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Discrete Mathematics Notes for 1st Quarter In mathematics, the letters x, y, z, … denote

variables that can be replaced by real numbers,

Lesson 1: Logic Part and these variables can be combined by the
familiar operations +, x, - and ÷.
In logic, statements are usually represented
- deals with the methods of reasoning. It is
symbolically by the lowercase letters (p, q, r, s, t)
specifically concerned with whether the
to represent propositional variables, that is,
reasoning is correct.
variables that can be replaced by statements.
- determine the validity of an argument.
The validity of an argument depends on Two Types of Propositions:
its logical form, not on the particular
meaning of the terms it contains. 1. Atomic Proposition - statement that is
not decomposable into simple statement.
Logical Methods 2. Compound Proposition - formed over
the composition of different statements
- used in mathematics to prove theorems,
through logical connectives
in computer science to verify the
correctness of programs, in the natural Logical Connectives
and physical sciences to draw
conclusions from experiments, in the These are the devices used to link or join pairs
social sciences and in our everyday lives of statement.
to solve a multitude of problems.
• Negation [“not”]
Propositions • Conjunction [“and”]
• Disjunction [“or”]
- (or statement) is a declarative sentence.
• Inclusive Disjunction
It assigns one and only one of the two
• Exclusive Disjunction
possible truth values TRUE or FALSE.

The negation of p, denoted ~p, is the proposition

not p.

• Not
• It is not the case that …
• It is false that ...

- Let p and q be propositions. The

disjunction of p and q, denoted p v q, is
the proposition “ p or q “.
➢ or
➢ unless


- Let p and q be propositions. The

conjunction of p and q is the proposition
p and q and it is denoted by p ˄ q
➢ and
➢ but,
➢ moreover
➢ furthermore
➢ yet
➢ still
➢ however
➢ also
➢ nevertheless
➢ although
➢ and so forth
Words, like “both” that goes with “and” and Conditional Propositions
“either” that goes with “or” have parenthetical
meaning. They indicate certain groupings. - If p and q are propositions, the compound
statement “if p, then q” is called an
implication or conditional statement and
is denoted by p q.
- p is called the hypothesis
q is called the conclusion.


𝑝→𝑞 is equivalent to the following expressions:

𝑝 implies 𝑞, If 𝑝 then 𝑞, 𝑞 if 𝑝, 𝑞 whenever 𝑝, 𝑝 is

sufficient for 𝑞, 𝑝 is necessary for 𝑞

Truth Table

- which summarizes the truth values of

propositions. Its entries are T (1) if the
truth value of the proposition is true, and
F (0) if the truth values is false.
Biconditional Proposition - a sequence of propositions written as p1,
p2, …, pn / q
- If p and q are propositions, the
- Deductive or indirect reasoning is a
compound proposition “p if and only
process of reaching a conclusion from
if q” is called is called a biconditional
one or more statements called
proposition and is written p q.
- set of statements in which one of the
statements is called the conclusion and
the rest comprise the hypothesis. The
propositions p1, p2…,pn, are called the
hypotheses (or premises) and; The
proposition q is called the conclusion.

The propositions p1, p2, …, pn are called the

hypothesis and the proposition q is called the
NOTE: conclusion. An argument is valid argument if all
the premises p1^p2^…^pn are all true (1) and truth
𝑝↔𝑞 is equivalent to the following expressions: value of the conclusion q, must also be true (1);
otherwise, the argument is invalid if the truth
𝑝 is equivalent to 𝑞, 𝑝 if and only if 𝑞, 𝑝 is value of all premises is true (1) but the truth value
necessary and sufficient for 𝑞, if 𝑝 then 𝑞 and of the conclusion is false (0). An argument is
conversely valid if it is tautology
statements. 1 is used for closed switch,
while 0 for an open switch.

Application of Logic to Circuits

- One of the most nonmathematical

applications of symbolic logic was seen
in the master’s thesis of Claude Shannon
in 1937. Shannon showed how logic
could be used as an aid in designing
electrical circuits. His work was
immediately taken up by the designers of
computers. (Lial et. al., 2002)

Equivalent Statement Used to Simplify


- Logic is used to simplify an electrical

circuits and it depends on the idea of
equivalent statements. Circuits can be
used as models of compound

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