DEBATE TEKXT Ribat Annashri

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Ladies and gentleman

‫الشباب رجال الغد‬

Youths are tomorrow leader

‫العلم بال عمل كالشجر بال ثمر‬

Studying without practicing is nothing

‫كن همتك على السريا‬

There is your dream on the sky of suroyya, reach it and achieve it

Let’s enjoy our memorable moment from ribath annasri walfutuh . Please help to welcome our

Here we go!!!!!

Debate is the way for someone to give the opinion, and increase ability to be awesome. doing
public speaking in front of many people is a way to train our confident. It is not only about
performance but how to deliver our opinion like a proper person

Let’s listen and pay attention our debate today by the tittle studying by salaf or studying by formal.

They have different benefit for our life. Perhaps some of them agree with studying by salaf and
some of them agree with studying by formal

quality , quantity will be the opinion about it…

For the chief I please to come forward to switch and choose your tittle.

What do you chose brother?

The rules are

No pointing

No politic

No racism

What is your opinion about it?

iwan : thank you in my opinion. Studying by salaf is very improtant in this era because we know that
many people right now are impolite to other people. Probably they need to know how to respect to
somoene by studying by salaf methode

reihan : I don't agree, you have to anylize first brother.

Do you think that in formal school there is no lesson for attitude?

Malik : objection, as far as I know in formal we just study

But we don't know how to practice

‫االدب فوق العلم‬

Attitude is number one than knowledge.

sihul : think first brother, this is modern era. We need to develop and know what is necessary for our

hafidz: addision, I really agree with faisal. We need to improve our skill and in formal scholl the
facility is complete so we can know and utilize our talent.

fakhri: I don't agree you have to know. In salaf boarding shool we sharpen our talent as well. We
study about public speaking

Because we know the quotes

‫الشباب رجال الغد‬

Youth are tomorrows's leader

ridho: addision. that's true we always update the information in this era, we know the useful
information and we practice it as well

Rofiqi: how come you can know the information but you don't bring phone and anything?

Iwan : being modern people is not about phone and others

But how to think and face the situation depends on this era

reihan: leading this country needs experience.

By studying formally we can be better than you

malik: ‫العلماء وراثة االنبياء والسنتري وراثة العلماء‬

We are the next generation to lead this country

So studying by salaf is way to be like this

rofiqi: that's true. By studying formal we can know everything directly, how to live how to do in

ridho: experience is not about in the outside But in salaf scholl we have many experiences
like organization.

Hafidz: but we can many experiences than salaf school. And we also know the condition.

Sihul: that’s true. We are easy to develop and do everything to increase my talent.

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