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1. Have Americans overcome the 9-11 events?

A terrorist act like 9/11 can never be overcome, Americans are very patriotic and after this
terrorist act, they created love and protection towards their country.
2. Are American still concerned about terrorist threats?
yes, but thanks to that terrorist attack they live in expectation and are a little more prepared
to face these events. the US is a country that is constantly at war with other countries and
that has created in its citizens a preparation for these attacks, however, one is never
completely prepared for these attacks.
3. How have Muslims and Americans’ lives changed after the 9-11 events?
Muslims have been discriminated against since 9/11. the government has arrested innocent
people just for professing that religion, they live in fear and have been deported to their
country of origin. For Muslims it is difficult to have non-Muslim friends because although
they live in the same city, each world is different.
4. What is the American government doing to reduce the threat feelings of the
A government will never be fully prepared for a terrorist attack, however, in the U.S. these
wars cannot end overnight, they are generational wars, over time they have learned to raise
awareness in the community and try to develop a new strategy with a sustainable approach
that favors the country and reduces wars.
now we are all going to answer the last question
5. What is the opinion of some politicians about war after 9-11?
Political opinion is divided into two, who support the war and see it as the only option to
resolve conflicts and the others who think that these wars are unnecessary and with
dialogue and other processes disagreements with other countries can be improved. Due to
this division, the community takes a position in first or second opinion
Choose a paragraph from the video transcript and re-write it through paraphrasing.
Read the contents of Unit 2 in the learning environment. Check the VLO -
With your own words explain the meaning of the chosen paragraph
In the year 1500s, countries used to be delimited by language and they wanted to imitate
what was spoken in the capital. due to colonization, this language was appropriated in
various territories, however, there are still some native languages in some territories.
Colombia has about 65 indigenous languages, our indigenous people still retain their native
languages as the official language of their community, sometimes they only speak their
official language and not Spanish despite being the majority language of the country

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