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Republic of the Philippines


School of Technology and Computer Studies
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

GESTC – Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Examination

INSTRUCTION. Read the following questions carefully. Write your answers on your bluebook.
I. Identification. 40pts.
1. The Latin word for science.
2. A distinct set of concepts or thought pattern of something.
3. The Greek philosopher and astronomer who believed in Geocentrism.
4. Refers to knowledge systems embedded in the cultural traditions of regional, indigenous, or
local communities.
5. The earth is the center of the universe.
6. The sun is the center of the universe.
7. It is composed of traditional knowledge guided by community culture and values and uses
science process skills.
8. What civilization in Mesoamerica uses tzolk’in calendar systems?
9. What civilization is the center of Alchemy?
10. It is a part of the conscious mind which is develop to mediate between the Id and superego.
11. Refers to the methods, system and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being
used for practical purposes.
12. A group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing
the same territory.
13. In which era is the establishment of University of Santo Tomas?
14. In which era did the Filipino created the Banaue Rice Terraces?
15. What are the three goals of science?
16. Deals with the study of living things and their life cycles.
17. The study of concepts related to motion, force and energy.
18. The study of weather conditions and atmosphere.
19. The study of society and its relationship.
20. The study of the universe and the physical world.

II. Mapping. Map the branches of science. 20 points.

III. True of False. Write True of the statement if correct, else False. 10pts.
1. Science is a way of Doing and Technology is a way of Knowing.
2. Science drives technology by making new technology possible through scientific
3. Science and Technology has no major impact on society.
4. Science and technology in the Philippines had experienced periods of intense growth and
5. Describe is the goal of science that involves determining the causes of behavior.

IV. Essay. Answer briefly and precisely. 10 pts.

1. The impact of Science and Technology in the Society.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Instructor Chairperson, BSIS Program

Reviewed by: Approved:


Chairperson, BSCS Program Dean, STCS

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