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The objects contained in the set are called elements.

Braces {} are used to group the elements of set.

Commas (,) separate the elements.
A set can be named using capital/uppercase letters such as
The elements of the set are denoted by lowercase letters such as
If a set contains many elements, we often use three dots ,…,
called ellipsis.
In listing the elements of the set, each district element is listed
once and the order of the element does not matter.
Ways in writing set:
 Roster form
 Set builder form
Roster form:
-way of writing a set is described by listing all its
Set builder form:
-when it is not convenient to list all the elements of a set, we use
this notation that employs the rules in which an element is a
member of a set.

 Universal sets
 The universal set U is the set that contains all objects
under consideration
 Cardinality of Sets
 The cardinal number of Set A, denoted by n(A), is the
number of elements in Set A.

 Null set
 A set with no element is an empty set or null set
 The symbol for empty set is {} or Ø

 Subsets
 The Set B is a subset of Set A if all elements of B are also
elements. It is denoted as B C A
 Note: Every set is a subset of itself. Empty set is a subset of
any set.

 Number of Subsets
 The number of subsets of a set can be computated by
multiplying 2 by itself n(cardinality of set) times.

Operation of Sets
Operation Symbol Definition
Union U The set
containing all
elements that
are in A or in B
Intersection ∩ The set that
consists all the
elements that
are both in A
and B
Difference - The set of
elements in A
that are not in B
Compliment of a Set

 Set of elements of the universal set that are not in a set

Set Relationships

Joint Sets(JD) Sets with intersections

Disjoint Sets(DS) Sets without
Equal Sets(=) Sets with same elements
Equivalent Sets(↔) Sets with same

Sets and Venn Diagrams

Venn Diagrams
 These are used in showing the relationships between
sets using shapes.

Absolute Value
 The absolute value of a number is the distance of a
number from zero.
 Remember distance itself is written as ǀnǀ
Operation in integers

-positive integers
-negative integers

Rules in adding integers

For like signed integers:

Find the sum of the absolute values and use the
sign common to both integers.

For unlike sign integers:

Find the difference of their absolute values and
use the sign of the integer with the greater absolute

Subtraction on integers
1. Change the sign of the subtrahend
2. Proceed with addition, applying the rules in adding

Rules in multiplying integers

For like signed integers:

In multiplying two numbers with the same
signs, the product is always positive.

For unlike signed integers:

In multiplying two numbers with the different

signs, the product is negative.
Operation on integers(division)

For like signed integers:

In dividing integers with the same signs, the

quotient will always be positive.

For unlike signed integers:

In dividing unlike signed integers, the quotient

will always be negative

Properties of operations on the set of integers

Closure property

Two integers that are added and multiplied remain as


The set of integers is closed under addition and


 The closure property for adding integers states

that if a and b are integers, then a+b is a unique
 The closure property of multiplication for real
numbers states that if a and b are integers,
then a*b is a unique integer.
Commutative property

Changing the order of two numbers that are

either being added or multiplied does not change its

Distributive property

When two numbers have been added /

subtracted and then multiplied by a factor, the result
will be the same.

When each number is multiplied by a factor

and the products are then added/subtracted.

Identity property

A. Additive identity- states that the sum of any

number and zero is the given number
B. Multiplicative identity- an element that, when
multiplied with another number, results in the
number itself.

Inverse property

A. Additive inverse- states that the sum of any

number and its additive inverse is zero
B. Multiplicative inverse- states that the product
of any number and its multiplicative inverse or
reciprocal is 1.
Expressing Rational Numbers in Fraction Form to
Decimal Form

Rational Numbers

Those are numbers that can be expressed in fraction

form where a and b are integers

We can convert fraction to decimal by simply dividing

the numerator by the denominator.

To change rational numbers from decimal forms to

fraction form, express the decimal part of the numbers
as a fractional part of a power of 10.

Operations on Rational Numbers

Similar Fractions

Similar fractions are fractions that have the

same denominator.

Dissimilar Fractions

Dissimilar fractions are fractions with different


Adding and Subtracting Dissimilar Fractions

1. Rename the fractions to make them similar

2. Add or subtract the numerators of the resulting

Proper Fractions

These fractions are fractions that the numerator is

less than denominator

Improper Fractions

These are fractions where the numerator is greater

than the denominator

Mixed Numbers

Mixed Numbers are quantities that have whole

number part and a fraction part.

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