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MID TERI Name: 1- Read the following text: Home or less Every year, thousands of young people in Britain leave home in search of a better or more exciting life; many of them go to London, attracted by the bright lights, the night life, the youth scene and the hope of finding work. 16-year olds who leave school with few or no qualifications find it very hard to get jobs; indeed, in some British cities, particularly in the North, finding work is almost impossible for unqualified people, especially young people. London, however, has less unemployment and more jobs; and though no one imagines that the streets of the capital are "paved with gold" (as in the legend), many teenagers make their way to the capital, hoping to set up a new home of their own. Though there are indeed more jobs in London than in most other cities, they are not always good jobs, and the dream of leaving home and finding a job often * turns out to be just that; a dream. Many return home; some become homeless. Homelessness is not a new problem, and there are many associations that help homeless people to find somewhere to live. And although, oyerall, less people keep coming to London in search of a new life, the number of young people doing so has gone up sharply; their reasons for coming have changed too, London's biggest homeless charity, Centrepoint, reported that causes of homelessness among teenagers have changed ; instead of leaving home because of “pull factors* (the altraction of London, the hope of a job) more and more young People now leave home because of "push factors", victims of broken homes, poverty or physical aggression, {ts all part of our changing society. In 1964, only about 5% of children (about half a million children) in Britain lived in single-parent families; in 2013, 22% of children, that is three million children, lived in single-parent families. Single-parent families are generally poorer than traditional families. Even teenagers with caring parents and lovely homes dream of leaving home. Kids in poor or aggressive homes dream too; in their situation, it's not surprising that they may want to make their dreams come true. Escaneado con CamScanner Read the text again and answer T (True) oF F (False) (10 pts): ‘The youth scene attracts young people to move to.London. __— Itis easy to find a job for sixteen year olds. __- You need to be qualified in order to get a job. __ ‘There are always good jobs in London. _ “The number of young people moving to London has gone up. —— “The causes of homelessness have changed because nowadays the reason is m~ep aor to try to find a new job. . g. The number of children living in single-parent families has risen. 2- Complete the sentences with the correct tense (Present Simple or Continuous, Past Simple or Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Continuous) of the verbs in brackets (12 pts): a) Tina (usually / watch) series in her free time. In fact, she (prefer) watching series than movies. Last month she (watch) three series. b) Paul can't see anyone right now. He (have) a meeting with his boss. °) you (finish) with the computer? You (use) it for three hours and | need to send an email. d) My friend Patrick (arrive) from Canada last night. He never____(come) to Argentina before. e) Eleanor and | (have) lunch together tomorrow. 1) How long you (shower)? | need to use the bathroom! 9) Miles (try) to find his wallet when he (see) his cat playing with it, 2 Escaneado con CamScanner / 3- Complete with the Future will, the Future be going to or the Future Perfect of the verbs in brackets (9 pts): a) Peter (succeed) if he keeps working hard. b) Hey Luna,___————_— (you / do) something for your birthday next week? ©) |___probably____ (not / finish) writing my essay by this evening. ) I'm late. By the time | get to the station, the train (leave). e) The doctor (call) you tomorrow if the results are ready. D) Dan and Phil (return) from the USA by Monday. 4- Read the sentences and circle the correct option (13 pts): a. b. c. Tina is working / works at her father's travel agency for the summer. Mr. Reynolds just left. There goes / is going your chance to talk to him. Air pollution gets / is getting worse and worse in our city. ! got tired of living in the city 1 as / because of all the smog, the pollution and the noise. My brother got a job at a Chinese restaurant, which / who was something | didn't expect. You can find plenty / much information in an encyclopedia. ‘There are a few / not any cookies left over from yesterday. Do you want one? My new job is not as demanding as / demanding my old one. Everybody enjoyed the picnic due to / in spite of the cold weather. ‘The harder / hard you work, the best / better you get, My tiredness is due to / because the fact that my neigh i lot of noise last night. ¥ neighbors were making a 's that the guy who / whose wife's a lawyer? Escaneado con CamScanner 5- Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals (12 pts): PECT a. Andrew's reaction was totally . Everyone was shocked. EX! b. The author's for the story was a dream he had. INSPIRE ©. The hotel prices are much more during the winter. AFFORD because there aren't many tourists. 4. I don't understand how this works. It's too : CONFUSE €. The new secretary is, , but she is willing to learn. EXPERIENCE f. Mary couldn't hide her when she saw her grade DISAPPOINT on the test. & Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given (14 pts): a. Taking photos of the sculptures is not allowed. musT You of the sculptures. ee b. I's a good idea to put on a coat, because it's cold outside. BETTER You @ coat, because it's cold outside. i ¢. When I was younger, I had short hair. USED 1 when I was younger. — 4. Tim was watching. TV. during dinner. WHILE ‘Tim was watching TV dinner. — e. When we were younger, Betty always came to my house to study WOULD on weekends, When we were younger, Betty to my house to study on weekends, 1, We didn't have much time to discuss the details so we arranged HARDLY another meeting,, . We had discuss the detalls so we arranged another meeting. 9. John works long hours but he doesn't make a lot of money, SPITE John doesn't make a lot of money long hours, Escaneado con CamScanner / / 7-Listen to two friends talking and write T for True or F for False (10 pts): a. Ronnie didn't stay at the Richmond Hotel because he wasn't impressed by the facilities. Ronnie has had bad experiences on camping trips in the past. Ronnie and his cousin didn't agree on what their holiday should be lik Ronnie was surprised by how much fun windsurfing was. Ronnie was able to relax towards the end of his holiday. pees & Writing (20 pts): ‘An English-language magazine is looking for stories for its next issue. Your story must include: -An accident -Acar -The place where it happened Escaneado con CamScanner

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