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1- Read the following text:

A lucky photo by Jack Owens

My friend Tim has always loved photography and has asked me a million times to go with
him to the forest and take photos of the wildlife there. I’ve always said no, because the idea
of looking at some trees all day doesn’t seem at all interesting. Anyway, last week I agreed
to go with him. He told me that he wanted to take a photo to enter a competition, and
needed someone to help him carry his equipment. The journey there wasn’t too long, and
the forest was a beautiful place to be. But I was bored after an hour, and we couldn’t leave
because Tim didn’t have any good pictures yet. So, I started playing games on my mobile
phone. ‘Put that thing away,’ Tim said. ’Just enjoy nature.’ Shortly after, we started walking
again and then Tim stopped suddenly. He pointed at a tree and said quietly, ‘That’s a rufous
hummingbird. I’ve never seen one of them before!’ Tim put down his bag, got his equipment
out and started cleaning the lens on his camera. However, the hummingbird flew from the
tree and came to a flower next to me. I wanted to shout at Tim to quickly take a picture of it,
but I knew the hummingbird would fly away. So, I took a picture with my mobile phone.
When Tim was finally ready, the hummingbird was not there anymore and he was very
annoyed. He didn’t manage to take any good pictures that day, but on our way back to the
car, I showed him the picture of the hummingbird on my mobile phone. He couldn’t believe it.
‘It’s perfect!’ he said. In the end, we entered my photo into the competition and won second
prize in the Nature category.

Ruffous hummingbird: Colibrí rufo (especie de colibrí)

Read again and write T (true) or F (false) (8 pts):

a) Jack went on the trip to learn how to take pictures. ____

b) Tim saw the hummingbird before Jack. ____
c) Tim didn’t see Jack take a picture of the hummingbird. ____
d) They each entered a picture in the competition. _____

2- Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in
brackets (10 pts):

1. A: Hi, Paul. What ____________________________________ (you / do)?
B: I (chat) with a friend on the Internet.

2. A: What’s the problem Kevin?

B: I __________________________ (not / understand) this exercise. Can you
help me?
A: Sure.

3. A: Neil (keep) in touch with his

B: Yes, he (send) a message
to Carol at the moment.

4. A: What time ____________________________ (you / usually / have)

B: At eight o’clock in the morning. But today I was late. That’s why I
________________________________ (have) breakfast at work.

5. A: you (get) along with your

B: Well, we (sometimes / argue) but we’re OK.

3- Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in
brackets (12 pts):

Jill (1) _______________ (walk) through the forest last night. It (2) _________ (be)
dark and it (3) _______________ (rain). Suddenly, she (4) _____________ (hear) a
noise. She (5) _______________ (be) frightened and started running. As she (6)
______________ (run), she (7) _____________ (see) a man running after her. She
(8) _______________ (hide) behind a tree and while she (9) ____________ (wait)
for the man to go away, she (10) ______________ (fall) asleep. When she (11)
_______________ (wake up) she was in her bed but she (12) ______________
(wear) her clothes. Strange, eh?

4- Choose the correct answer A, B or C (7 pts):

1.Is there orange juice in the fridge?
a. any b. some c. little
2. Mary always goes around by car so that she ___ take the bus.
a. must b. doesn’t have to c. needn’t
3.Jason can’t come with us. He doesn’t have money.
a. no b. many c. much
4.Alice is very kind, that’s why she has friends.
a. few b. lots c. a lot of
5. I’m sorry but there isn’t milk left in the fridge. Have some juice.
a. any b. some c. a few
6. You ___ smoke inside the building.
a. mustn’t b. don’t have to c. needn’t
7. I __ take an umbrella. It won’t rain.
a. needn’t b. mustn’t c. must

5- Fill in with TOO or ENOUGH (6 pts):

a) This car isn’t big ________. We can’t fit 6 people in it.
b) I’ll send you the address later. I haven’t got __________ time at the moment.
c) Her new job is _________ good to be true.
d) The pool isn’t warm ____________ to go swimming. I feel like I’m freezing!
e) Toby can’t solve the problem because it is ____________ complicated for
f) Can you turn the volume down? It is _______________ loud.

6- Complete using the COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE (9 pts):

a) A hotel is ________________________ (comfortable) a tent.
b) Lucas is _________________________ (tall) her sister.
c) This is _________________________ (bad) movie ever.
d) A car is ________________________ (heavy) a bicycle.
e) My phone is ____________________ (good) in the market.
7- Complete with the adjectives below WITH a NEGATIVE PREFIX (10 pts):


a) Police are investigating an ____________________ website in Poland.

b) Your behaviour is _________________________.
c) My sister is the most _____________________ person ever.
d) It is _______________ that I will travel to the USA next year.
e) The Tigers losing the match was really ___________________.

8- Complete the sentences about yourself (10 pts):

a) I will ________________________________________________________.
b) I’m keen on ___________________________________________________.
c) Somebody ___________________________________________________.
d) ___________________where____________________________________.
e) Do you fancy _________________________________________________?

9- Listening: Listen to a couple talking and write T for True or F for False (10
a) The man forgot to call Jeff and Linda. ____
b) When the man’s car broke down in the New Forest, the man used his mobile
phone to call for help. ____
c) The man didn’t need to walk back to his car. ___
d) The woman enjoys shopping on the Internet. ___

10- Writing (18 pts):

Write a description of a place you’ve visited. Mention:
-Who did you go with?
-Why did you like it?
-Would you go again?

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