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´´Research paper´´

Products of the Amazon

“Uvilla jam”

Emily Hernández, Danna Herrera, Gilbert Lara, Samantha López, Thiago Lugo y Keyra

Alvaro Lasluisa

Noveno “D”

Puyo - Ecuador



The main topic of this research is about Amazonian products but its subtopic would be
about the grape jam, this being a non-existent product may not be able to find much or no
information about its origin or preparation, also being a fruit with many benefits that
according to Plantas Ecuador, which is a very trusted website due to its extensive knowledge
in various plants and fruits of Ecuador, it contains phytosterols which is a type of antioxidant
that helps reduce blood cholesterol, knowing this we can realize that it is very important that
we have more extensive information about creating new products with beneficial fruits for
the human being. The importance of this new product is that according to the agriculture of
the government of Ecuador, the gooseberry is an excellent source of provitamin, it consists of
high vitamin C, has vitamin B, protein and a high concentration of phosphorus.

According to the Dinaminga Project, where all its information is safe as it is supported
by the agriculture of Ecuador, it made us aware of the main benefits of the uvilla which are; It
rebuilds and fortifies the optic nerve, removes albumin from the kidneys, helps eliminate
intestinal parasites that are mostly amoebas, is ideal for diabetics, its consumption is
unrestricted, among its wide variety of benefits. The main basis to create this product would
be with the help of natural ingredients and without dyes, according to Gastronomía Solar a
good way to make jam is to let the fruit cook at high temperatures and for relatively long
losses in order to get the most out of the juice and flavor of the fruit, but with great care since
doing this process could cause very painful burns that are difficult to heal.


Some citizens love the gooseberry, and other people don't like it so much, for this
reason, the jam would try to concentrate almost all the flavor of the gooseberry. The
gooseberry has been discovered approximately in the year 1807 and from there it has been
dispersed all over the world, in some countries they have not been able to reach because of
their climate, the gooseberry grows as a wild plant, it is known to be found in some high
tropical areas of South America, the gooseberry can be said to have originated in South

America, Some countries The ones that are known to find the uvilla would be: Peru,
Colombia, Ecuador and it can also be found in some parts of Brazil.

The gooseberry is a native crop that is planted 3,317 meters above sea level, this was
discovered in 1810 by respective conditions. In total there are some types of uvilla, therefore,
its total types would be approximately 45 types of uvilla, the uvilla has another name, it is
known as aguaymanto according to those who cultivate this plant, currently the uvilla costs in
dollars about 1.45 per kilo, approximately with the products of making the uvilla jam it
would cost about 7.50 dollars, The gooseberry has a sweet and sour taste. Gooseberry
rebuilds and fortifies the optic nerve, removes albumin from the kidneys, helps purify the
blood, is effective in treating throat conditions, the calories of gooseberry are estimated to be
about 53.

Defining the Problem

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in our country Ecuador it has
been very difficult to find products that can contain the gooseberry fruit, for this reason, it has
not been very recognized among us Ecuadorians, how could the gooseberry jam help us in the
recognition of this fruit? According to the UTE repository, making a new product that
includes the gooseberry could be very beneficial for the production of this fruit due to the
limited possibility of finding more information about its exports to different countries and
also so that we can achieve a broader recognition and knowledge about this fruit.

It can benefit in the increase of tourism, we will be able to get the attention of people
from different parts of the world, since by being well informed about all the benefits that it
has, they will be attracted to try this product to be able to check if everything that this fruit
has is true and seeing that everything is true they will continue to buy more and learn more
about our Amazonian product and thus we will be able to increase its production and exports.
The fact that people from other places do not know our fruits can affect the knowledge of our
diversity of foods in our country and by making many products with different fruits that are
from our province Pastaza can be very good for Ecuador and to be able to be more
recognized around the world and according to the observatory of rural change, The
gooseberry is gradually disappearing in Ecuadorian production.

Justification of the problem

It is of the utmost importance to know all kinds of good and bad characteristics of
each fruit of our Amazon to be able to make the most of foreign markets, that is why we offer
grape jam, it has a lot of energy value due to the sugars it contains and all the benefits that the
fruit contains. This jam will be created with the intention of improving the health of its
consumers, who lead a good and healthy lifestyle, with a certain degree of intention to
generate economic income.

It is vitally important that all its established standards are met so that there is good quality
and that it has all the legal standards so that the product is a success..

Objectives of the Study:

General Objective:

The development of technological and economic projects for the production and
export of jams.

Ecuador's exports increase with entry into the foreign market..

Specific objectives:

To be able to conduct a legal study to see if it is technically acceptable.


Theoretical Framework

2.1. The production of gooseberry from the gooseberry jam of Ecuador and Colombia
are very similar in their natural conditions, but different in quantities of planted hectares and
their production. In these years, Colombia planted 1,605 hectares, three times more than
Ecuador. Regarding production, Ecuador harvested 6,396 tons and Colombia registered
16,109 tons, presenting a productivity of 13.0 tons or hectares and 9.5 tons or hectares

2.2. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the factors affecting
grapefruit exports include quality, cultivation system, regulations or legislation, and price.
The cultivation system is very similar between these two countries, because they have very
similar international valleys. The quality is almost similar, but Colombia makes more effort
to concentrate flavor, size and color. In the case of Ecuador, it invests in taking care of the

size, condition of the cap, climate grades, farmer management and sanitation. At the time of
analyzing the competitiveness of both countries, work was done through the development of
the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, which shows that Colombia exports 245 times
more than Ecuador, with an average annual variation of 8%, with 2019 being the year where
this difference is most accentuated, reaching a trade of USD 80,197. In the case of the
Comparative Advantage Index, five aspects were analyzed: national accounts, labor market,
prices, production and trade; where through a valuation the most competitive country in each
aspect is identified. At the end of the analysis it is identified that Ecuador, considering its size
and infrastructure, is faster in production than Colombia, since it obtained a score of 8, but
when analyzing the volume of hectares planted and total production, Colombia greatly
surpasses Ecuador.

2.3. To make this jam you can use: two pounds of grapefruit - one green lemon - two
pounds of panela - two liters of water, you can also change this recipe to make another one
with more flavor.

The origin of marmalade has several theories. One of them may relate that the
marmalade was created by a doctor for the dizziness suffered by Mary, Queen of Scotland.
The original recipe was a mixture of oranges with ground sugar.

The word comes from the Portuguese "marmelo" (quince), the fruit that was originally
used for the preparation of the marmalade. The uvilla is of American origin, it belongs to the
group of semi-acid fruits, the marmalade has a great contribution of energy, fats and glucose.
The quickest way consists of depositing the hot jam in the well dried and previously sterilized
jars, helped by a wide-mouthed vacuum cleaner, filling it almost to the brim. The homemade
jam, once opened, a refrigerated jam or marmalade can last perfectly between 2-3 months.
The lemon in the jam is necessary, that, if you want the jam to have bits of fruit, do not cut it
into very small pieces, as in cooking it will fall apart and reduce its size. Add the juice of half
a lemon, which helps as a preservative, besides activating the pectin.

he uvilla reconstructs and fortifies the optic nerve - eliminates albumin from the
kidneys - helps to purify the blood - is effective in the treatment of throat disorders.

Sheep's milk is very favorable in calcium (more than cow's milk), phosphorus and
also potassium, essential for the proper functioning of the bone system and for the growth of
children, it has a high iron content, ideal for people with anemia. It has 80% more calcium
than cow's and goat's milk, which is why sheep's milk is more advisable than cow's milk.

Lemon provides a large amount of vitamin C, potassium and smaller amounts of other
vitamins and minerals.

Water enables the absorption of essential nutrients, lubricates the joints, eliminates
toxins, facilitates blood flow, and improves digestive function.

Panela provides quick and immediate energy. Thanks to its fructose and sucrose content, this
food is rich in carbohydrates that provide instant energy. - Rich in vitamins. Another of the
benefits of panela is that it is a beneficial food in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Panela comes
from sugar cane and is high in calories and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is an antioxidant,
which delays the oxidation of cells, promotes blood circulation and, due to its pleasant taste,
it is added to medicines so that they can be ingested.

1. The steps to make this jam are:

2. De-leaf and then wash the grapes very well.
3. Put in a saucepan with half a liter of water or sheep's milk and bring to a boil.
4. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and keep covered for five minutes.
5. Remove the grapes and pass them through a strainer, carefully wash the container
where you boiled them and place them again with the sugar over the fire. Stir with a
wooden spatula and boil until a thick jam is obtained,
6. Remove from heat and let it cool;
7. Pack in the selected containers (it can be any container you wish).
8. Place them in a ventilated place for two days so that they pick up more flavor.

This would be for making grapefruit jam.

Theoretical Framework

The uvilla having a sweet and sour taste it can be difficult or a little complicated to
obtain its completely sweet flavor, because it is not known if the uvilla that we will put will
be sweeter or more sour, for this reason it is necessary to add sweeteners (natural) that
contain a sweet concentrate in order to obtain a good sweet in our jam and what we could
observe when making the jam is that, ¾ of panela is needed so that it can be sweet and not
too sour, since the jam by the nature of the fruit can get to keep some of that sourness that, in

parts, characterizes the grapefruit and makes it stand out from any other fruit. By not adding
too much panela we were able to achieve our goal, which was to maintain a sweet and sour
flavor in our jam, but obviously the sweetness was dominant.

We realized that the jam can get a somewhat unpleasant aroma, so it is very important
to add a little clove in order to diminish that aroma that does not benefit us. We noticed that
the jam apart from generating that aroma (something unpleasant) can also get to adopt a
strange aspect which will give a bad image, without counting the bad aroma that this will
have, for such reason it is of utmost importance to add some cinnamon sticks and
approximately 5 cloves (the amount of cloves can vary according to the amount of the jam).
To avoid that the jam gets a thick consistency it should be boiled longer than recommended,
in case it has already been made and has adopted a thick consistency it can be boiled again,
only with the detail that half a teaspoon more of panela should be added (this portion also
depends on the amount of jam, but it is the most recommended in most of the cases), in order
not to lose that sweetness in this one, since without its characteristic sweetness it would not
be called jam by different people. It is very important not to boil the jam too much so that it
does not become completely liquid and turns its natural thickness.

A fact that we believe would be important to say is that this jam can not be frozen to
the point of creating ice cubes with it, since this is necessarily prepared along with their small
seeds, since being too small it becomes an impossible task to remove them in its entirety and
to contain seeds freezing is unlikely to occur if you put it in its original state to the freezer,
But there is a method which can help us to freeze them, which is placing a little water, but it
is important not to mix it since we need that the water does not mix with the jam so that it is
only on the edges so that the water freezes and the jam cubes contain a hard crust without
flavor but inside contains the sweet flavor of the jam.

Results Obtained

Based on a survey conducted with our colleagues of the Educational Unit "San
Vicente Ferrer", in which we made them analyze the taste of grapefruit jam in order to have
an idea of what products we can add or remove from our jam to get a good flavor, We were
able to realize that 80% of the people thought it was a good recipe with a good flavor, while
10% did not like the flavor very much, 5% thought it was a recipe without creativity, 3%

thought that the jam lacked flavor and 2% mentioned that they could not feel the sourness and
could only feel the sweetness of it.

Our colleagues of this Educational Unit were asked a small survey in which these
were the questions and their results.

According to the question: Would you be able to make this jam without any artificial
candy, 25% said they would not be able to make a jam or in general any kind of appetizer
without any artificial candy, since they feel that the result of this appetizer would not be very
good and they could not control so specifically its quantities. 63% mentioned that they would
make some jam without artificial sweets, but that in general they did not have much "hope"
for the product, because they did not know if this non-artificial sweet could give the
maximum of its sweetness to this product. While 12% said that they would be happy to do it,
but also with a certain degree of fear towards the natural candy.

Thus we were able to realize the lack of confidence of people about a natural candy,
although when they tasted the product they commented that it tasted very good, later they
made known their distrust and lack of habit about these natural products.

What was found in the study and what were the main findings of this topic? In this
study previously conducted, it was found that a greater number of people liked this product,
or in another more specific word, they loved it. The number of people who thought it was a
good product was higher than expected. A main finding of this study was, in parts, the need
to accompany this jam with a cracker preferably salty so that its flavors agree in a better way
but that the main protagonist of this appetizer is the grapefruit jam.

Acceptance of the jam


4 si


Prueba 1 Prueba 2 Prueba 3

Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

Analysis of results

According to the information previously analyzed from the consumers of jam in the
"San Vicente Ferrer" Educational Unit, the majority has decided for the much sweeter flavor
in this product, while another group selects the more sweet and sour flavor where the
predominant part of the sour is felt rather than the sweet in the jam, however, a small group
does not like it. These results are the clear example that it is necessary to be able to have
diverse options to obtain the liking of all the people about the product and thus little by little
to be able to make a small business with this product, since, being natural, easy to make, and
with very few materials, it would be the best option for an enterprising mind, especially to be
able to have a small profit with a non-existent product and rich in many benefits such as
vitamins and minerals for all the people and to try to help, above all, to their health.

A group of people told us that they did not like the product because of the excess of
sweetness or simply because they did not like it or because it could be similar in parts to any
other type of jam and they also told us certain details that we could change so that in the next
preparation of this product we could improve it almost in its totality, but what makes this jam
special is its natural products and the fact that it has been created with a fruit that is not very
well known and very rich from many perspectives for human beings or any type of living

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