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Commonplace Book

Updated 03/18/24

Vocabulary Additions
● vice versa - as in otherwise
● Satirical - criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political
● Discombobulate - to confuse someone or make someone feel uncomfortable

Workhorse Words (March 2024)

Behavior Actions Vice versa coversely

Explain Interpret Processes systems

Predict portend find stumble over

Thought Account vague nebulous

Factors Element confuse Baffle/ed

small granular

Figurative Speech & Creative Language

Alliteration, Metaphors, & Idioms

Quotes & Proverbs

● “From music you can tell what people are thinking, whether they are corrupt or virtuous” -
● “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur Clark.


Politics & Media

Morals & Religion

Social Media

Speaking & Language

Life & Motivation

Future & Technology

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