The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in Fluidized Bed A Local Fractional Arbitrary Euler-Lagrange Formula

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Cheng, X., et al.

: The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in …

THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2015, Vol. 19, Suppl. 1, pp. S109-S115 S109


A Local Fractional Arbitrary Euler-Lagrange Formula

Xu CHENG∗ and Xiao-Xun MA

School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.2298/TSCI15S1S09C

In this manuscript, the local fractional arbitrary Euler-Lagrange formula are uti-
lized to address the diffusion model of fractal heat and mass transfer in a fluid-
ized bed based on the Fick's law with local fractional vector calculus.
Key words: diffusion equation, Fick’ law, fluidized bed,
local fractional vector calculus

A great interest in the theoretical study of heat transfer in fluidized beds has been
shown during the past ten years. For example, the thermodynamics in fluidized bed with
moist particles was proposed in [1-6]. The heat transfers of fluidized bed with geldart type-
D particles, oxy-fuel fluidized bed boilers [7] and gas-solid fluidized beds [8] were pre-
sented. As one of models of fluidized beds [9, 10], the diffusion model was investigated by
many authors, such as Tardos et al. [11], Hoebink et al. [12], Bukur et al. [13], Van
Ballegooijen et al. [14], and Wang and Chen [15]. In [16], the hybrid Euler-Lagrange ap-
proach was considered to discuss the particle transport process of circulating fluidized bed.
The Euler-Lagrange formula was applied to address the heat transfer of carrot cubes in a
spout-fluidized-bed drier with moving boundaries [17].
In fact, the roughness surface of fractal materials can be designed [18, 19] to de-
scribe gas-solids flow in a circulating fluidized bed [20]. Fractal analysis of three-phase
fluidized bed was suggested by Fan et al. [21] and Kikuchi et al. [22]. Recently, the local
fractional vector calculus structured in [23] was utilized to describe fractal problems in var-
ious areas, such as quantum mechanics [24] and fluid mechanics [25-27]. The diffusion on
solid [28] and its non-differentiable solution [29] were discussed.
The physical parameters of the classical diffusion model in [11-17] describing the
heat and mass transfer in a fluidized bed is differentiable. However, the non-differentiable
version of the diffusion model for the fractal heat and mass transfer in a fluidized bed is not
considered. The present work develops the local fractional diffusion model of fractal heat
and mass transfer in a fluidized bed and the local fractional arbitrary Euler-Lagrange for-

∗ Corresponding author; e-mail:
Cheng, X., et al.: The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in …
S110 THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2015, Vol. 19, Suppl. 1, pp. S109-S115

The diffusion model of fluidized bed

via local fractional derivative
Fractal mass transfer in fluidized bed

Let the quantities J(r , t ) and θ (r , t ) be the flux of solute and the potential related to
the concentration in fluidized bed, respectively. Due to the local fractional vector surface in-
tegral A (from Appendix), the integral form of the local fractional Fick’s law in fluidized bed
d dd
(β ) α (β )
∫∫ J(r , t )dS =
 ∫∫ D(θ )∇ θ (r , t )dS
− (1)
which leads to:
d α
d(β )
 [J( r , t ) + D (θ )∇ θ ( r , t )]dS 0
= (2)

where D(θ ) is a fractal

d diffusion coefficient in fluidized bed.
For any dS( β ) in (2) the differential form of the local fractional Fick’s law in fluid-
ized bed can be written as [28]:

, t ) D(θ )∇α θ (r , t )
J(r= (3)
If D(θ ) = D, (4) changes [28]:

J(r , t ) =− D∇α θ (r , t ) (4)
where D is a fractal diffusion coefficient in fluidized bed.
Using the local fractional volume integral B (from Appendix), the local fractional
conservation of fractional mass in fluidized bed results in:
dα (γ )
d d(β )
dt α ∫∫∫ θ (r , t )dV ∫∫ J(r , t )dS
= − (5)

From (5) and C (from Appendix), we get:

 dα θ (r , t ) d  (γ )
∫∫∫  dt α
+ ∇α J(r , t )  dV = 0


For any dV (γ ) in (6) the differential form of local fractional conservation of frac-
tional mass in fluidized bed is expressed as:

dα θ (r , t ) d
+ ∇α J(r , t ) = 0 (7)
dt α
Submitting (4) into (7) gives the diffusion model for mass transfer in fluidized bed:
dα θ (r , t )
+ ∇α [− D∇α θ (r , t )] = 0 (8)
d α θ (r , t )
− D∇ 2α θ (r , t ) =0 (9)
Cheng, X., et al.: The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in …
THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2015, Vol. 19, Suppl. 1, pp. S109-S115 S111

subject to the initial-boundary conditions:

θ (r , 0) = θ0 (r ) (10)

− D∇α θ (r , t=
) S ( β ) η[θ s (r , t ) − θe (r , t )] , t>0 (11)

where θe (r , t ) is the equilibrium moisture content in fluidized bed and ∇ 2α =∇α ∇α . If the
fractal dimension α is equal to 1, the diffusion model for fractal mass transfer in fluidized bed
(9) becomes classical one [15, 17]. We notice that, using the fractal complex transform [30],
the classical diffusion model for mass transfer in fluidized bed is transferred into (9).
Fractal heat transfer in fluidized bed
The local fractional Fourier law in fluidized bed can be written as [23]:

φ (r , t ) =− µ∇α T (r , t ) (12)
where μ is a constant and T(r, t) is a non-differentiable temperature at the point r ∈ V (γ ) , time
t ∈T.
The first law of thermodynamics in fractal media states [23]:
∂α T ( r , t ) d(β )
∫∫∫ rα cα α
dV (γ ) = ∫∫ φ (r , t )dS (13)
V (γ )
∂t S(β )

where ρα and cα are the density and the specific heat of the fractal material, respectively.
Due to C (from Appendix) and (12), (13) can be rewritten as:
∂α T ( r , t ) (γ ) 2α
∫∫∫ rα cα dV= ∫∫∫ µ∇ T (r , t )dV (γ ) (14)
V (γ ) ∂tα V (γ )

which yields:
 2α ∂α T ( r , t )  ( γ )
∫∫∫  µ∇ T ( r , t ) − r c
α α
∂tα 
 dV = 0 (15)
V (γ ) 

For any dV (γ ) in (6) fractal heat transfer in fluidized bed is suggested as:

∂α T ( r , t )
µ∇ 2α T (r , t ) − rα cα 0
= (16)
subject to the initial-boundary conditions:
T (r , 0) = T0 (r ) (17)

− µ∇aa
T (r , t ) ς [Ts (r , t ) − Ta (r , t )] − λ{D∇ [ rθ (r , t )]},
= t>0 (18)
where λ is a medium property in fluidized bed. If the fractal dimension α is equal to 1, the
diffusion model for heat transfer in fluidized bed (16) becomes classical one [15, 17]. In an-
other way, the classical diffusion model for mass transfer in fluidized bed is transferred into
(16) using the fractal complex transform [30].
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The local fractional arbitrary Euler-Lagrange formula

The fractal mass transfer in fluidized bed is written in the weak form:
 dα θ (r , t ) 
∫∫∫  − D∇ 2α θ (r , t )  θ * (r , t )dV (γ ) =0 (19)
dtα 
which leads to:
dα θ (r , t ) d d(β )
∫∫∫ α
θ * (r , t )dV (γ ) = −  *
∫∫ J(r , t )θ (r , t )dS (20)
where θ*(r, t) is an arbitrary non-differentiable test function.
Using (4), we obtain the fractal mass transfer in fluidized bed:
dα θ (r , t ) (γ )
∫∫∫ θ * (r , t )dV= ∫∫
 D∇α θ (r , t )θ * (r , t )dS( β ) (21)
dt α
Following D (from Appendix), the right side of (21) can be written as:
 D∇α θ (r , t )θ * (=
r , t )dS( β ) ∫∫∫ [ Dθ * (r , t )∇ 2α θ (r , t ) + D∇α θ (r , t )∇α θ * (r , t )]dV (γ ) (22)
(γ )
which results in:
dα θ (r , t ) d(β )
∫∫∫ θ * (r , t )dV (γ ) = α * α α * (γ )
∫∫ D∇ θ (r , t )θ (r , t )dS + ∫∫∫ D∇ θ (r , t )∇ θ (r , t )dV (23)
dt α V (γ )
such that, using (11), we have the local fractional arbitrary Euler-Lagrange formula of fractal
mass transfer in fluidized bed:
dα θ (r , t ) d(β )
∫∫∫ α
θ * (r , t )dV (γ ) = *
∫∫ η[θ s (r , t ) − θe (r , t )]θ (r , t )dS +

+ ∫∫∫ D∇α θ (r , t )∇α θ * (r , t )dV (γ ) (24)
V (γ )

The weak form of the heat transfer in fluidized bed reads as:

 2α ∂α T (r , t )  * (γ )
∫∫∫  µ∇ T (r , t ) − rα cα
∂t α  T (r , t )dV = 0 (25)
 
where T*(r, t) is an arbitrary non-differentiable test function.
From (25) we have:

2α (γ ) ∂α T ( r , t )
∫∫∫ T (r , t )µ∇ T (r , t )dV =
∫∫∫ rα cα T (r , t ) α
dV ( γ ) (26)
From D, the left side of (26) can be written as:
d(β )
∫∫∫ T
(r , t ) µ∇ 2α T (r , t )dV (γ ) =  * α
∫∫ T (r , t )µ∇ T (r , t )dS −
S(β )
Cheng, X., et al.: The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in …
THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2015, Vol. 19, Suppl. 1, pp. S109-S115 S113

− ∫∫∫ µ∇α T (r , t )∇α T * (r , t )dV (γ ) (27)

(γ )

which, applying (18), yields:

∫∫∫ T
(r , t ) µ∇ 2a T (r , t )dV (γ ) = *
{ a
} (β )
∫∫ T (r , t ) V [Ts (r , t ) − Ta (r , t )] − λ{D∇ [ rθ (r , t )]} dS −
S (β )

− ∫∫∫ µ∇α T (r , t )∇α T * (r , t )dV (γ ) (28)

(γ )

Submitting (28) into (26), we obtain:

∂α T ( r , t )
∫∫∫ rα cα T (r , t ) α
dV (γ ) =
d(β )
= *
{ a
∫∫ T (r , t ) ς [Ts (r , t ) − Ta (r , t )] − λ{D∇ [ rθ (r , t )]} dS −}
S(β )

− ∫∫∫ µ∇α T (r , t )∇α T * (r , t )dV (γ ) (29)

V (γ )

which is the local fractional arbitrary Euler-Lagrange formula of fractal heat transfer in fluid-
ized bed.
Concluding remarks
From pure mathematical view point, the local fractional diffusion model of fractal
heat and mass transfer in fluidized bed is investigated in the framework of the local fractional
vector calculus. Using the local fractional Gauss and Green theorems of the fractal vector
field and considering an arbitrary non-differentiable test function, the local fractional arbitrary
Euler-Lagrange formula of fractal heat and mass transfer in fluidized bed are also discussed.
This result is an extended version of the arbitrary Euler-Lagrange formula using the non-
differentiable characteristics of the functions in the field.

The local fractional vector surface integral of ϑ (r ) on fractal surface S( β ) is defined
as [23, 25, 27):
dd N
∫∫ P
= ϑ ( r )dS(β )
lim ∑ ϑ (rP )n P ∆S(Pβ )
N →∞
P =1

with N elements of area with a unit normal local fractional vector n P , ∆S P( β ) → 0 as N → ∞
for β = 2α .
The local fractional volume integral of ϑ (r ) on fractal volume V (γ ) is defined as
[23, 25, 27]:
ϑ (rP )dV (γ )
∫∫∫= lim
N →∞

P =1
ϑ (rP )∆VP(γ ) (B)
Cheng, X., et al.: The Diffusion Model of Fractal Heat and Mass Transfer in …
S114 THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2015, Vol. 19, Suppl. 1, pp. S109-S115

with N elements of volume ∆VP(γ ) → 0 as N → ∞ for = γ 3= β /2 3α .

For γ 3= β /2 3α , 1 > α > 0, the local fractional Gauss theorem of the fractal vec-
tor field reads as [23, 25, 27]:
α (γ )
d(β )
∫∫∫ ∇ ϑ dV = ∫∫ ϑ dS (C)
V (γ ) S (β )

For γ 3= β /2 3α , 1 > α > 0, the local fractional Green theorem of the fractal vec-
tor field states [23, 25]:
d(β ) 2α α α (γ )
∫∫ θ∇ ϑ dS= ∫∫∫ (θ∇ ϑ + ∇ ϑ∇ θ )dV
 (D)
S (β ) V (γ )

cα – specific heat Greek symbols
D – a fractal diffusion coefficient
α – time fractal dimensional order, [–]
r – space co-ordinates, [m]
θ(r, t) – concentration, [–]
T(r, t) – temperature, [K]
ρα – density
t – time, [s]

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Paper submitted: October 10, 2014

Paper revised: January 21, 2015
Paper accepted: February 12, 2015

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