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Jaime Keller*
Division de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de QUlmica, and
Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Cuautitlcin
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
A. Postal 70-528, 04510 Mexico, D. F., Mexico
Robert M. Yamaleev
Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Cuautitlcin
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
On leave: Joint Institut for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
~dan Rodriguez
Instituto de FIsica: "Manuel Sandoval Vallarta"
Universidad Autonoma de San Luis POtOSI,
A. Postal 2-22, 78216-San Luis PotOSI, Mexico

(Received: June 8, 1998; Accepted: August 5, 1998)

Abstract. We revise the mathematical formulation of the theory of a particle in

a spherical surface, in particular we show that the system of relations between two
sets of generators of the SU(2) §roup lead to a formulation of nonrelativistic spin-
one half theory on the sphere S . First we examine various possibilities to extend
this approach in the case of relativistic motion, then we give formulation for the
Dirac and Maxwell equations in homogeneous space-time where a geometrical point
is associated with the notion of relativistic top. Finally we formulate these equations
in a S3 surface embedded in R 5 , using spherical system of coordinates, and examine
the eigenvalue problem.

* Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed

Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8 No.2, 235-254 (1998)
236 Algebraic and Differential Equations,.. J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

1. Introduction
Among all possible values s the spin has a special status. It is frequently con-
sidered that spin-one half is the basic spin serving as building block for l>ystems
with other values of spin. Currently it has been well established that the the-
ory of spin-one half is closely connected with the tqeory of space-time. This
point of view has been developed, for example, in the theory of spinor repre-
sentation of the space -time [1, 2, 3, 4] or phase space coordinates (twistors)
[5,6, 7, 8, 9] and in the description of space- time within the basis of Clifford
algebras [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. It is important that all these approaches lead to a
geometrical basis beyond the standard frames for space-time. It is also impor-
tant to recognize that the Clifford algebra approach faithfully and completely
embeds the spinor and twistor formulations.
In this paper we display the deep relation between the set of generators of
the space-time group and the system of equations for spin-one half particles.

2. Nonrelativistic Equation of Motion for a Particle with Spin One

Half in the Basis of Generators of the Group SU(2)
We start with a simple example to display the relation between the set of
relationships of the generators of the Galilean group and the structure of the
Hamiltonian of a particle with spin 1. At the level of mechanics the relation
between a free particle of mass m Hamiltonian and momentum p is given by


This form of the Hamiltonian plays a fundamental role in the classical and
quantum mechanics, in particularly, it determines the structure of the Hamilton-
Jacobi and Schrodinger equations. Within quantum mechanics the algebrai~
relation (2.1) is understood as a relation between operators for momentum and
energy given by
H = iii :t' p= :x.
-iii (2.2)
This is a formal way to obtain the Schradinger equation for the nonrelativistic
spinless particles. Operators Hand p are generators of the Galilean group. Now
it comes the question: is it possible to generalize the relation (2.1) to obtain
the quantum equations for a particles with a spin? One, straightforward, form
is to consider the Clifford algebra for space (Pauli complex algebra) [lIb]. It
turns out that this program may be realized by making use of the relationships
between the generators of the Galilean group. These relationships are given by
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 237

the following simple system (here (ii, b) denotes the symmetric scalar product
between vectors ii and b

M = [rx P1, r2mH = -[M x 151 + sp, where s = (r,p). (2.3)

The determinant of this system equals zero, yielding:

2mH - p2 = O. (2.4)

An important property of (2.3) is observed when the particle is considered to

move in an extetnal electromagnetic field. let us introduce the field potentials
.A and c/J in a canonical way:
p- P = P- + -,
-4 -f e A- H "'"'"+ H - ec/J. (2.5)
In that case the components of the momentum operator don't commute. More-
over the commutator is
r~' xp-'] =-~'he-iJ
lJ' -n, C

{f'} 2mH = {r}{p2 + (1", [px P1)}, (2.7)

where the matrix-vector fh is given by

ril. = [-ei )( -]
eJ: •

The last term of (2.7) corresponds to energy of the interaction between the
magnetic momentum of the spin § = -i1i.r and the mag~etic field . In fact,
t,n(T,[px 151) = -ih2fnc(r,H) = 2:nc(S,H).
Then the spin-one matrices can be constructed from the orthonormal basis
vectors of the three-dimensional space .. Now let us try the same procedure to
obtain the Hamiltonian of spin-one half particles. In the standard appr<!ach
238 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

the spin-one half-operator is represented by Pauli matrices S= ~u, we then

rewrite the system (2.3) in the following way

(r, u)(2mH) = (s + (£1, u))(P, 17),

s + (M, 17) = (r, 17) (p, 17). (2.8)

We note, however, that these algebraic relations may be fulfilled iff

(£1,ji) = (r, [px]31) = 0, (2.9)

which obviously should be obeyed f~r free particles, because

But this is not the case in the presence of an external electromagnetic field.
From (2.6) one gets
- e-
(M,ji) -ih-(r, 1l) O.
= (2.10)

Obviously this equality could not be satisfied in the general case because
one may choose the origin of the reference system by arbitrary way. The
cause of this contradiction lies in the non-completeness of the algebraic ba-
sis {0"1' 0"2, 0"3} which we have used. Indeed the condition (2.9) disappears as
soon as we use the complete ring as a basis {I, 0"1, 0"2, 0"3}. This is a basis of
a four -dimensional Euclidean space. Correspondingly the system (2.8) takes
the form

{r4 + i(r, un 2mH = {s + i(M + N, U)}{P4 + (p,u)}, (2.11)

+ i(£1 + N, 17) = {r4 + i(i, U)}{P4 - i(p, un,


where N = r 4P - Tp4, S = (r, ji) + r 4P4. Separating the expressions for the
basic units {I, (0"1, 0"2, 0"3n we obtain
1"4 2mH = ((£1 + N),ji) + S P4,
i2mH = -[(M + N) x P1 + sp- (M + N) P4, (2.12)
whic"h contains the Hamiltonian

2mH = p~ + p 2 + (fr, ([px P1 + (P4P - PP4))' (2.13)

In the left handed system of reference we get

Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 239

r4 2mH = ((M - N),P) + S P4,

r 2mH = -[(M - N) X P1 + sf - (M - N) P4,
with Hamiltonian


the spin-matrix being given by


with {ed, k 1,2,3,4 and (ei,ej) Dij. =
Let us note the operators N, M are generators of the SO(4) group while
the linear combinations of these operators


form two set of generators for the SU(2) group. The operator s = (r, p) + r4P4
is the dilatation generator.
The isomorphism between the SO( 4) and SU(2) groups is explicitly exhib-
ited in the vector-parametrization of the SO( 4) group by

In this representation the spin-matrices (2.15) are interpreted as matrices of

infinitesimal transformations of the SU(2) group:

T+ = oT+/oa(a = 0), T_ = oT_/ob(b = 0).

And in this formulation the spin-one half operator is defined by
S = -inT±/2,
instead of the usual one given in terms of the Pauli matrices
S = 2"(1.
The basis {I, -iTo;, -iTy , -iTz } is then isomorphic to the basis of Pauli matrices
{I, Uo;, u y , u z }.
Our purpose is to formulate the Pauli equation purely in the terms of the
generators of the SU(2) group or, in other words, in terms of the operators u
and M.
240 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

The Hamiltonian of the spin-one half particle in 4-dimensional Euclidean

space is written as follows
2m H = (P4 - i(p, U))(P4 + i(p, 17)). (2.17)
Now let us use the constraint for four-dimensional coordinates to a sphere
R 2 = r~ + r 2 = (r4 + i(r, u))(r4 - i(p,u)), (2.18)
where R is the radius of the three-dimensional sphere 53. We get

2m H = ~2 {P4 - i(p, u)}{r4 + i(r, u)}{r4 - i(r, U)}{P4 + i(p, un = (2.19)

(8' - i(M, 17))(8 + i(M,u),

where 8 = (r, p)+r4P4 is the Euler operator with the eigenvalue -4ih(O, 1,2, ...).
On the sphere 53 one of the eigenvalues of this operator is zero. The eigen~
value of the operator 8' = (p, r) + P4r4 is -4ih. Restricting ourselves to this
eigenvalue of 8 only we obtain

2mH= ~2{-4ih-i(M,un(M,u). (2.20)

To find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian (2.20) we use

the expansion of the solution in spherical harmonics
Yftt (() , <P, t/J) = L-m,u cif:suYLm(() , <p, t/J)esu.
where (M + 5)2Yftt =J(J + I)Y}-tt and (5)2Yftt = ~Yf~, to obtain
(M-2 + 2(5,
MnYJM = (J(J 3
+ 1) - 4)YJM,
with J = O,~, 1, ~,... . Let us first concentrate our attention on the ground
state J = O. The eigenvalue corresponding to the ground state is
H( J = 0) =- m~~ 52 -
- ,:~~ ~,
a negative value. To avoid negative values in the definition of the energy we
define the Hamiltonian as the sum
2 -2 2 "'2 ..... 2 ~
H = H + mR2S = mR~ {M + 2(S,Mn + mR2S .
The term m~~ 52 we can interpret as a reference energy corresponding to the
spin of the particle. We then get a remarkable expression for the Hamiltonian
of a spin-one half particle, on the sphere 53, as follows

Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 241

The spectrum of this operator is immediately given by

H'Jl(J) == ';~2 J(J + 1)'Jl(J), J == 0, t, 1,~, ....
The discreteness of the energy spectrum is a consequence of the compactness
of the group SU(2), the space of which is the space of the solutions. When
R --> 00 the Hamiltonian (2.21) tends to the Hamiltonian of the free particle
Pauli equation. In that case
M±/R = (M ± N)/R --> ±p,

As it has been shown in [15], the Hamiltonian (2.21) corresponds at the classical
level to a spherical symmetric classical top's Hamiltonian on S3;

where I is a moment of inertia.

Let us consider the motion constrained to S3 and in an external magnetic
field. As an antecedent the nonrelativistic equation for spinless particles in
spherical space had first been formulated by Schrodinger [16]. Se~nd the Pauli
equation considers generalized momentum in the gauge invariar.t form

P = p+ ~A,
to get, when Clifford algebra is considered (p,6) = pJJoJJ' the additional quan-
tity in the Hamiltonian responsible of the interaction between the magnetic
momentum of the charged spin particle with the magnetic field. This quantity
"automatically" appeared in the Hamiltonian as soon as we include an external
magnetic field in the gauge invariant formulation
2mH = (P,ii)(P,ii) == p2+ ([P x P],ii) = (p+ ~A)2 + 1i~CR.,ii),

if == ~~ [(p + ~A) x (p + ~A)].

On the hypersphere S3 as a result of the introduction of the gauge field we get
242 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

where the constrained gradient operator B = idW x X] + (RX + ~(r, X))}.

The strength of the magnetic field is given by
- c - e- - e- 2 - e-
G = ; ([(V' + ~B) x (V' + ~B)l- Rev + ~B)} =
= ([~ x B) - iB)),
where the constrained gradient operator ~ = ~{[rx tr-] + (Rtr- + ~(r, tr-))} ,
whose components obey the commutation relations
[V'i,V'j]= 2eijkV'k, i,j,k=I,2,3.

3. Extension of Space-time Coordinates Conserving the Poincare

Group Relations
We generalize the relevant formulae from the previous section to the relativistic
case. First all the basic operators considered have to belong to the Poincare
group. The generators of this group are the 4-components of momentum pa
and the 6~components of the angular momentum M ab , from which one builds
two Casimir operators (indices a, h, c, d, ... run from 1 to 4)

= Pa Pa, W 2 = W awa, Wa = -2"eabcd
1 Mbc P,
d (3.1)
where W a is the Pauli-Lubanski (axial) vector, which is supposed to be pro-
portional to the total spin of the spinning system. In fact P is a vector, M
a bivector and W a trivector mapped, by duality, into a vector like quantity.
When the system is isolated, p a and M ab are constants of motion and for any
positive m, the history of the center-of-mass consists of the points of M:
m 2 x a = Mabpb + SPa, S = xapa, M ab = (xal- xbp a ). (3.2)
The condition for non-triviality of the solutions of this system is given by
m2 - papa = O.
The set of relations (3.2) generates the well known Proca equations [18] which
can be written as:
m2 Ua = -Pb Uab + parr
vQ, vQ
= p a u a, U ab __ (paub _pbua). (3.3)
Thus we have generalized the system (2.3) to the relativistic case which again
occurs related to spin-one equations. The question arises: which kind of struc-
tural relations must be used for the generators of the Poincare group to obtain
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 243

the relativistic equations of motion for spin-one half particles? First let us
note that in the system of relations (3.2) the Pauli-Lubanski operator, which
plays essential role in the formulation of Poincare groups for spinning parti-
cles, disappeared because the Pauli-Lubanski vector is trivial for the angular
momentum taken as orbital angular momentum. It is well known that its value
in non-trivial iff the angular momentum is taken as total angular momentum
consisting of orbital and spin parts. Our goal is to define the spin part by
extending the coordinate part in the relations (3.2). For that purpose let us
consider first th_e massless case where the extension of the coordinate part
yields W a = spa'
For our purpose we present the spin part in the form

S ab _ Labcp _ _1 eabcdy p (3.4)

- c - 2 c d,


where Labc corresponds to a trivector therefore it is skew symmetric in the

tensor indices. Inserting the total angular momentum defined by


into (3.1) we get

Wa -- -
1 b cdpq
2eabcdP e
_ (b) _
ypPq - -Pa Y Pb - SPa, (3.7)

with (yb pb ) = -So Thus for m = 0 we can build the following identities
Mabp b + (Xbpb)Pa = 0,

~1JabcdMbC pd + SPa = 0, (yb pb ) = -So (3.8)

We suggest that the spin part should have also the same structure for the
case of positive mass, so that the total angular momentum is defined by (3.6).
From the L abc and Pa one can build also the fully skew symmetric tensor [{abcd:

[{abcd = L[abcpdl = !(LabCpd + Lbcdpa + Lcdapb + Ldabpc). (3.9)

In four -dimensional space this tensor is proportional to the also fully anti-
symmetric Ricci tensor e abcd with entries 1 or -1 according to the parity of the
244 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

permutations of abed:
K abcd = ~eabcdKo. (3.10)
One may also invert this relation getting the contraction

y\0 = 6eabcd
1 yabcd
i . (3.11)

With those definitions one may obtain the following identity


where 3p[a M bc ] = Pa Mbc + Pb Mca + PcMab. Remembering that the tensor Labc
is linked to an axial four- vector by (3.5) we ':an be transform (3.12) into the
following system

Now let us summarize all these identities into one set of relations. We get
m 2 x a = Mabpb + spa, S = xapa, M ab = (xap b _ xbp a ) + Labcpc,

This set of relations generates the well known Dirac-Kahler equations [19]. By
dividing M ab into self-dual and anti-self dual parts:
M ab -- M-
ab + M+ab' M+
ab -- 21 e cdM
ab cd -- +1'M-ab
and introducing the complex values
x+ a x a + iya, x-a = x a _ iya,
w+=s+iKo , w-=s-iKo,
we can transform (3.14) as follows

m 2 x-a = MdbPb + w+pa.

This system of operators generates the following equations of motion [20]
oU'ljJu = rr;.c'ljJ,
oJ.l Wv - ov'ljJJ.l - ieJ.lva(30a'ljJ(3 = rr;.c WVJ.l'
OUWUJ.l - OJ.l'l/J = rr;.c Ww
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 245

4. Generalization to the Relativistic Case

Following Pestov [21] we will consider a homogeneous space-time that differs
from the Minkowski space-time by geometrical and topological properties. We
remark here that in Clifford algebra this is equivalent to use complex algebra
and some constraint [14b]. In the non-Euclidean five-dimensional Minkowski
space-time Mf4 with Cartesian coordinates x).. ,'" = 0,1,2,3,4

consider the constrain to the one sheet hyperboloid H 4 given by

where ~ is the hyperbolic radius of H4. The vector fields

P).. = 8~oJ.l' M)..J.l = (x)..8~ - xJ.l8>")8v, (4.3)

where x).. = TJ)..J.lxJ.l, are generators of the Poincare group of the five-dimensional
Minkowski space-time. All vector fields M)..J.l are orthogonal to the radius-vector
R = XV oV. Using this expand Pv in the direction of the radius-vector Rand
the one orthogonal to it, to obtain the vector fields


The vector fields MJ.l and are generators of the group of conformal trans-
formations of H4 because

Define now the. vector fields (compare with (2.16))

Mo = Mo, M 1 = M 14 + M 23 , M 2 = M 24 + M 31 , M3 = M 34 + M 12 , (4.6)

with components
M 0-- (R + "21 Xo'
2 1X 1 1
2" oX '"2XOX 2 , 2"1 XOX 3 '2"1 XOX 4) ,
M 1 = (O,-X4,-X3,X2,Xl),
M 2 = (0,X3,-X4,-Xl,X2),

246 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

The vector fields M o, M I , M 2 , M 3 are continuous, linearly independent and

do not vanish at any point of H 4 . They obey (M a , Mb) = 0 for a oF b, a, b =
0,1,2,3 and

From (4.5)-(4.7) follow the commutation relations

[M o, M I ] = 0, and [Mi, Mi] = 2eiikMk, i,j, k = 1,2,3. (4.8)

The one sheet hyperboloid (4.2) admits a simply transitive group of trans-
formations with the generators (4.6) having as the only nontrivial struct;.ure
1 -- 131
f 23 2
12 -- 2 .
-- f3 (4.9)
Therefore, we will supply H 4 with a metric of the type (4.9) and thus transform
H 4 into the hyperbolic space-time Ht3. From (4.6)-(4.9) it follows that the
vector field M o is absolutely parallel with respect to the connection on Ht3
induced by the ~ector fields (4.6). For comparison we note that the vector field
M o = a~o defined in (4.7) is also absolutely parallel. Also it can be shown that
in the homogeneous space-time Ht3 a geometrical point of the spatial cross
section can be associated with the notion of a top. From (4.2)-(4.9) it follows
that the cross section of H 4 at the hyperplane xo = 0 is a three-dimensional
spherical surface
immersed in a four-dimensional Euclidean space.
Now within these geometrical notions we can generalize the equation (2.21)
for the top. Let us remember before the generalization of the Pauli equation
into the Dirac equation. This can be displayed in the following scheme:
H p = 2;" (P, 11)2 -+ (If- - me)( If- + me) = (p, 11)2 -+

-+ Det ( l!..Il.
e _ _
- me (p' 11) ) = 0 -+
(p,/7) ~ + me
-+ ~\J! = (a,i!) + f3me)\J!.
In the same way we get [22]
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 247

2 m H -- «0',M)+2/i) «0',M)+2/i)
R R-+

-+ (~- me)(~ + me) = «i,M) + 2/i)2 -+

-+ Det ( ~_- me (i,M) +2/i) = 0-+

(i, M) + 2/i ~ + me

15 = (~ ~) . (4.11)

The spectrum of this equation for the free motion case may easily be found
taking into account that the operator (i,M) + 2/i commute with H D . The
eigenvalues of this operator are known
[(i, M) + 2/i]'l1 = (n + 1)'l1, n = 0,1,2, ....
As a most important result we find following formula for the spectrum of (4.11)

c. =c m c
2 2
h\nR2+ 1)2 (4.12)

From physical considerations it is clear that for large nand R, the formula
(4.12) will approach the properties of the classical top. Indeed, in the limit of
large R it follows from (4.12) that

+ J2

The Dirac's equation was first generalized to the de-Sitter space by Dirac itself
[23]. He also formulated this equation in the conformal space [24].
Now let us consider the Dirac-Maxwell system of equations in the hyper-
bolic space-time. We write the Dirac equation in the homogeneous space-time
in the form
where the Minkowski space Clifford algebra is generated by the well known 'Y a
= =
'Yal b + 'Yb'Y a _21/ab, and D a "Va + ~~Ba - tfia'
the B a being the components of the vector potential of the electromagnetic
field. Taking into account the structure constants (4.9) ["Va, "V b] = f~b "V c, we
248 Algebraic and Differential Equations ... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

Gab = 'Va'h - 'VbB a - f~bBe
are the components of the strength tensor of the electromagnetic field in the
basis \la' The Jacobi identity [Da[D b• Dc]] + [Db[D e, D a]] + [De[D a , Db]] = 0
results in the first four Maxwell equations


To establish the other four Maxwell equations we use

- ab - leabedG
G - 2 cd·
Then eq. (4.14) can be written in the following equivalent form

\lJ;ab + fa cab + ~f~dcad = 0, (4.15)

from which followl' the second group of Maxwell equations

'VaG ab + faGab + ~ f~dGad = 4;a /, (4.16)

where the jb are components of the current vector. In three-dimensional vector

form the Maxwell equations are written
ja = (cp,J), A a = (¢>,-..4), Ei = FOi , Hi = teijkFik, i,j,k = 1,2,3.
And from (4.14)- (4.16) we obtain the standard formulae

E= -'VoA - 'V¢>, jj = rotA = 'V x A- 21. (4.17)

Now consider the Coulomb law in equations (4.14)-(4.16). In Euclidean

space the Coulomb potential can be derived as a solution of the equations
of electrostatics, invariant under the Galilean group of motions including ro-
tations and translations. We then look for the Coulomb-like potential for the
equations (4.14)-(4.16). From (4.14)-(4.16) it follows that for a constant electric
field E = -'V¢> and, consequently, ¢> obeys the equation
1).¢> = -471'a 2p.
The invariant of the group of rotations 0(4) on a three-dimensional sphere of
radius a is either the arc length or the angle between radius-vectors x and Y
(here considered as corresponding to two 53 tops),
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 249

X = (x 1 , X 2 ,x3 ,X 4), Y = (y 1 ,y2, y3, y4), cosB 1 ( X 1 Y1 +X 2 Y2 +X 3 Y3 +X 4 y 4) .

= 2"

= ( x.axJ
Mi' cosB
[) .a
' - - xJ-.)cosB = -(x'yJ
- xJy'),

setting in (4.18) p = 0, </> = </>(z), where z = cosB, we obtain the equation for
</>(z) [21]
2 d </> d</>
(1 - z ) -2 - 3z-
dz dz
= 0.
The general solution to this equation is of the form
</>(z) = Cl y1-
~ + C2 =
Cl cot B + C2,

where Cz and C2 are arbitrary constants.

Introduce the frame of reference with respect to which one of the charged
tops is at rest and has the coordinates (0,0,0, -R). In this system consider
a stereographic projection of the three-dimensional sphere (4.10) from point
(0,0,0, R) onto the hyperplane x 4 = with Cartesian coordinates x, y, z. We
Xl _ 2R 2 2 _ 2R' 3 2R'
- X r'+R2, x - Yr'+R2 X zr'+R" =
where r 2 = x 2 + y2 + z2. It may be verified that in the coordinates x, y, z

R r
cotB = - --
2r 2R

and, consequently, the Coulomb potential on the 53 can be written in the

following form
1 r 1
</>(r) = e(; - R2 - R)' (4.20)

We complete this section with an important remark+, that the potential

(4.20) coincides with the known Cornell (potential, which has been defined
empirically and successfully applied to the description of the mass spectrum
of the charmonium [25].
250 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

5. Equations in Spherical Coordinates

Let us rewrite equation (4.11) in spherical coordinates. We are looking for
spinorial wave functions of the following form

<}. ( () 1/;) - ( tP+(r)Yi~,((), 1/;) + itP-(r)~;'((}, 1/;) ) (5.1)

Jm r" - w+(r)~t,((},1/;) +iw-(r)~~((},1/;)

Inserting (5.1) into (4.11) and using

= 4-[(1
+ .z:.:)...4..
R2 dr
+ (1+k)jf.!fl
r r'

( iiM)Y±
= ;,,(J2 - L2 - 2)Y±
4 Jm
= -;"(1 + k)Y±

y± = ~y±
Jm r Jm'

k = { -(f + 9'} = f + 1/2

+f, J - f - 1/2,
we get
(£ - mc)tP+ = (ltl) w+ + [(1 + ~:):.. - l ; l jw-,

(£ + mc)w- = -(l"R1)tP- - [(1 + ~:)tr + ~jtP+,

(£ - mc)tP- = _(l"R1)W- - [(1 + ~:)tr + ~jw+,
(£+mc)w+ = (f+1)tP++[(1+.c)~_
f-1 j r , (5.2)
R R2 dr r
It is more convenient to use the trigonometrical coordinates defined by
tanx=i, sinx=(r/R)J1+r2/R2.
In this notations eq. (5.2) becomes
£- sin xtP+ = (f + 1) sin x w+ + (sin x 1x - (f - 1) cos x)w-,

£+ sinxw- = -(f - l)sinxtP- - (sin x dx + (f + 1) cosx)tP+, (5.3)

£- sinxtP- = -(f-1)sinxW- - (sinxd~ +(f+ l)cosx)w+,

£+ sin xw+ ;=" (f + 1) sin x tP+ + (sin x d~ - (f - 1) cos x)tP-,
£± = £±mc.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 8, No.2 (1998) 251

The solutions we are looking for have the form

..1.+ '\"
'I' = . k ,T.+ '\"
L.Jk ak SIn x, 'll
b . k
L.Jk k sm x I

'I' - = '\" • k-I
L.Jk gk cos x sm x I

Substituting these series into eq.(5.3) and equating the expressions with sink
and cask we obtain a system of algebraic equations for the coefficients a, b, g, c:
£- ak-I = (£ + l)b k - 1 + (k - £ + l)ck+l - (k - £)Ck-l,
£+b k - 1 = (£ + l)ak-l + (k - £ + l)gk+l - (k - £)9k-l,
£-gk = -(£-l)ck - (k+£+ l)b k ,

£+Ck = -(£ - l)gk - (k + £ + l)ak' (5.4)

Presenting this system in matrix form

(k+£)(k -£+ 1) (9k+l) = (A)


where the matrix (A)

, ( £ - £+ + 1 - k 2 - 2£- )
(A) = -2£+ £-£+ + 1- k2
To obtain the regular solutions we equal the determinant of this matrix to zero:

, (£-£++1-k 2 -2£- )
Det(A) = Det -2£+ £- £+ + 1- k 2 = O.

The energy spectrum coincides with (4.14)

~: =m 2 c2 +(n+1)2jR2 .
Introduce now the Coulomb potential . For that purpose it is enough to
substitute £± sin x + ~ cos x for £± sin x , where a = e2 j(h . c). In that case
we look for solutions of the form
</J+ = exp( -Dx) L:daksink+' x + Ak cos xsin k - 1+. xL
w+ = exp(-Dx) L:k[bksink+'x + Bk cosxsink-l+·x],
</J- = exp( -Dx) L:k[gk cos xsink-l+. x + Gksink+· xL
'l!- = exp(-Dx) L:k[Ck cosxsink-l+'x + Eksink+'x]
252 Algebraic and Differential Equations... J. Keller, R. M. Yamaleev, A. Rodriguez

Inserting these functions and equate the expressions in sink and cask to get
for the coefficients the system of equations

£+ (l £- 1 k +s+£
- Ek - -Ck
= ---Gk
+ R2 Ak + Dak-
(l k+s-£-1
- RCk+2 - R2 Ak+2l

_ (l £-1 k+s+£+1 D
£gk+R2Gk=-Rck- R bk+RBk,

+ (l £-1 k+s+£+1 D
£ Ck + R2 E k = - R gk - R ak + R Ak,

£+ (l £+ 1 k + s - £+ 1
R Bk + Jib k = ]i2A k + R2 Gk - Dgk.
For the regular solutions the determinant of the system above must be zero
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra.., 8, No.2 (1998) 253

Q' £+1
£+bk - -Bk - --ak +
R2 R
gk + -Ok =
R '
- -gk
£- 1
R + --Ek
R2 -
k + s +£
R2 Bk - Db k = ' °
£+ Q' £- 1 k +s +£
li Ek - RCk + WOk - R2 A k - Dak = 0,
_ Q' £-1 k+s+£+1 D
£ gk + R2 Ok + R Ck + R bk - R B k = 0,
+ Q' £-1 k+s+£+1 D
£ck+ R2 E k+
R gk+ R ak-RAk=O,

£+ 1
- A k + -ak - - - B k -
k + s - £+ 1
E k + Dc. :::
£+ Q' £+ 1 k + s - £+ 1
li Bk + R bk - WAk - R2 Ok + Dgk ::: 0.

We thank the support of the National Research System of Mexico and of the
Catedras of FES-C, D.N.A.M. system.

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