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RRA othe Theolgial Faas ofthe Prodrch Schiller Univer Jena, and the Albert aig Universitit Presburg fm Beis, In grateful acknowledgement ofthe cnferral of the eget of Doktor der Theale honors est Pied cbt wih Scty Png hn toa GR Capa 3 |W get Ae nerd Ext ‘Sven coal so reco opt hbk ha ‘Pip neta rr ten ems ober YE pa one ge: Craig te da fo The Story ft a ite, 1967 Sone natal okes nde an, am ead armattas me "hg of he Ol Ramen ctr memory communion, nding SSW iogen icone Bee lagna ins 8s us ea 2010 ‘SETA enteral Agere Contents Preface Abirevitons Anwordtion 1 History and Calaral Memory 2 Creation Accounts a Critiques ofthe World of Haman Experience and Haman Actions “Aspects of Communication: Interpersonal Relationships Disrupted Communication: Social Reatonships _Djsruped Communsation: Divine- Human Réaonships What Docs Ie Mean to Be Human? ibis Indes of Reference tothe Bile and Ancient Jewish Texts Indes of ames Indes of Subets 2 2 208 20 a Preface Aste ok goeto postin Gres Britain wth SPCK and in Neth Ame {wth Forres Pre, {would ike wo rcout how the book came 1 be ‘Mor than twenty yeas have ase ce ath Longman then of SPCR. ‘ape that aol wae an O18 Tetamet Thesogy and gave mee ntact od this with dene conierahysherterthan went Jets ise There are various eros why thas hes the poet song to be Completed and complete wy ule fret om haw {engnaly “ange i yn pin wa to compet the bugrapyof WALL Se ‘team which deg serous workin 198. Tisook me ntl early Wot although the taf ding ets pron, indexes and ists ode Wet ‘ey plato and eters, pie othe pucaton of the ook in 1982 Iwasa ery ine consuming then ed vans o dlver peal Tevoflectues the FD Mate Lectrsin Landon in 992, Gilrd [ect Aberden in 9%, andthe Pride Lares ithe University ‘of Esser 1998. pps that cul have dedi hese instant the pounds that completing my Tesogy was moe portant bu apart From no ing very goo at sing thre war he fat tha Rad n> ‘lea sn ny indo bow Iw ping a tale the tak of wring a ‘id Testament Theology Ths wasn pte (or perhaps, because the fet ht hed pet es month tthe endo 94 in Ging eacing tthe OM Testament theologies or ther eqns that Told 8nd tat td ben publish in German nthe nineteenth centr. To cat short wha ole og sary, 11 that he ine 0 pre aratng hal cme when, in 208 ec ivan to ler be 2hve Thomas Bar Lectures tthe Uneray of Orage in Dei, New “ealand hoe were as eres to be delivered oe the cause of 0 ‘rok in the August ofthat year an desde hat they mst become the ‘ser the Thelogy would lo be ap oppotaty og te vations ‘colegio what was tying da The tures were delivered under thee A Conumunicate Telogy ofthe OM Testament and should ie to ond my thanks to Profcor Pal Trico and his cbeapues fer the tation and fr making the me in Dunedin so enjoy and profi “he sent work complete eweting an eolargement ofthe tur thou flowing ther Base theme. Something shoul be kd, Fe abou he tn ornate The term was 4 the eres trains Key throughout his Book. I haya weviewets ay sh Pre Pot ot ben asd in the preset workin meh atic ay 8 Slippery term in any es, at Laman bas pointed oot My ae of ie ‘elec, owing something to Habermas ie of communi cia” ‘sel ato my redig of Lahn and is ae of pts theory Bat ‘tsa test in the eset week ofl int ei oempbane that the purpose ofthe book oor to econ the regia iss ‘that may hae ben edn ancient ela which were expres in the ‘ld estament Althouph an Old Testament Teolgy cannot wok l= Sng he pata the ric fn which the OL Testament meget resat work concerned above all wih today's worl an attempt to let pats ofthe Ol Testament speak tothe cones of present-day reader Te tres eamumaiatine’ meant ory to comey this Sond, ‘communicate seres ata theme around nich cru pc can be onan, most notably in he capes about dispel communication insocalratonships abd dvine-buman ratios ‘One ofthe most epi ebcrvations nade by DM. F Ace) on theletrsin Dunedin was thatthe del exe with al pases from the Od Testaments opposed to eating numerous free. tothe subjects being disused, was aay my itention ote the tes speak fad was ths glad ofthe encouragement gen 1 tne by De Andrew on thse. Inthe present work he space devote tothe caps of pups om the OL Tatament has ben considers ‘xpd: The trasations are my own, and ear wl poeta se Sceped many scholry soggestions aout emending the raditonal Hebrew tet hope that experts Hebe willbe able to understand ay ‘tuations When Ice irate Hebrew oe kes te sme tin 1 work out wat th unering Hebrew in ft Lm al ave {hat ctremey sophiscated tameriptons of the Hebrow have heen ‘undertaken by members of the Rice school, based upon moder is uti’ What hve re 1 do ova‘ eso of the ce "Sit woul be pronounced, rougyin moder ic Hebrew promane ‘tin and given that modern word pocenars dono hae all the dcr ‘eal marks that ne woud he hope tha Heb wile abet ce what Ihave dane, wheter ot hey are wih my conhsans. ‘The various dynam that hve cone gether ithe genes of his brook the Ba Lectures theses oh communication in aos ‘wc i evita sheen me sees th portance of exes ~ have ese in a very diet, nd conan, work than | reviuny evened. At ne sage Thowgit of evewing il the thos tat had een writen othe ‘insoenth and tnt entre thar ai cred tome hat have ‘levta no space omy work on Ol Testament ethics pecially course "thc which wo tl nt the communicate scheme. A this Is tecate my thinking tends to move onal he ie, ad 0 nthe ‘jet ml more than absolutely neces. Another ol that may tre stk ede and sevowes the nk of reference to fhe riers {the ld, ting Brueggemann, Bat Chis Renton aise ard Tnnowai 6 mention ony some ofthe most een goes without sg, thot hve lens mach rm hese, ad many ter rer hey ee ot oh mentioned tau a ying to Jo things in pa tial wy that ede me along dire! pas Abo, Fd ot want 10 ‘nrioad th book wit ot forthe sake of The book eres ‘tha ant os ow ot hat might ave ween wey year ago oF ‘hen at some ine nthe tr ‘My fend and college Pip Davies hat rad and commented upon the dite ofthe shapers a hey have emerged and a aay Ihave tpealy append the dius tat he enue: My wife Rod Ina ype fm mylonghend fit the etre, then hi revise ‘enon ih, oo many footnotes in Geran Jo Bo ee 7 ow mach hae apreciated help and suppor, 1 W.Rogeron| aro sstsar DB BRAT WANT FRIANT sor ons NF xv Abbreviations Anchor tbe ‘Aeon New ater Ts ating he Ol Testes, 2nd en Pritchard) Pinson: Princeton Uniersty Das te etme Dewtsch ‘tee 2 Tex und Sprache i Aen etmest ‘Hebe a Engh Les fhe OU Teament (Frown, S.ReDriver and CA. Big) Oxfou Clarendon Pes, 907 [ibliche Eye ilicher Kommentar Ales eament Betrige rr Wiens yom Alten ud Neven Testament Ike sur Zech thr ic atsarentiche Waseca Cnictanea ibis ~ OM Tan Series Engi anslation nhs de Bie Forchungen nr Gece nd Lehre der Prosestantimn Forschungen su Religion ud Lterstr dev Aen un ‘even estes ‘Gvtingr Handomentar zu Aen Teste Handbuch ram Alen Testament errand Dopa esr forthe Sey ofthe Ol ete Journal forthe Sty of the OM Team Sopplement seis Seprgit ‘Nie i eit (dM. Gand Bang), Zk New Century Bible Neve Folge New Iteration eso of the Bie show (Ou etarent iray Revel Engh ie align ahead Goon (oH. D.Bt) ts ln, Tings Mob, 1998 Revie Standard Veron fhe Bie Starter Biber Stade nel Theology ‘Sheil ctor of Casal Hebe el. D.1A.Clie), ‘Sipps to et Tears Sec Word of Bal Atoay ‘Tobie Machete Trelpoce enoyRepiic ‘Theokihe Wisercht Uperk Forcier ‘sence Monographln um Alen und Neven Zia fr Tage wad Kirche Introduction ‘What orm il your theology take? What wile npg principle? ‘Thane of ben aed thse quesons i cent ets when alee ‘aver hat was planning writes Thesogy ofthe Ol etme. ‘My ual answer ar en tht Is No ssa that every tne thought about he subject ame ap ith erent anew! Of ae thing Teasalvays sure horee, and that was tht my tap woud erp ‘ores today world and would not be an exer yng ea Sac what people mayor may nonce hate ble in ent el ‘rersnce ame upon the Epegomena to Rado Bleu Phlaie es Non Test that se a chalet | wae oak ‘In ranalion ea lows testi wwe mets deep an bi ft ghee ‘tent and wach bration Cs ae |teeresion a the Now Ten Sch wok on yb id ser pi ce an ao cancion er Sha hy sh atm pr a poe ee ‘New Tesament cmb rtd Soares which he Mita a eee en {90 teemae Pvp ds Cpa Em Baa Lapa Vrarungr or Gch Biase rece Seer eee eee tony tthe prea The oral netpon Ile inthe le What caught my tention was the ttm thatthe hora eon Stracion would serve the needs of the interpretation the New “Ttamen onthe tumpion tits writing ad orci fo ay 60 the preset It my ope that wha allows this wrk web te wets af the Ol Testament toy srehing to the preset, however ‘he unestand he presen Before poco | want tefl farther on Balint tenet, cau doing so wllnable me to ari exacthy what hope he ese theology’ wil chee. Batman presets two ateratves ether the cal texte ae usd 8 source tor the reconstruction of bee (aly ‘Christan ara phenomenon ofthe hore parr he canton ‘serves the ned ofthe iaterpetton of the ib texs on the sm thm that they hae seman tomy the present The realty probably ‘more conplex than thi but the aerate re afl ting pot for ‘teenth io Tee nga inly Lateran, German shal of the intent cetuy owed iss fo the emancpation of ible studs fom subservience to dog ‘lc and spermatic theloy an emancipation ht happened gray From the time ofthe Reformation and which seer nthe eve ‘cnt and itech centri Basal this owed a recognition hat The though words f the Old Testament wer dled fandaeatl- Iyirom those of Enlightenment Europe tat wat no longer poe or the Od Tesament te upport uncial tease thet ed radon ‘wen made of tin dogmatic nd systematic helo: Tn some cass the recognition af the dance between OM Testament and oder thought work could be tly accommodated to adona (Gris belet For camp at became ear, rm oye fer stn arn he word that he Table ofthe Nations in Gees el mot “nce places sich at North and South Arica, the conclusion, that ‘Gens 10 portrayed the wold art war own tote lca writer mot ‘he word asin sentry asa conclsion that not ay ay ‘tveaen tonal Crista Bl Inher nt th nent pine fof accmmodstion coal! be invoked in oder to del wth problems ising fom the diene etree the bibl and modern thot “Acommodstion had it org in atemps to explain i ate ‘wens abot Go tht ceed to contadt tration beaut the area eing of Ged go earpe was ound Genesis which ts that Ge wan sory tht had crest burnin The ede rane Taons hat repented the Lows and eater ects wee apc that "repetan’ was something of which God war aot eal since eke AM thing in advance Gen 86 won therfore tenet tht et ‘commodstd to human understanding God did tin fa eps ot fel gee about having created humankind The vers had retorl fancton which wat undtine the seouune ofthe wicked the aman race prior othe Fo “Toe prince of accommodation could be adpied and extended to ‘ver the was which God had rade lf and hi wil Know to rople whos scenic understanding ofthe word wast put may, ‘dimenary in comparion withthe antic hnowlige the soe tecoth an ihe centre An vious strategy rast my tht franc rate, phenome ‘of nature tha we an explain ia tems fete were een By them terms dine speaking an cing Ths wa thunders Uh caused Adam and Eve to ee om he Garde of ena he ih ing ofthat str that was understood by them o bea ming red using the way to thers fife The thunder wa otha th eco Gal exeing is anger Beane they had deed i. The ind ‘tree mae pombe for nterptersepeily i the cient eon to desperate the OL Testament od of woe ‘ew of angel, mira and divine interventions, ll these hd bec the Ierpeaton of natralocarencesby ope with it oie sei explains, Moder interpre wef te fertbydeaupernaturaling “Thisappronch coud del ot onl with he lt iia that te ‘ex contained for moder European readers could a dealt oral ‘ius These ha Tong been ogi by Christin inert, eee A Thang of te Ts anda variety of methods a en developed inode deh them Nigutin, nthe ip of Gd (e412 cr ad copied that Aram ‘led there of monoqery by having cid, Mh by hie wifes ‘ervant Hapa (Gene 16 Api ease Abraham othe ound {hat hat edd as without sto se pratication, nd desig to ‘doveht hs wi, Sarah ar enable td a thei provide him with ‘pring Tous sughter of the Cannes during the occupation of ‘Cannas excused onthe grou that he Canuanies were cee vid and that osun ws crying out Gaal sentence of jagement "mths wicks Dav tery with Rath and the ubguent ‘Siination of er husband Ur. by placing in i the font be of tate (2 Sc 1) was deal with by isigushng beeen Dai Is oe as ing an Dida peat ini In hi fie a ing. (ate fndvaal bis bchevour wet wicked wd tly poised by God GSSmoe 12." ‘Tho cplnaons became increasing unacceptable fom the seven ‘eet cntry anwar ltowgh some vied wl nto te pete entry in some orthoses, Where they were wht, hey were ‘plac ly another ype of commedton. This sumed ha the meat “desanding of ance sates was mich ifr to Ut of ener "eropeane and tha actions tha we would regu orl were nok ‘eq in ths way ancl nal et ene was God command > ‘brahamto fers tan n sci (Geese 22) How ou ne "Ss scifcing anther human being The anes was that thi was cay Pui na station nwhich peopl i not als highly theif of nde "ital station where morality operated a ome ee compared ‘rh modern Europ stn. Thi ed turn tthe view tha the Ok “tums was, among other tings the recor ofthe proces By which Cod hd ed the aes fom crude religous and mor dest hgher ‘snd more opined tins Al hws the background tthe he, inthevineeen century. ofthealopes ofthe Old Testament and tino “hatin hy of ol ait Pp i Chad eM Sid SESE ee eS ay surprising that the est practioner se he takin exited [Bnoncalteme LO. Baumgarten: Cros wing 198 a the tack of OM Tetament thalogy a that of ing an actust of the hora ‘eeloment of the esto he ibe wre a opposed ohow the ters ha ben eed in the Church and in dapat H wat an eee ‘tout previews to which it mt cnt and witht repring {ie the OU Tetament| us spernatral iy or contsning double (spiral sense though dine npiration” Acorn toc Steel ‘td Tesament theology was the tematic verve of the reigou s ‘ic aro be fund Ia the books of the Ol Tenet, ncading the [Apocrypha However cla sacha Student th a par desriptie. There was tcl purpone wich wa fo rig > ‘aprenion the divine proce that wat work hind and within the ‘Sree of har regu de TE we lok ack othe allernaties sated by Batman, tho of ing the Blea source to eons pat rio el rung hi ical eontracton fo st the nerpretation the Biber he pee yn et tha hve OU Tetum theologies meer he Sid of the at alters The OL Teament ws our ‘tracing the bl that had een eld tillering tne in scent rh ‘This was ot surpring, The recognition tha thre wat gies Ietwen the work-cra ofthe ed write and made Earpetn ad brought reactance to ie Bal ets though they corey lect infra fom Ged On the other and here wae ing Teter n history as proce trough which Ga ort and eed sen 1611-1286. Nibubrhad pba Hisar of ame nbc Te argued hat te hand of Go cole een oe t workin prt ter of rin tat ation’ tory The ht sory ar process fled by God wemed alo to swe found i the O1 Testa the clint of etry a op en op ly aces donor edits or pa youre fr hig al eer ita inererto peri turodicnme be ou eat oe 1.0 mcf dia Phe min YOR Cheat Tay fie od rata Maa A Peg of te OM Tsuen | lasso of the pon that was to determine the weting ‘Ou Taman heli wl int the wet century wat made Dy eich Eval in 1848 he ginning of his istry of re The hay of th sce poplin rely itor the pow of {iu rego, ting hg gto pie ay eng ‘nein poe ar ey Po ‘rhs point i eceary to make an observation which 6 feria importance cy for OL etme tecopsin gener bt for what ‘sl fiw inthe peat woke The stoi eosin of which Tulane spoke the hora sey af Bebo be ound inthe OM {stmt or xvsge by Baingaten Crs, Stel and other snd ‘heh rear writen by Eval woot simple meen ofthe Soya ial gon fond inthe OM Testament ar cbolty ‘ecostracon of hitry tng, a Baltmann observed, eto fh ‘onal iewtgition deep rm he ine ofthe Enghenmen “hlne sgh fo demote cher eas W MLL de Wee ho plone breshthrogh in the cial econstraction facet ate [Exory that scan sede with hich llsubssqoen solar hax a ‘come tema” In his tral dissertation on Detronomy 185) Sn Beige ur ining nas Ae Tame (108-7) de Wete Sue! that the Old Tetamen’s ewe acount of ts hry of religion Sin sic id ot age mth eat could be etal by hitral cach Asoning tote OW Testun, Mosc estaba 3 fly Tg stem of heed and scr at Mount Sn fing the Teneite fads fromm Egy (ee Fao 19-24 and the materi [sis and Numer. Alcordingt de We th fully edged stem Svat gen once l at an ety point in ral isto eee ‘realy over any cnrey and i not each he fo in wih te hw psn he O18 Teme unt many centre ate he ie Ther point in rehearing here the reasons adduced by de We ‘scan ofthe impli of ht mark, De Wet ins id not 1 Ft ent sol nr antigo see scholarly recnsrcied hisory a something in which the divine fel coal be dicerne. He wet «Ba! Dagan tat dew on “he post Kanan phosopy of ib end kod Feedrch Fic Od ‘Tatumen ters ere lable tthe tent tha they rnatd with Insights about the nature of wuthand ety hat were dened by meant ‘Fries pono. Bot if de Nete dh nt whew history thi ay ‘ters di and we hive sen abo ow Ew undrt exen ‘hermatter However de Wet work poe he llowing enna citer beled o act the OW Testament wn vw of the story fale ‘eign or one hat jetta weplac with a ero cnt In conserva and adiunal clr in Geman slawber in Europe, andi North Amerie, de Wet rection ofthe Oil Teen ie of thetitory often wae a aratonai ata on the mpieton ff the ie and « potential denial anda Carian deca: ‘eooar defence of the OU Tetarent pce was nied by hol Sich os. W Hengenerg ap. vom Hosanna Geen 1 ame ony two wes Brain aero stm what wa sen the ‘German ana ie wee lanl sucess yt the 18." ‘Mention hr red bem mde of Henrich al to i hat nenian mas now te given Bal important bts he asthe st ‘Scholar to pbs flscale scholely Hitry of le Whe be wat lnmensy cil of de Wetes postion (he ako Sgr with ost ery othe contemporary cola working in he Bele ace the ‘ase premise fhe de Wet potion, ch wa that the Old Testaments ‘en ew of segs history id ot gree with tha f mer nt Ic sholashp Inthe event. Ewald reconarction war mac lee tadcalthan ht af de Wee ad ate et of eang some scholars ‘ace the routs ei sehlars while adhering to ew of te ‘Rory of rst rion tat wa cet the bled acount tha de ‘Wet verion Howeter the fanduneel po bcs contin to be the if de Wate bai pemie at core thn the itary of Tracie religion a reconstrocted by cil cholarsip wou sways ‘ecearly be proved would be ated by new dacmeien, or ‘Sample inthe el of arcucolgy, new method or eae In ‘ogy and sntroploy ne the ological aes eld by colar fom tne tote rom he peapective ofthe tweny-ftcentry ten strange hat inca and show score coud acy he ban pee oe A Prog of te O Tame ‘Wats oso without ing that twas ceri Sncampatile with ‘hele at hbry was proces gidedby God in wich be wv his ‘i, De Wete Rima not chi th for hoy. Yoo fan {red the cic by exempting ia sory from ra contac ‘om whe subjecting lobe history to ts goueEven such a ean poet holo Willa Robrtaon Smith towards the end of the ince century cou ee tat the Retry ofa se ‘raced by ciel inveigaton, wa hry of vine grace! eso pocesay to eur Balto melon see how itis afd by toe immed preceding Unc. Hi tater ar Tore econstrton mst su he neta of he New Testa Imp sepa th de Wee iron erm ofthe inden tly feral hora inveipaion ait was developed fom the ie ‘th alignment in Etre (rg om the event entry) Thismens thatthe background or cnt for iba inepretaton the ‘reantraton) mnt be eer changing or the eons gen ore. Ee Inthe pent writers sort neo encounter ih bial scl, the ay unestadingf tehsry of ats elon ha changed fut ofall rognion. In my sade ays inthe ate 1950 the tat tek recommended ern shlaeip ais es wat GE. Weg ibis Arca. Book nich began wih preibial ines amd froeedad serene hough the bled peo ar contained inte Ok “Tstament the Patch the Exod he Conquest of Caan the Ped thes and won Albough Wightsaceout wax ce al ‘horouphiy traonl The general oun of tats hsory a en ih the Ol estment wa lean oul be backed wp by archarloy ‘Wephtspotion was rept i much gree deta by Brights A aero ral ich wa pb i 980" there something (kash and oat come to eras withthe Engl rant iin of Marin Noth The Histo of ral ich speared 1958." Noth try bat ot wh the Parcs the Buss ad the the formation of tial lege ale the ‘amphiciyony The OM ‘tame martes ofthe Parana he Exod were etl the EAA in ohn in pn in Pas Woe trains of he tel eg. ot at histori een tht olde ack up by aceon. This was al very disturbing or stents ad they ‘Stal ybe epee to ow tat Ns sory we spy owing {ores postone that hed bea advected an werhed ont by Geren ‘cholthp inthe 1805 In the period sn thepublcaton of Nas Inorg the cholatyvew of anc Ire hiory has moved ach & nd ‘inaha’ doubt whether very ena can be Known sont stent bal inthe pee prin (oboe 7 nx), while ten “Istmali sch as WG. Deserve abandoned any acento bin “Theft ofthis the writing of Od Tarn heli at en strong aration of the a aleraaie f Baan hero that he ‘ii! ete shoul be sd ar oars for the econrcton of regis Uelesin te pst Good amps of thse Aber Hay of atte algo or Gentenborgers Thole he OL Touma these ‘wok ae just subject to the wer chaning rcostration fst Tree story many her dy ahough thi ot oy that sch ‘rk shold noche wnderaten™ Tn the pee hoo the ete wl be gaps y firing ulema second alert act in moied form = tat the meant ‘Mould sere tenerprtation othe bial esta word How itis tobe done? "The wey dich that suppose sparae the weld of ‘he Ml om aur wr) wl be ida! by Snccnrton apo he ‘nes pr pave by mer nets an iterations ans {nga ests to eapreio, This mosern att lees par Inteetave proces unouched. The form and vessns othe Bt tenet a ferpeed ae detcrmned by mcr scholars. athe ‘ite ofthe OM Testament lou Scholes work rom he aon, ‘lineal Hebrew tert hey donot estate taker andor where icone to be cortpt ether on the bess of eidence tom te ‘Acient Veron, ere tat aching, by may of informal schlaty ied area maeeieenae te te ee A Teng ofthe Ot Tose smo The stay ofthe New Tetment xh hi problem even {how sharply, The New Tent tht ested hy chars ad ch inthe bs fr tenon to mere Eaopes gg oti ‘oder electe coll constr. This icons to what happened for mort ofthe Retry af Cratianty whee pre tothe imeon ‘i nang ccs a how oa ets Even afer the invention of ining what emerged a the sve en atone yon eepon hu uo in chures ad ot scholar ecnsrscion" Retring othe ‘testament modern translations ae ated y the mem stay of oman Semi pieloy, swell saccades tat ‘Sait on screen em in ii Hebrew Another factor ‘hat nfacncstranation oye medscover of thet of Hebrew oy ering nh ihe entry Sy mr aon tleer ene The sme tof theses of the Old Testament: Hower hard scien oan hee a yy at ea They nr beable too the ft hat hy re ase tine and ‘cumstances that inexapi ate and spe what hey Jn the 19505 thee watt dba ten Water Heh snd Gerhard yon Rad abot Now a thology of the OL Tetument sho he orpnie Blot 1 aken the theme of Covenant a his ogni principe. Yon Rad ‘Shed the ths wae noth etal othe OK samen a Bho fr Soaeeeeres: pers ied ieee Seema ean rams mene reecm intent ecramrg cara apes nares eg ta tn ese fc eo nin Isat confesl ath though tor aon Ye Ras ‘mops nding theology wos namely shaped by he dom nating concer of German Poeant OM Testament colar ofthe 1930s apd 19405, ad ao wort asking wheter von Rad stesso {6 National Soka and Ns vohememt with the Coneuing Church Inthade of OL Tenet interprention that have become lyf German scolar since the poner wrk S€ Wolfans Richter” Any ster to itruce Figur and sbtiy {tu the cng of teste mst be welcomed Butea, st Seachnonledged tat ve hs gen shape by moder concert ‘hese ccs ones round inthe mode std of nics and ec Taking thee point into consideration the present work wil peniy scone tha is gen sey the author so coer and ner (St The writer tam atv Agha pit whos fh nt present ‘Ses much to enoern Lateran German thesogy He bo «humana S's oc, wich why wre sachs ac, Benin, Adorn, Horner aod Habermas fered the cours of the work The seeds wal eats not by themes drawn ety fom the ‘i Tesument, but om the author otc peecions and his refetonon te pi of humanity ving eda word) he work {o sy to today's worl) when interrogated stout problems that fice ‘hes worl This dee tot men thatthe OL Testament wl be iter etd ar hough thee were no such hing a bial scholar. On te inerroatel and expounded with he help of ea scolaeh but corde wih an apn sty one persons pereptian of the bua onion toy’ wor) The work wl not mee wih he ppeva ‘oltre a a A Pay fe Ol Tamer ‘hose commited to Rada Orthod a neo-Rartian Reformed the ‘logy orev advert of canna ram Ie as mde, hey ‘WINE ide Wet, both whom werecouragouseoaghto approach the (kd Testament fom the standpoint, espe. of Hepa and post aman sop ‘An cert that canbe md, with ome ati, that a heology ‘hat dor no deeply with he mature of God and the woe doe not dere the name elo” would rey by altaing wo Fick Shier pay Willows Laer the et of te plas aout the apie fener on the Cathie the Tey Years Wa eEurope” The se tigi Wallenstein camp in Bohemia hi power bs) ats me when tis Sheree generals em byte Cato rlrs a st esr in the ace sth emtngyunoppate miltary secs ofthe Proteant Sei ule Gast Ade In Wallen Lager Wallen never appears al Tere the absent presence whose peso and leingestimations ‘of by hi follower fee and penetrates eey art ofthe ly. The rest won wl eel with dens tat ar migra to moder Baran ‘sence and wil eka clog nieve ways with O Testament ‘ext from thon standpoint This dos not man at Gad wi be an) ‘or a rr the Mork than Wallen aber fom Walenene "Toconclide: A Thy th OTe ia work which to pas ps Blemann, il as he sources of sora ici i these ‘in ofthe interpretation of Od Teatamettent on he sarpton that ‘hey hae something tos the rset wl be upto readers to decide ‘whether the eatcome = secefel or no meter the exer ees ‘hem understand these and tday work now way Aegean ey ee rer 1 History and cultural memory ‘The history ofthe study of he le can be described ia many ways One pote dosrption tha fhe try ofthe pada Uacoery tha the Fite dosnt contin nie sformation ype every subject that com ‘ens everday man i Iwas ated in toe Intodocson tet rae ‘Sf dcover fom the stent century made eat that Gnesi 10 abd ‘Seah ofc naton tet tcl ws not an exhustve open il dociton af the wos Inthe ater pr of he seventeenth centry the Reformed divine Richard aster ware guint too brad a iw of ‘tl nly aod ied thee weg it tend of ld ‘tt contaa nlite formation hl pcre logs PLoS, allots arts and sence ad tobe ae phpcan, matinee {ect hasbanda and vatesan to do is work "Whether intentionally or mot, Batra ot mention Morya is 2 fit that bil interpreter he ound tis abject he mot ical to come to terms within the Igt of modern now Inthe ety prt of the eighenth century Humphrey Prides pled 9 work ‘ic cordate th history contained in the Bile with tha known handled his non iblc sources with eal sland acumen, but were tothe former The sscred wry bing dicted by the ly pi of Cod, Ios evr be of ffl th Atte endo he gent etry Neolgit schol in Germany sich a Johann Ged corn at Fotnn Philipp Cables repurded the opening capes of Genes at sora acount: ofthe pnnings of the human race. Thi rcs was scent ecm which sted the tres of thee spermtral thr espero ano Knowledge of cetic cane ard theeine

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