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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on Ocean Acidification

Crafting a literature review on ocean acidification presents a formidable challenge for many
researchers and scholars. It's not merely summarizing existing literature; rather, it requires a thorough
understanding of the topic, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of various studies and findings.
Delving into the intricate web of scientific papers, reports, and studies on ocean acidification
demands patience, diligence, and expertise.

The complexity of the subject matter itself adds another layer of difficulty. Ocean acidification,
driven primarily by the absorption of carbon dioxide by seawater, has far-reaching implications for
marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and global climate patterns. Navigating through the multitude of
studies investigating its causes, impacts, and potential mitigation strategies can be overwhelming.

Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of ocean acidification research complicates the task further.
Scholars need to draw from fields such as marine biology, chemistry, oceanography, climatology, and
environmental science to provide a comprehensive review. Integrating diverse perspectives and
methodologies into a coherent narrative requires both breadth of knowledge and analytical skills.

In addition to the academic challenges, time constraints often pose significant hurdles for
researchers. Balancing the demands of writing a literature review with other academic and
professional commitments can be daunting. The sheer volume of literature available on ocean
acidification means that thorough research and analysis can take weeks, if not months, to complete.

Given these challenges, many scholars find themselves seeking assistance to tackle the daunting task
of crafting a literature review on ocean acidification. In such circumstances, turning to reputable
academic writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a prudent decision.

⇒ ⇔ offers a team of experienced writers with expertise in various fields, including
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In conclusion, writing a literature review on ocean acidification is undeniably challenging, requiring

a deep understanding of the subject, interdisciplinary knowledge, and time-intensive research. For
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Mean response ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown, with the number of data points in
each category given in brackets. Ocean acidification decreases mussel byssal attachment strength
and induces molecular byssal responses. LF wrote the first draft of the manuscript and produced the
figures. They do, however, differ in the way data within the papers reviewed are synthesized. Ocean
acidification results from the fact that this natural oceanic CaCO 3 cycle cannot keep up with the
rapid rise in CO 2. Transgenerational effects of short-term exposure to acidification and hypoxia on
early developmental traits of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Oceans absorb about 30 per cent of carbon
dioxide (CO2) we produce, reducing the pH of seawater. This legislative branch agency works
exclusively for Members of Congress, their committees and their staff. Where such frameworks are
optimized, they could play a larger role in understanding the potential effects of new chemical
entities (potentially with less, or no, animal experimentation). But geoengineering solutions designed
to slow climate warming without reducing atmospheric CO 2 concentration, such as injection of
sulfate aerosol precursors into the stratosphere (Crutzen, 2006), will not reduce ocean acidification
(Wigley, 2006; Boyd, 2008). Studies that have used transcriptomics to investigate OA in a
multistressor context have focused primarily on temperature as an additional stressor. Here we
discuss some of these potential combinations, specifically the use of: AOPs to identify key steps that
can be explored in more detail through literature review frameworks; OCLTT and DEB frameworks
to consider effects on both energy supply and allocation; MPMO frameworks to identify the
performance curves of organisms whose interactions are considered in an ecosystem model. Changes
in species’ abundances, either directly due to the tolerance or intolerance of species to ocean
acidification, or indirectly through changes in competitive interactions and trophic linkages, are very
likely in the future. Understanding anthropogenic impacts on seawater pH. In the oceans, this
process is predominantly carried out by a few specialized cyanobacteria. Changes in species’
abundances, either directly due to the tolerance or intolerance of species to ocean acidification, or
indirectly through changes in competitive interactions and trophic linkages, are very likely in the
future. Overall, regulation of internal pH appears relatively stable in S. Many chemical reactions,
including those that are essential for life, are sensitive to small changes in pH. In general, higher
trophic levels, including most finfish, will likely be sensitive to ocean acidification through changes
in the quantity or composition of the food available, although there may be direct physiological
effects on some fish species at high p CO 2 (see Chapter 3 ). For cross-comparison, dashed lines
have been added to these plots to indicate pCO 2 concentrations of 280 ppm (preindustrial
concentration), 390 ppm (current-day concentration), 560 ppm (twice preindustrial concentration),
and 780 ppm (estimated concentration in the year 2100). Near-future carbon dioxide levels alter fish
behaviour by interfering with neurotransmitter function. However, a longer CO 2 release time of
10,000 years is suggested by the sedimentary time scale based on orbital variations (Lourens et al.,
2005). The oxygen isotopic composition of the CaCO 3 indicates that intermediate-depth ocean, and
presumably the Earth’s surface, warmed in concert with the carbon release. Ocean acidification
could affect the efficiency of iron fertilization and its potential consequences by modifying the
biological availability of iron in surface seawater (see section 2.2 ). If effective, iron fertilization
would increase the rate of penetration of CO 2 into intermediate waters, thus accelerating
acidification in those water masses. Even less is known about the cumulative, lifelong effects of a
lower pH environment in terms of how it will affect the performance, growth, survival, and fitness of
individuals, especially when combined with other likely stressors. While it is important to understand
how ocean acidification will change ocean chemistry and the physiology of marine organisms, as
reviewed in chapters 2 and 3, what is equally critical is to understand how these effects may scale up
to populations, communities, and entire marine ecosystems. Such changes are likely to be difficult to
predict, particularly where more than one species or. However, in some regions where the vertical
movement of water is relatively fast, the time scale for deep penetration of anthropogenic CO 2 will
be on the order of decades instead of centuries (Sabine et al., 2004). By taking this approach we
have necessarily overlooked some frameworks, such as systems biology approaches ( Loewe, 2016 )
and scale transition theory ( Koussoroplis et al., 2017 ) which, while likely applicable in the context
of ocean acidification, have yet to be explicitly considered in this context. The data also illustrate the
seasonal cycle in pH and inorganic carbon species caused. There may also be changes in habitat
quality and effects on other ecological processes such as nutrient cycling. But in regions that are only
hypoxic, the low oxygen and the high CO 2 tend to act in concert to make respiration difficult for a
number of aerobic organisms. It is possible that a further increase in CO 2 caused directly or
indirectly by acidification could increase the intensity or spatial extent of the hypoxic and anoxic
Statistical significance of the mean response ratio was based on the 95% confidence interval on the
estimated summary response ratio ( Viechtbauer, 2010 ). Coral reef ecosystems are defined by the
large, wave-resistant calcium carbonate structures, or reefs, that are built by reef calcifiers. Through
the active pumping of CO 3 2 - out of a cell, an organism increases the amount of free CO 3 2 - for
calcification. The high latitudes will be the first ocean regions to become persistently undersaturated
with respect to aragonite as a result of anthropogenic-induced acidification ( Figure 2.10 ). Thus,
these ecosystems are natural laboratories in which to test many hypotheses on the impacts of ocean
acidification and other stressors, particularly those induced by global warming. There was not a
comparable extinction in shallow-water species such as mollusks, but the occurrence of weakly
calcified planktonic foraminifera may indicate changes in carbonate ion concentration in surface
waters. Scientists are studying the extent to which calcifying organisms are affected by acidification
and how some organisms may be more sensitive than others. It first discusses the principal processes
that control the acid-base chemistry of seawater and the cycling of carbon in the ocean. Cold-water
coral ecosystems occur globally in darker, colder waters than their tropical counterparts, from depths
as shallow as 40 m to greater than 1,000 m (Freiwald, 2002; Freiwald et al., 2004). Interestingly,
many studies elaborated above are often not paired with physiological measurements that would
further support metabolic depression, while those that do often find mixed results (Table 2 ). Such
changes may lead to wholesale shifts in the composition, structure, and function of these systems and
ultimately affect the goods and services provided to society (see Chapter 5 ). However, studies in
urchins have revealed that the means by which calcification is regulated in response to p CO 2 is
complex and gene expression results have been mixed. HG reviewed and analyzed the data available
to produce species distribution maps. Carbon dioxide taken up by the ocean decreases the pH of the
water and leads to a suite of chemical changes collectively known as ocean acidification. If key
trophic linkages are lost (e.g., an intermediate consumer guild is reduced severely), food web
integrity may be compromised, energy flow may be impaired, and significant changes in ecosystem
structure and function become likely—an ecological tipping point or threshold has been broached
that can lead to a catastrophic change in an ecosystem. Mean response ratios and 95% confidence
intervals are shown, with the number of data points in each category given in brackets. Studies that
have used transcriptomics to investigate OA in a multistressor context have focused primarily on
temperature as an additional stressor. High concentrations in deeper water result from oxidation of
organic matter. CO 2 -driven seawater acidification differentially affects development and molecular
plasticity along life history of fish ( Oryzias latipes ). Humans rely on coastal ecosystems for
commerce, recreation, protection from storm surges, and a suite of other services; however, there is
also a great deal of anthropogenic impact on coastal habitats. Considering the expected rapid
shoaling of the calcite and aragonite saturation horizons with future ocean acidification and the
observed relationship between coral distributions and existing saturation horizons, deep-sea coral
communities on seamounts or bioherms are likely to be impacted. These results reveal that low pH
stress has the potential to impact a variety of behaviors in pteropods, which should be investigated as
they could have profound effects on their biology and function within their respective ecosystems.
Observation 6: The transcriptomic response to low pH conditions vary by life-history stage OA
effects on organisms and their transcriptomes can vary by life history stage. First, the amount of
carbon released is not well constrained because the exact source is unknown, and the magnitude of
carbon isotope excursions in different carbon isotopic records vary by roughly a factor or two, with
larger excursions typically found in soil carbon records than in deep sea sediments. Oceans absorb
about 30 per cent of carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce, reducing the pH of seawater. Second, the
magnitude of the ocean pH excursion is also unclear because it is dependent on whether the CO 2
release was faster or slower than the CaCO 3 neutralization time scale. Therefore, there has been
significant attention in how OA will impact these species in regards to growth, reproduction and
maintenance of populations. Near-future CO 2 levels impair the olfactory system of a marine fish.
Studies with a lower standard error and higher sample size were weighted more heavily than those
with a higher standard error and lower sample size ( Hedges and Olkin, 1985 ). Major cellular and
physiological impacts of ocean acidification on a reef building coral. PLoS One. 2012;7:e34659.
Article. Oysters have already been discussed as species that will likely be negatively affected.
Finally, the chapter briefly touches on efforts to mitigate or geoengineer solutions to climate change,
and how these efforts are related to ocean acidification.
In contrast to planktonic stages of echinoderms, core HSP expression increased under both acute
and prolonged exposure to high p CO 2 (750?ppm) in A. Understanding anthropogenic impacts on
seawater pH. In both river dominated and upwelling dominated coastal regions, future trends in
seawater carbon chemistry may also depend strongly on climate change that influences wind patterns,
upwelling and river flow. As such, it is also relevant to examine how combinations of high p CO 2
with low temperatures, such as during upwelling events, will affect the transcriptome.
Computational methods for transcriptome annotation and quantification using RNA-seq. In the
example illustrated in the graph, an organism may have a relatively broad temperature tolerance
(green line, from low to high), but this tolerance may only be observed under oxygenated conditions
and normal seawater pH. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements
that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. This includes
incorporating fluctuating and variable pH conditions that occur in the natural environment into
experimental designs. Natural variation in larval size and developmental rate of the northern quahog
Mercenaria mercenaria and associated effects on larval and juvenile fitness. Many studies
investigating gene expression responses to predicted OA scenarios have generally been complex
across studies, life-history stages and species. Coral-specific responses to acidosis are likely
complicated by the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to stress from their algal
symbionts. According to this so-called Hutchinsonian characterisation, if a habitat has conditions
within a species’ niche, populations that are present should persist without immigration from external
sources. This chapter reviews the current knowledge regarding the chemical changes brought about
by the increasing CO 2 —labeled collectively as ocean acidification—in the past, the present, and
the future. Additional detailed discussions of chemical changes related to acidification can be found
in Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow (2001) and Millero (2006). Taken together, these studies imply that
organisms experiencing high p CO 2 could be more vulnerable to additional stressors because they
may be compromised in their ability to mount an appropriate and robust CSR. It should be noted that
physiological and gene expression measurements for a particular species may be confined to separate
independent studies Full size table Despite their presumed higher sensitivity to p CO 2 than fish
regarding acid-base homeostasis, marine invertebrates actually exhibit robust responses to elevated p
CO 2 as well. Effect of ocean acidification on the early life stages of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis.
The density of several invasive macroalgae increased near natural CO 2 vents in the Mediterranean
(Hall-Spencer et al., 2008), but little is known about the response of this or other groups that
compete directly with corals for space. In stony corals, most studies indicate a 10-60% reduction in
calcification rate for a doubling of preindustrial atmospheric CO 2 concentration. Many chemical
reactions, including those that are essential for life, are sensitive to small changes in pH. In this case
the phosphate must first be cleaved enzymatically from the organic molecule before being utilized.
Transgenerational effects in an ecological context: conditioning of adult sea urchins to upwelling
conditions alters maternal provisioning and progeny phenotype. Cold-water corals, also known as
deep-water or deep-sea corals, form ecosystems that are in some ways the deep-water counterparts
of tropical coral reefs. Dissolved CO 2 in internal fluids tends to form bicarbonate and free hydrogen
ions, acidifying the medium as it does in seawater. These mineralogy findings do not consider other
factors influencing species distributions, such as gene flow across depth gradients, which may work
against selective pressures influencing mineralogy ( Miller et al., 2011 ). Our meta-analysis highlights
the detrimental impact of OA on dispersal stages which could have significant long-term
consequences for isolated populations ( Miller et al., 2011 ), or eventually lead to depth related
differences in mineralogy. Some species of corals can grow well in cultures without precipitating
aragonite, even though the very structure of a coral reef depends on the precipitation of the mineral
(e.g., Fine and Tchernov, 2007). Specifically, this framework considers the thermal constraints on the
capacity for oxygen supply relative to oxygen demand in the organism. Where such mathematical
models are developed, they could enable data in the literature to be used to explore physiological
mechanisms underlying responses, providing insight to the how and why of organism responses.
Integrative and comparative biology signs of adaptation to local pH conditions across an
environmental mosaic in the California current ecosystem. Such syntheses are becoming increasingly
possible through the development of online databases that host data (e.g., those associated with
journals such as Figshare for Frontiers, or that are independent such as Pangaea).

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