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History of Western Society Value Edition

12th Edition McKay

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1. Water-based transportation for trade and communication in Italy was discouraged by

A) few good harbors and dry summers that produced little water for rivers.
B) a failure to master the skill of shipbuilding.
C) a poor agricultural environment able to produce few export commodities.
D) frequent invasions from the north that cut off river routes.

2. The Romans adopted which of the following from the Etruscans?

A) The alphabet
B) Agriculture
C) Irrigation systems
D) Shipbuilding

3. How did Cincinnatus personify the ideal of a Roman citizen?

A) He established the foundations of Roman law and the idea that all were equally
subject to it.
B) He refused to join any of the warring factions in the civil war and insisted that his
loyalty was to his family and the gods.
C) He placed duty to Rome before any consideration of personal interest.
D) He sacrificed his wife and family to barbarian invaders rather than see the invaders
enter the gates of Rome.

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4. How did Rome draw the rest of the Italian states into a "partnership"?
A) It conquered the other states of Italy and installed Roman rulers but provided them
with security and substantial public works projects to improve their lives.
B) In return for manpower and taxes, it shared full citizenship with many of its oldest
allies and partial citizenship with other states.
C) It provided an army that could protect the peninsula as long as the other states of
Italy provided the taxes to pay for it.
D) In return for access to its international markets, it received a portion of locally
grown crops from Italian states, which Rome could use to supply the military.

5. In 494 B.C.E., tribunes were established, who were

A) assistants to the consuls.
B) provincial governors.
C) tax collectors.
D) magistrates elected by the plebeians.

6. The senate began as a

A) council elected by all citizens.
B) council of senior priests.
C) council of noble elders advising the Etruscan king.
D) council of the king's closest advisers.

7. What was the underlying principle of Roman law?

A) The concept of social justice
B) The protection of citizens' lives and property
C) The prevention of social and political upheaval
D) The concept of natural rights

8. In handling legal cases involving both Romans and foreigners, the praetors developed a
body of law known as
A) natural law, or ius naturale.
B) civil law, or ius civile.
C) common law, or ius commune.
D) law of the peoples, or ius gentium.

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9. What was the goal of the plebeians in demanding the Law of the Twelve Tables?
A) Codification and publication of the law code so that the patricians would not have a
monopoly on legal knowledge
B) Creation of a written tax structure so that plebeians would be able to anticipate tax
rates they would pay on merchandise
C) Formation of regularized rules related to military service and the benefits gained
from such service
D) Establishment of a clear bureaucratic structure so that the plebeians would have
access to proper bureaucrats to resolve their concerns

10. During the Struggle of the Orders, the plebeians' leverage stemmed from their
A) control of agriculture.
B) increasing wealth.
C) importance to the army.
D) control of the urban economy.

11. What was the main issue in the Struggle of the Orders?
A) The abolition of the latifundia and state ownership of land
B) The extension of citizenship to non-Romans
C) The reform of slavery in Rome
D) The plebeians' efforts to obtain recognition of their rights

12. The main challenge to Roman control of the Mediterranean in the third century B.C.E.
came from
A) Ptolemaic Egypt.
B) Carthage.
C) Alexandria.
D) the Etruscans.

13. How did the Roman wars in southern Italy and Greece differ from the earlier wars in
central and northern Italy?
A) The Romans were required for the first time to include naval action in their
B) These wars were quickly won, demonstrating the superiority of Roman military
C) The Romans learned to map out grand strategy to take full advantage of their
D) These wars were fiercely fought on a larger scale in regions mostly unknown to the

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14. In the early republic, which social group made up the patricians?
A) Soldiers and sailors
B) Non-Roman elites
C) High priests
D) Wealthy landowners

15. What was the importance of the Roman victory at Zama?

A) It secured Roman dominance over the Greeks and thereby the influence of Greek
culture on Rome.
B) It secured Rome's northern border and thereby prevented threats from barbarian
invaders for 300 years.
C) It secured Roman dominance of the western Mediterranean and secured the
influence of Roman heritage in the Western world.
D) It secured Rome's eastern border with the Parthians and permitted continued trade
with needed iron and slave resources in the east.

16. In Roman society, what benefit did men of low social status gain from the patron-client
A) Public and private support in exchange for political support of a patron
B) Security by working as a nobleman's retainer
C) The ability to purchase special supplies of food and goods in return for occasional
service to the military
D) The opportunity to delay payment of taxes in return for first selling their goods to
the Roman state

17. What did the lex Canuleia allow?

A) Plebeians were allowed to marry patricians.
B) Non-Romans were allowed to hold public office.
C) Returning soldiers were allowed to buy land at reduced prices.
D) Roman armies were allowed to pass through the gates of the city.

18. What do the lives of Cato the Elder and Scipio Aemilianus illustrate?
A) The difference between patrician and plebeian lifestyles
B) The lifestyles of the patrician elites in the cities
C) The impact of the Struggle of the Orders
D) The changes that resulted from Roman conquests

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19. Which of the following describes the role of Roman women in childrearing?
A) Women hired wet nurses to raise their children in the countryside until they were
four to five years old.
B) Women employed servants who cared for children during most of the day and
spent a few hours with children in the early evenings.
C) Women nursed their children but left other maternal duties to their servants.
D) Women nursed their children and personally saw to their welfare, refusing to
delegate maternal duties.

20. What was the Roman attitude toward the manumission of slaves?
A) Manumission of slaves was so common that laws were passed limiting the practice.
B) Slaves were only manumitted under exceptional circumstances, when state
authorities agreed that the slaves deserved special treatment.
C) Slaves were manumitted by law at age 55 if they had been faithful workers.
D) The manumission of slaves was forbidden by law.

21. Which of the following describes the Roman deities?

A) They were personal gods connected intimately to the daily lives of Romans.
B) They were a philosophical ideal but played little role in the lives of Romans.
C) They intervened frequently in the affairs of humans to reward the godly and punish
the wicked.
D) They were stern, powerful, and aloof from human affairs.

22. The term latifundia refers to

A) land conquered by Roman armies.
B) a new social class created by imperial expansion.
C) huge agricultural estates.
D) lands controlled directly by the Roman senate.

23. How did Rome's military conquests create strains on the military?
A) The Roman military was stretched so thin that it was required to draft slaves and
those in poverty to fill out the legions.
B) The military suffered a large number of casualties over the years and lacked
adequate facilities for their care and support.
C) The military had grown to such proportions that it could no longer be fed and
supplied adequately by the Roman people.
D) Rome's Italian allies had carried much of the burden of fighting but had received
fewer rewards than the Roman officers and soldiers.

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24. What was the main feature of the reform program of Tiberius Gracchus?
A) Providing free bread to the poor of Rome
B) Distributing public land to impoverished Romans
C) Establishing colonies of ex-soldiers throughout the empire
D) Importing foreign slaves to perform the hardest labor in Rome

25. What was the central issue in the Social War (91–88 B.C.E.)?
A) Carthaginian control of Sicily
B) Whether to grant Roman citizenship to all Italians
C) The plebeians' demand that the laws be codified
D) The slave revolt led by Spartacus

26. How did Gaius Marius transform the Roman military?

A) He developed a professional corps of engineers assigned to each legion to provide
onsite advice and solutions to situations that arose.
B) By permitting slaves to serve in the army with possibilities for freedom for service,
he expanded the size of military forces dramatically.
C) By permitting landless men to serve in the army, he tapped a large reservoir of idle
D) He established uniform military laws to which both officers and common soldiers
were subject, which also gave them significant privileges for their service.

27. Historically, what was the most important aspect of Sulla's efforts at restoring the
republican constitution?
A) Restoring traditional powers to the Senate
B) Allowing access to public office to Italians previously excluded
C) Assuming the role of dictator
D) Abolishing slavery

28. What was the consequence of Julius Caesar's efforts to establish colonies of veterans
and poor Romans throughout the Mediterranean?
A) The Roman Empire became composed of citizens rather than subjects.
B) The Roman Empire became a constant source of difficulty as trained soldiers
established themselves beyond the easy control of Rome.
C) The veterans established military dictatorships within the colonies, denying the
poor their rights as Roman citizens.
D) The Roman army had a pool of reserve forces stationed within close distance to
any part of the empire.

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29. The First Triumvirate consisted of Pompey, Caesar, and what third general?
A) Sulla
B) Marius
C) Crassus
D) Gracchus

30. What Roman general of the late republic brought his legions across the Rubicon River
as a sign of opposition to the Senate and the proconsul Pompey?
A) Gaius Marius
B) Scipio Africanus
C) Marcus Crassus
D) Julius Caesar

31. What was the result of the Gracchus brothers' (Tiberius and Gaius) public land reforms?
A) Additional opportunities were provided for the wealthy landowners to access
public land.
B) Opportunities were provided for veterans and the poor to access public lands for
C) Access to public lands was limited to officeholders.
D) Public lands were established as vast estates for the patricians.

32. Which term identifies the oldest dominant male of a household, who held great power
over the family?
A) Tribunes
B) Paterfamilias
C) Consuls
D) Ius gentium

33. Who was the Greek king of Epirus who defeated Roman legions but lost great numbers
of his own troops?
A) Hannibal
B) Philip V
C) Pyrrhus
D) Brennus

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34. What people occupied areas of central Italy and influenced the fledgling Latin tribes
settling on the Tiber River?
A) The Etruscans
B) The Celts
C) The Phoenicians
D) The Carthaginians

35. The following quote from Ovid identifies the importance of what special rituals and
ceremonies in Roman society? "The spirits of the dead ask for little. They are more
grateful for piety than for an expensive gift."
A) Honoring deceased family members
B) Honoring a married couple
C) Honoring the birth of male children
D) Honoring a child's entrance into adulthood

36. The poet Horace stated, "Captive Greece captured her rough conqueror and introduced
the arts into rustic Latium." What was Horace describing about Roman society?
A) The influence of the defeat of Carthage on Roman culture
B) The influence of Celtic tribes on Roman urban culture
C) The influence of the Roman military on the conquered territories
D) The influence of Hellenism on the new urban culture in Rome

37. "To them leisure, riches—otherwise desirable—proved to be burdens and torments. So

at first money, then desire for power grew great. These things were a sort of cause of all
evils." This quote from Sallust complains about what aspect of Roman development?
A) Land reforms
B) Civil insurrection among the poor
C) The acquisition of an empire
D) Expansion of women's rights

38. "The wild beasts that roam over Italy have their dens, each has a place of repose and
refuge. But the men who fight and die for Italy enjoy nothing but the air and light."
Tiberius Gracchus refers to the plight of which group in this quote?
A) Roman patricians
B) Rome's allies
C) Roman veterans
D) Roman slaves

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39. Traditionally, only ____________ could serve in the army.
A) Roman plebeians
B) non-Romans
C) Roman landowners
D) Roman citizens

40. Italy's geography helps explain the Romans' focus on

A) the Mediterranean.
B) northern Europe.
C) river-based trade.
D) trade and not agriculture.

41. Which of the following was an advantage of Rome's location?

A) It provided easy access to the land north of the Alps.
B) It was far from the coast, and thus safe from naval invasions.
C) The flat terrain of the city made road building easier.
D) The Tiber River provided a constant source of water.

42. What was the role of the Forum in Rome?

A) It was a library available to all citizens.
B) It was a bridge that crossed the Tiber River.
C) It was a public meeting place.
D) It was the main temple of Jupiter.

43. In the early republic, __________ divisions determined the shape of politics.
A) racial
B) social
C) religious
D) tribal

44. Which of the following was true of the Roman consuls?

A) Consuls served for life.
B) The office of consul was hereditary.
C) Consuls were elected for one-year terms.
D) The office of consul was largely ceremonial.

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45. Which of the following was true of the Roman Senate?
A) It was the most important institution of the republic.
B) It came into existence during the Punic Wars.
C) It had no real power.
D) It was dominated by plebeians.

46. The Carthaginians responded to Rome's seizure of Sardinia and Corsica by

A) expanding their holdings in Spain.
B) suing for peace.
C) launching a naval invasion of Italy.
D) seizing a number of Italian towns.

47. Which of the following helped prevent Hannibal from winning areas near Rome in
central Italy?
A) A mutiny among his men
B) The loyalty of Rome's Italian allies
C) Rome's superior military tactics
D) A smallpox outbreak among his troops

48. Under Roman law, in order to marry, both spouses had to

A) swear an oath to the republic.
B) reside in Rome.
C) be free Roman citizens.
D) own land.

49. Under Roman law, women could

A) divorce their husbands.
B) lead armies.
C) vote.
D) own property.

50. Most people in the expanding Roman Republic

A) lived in the countryside.
B) lived in cities.
C) were landowners.
D) were literate.

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Answer Key
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. D
37. C
38. C
39. C
40. A
41. D
42. C
43. B
44. C

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45. A
46. A
47. B
48. C
49. D
50. A

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