure outside
the school ground. To avoid and minimize possible accidents, the schools can install
the automated school supplies dispenser inside the school premises.

The Panulat dispenser can be situated where bookshops and shops that offer
school supplies are not always available. One of the basic needs of customer
experience is convenience, which is a significant component in deciding how
customers decide what to buy, what services to use, where to go, and with whom to
engage. Convenience, according to conventional thinking, is a function of time and
effort (UX Magazine, 2020).

By nature, machines are more accurate than people. They can more effectively
accomplish jobs at a constant degree of precision without human mistakes. Robotics
and machine learning will make significant inroads into activities that can now have
the limited technical potential for automation as technology advances. More operations
in areas like construction might be automated as a result of these improvements. In
engineer-heavy industries, artificial intelligence may be utilized to develop
components. Students and teachers may readily obtain the supplies in an emergency
or anytime they are needed. Pencils, pens, paper, and textbooks are necessities that
inspire students to engage in classes and absorb information that they may apply in
their communities to improve in general.
III – Stakeholders

Five entrepreneurs coming from different college undergraduate programs will

the iSKOL. This way, expertise is combined and will fit in the necessary know-how
without outsourcing. Furthermore, the business will not operate without the presence
of many different stakeholders that have an essential contribution to the business’

• Entrepreneurs - are willing to take calculated risks to venture into a new

business or revitalize an established one when there is a great
opportunity ahead, given the limited available resources. Holds a huge
responsibility in planning on how to flourish business in the future by
providing step by step tactics. Primarily, the entrepreneurs are the
proponents of the "Panulat: An Automated School Supply Dispenser"
business idea.

• Customers – plays an essential role in any business success. It is

important to stake customers in a business for it to exist. Customers are
the factor behind the development of a business. Keeping these
stakeholders, entrepreneurs should assure that the business displays
affordability, and response to the needs of the consumers.

• Suppliers - are the business' external stakeholders responsible for

providing the Panulat affordable and high-quality school supplies. Heed,
for a business to function smoothly; it must have a trusted supplier(s).

• Community - business can be the biggest asset in the economic,

community, and society development. The measurement of a business’
success is beyond the mere profit. A company must be able to
communicate and reach its purpose and objective to the community, as
the community holds so much power that it can either help or break the
business. Its immediate and profound influence should not be
overlooked as it affects businesses in any way possible.
IV. How does it work?

This section explains a detailed information on how does the school supply
vending machine works. As we all know, A vending machine is an automated machine
which is intended to provide the users with a diverse range of products: on our case
the vending machine will provide school supplies. A vending machine dispenses a
product to the users based on the amount of money inserted and selection of the
product that they need. It will be loaded with school supplies and materials which are
readily available to be purchased on a 24/7-hour clock.

How does it work?

1. Find the chosen item’s price and code: Look underneath the item you
wish to buy for the code and price. Checking the item before inserting coin
is important to avoid pressing the wrong item.
2. Insert coins or bills: Get a coin ready that corresponds to the value price
of the item that you wanted from the vending machine.
3. Select an Item: Once you’ve inserted the coin that corresponds to that
amount of money everything on that amount bracket will lit up, that’s when
you choose an item that you need. You just need to push the button of that
4. Dispensing: wait for the item to fall from the columns of the insides of the
vending machine, get it at the Dispensing area located at the lower part of
the machine.
5. Check the coin chute for any change: Look for the coin chute below
where the insertion of coins and bills paced is. This is only applicable if you
inserted more money than the exact amount needed.
6. Enjoy what you need: the item is yours in possession

When an item gets stuck, you can rock the machine (not destructive one) to
knock the item down. If rocking does not work, the Panulat vending machine comes
with attached contact support which customer can ask for assistance or refund.
V - Features and Benefits

The timely two problems that academe and students continue to raise
concerns. One problem is students having no needed school utensils or unintentionally
forgetting the item. The second one is the safety of the students when they proceed
to buy the necessary materials outside the school’s premises. These problems
founded the business idea- Panulat school supplies dispenser.

The smart features of the Panulat machine are the following: first, it is
thermoregulated on the inside environment for Products to not wear out instead it stays
fresh, clean, and dry. Second, it has an interactive user interface that allows all the
users to select their product of choice when buying. Lastly, Inventory tracking is owner-
friendly since it keeps track of all the purchases.

Installing a vending machine that sells supplies carries financial benefits and
eliminates students’ stress when realizing they have forgotten the needed material for
the class. The Panel brings a list of benefits; one, the entrepreneurs can make a profit
while addressing the need of the students and the academe. They can materialize the
business idea into reality. Vending machines are programmed to perform automation,
thus requiring minimal maintenance and no constant watch. This fact attracts buyers
to install the vending machine. Place the machine in any place and gain financial profit.

Furthermore, this kind of business also benefits academic institutions. Yet

another benefit of the integration of vending machines in schools is the fact that they
provide students with ready materials with various options if they are short or have
forgotten their school materials. This ensures that each student can perform and will
not miss class activities. It also saves your time and energy, plus it doesn’t cost that
much it’s the same rate with stores or bookstores in any area.

VI – Timeline and Milestones

Year 1

With the limited budget for a startup business, the team aims to apply for a business
incubation hub for the first year. The support and resources that the incubation offers
will be a starting platform for new ventures (like the school supplies vending machine).
The business incubation will help the entrepreneurs to materialize the business idea
into reality. The team aims to establish a few numbers machines in at least 2-3

Year 2

In year 2, if the school supplies vending machine continues to receive positive

feedback from the consumers (e.g., students, educators, and school administrators),
the team will make solidify plans to grow the business. There are things to consider
such as getting more academic institutions, keeping up with the reviews to project
improvement, and continuing good quality service.

Year 3

To run the business in three years is one of the main things that entrepreneurs
consider in venturing into business. With the desire and goals to continue the gradual
development and branding of the vending machines, the team will be taking chances
in getting appropriate financing resources. Expanding the reach of the business and
maintaining the quality service will demand huge capital.

Year 4

The year for planning how to make the business more profitable. With the expanse of
the venture, the team will consider the management and the business itself. Four years
in the market might overwhelm the team, therefore needing management from
business expertise. Aside from that, outlining a plan in how to sustain and maintain
the business will be taken into hand.

Year 5

Innovation and utilization of technology have a notable impact on the school

supplies vending machines. The dispensers are built and programmed to provide
around clock service independently. Year 5 will push the team to take a big step in
embodying the advancement of technology to the vending machines. The team will
proceed with researching and building a more advanced automated dispenser.
Improvement does not only cover the technological aspect. The business must
highlight and continue to contribute positive impacts on the community, society, and
the world.
VII- SWOT Analysis


Our location, the business model will be operating (robust distribution network),
varieties of payment options, wide range of products from top brands and our excellent
customer will definitely count as a strong strength for business. So, also our
management team has what it takes to grow a business from startup to profitability
with a record time.


A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new
school supplies business and we don’t have the financial capacity to compete with
leaders in the industry for now.


The fact that we are going to be operating our school supplies business in front
of the school campus and inside the campus provides us with unlimited opportunities
to supply our school supplies to a large number of schools and retail facilities. We
have been able to conduct thorough feasibility studies and market survey and we know
what our potential clients will be looking for when they patronize our products and
services; we are well positioned to take on the opportunities that will come our way.


Just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to
face is economic downturn. It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing /
spending power. Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a similar
business in same location where ours is located. We are not ignoring the fact that
unfavorable government policies can also affect our business.
VIII – Final Report

The proponents of Panulat have come up with this particular business idea after
long weeks of deliberation and giving thought to what business idea will add value to
many different stakeholders. Panulat: School Supplies Vending Machine is an
automated dispenser that sells school materials within reach to students and
educators. The machines can be installed and situated in any area. The team aims to
introduce the school supplies vending machine to academic institutions. Through the
vending machine, the team addresses the concerns of students and educators. The
utilization of vending machines is not a piece of news to consumers. The user can
easily distinguish and understand the function and buttons of the vending machine.
Moreover, the dispenser is also beneficial to entrepreneurs, possessors, and

With that being said, this paper presents the rationale of the business idea’s
concept name, problem statement, naming the stakeholders, and their essential
contribution. Together with the know-how, features, and benefits. Also, the paper lays
outlines of the plan for the following years on the business establishment. A list of
identified strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of the entrepreneurial
activity. Moreover, the proponents of the Panulat are filled with anticipation in
introducing and materializing the business idea into reality.

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