Exam Banamex ING ESP - 211024 - 141936

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1- If we don’t act now, global warming _________ be irreversible.

a) Must b) Can c) May d) Might

2- Look at that guy! He goes around without showing concern about the job scarcity! He
_________ be rich, or son of rich parents at least.

a) Has to b) Could c) Must d) May

3- My boss thinks that just because he saved the company 30 thousand last month, he is better
than anyone else in the office. He _______ know a lot about Bitcoins, but each and everyone
around the office has a talent of their own.

a) May b) Might c) Must d) Has to

4- Name three scientific discoveries or inventions that have already been made, and three that
haven’t made yet

_____________________________ ________________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________

5- Choose the correct word for each part of the sentence.

“(To work/Working is an important factor to consider when (Moving / To move) abroad. (To miss/
Missing) your family can cause depression sometimes. Studies have shown that Learning/To learn)
to adapt to a new cultural environment, can lead to a better cognitive activity.”

6 Complete the following sentences as you wish. Consider some elements that you practiced in
class when reviewing present perfect.

This year I haven’t had time to ______________________ because I’ve been _________________
for a long time. Recently It has ____________________ for me to distribute those things
accordingly. For example: I have _______________ a couple times, and that has been
_____________ but in the other hand, I haven’t _________________ and I was supposed to. So, I
guess I am out of _________ but I will ______________ as soon as my vacation finishes.

7- Choose whether the following statements are true or false:

-The globalization is provoking more economical disparities than balance.

a) True b) False

-In 20 years, Artificial Intelligence might occupy 85% of today’s jobs

a) False b) True

- There is a country next to Mexico called “Guatemala”

a) True b) False

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