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Topic: Shopping

Date: 30/01/2020
Phrasal verbs and colloquial expressions


Maggie: Hey Paula, how’s it going? How’s life?

Paula: Hey Maggie, it’s OK. And you?
Maggie: I’m doing great! But you on the other hand look a bit sad. What’s wrong?
Paula: Well, I’ve just had quite a stressful day and I think I need to go do something fun to
make myself feel better. Maybe I’ll go do some retail therapy! Or even just go window
Maggie: That sounds like fun! You know, there are so many sales on at the moment. You
should shop around and go bargain hunting. You could even try on some clothes in
the fitting room! Yesterday, I saw some new boots in Zara for €70, but originally they
were €100. That’s a bargain! That’s dirt cheap considering they are from Zara!
Paula: Maggie, that’s a bit pricy! I’m not really prepared to splash out on something
at the moment.
Maggie: Oh, ok! Well, what about this new jacket I saw at Desigual the other day? It’s only
€125, and before it was almost €200!
Paula: Maggie! That costs an arm and a leg! Who can afford that?! Anyway, I’m not a
shopaholic! I’m happy to just go out and look at the shops. I don’t need to buy anything.
Maggie: Ok, that’s fine. It was only a suggestion. Hey, do you know what happened to me
this morning? I went to Carrefour and I wanted to buy a new laptop, because mine broke,
and I saw a used one that looked like it was in OK condition. The price tag said it was €450.
I bought it and then when I got home I realised it didn’t have a charger cord, so I had to go
back to Carrefour, return the laptop and get a refund! It was so annoying!
Paula: That’s such a rip-off! Why would they sell a laptop without a charger cord?!

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