Vista Newsletter v1.1

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NGO Fundraising Run for Change


Vista Newsletter
Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 | IIM Bangalore, Bangalore Edition

Volume I

Free to All


Oct, 2nd, Bangalore: Vista, the 3-day long annual business fest of IIM Bangalore, came to a close today at Indias best management institute. With Be the Change as the theme, Vista 2011 was an endeavour to demolish the established citadels of management to bring about a new breed of thought leaders, leaders who can think beyond the established. On 30th Sept, the business fest began on a sanctified note amid chants of pious mantras and invocation to the Almighty to lead from darkness to light, and from ignorance to wisdom. The inauguration ceremony presided over by the honourable director of IIM Bangalore, Prof Pankaj Chandra, saw the participation of keynote speakers of the likes of Prof NS Ramaswamy, the founder of IIM Bangalore and a Padma Bhushan awardee, Mr Bhaskar Bhat, the MD

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of Titan and Mr Jaya Prakash Narayan, political leader and president, Lok Satta Party. The speakers exhorted the future business managers to become agents of change by participating in nation-building while remaining true to group as the title spontheir individual goals. sor, Vista 2011 provided an opportunity to win prizThe opening address was es worth 13 Lacs across just an indication of the a total of 32 events. A intellectual capital on offer nerve-rattling battle of at the premier manageboardrooms was played ment institute. With TATA out over the last 3 days as students from across the country battled for supremacy in events that tested their prowess in Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Operations. Bzzwings, the B plan competition with a seed fund A sloppy little man in a sordid corner of the Universe once asked, Can the flap of a butterflys wings in California set off a tornado in Japan? A lawyers protest at being kicked out of a railway compartment in South Africa led to the birth of a nation at midnight. A candlelight march by enraged citizens brought justice for Jessica Lal. Fasting by an individual has inspired India to fight corruption. Every living cell on the planet has the ability to usher in a world of change. If Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi could do it, if Anna Hazaare could do it, if Sabrina Lal could do it, then why cant we? What we dont realize is that every individual has the potential to make a difference to society. Change follows the domino effect. A change by you will inspire others also to bring about changes. Just like the flapping of a butterflys wings can set off a storm in a faraway land, the small changes that you bring about will eventually (Page 2) (from page1) make a big difference elsewhere. But the question is, are we conscious enough of our responsibilities to attempt that change? History is full of examples where the initiative of one man has cataclysmically changed the face of the society. Where Leonardo da Vinci and Martin Luther King, brought about revolutions with their thought, Socrates and Galileo were successful in literally changing the shape of our planet. This is the day of the individual, an individual with the courage and gumption to look beyond what has been perceived, with the strength and conviction to

Inauguration - a saga of expertise and change

In consonance with the theme of Be the Change , Vista The annual business fest of IIM Bangalore began on a sanctified note amid chants of pious mantras and invocation to the Almighty to lead us from darkness to light, from ignorance to wisdom. Four great people, four great speakers and a million new thoughts with potential to inspire and lead the kingdom of change, is what the inaugural ceremony of one of Indias biggest business fests was about.

The concluding day of the three day long business fest of IIM Bangalore, Vista, was enlivened by the presence of some of the leading names in India. The Vista Conclave saw people of the likes of Mohandas Pai, Justice Santosh Hedge, Nandita Das and Narain Karthikeyan participate in an eclectic panel discussion on the leitmotif of Indias largest business fest, Be the Change . Professor Rajeev Gowda, the chairman of Public Policy Centre at IIM Bangalore played the devils advocate to perfection, bringing out the candid display. A candid thought, and intellectual from the indeed. august guests. Unbridled honesty and Nandita Das in a straight perfect humility defined -from-the heart talk, Narain Karthikeyans talked about her journey talk as he outlined his difas a social worker, an ac- ficult journey to the top of tivist and as a non- the racing circles in F1. mainstream actress. She His is an identity defined exhorted the gathering to by racing and a life by contribute that one drop in sheer determination and the ocean and bring about focus. As a way of paying the change one wants to back to the country and see in the world. As a path- the sport, the young breaking artist herself, she achiever has initiated the placed great strength in NK Racing Academy that the power of art to influ- is pioneering a new breed ence the masses and re- of world champions. Truly, buffed the arrogance of a way to be the change. class that the intellectual Mohandas Pai has been

The ceremony presided over by the honourable director of IIMB, Prof Pankaj Chandra saw the participation of keynote speakers of the likes of Prof NS Ramaswamy, the founder of IIMB and a Padma Bhushan awardee, Mr Bhaskar Bhatt, the MD of Titan and Mr JP Narayan, Political leader and president, Lok Satta Party. In his presidential address, Prof Pankaj Chandra talked with optimism about the way he saw the current happenings. While there are voices of change everywhere in the world, Indias


Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 | Bangalore |

Be The Change - Vista 2011 Theme

challenge the boundaries, with forgotten; what prevails high suicides, uncontrollable prices of the daring and substance to and mighty are the exponentially gold and food and an inexplicacome out of the mold ble shortage of the latter. and question, and with Education, social security the potency and attiand economic stability are tude to inspire change. fast becoming elite conNo status quo, ladies cepts, while corruption and gentlemen, is the rules the roost in the current generation like never current status quo. before. In a country witWith the rising sun of nessing population exploglobalization, the sion for the past four decworld has become a ades, the current state of smaller place with eveunemployment is distressrything accessible with ing. In such deprecatory the blink of an eye. Yet circumstances, the heavy the globalised world figures on the GDP statehas made us ignorant ment fail to impress. towards our social obligations. While the But like every cloud has a FDIs continue to flow silver lining, this one has into a more privatized several. NGOs and NPOs India, the welfare state ideology sprawled across the length and increasing number of farmer of the constitution stands long breadth of the country are putting their heart and soul into uplifting the social standards of the underprivileged. Education incentives and environmental awareness are spreading like wild fire. Nation- wide movements against corruption and illegitimate misuse of power have gained momentum. India is waking up from deep slumber and finally asking questions. In a nation driven towards maturity and ruthlessness at the same time, the question to be asked is How can I contribute? and the answer is In every way. The days of Messiahs purging the planet of all evil are long gone, while a batman can save Gotham city only in comic books. This is the age of man. A single man can change the course of the Universe. In the current age of technological advancement and receding standards of moral responsibility, it is we, the educated and the privileged youth, who have to hold the baton in our hands and march fearlessly forth. So dont wait for time to usher in the change. Be the change. Throw away the blinkers that keep you on the narrow well-trodden path. With this perspective in mind, we at IIMB open our arms to one and all to experience the journey at Vista 2011. Vista 2011 is a clarion call to all to embrace change and make a difference to the society. Be the butterfly that can flap its wings to glory, Be the change that the world demands of you.

A saga of expertise and change

strength has been its diversity and its ability in managing its difficulties well. That is how he believed, thought- leaders are created. In an inspiring speech, he exhorted the audience to remain true to individual roles while dreaming of the countrys future. If only one exercises his right to reflective, to optimize growth can one be an agent of abdication of the fine art of morality prevalent in the society today. A candid speech from the citizens man. None in the audience was perhaps prepared for what Prof Ramaswamy delivered. With his wonderful knack of engaging the audience through witty mannerisms and candid observations, the national professor in his in-


opportunity of 1.5 Crores as the reward, saw huge participation from the elite business schools of India like ISB (See Page 2) Hyderabad, NITIE, SJSOM (IIT B) and, of course, IIM Bangalore. With veterans like Mr. G Adanki, lead mentor at Mentor Square, Mr. Nagendra Satyam, and Mr. Vasudeva Awadhani, an exideals of society. Vista 2011 demonstrated its commitment to social change by contributing Rs 350 for every runner to the NGOs Samarthanam, Snehasadan, and Seva-In-Action that are supported by IIM Bangalore, along with complementary T-shirts and other merchandise. The highlights of the business

Vista Conclave
one person who has been a precursor of change in many lives. For someone who has been one of the most prominent corporate figures in India, the switch to social activism was one driven by a desire to add meaning to life. His work with the Akshay Patra initiative has changed the way lakhs at the bottom-of-the-pyramid saw education. He set the responsibilities straight by saying that the privileged have a greater calling. The conclave was indeed made richer in intellectual capital by the presence of Justice Santosh Hegde. A frontrunner for the cause of transparent governance and elimination of corruption in India, his is a struggle marked by umpteen challenges from forces that be. In a hard hitting talk, he took on the land and mining mafia and prevalent corruption and spoke about his work as the Lokayukta of Karnataka. A man who stood firm in the face of force and resistance, he urged everyone to answer the call of duty and be true to ones self. He summed the mood of the conclave the best when he said that, Become what you want to become in life but become a human being first. Four great people, four great thought leaders and a million ideas for change, that was the Vista Conclave, an evening that truly did succeed in initiating the change.

change. The opening address was just an indication of the intellectual capital on offer this friday morning. The audience was left in a reflective mode as Mr Bhaskar Bhat took them on a wonderful journey trail of the TATAS. A man well versed and experienced in the nuances of industry, he talked about the need for driving change changing the shape and not the scope of an industry and leading change through the realms of innovation. Mr Bhat defined the spirit the best when he put mind share and share of heart over market share.

imitable way defied all dogmas of management, advocating for inclusion of ethics, compassion and a will to live for others. Brick by brick he demolished the established citadels of management to bring about a new breed of thought leaders, leaders who can think beyond the established to make management a divine device. The ceremony got a befitting conclusion as the audience joined the great man in singing , The time to be happy is now The time to be happy is here The way to be happy is

pert on clean energy, as the judges, the students could not have got a better platform to showcase their entrepreneurial ideas. Shell sponsored public policy event ,Vidheyak, focussed on sustainable business, and was hugely appreciated by all. Bizzare, the quizzing event sponsored by Nielson and conducted by the ace quiz-master Barry O Brien, beckoned the best quizzers in the country to reap the dividends of their investment in business knowledge. On 1st Oct, the second day of Vista 2011, over 120 students participated with enthusiasm in the Run for Change. Run for Change highlighted the commitment of the students to usher in change not just in the business domain but also in the moral, ethical, and cultural

Mr JP Narayan brought about a to make someone happy citizens perspective into focus as he advocated maximizing per- And create a bit of heaven sonal gains in order to maximize here societal growth. He placed the onus of nation building on the govt. while talking of the

fest were the Vista Conclave and the CXO Conclave. Eminent personalities like Mr. Narain Kartikeyan, Ms. Nandita Das and Justice Santosh Hegde, Mr Mohandas Pai discussed pertinent socioeconomic issues during the Vista Conclave. At the CXO Conclave, leaders from Corporate India debated on the transformation of India from a low-cost outsourcing destination to a breeding ground for innovation. The panel discussion on 'India: A story of transformation' had IIM Bangalore alumni Upal Chakraborty (CIO, DLF India Ltd.), Avijit Bhattacharya (CEO, Tata Securities Ltd.), and Partha De Sarkar (CEO, Hinduja Global Solutions) share their experiences and thoughts on the success story of Corporate India.

The battle of the boardrooms reached an exciting finale today. After three days of intense competition, the winners of the flagship events, TAS Excelsior and Numero Uno were declared. The business fest culminated with the crowning of Altar Vista -the overall champion.

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