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Speaker3 (00:04):

Hi, Cynthia. Good afternoon. Can you hear me?

Speaker2 (00:09):
Yes, ma'am. Are you able to hear me?

Speaker3 (00:11):
Yes, I can. I'm sorry. Did I pronounce your name correctly?

Speaker2 (00:16):
Yes, ma'am. That's fine.

Speaker3 (00:17):
Awesome. All right. Thank you so much for taking your time and meeting with me today. By the way, my name
is Mary and I am an Helicab Vasquez Insurance Agency Hiring Manager. And just a brief background with our
agency. Helicab Vasquez Insurance Agency is affiliated with State Farm. It is an established insurance agency
that offers a wide range of insurance services to its clients. And also, we are a sales-driven organization that is
committed to achieve our sales goals by developing and maintaining strong relationships with our clients. Can
you tell me about yourself, please? And can you walk me through about your insurance experiences?

Speaker2 (01:05):
About myself, I've been working as a medical interpreter for the past about six years. Before that, I was still in
the interpreting environment or in that career as well. But I will interpret pretty much everything from law to
insurance, medical. Now, I only interpret for medical and basically medical insurance. But I'm looking forward
to, you know, change careers, which is to be a sales with insurance, just insurance. I don't want to, you know,
I'm trying to change my career from an interpreter to insurance.

Speaker3 (01:54):
All right. Thank you so much. And can you walk me through about your previous responsibilities or job

Speaker2 (02:07):
Yes, previously, before the pandemic, I used to work for a company named Sercom. I started there as an
interpreter and then move up in the company to be a trainer for interpreters. And eventually I changed after like
four years, I changed to a supervisor. So I did supervise with them, different languages. Then I had the
opportunity to work for the Harris County as an interpreter, medical interpreter as well. So I moved to the Harris
County system, which is Harris Health System, it's called. I was working in their actual call center, but then the
pandemic happened, so I eventually moved remotely. So I've been working remotely since the pandemic.

Speaker3 (03:01):
All right. Thank you. And where are you currently located?

Speaker2 (03:06):
I am located in Rosenberg, Texas.

Speaker3 (03:12):
Are you also willing to work in the office?

Speaker2 (03:16):
Yes, ma'am. I mean, that's the whole I love working remotely. Don't get me wrong, you know, remotely. It's
been an amazing experience, but it's not the same as working in an office.

Speaker3 (03:31):
Awesome. All right. And how soon can you start, if ever?

Speaker2 (03:38):
As soon as Monday. I mean, if hired, I can start Monday. I am a contractor now, so I don't have like I don't have
to follow a certain schedule with my interpreting company that I'm with at the moment. So I could start at any
Speaker3 (03:56):
All right. Thank you. And do you also have experience in selling?

Speaker2 (04:04):
Yes, ma'am. With the Seracom company as a trainer and even as an interpreter, you have to be ready at any time
to make a sale because you never know when you're going to have someone that's going to just pop up in your
actual training class trying to buy the in that area. It's more of like the service that we provide. And whenever
that happens, we have to be ready to be able to do that presentation for them.

Speaker3 (04:39):
All right. Thank you so much. And let me check here. On a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest, how
much do you love to work?

Speaker2 (04:53):
How much do I love the work that I do now?

Speaker3 (04:57):
I'm like, how much do you love to work in general?

Speaker2 (05:03):
Oh, I love to work. I mean, I don't I wouldn't be able to be a stay at home mom or stay home wife. I will
probably go crazy. I would say it. I would have to work like I don't I don't see myself not working. So I do love
to work a lot.

Speaker3 (05:24):
All right. So from one to ten, ten. And also, do you happen to have a an insurance license or like a PNC and life
and health insurance license?

Speaker2 (05:40):
No, ma'am. That was actually one of my questions.

Speaker3 (05:44):
Yeah, for this one on your first attempt, we will be the one to pay your test. And if ever you will fail, that is the
time that you will be paying it by yourself.

Speaker2 (05:58):
OK. OK. But how long does that person have to pass that test or how soon does the person have to have that
license? Um, the latest that we have, she studied like a week and then she took the examination this week.

Speaker3 (06:21):
So it's like a week or two preparation. It depends on you and how confident are you for the examination? So
luckily, she got I mean, she passed the examination. So, yeah, I think that will be for the review one to two

Speaker2 (06:41):
OK, one to two weeks.

Speaker3 (06:46):
And also, let me check here on a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest. How optimistic are you?

Speaker2 (06:59):
Optimistic. I could hear we were at the question.

Speaker3 (07:12):
How positive are you in terms of like dealing with other people?

Speaker2 (07:18):
How optimistic, positive. Dealing with other people I'm fine with. I don't have an issue with dealing with
people. That's what I do at the moment. I deal with many patients, many doctors, and I have to be able to even if
my personal life is in the way or anything else is going on around me, I still have to be able to provide a positive
service to anyone that comes on the line because I'm remotely, so I'm mostly in video and over the phone. So I
have to be able to even keep a poker face whenever I'm not happy.

Speaker3 (08:01):
All right. Thank you. And if you were to work from January to December and you receive your W-2, how much
would you like to make?

Speaker2 (08:12):
I would say in the between 40, 45.

Speaker3 (08:18):
Thank you. And which compensation structure would you prefer for your career? A high base salary with lower
commission or a lower base salary with higher commission potential to achieve a six-figure income?

Speaker2 (08:37):
I would say the second option, a lower salary with the opportunity of making six-figure compensation.

Speaker3 (08:51):
All right. Thank you. And how would your best friend describe you?

Speaker2 (09:08):
My best friend, she would describe me as someone who likes to talk to other people or like for some reason, I
always end up meeting new people wherever I go. Very positive, very empathized. I empathize with other
people very quickly. For some reason, I'm not really sure. Very outgoing, I would say. All right. Thank you.

Speaker3 (09:46):
And do you speak Spanish?

Speaker2 (09:48):
Yes, ma'am, I do.

Speaker3 (09:56):
On a scale from one, let me check here. So you speak Spanish and you're willing to work in the office. Are you
currently employed?

Speaker2 (10:19):
I'm a contractor at an interpreting company. So at the moment, like I said, I accept any assignments that are
assigned to me, depending on my free time.

Speaker3 (10:34):
All right. So I think I have all the information that I needed from you. Congratulations, you've passed the initial
interview. The next step will be interview with Angelica. I will be sending the result to her and then I'll be
getting her schedule as to when she can interview you. And I'll be sending you the schedule once she gave it to
me ahead of time so that you can prepare as well. Okay. Did you already send your resume on my email? Yes,
ma'am. Awesome.

Speaker2 (11:10):
Yes, ma'am, I did.

Speaker3 (11:12):
Okay. Thank you so much for your time and have a happy weekend.

Speaker2 (11:16):
Likewise. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Goodbye.

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