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# Question Question Type


1 Food,Drink,Shelter,Sex,Sleep Other Physical Requir Multiple Choice 82%

2 What is Mcgregor’s theory X Multiple Choice 82%
3 What is McClelland’s Needs theory Multiple Choice 55%
4 What is leadership? Multiple Choice 45%
5 Choose which one is included in the Eight traits th Multiple Choice 55%
6 Based on the managerial grid which one is have th Multiple Choice 45%
7 Based on University Of Iowa Studies,which Behavio Multiple Choice 36%
8 What is the Eight traits theory of leadership that f Fill-in-the-Blank 9%
9 “Behaviorial Dimension Consideration:Being Consid Multiple Choice 36%
10 What is the Definition Of Motivation ? Multiple Choice 64%
11 Which of the studies statements below that refers Multiple Choice 45%
12 Which one is NOT the Eight Traits Theory Of Leade Multiple Choice 82%

View Player Data

Average Time
Yet to be Partially
per Question Correct Incorrect Ungraded Unattempted
graded correct

00:18 9 0 0 2 0 0
00:16 9 0 0 2 0 0
00:16 6 0 0 5 0 0
00:16 5 0 0 6 0 0
00:26 6 0 0 5 0 0
00:35 5 0 0 6 0 0
00:15 4 0 0 7 0 0
01:40 1 0 0 10 0 0
00:24 4 0 0 7 0 0
00:19 7 0 0 4 0 0
00:31 5 0 0 6 0 0
00:13 9 0 0 2 0 0
04:58 70 0 0 62 0 0

View Time Data View Summary

kimhaf kl aliyayaya Syafiah aisy (husna
iman (iman ) z (No Name) Ai fan (Ai fan)
(kimhaf kl) (aliyayaya ) (Syafiah ) aisyah)

physiological physiological physiological physiological Safety physiological physiological

Little ambition, Little ambition, Little ambition, Little ambition, Little ambition, Little ambition, Enjoy work,disli
All of the aboveAll of the aboveNeed for achie All of the aboveNeed for achie All of the aboveAll of the above
the ability of a the ability of a the ability of a a person who dev
a person who dev
a person who dev
the ability of a
Emotional stabilAchievement-OrEmotional stabilEmotional stabilEmotional stabilEmotional stabilSupportive Lead
team managemen
team managemen
country-club m team managemen
team managemen
country-club m country-club m
Laissez-faire styAutocratic styleLaissez-faire styLaissez-faire styAutocratic styleAll of the aboveAll of the above
high res ponsibligoal self con fidentg NEED FOR AFFILneed for achiev SELF CON FIDENDIRE CTI VE LEA
University Of MUniversity Of Io University Of Io Ohio State StudOhio State StudOhio State StudOhio State Stud
Energy,Directio Energy,Directio Emotional suppoEmotional suppoDirection and P Energy,Directio Energy,Directio
A leader who diA leader who diA leader who diA leader that c A leader who diA leader who diA leader who in
CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunicationSelf Confident Communication

83% 67% 58% 67% 58% 58% 50%

yi shi ganda
Yeyeyeye Ardini (ardsy
Shaz (Shaz ) (zahid
(Yeyeyeye ) ardsy)

physiological physiological Esteem physiological

Little ambition, Enjoy work,disliLittle ambition, Little ambition,Dislike work,Must be closely control
Need for powerNeed for powerNeed for achie All of the above
a person who dev
a person who dev
a person who dev
the ability of an individual or group of people to influence and guide followers
Emotional stabilSupportive LeadSupportive LeadAchievement-Oriented Leadership
improverished team managemen
authority-compauthority-complance management and country club management
Laissez-faire styDemocratic styl All of the aboveAll of the above
University Of MUniversity Of Io University Of Io University Of Iowa Studies”
Energy,Directio Energy,Directio Energy,Directio Emotional support
A leader who inA leader who leA leader who leA leader who involves employees in decision making,delegates authority and u

50% 33% 25% 33%

o influence and guide followers

y club management

aking,delegates authority and uses feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees

Total Questions
Rank First Name Last Name Accuracy Score

1 kimhaf kl 12 83% 9625

2 iman 12 67% 7620
3 No Name 12 58% 6940
4 Ai fan 12 67% 6840
5 aliyayaya 12 58% 5270
6 Syafiah 12 58% 5250
7 husna aisyah 12 50% 4860
8 Shaz 12 50% 4640
9 Yeyeyeye 12 33% 3990
10 ardsy ardsy 12 25% 3250
11 zahid iskandar 12 33% 2480
Correct Yet to be graded Partially correct Incorrect Ungraded

10 0 0 2 0
8 0 0 4 0
7 0 0 5 0
8 0 0 4 0
7 0 0 5 0
7 0 0 4 0
6 0 0 6 0
6 0 0 6 0
4 0 0 8 0
3 0 0 9 0
4 0 0 7 0
Unattempted Total Time Taken Started At Info

0 06:24 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05

Chrome PM
Mobile iOS on iOS
0 05:45 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
0 04:02 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
Chrome Mobile
PM on Android
0 04:47 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
0 06:02 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
1 05:13 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
0 05:52 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
0 06:16 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
Chrome Mobile
PM on Android
0 03:53 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
0 03:50 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
PMSafari on iOS
1 04:09 Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05
Chrome Mobile
PM on Android
# Question Question Type

1 Food,Drink,Shelter,Sex,Sleep Other Physical Requir Multiple Choice 82%

2 What is Mcgregor’s theory X Multiple Choice 82%
3 What is McClelland’s Needs theory Multiple Choice 55%
4 What is leadership? Multiple Choice 45%
5 Choose which one is included in the Eight traits th Multiple Choice 55%
6 Based on the managerial grid which one is have th Multiple Choice 45%
7 Based on University Of Iowa Studies,which Behavio Multiple Choice 36%
8 What is the Eight traits theory of leadership that f Fill-in-the-Blank 9%
9 “Behaviorial Dimension Consideration:Being Consid Multiple Choice 36%
10 What is the Definition Of Motivation ? Multiple Choice 64%
11 Which of the studies statements below that refers Multiple Choice 45%
12 Which one is NOT the Eight Traits Theory Of Leade Multiple Choice 82%
Average Time
per Question kimhaf kl iman z Ai fan aliyayaya Syafiah

00:18 00:33 00:16 00:09 00:17 00:14 00:10

00:16 00:03 00:06 00:08 00:24 00:27 00:16
00:16 00:09 00:12 00:12 00:08 00:06 00:19
00:16 00:12 00:10 00:29 00:10 00:09 00:22
00:26 00:12 00:22 00:14 00:19 00:18 00:17
00:35 00:28 00:36 00:31 00:47 01:05 00:43
00:15 00:17 00:20 00:06 00:03 00:11 00:14
01:40 03:07 02:47 01:00 01:19 02:19 01:12
00:24 00:14 00:06 00:18 00:16 00:04 00:26
00:19 00:10 00:17 00:18 00:30 00:30 00:40
00:31 00:46 00:26 00:23 00:15 00:31 00:22
00:13 00:13 00:07 00:14 00:19 00:08 00:12
4:58 06:24 05:45 04:02 04:47 06:02 05:13
aisy Shaz Yeyeyeye Ardini yi shi ganda

00:08 00:09 00:10 00:28 00:40

00:15 00:22 00:14 00:13 00:11
00:36 00:16 00:33 00:07 00:06
00:10 00:22 00:13 00:20 00:20
01:00 00:46 00:14 00:32 00:25
00:42 00:30 00:19 00:19 00:21
00:06 00:04 00:08 00:07 00:11
01:45 01:50 00:51 00:40 00:45
00:17 00:25 00:23 00:11 00:16
00:07 00:23 00:09 00:14 00:09
00:35 00:56 00:22 00:27 00:29
00:11 00:13 00:17 00:12 00:16
05:52 06:16 03:53 03:50 04:09
Name Value
Game Started On Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:05 PM
Game Type Live Quiz
Participants 11
Total Attempts 11
Class Accuracy 53%
Game Ends On Wed 31 Jan 2024,04:15 PM

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