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Worksheets for videos


Before you watch

1 What are the Pros and Cons of social networks? Consider the following topics and complete the table with a
partner. Discuss your ideas in class.

Pros Cons

2 Look at the logos below. Spend a minute writing down all the different words that you associate with these
popular networking sites. Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Look at the words and topics from the video below. What do you think the video will say about them? How are
these ideas related to social media and the digital world? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

privacy stress relationships employment prospects

social isolation studying art copyright infringement

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word or a phrase from the box.

facilitates recruitment unreliable social isolation

the less privileged advertising academic revenue

1 Misleading and information can often spread on social media.

2 Social media sites can help students improve their performance.
3 Social media enhances the ability of to voice their own concerns.
Social networking communication, collaboration and interaction between
5 Feelings of are often linked to social media usage.
6 Social media sites’ practices may constitute an invasion of privacy.
7 An artist will probably generate less due to illegal downloading on social media.
8 Using social media in higher education is the new norm for .

After you watch u watch

1 How different was life before the Internet? How did people communicate, entertain and work before social media?
Is this a positive or a negative change? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

2 A large number of people believe that a social media break can improve one’s physical and mental health. Would
you ever consider a period of digital detox? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Look at the quotes below. What do they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Share your ideas with the rest of
the class:

• "Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people."

- Dave Willis

• "Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships."
- David Alston

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Before you watch

1 Look at the pictures below. Which one(s) do you like most? Why? Throughout history, artists have produced art in
a variety of media and styles following different philosophies and ideals. Are you familiar with any art movements
and styles? If yes, which one(s)?



2 What makes something art or someone an artist? What does it take to make a great piece of art? Do we all have
the same taste in art? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 Match the words below to the right definitions. Compare your answers with a partner before checking in class.

1 patron a a regular arrangement of lines, shapes and colors

2 connoisseur b a painting of a person, especially of the head and shoulders
3 exhibition c a person who knows a lot about the arts and can judge quality in that subject
4 pattern d a view or picture of the countryside
5 landscape e the colors used by a particular artist
6 texture f a collection of works of art which are shown to the public
7 portrait g 
the way that different parts of a piece of art are combined to create a
8 palette final impression
h a person who gives money in order to support artists

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1 One can experience art separately and as part of a group. T F
2 A patron’s job involves showing visitors a particular route inside a museum. T F
Most people rely on their own knowledge and understanding when it comes
to interpreting art pieces. T F
4 Exhibitions of modern art can usually be found in art museums. T F
5 Paul Gauguin painted Milk Can and Apples in 1870. T F
6 Gauguin’s paintings were greatly inspired by the time he spent in Tahiti. T F
7 Cubism is an artistic movement which was created by Pablo Picasso. T F
Woman with a Veil by Henri Matisse is similar to all the other portraits of
its time. T F

After you watch u watch

1 Are you a fan of traditional or contemporary art? What do you think of the art which is produced by people from
your country?

2 Who usually buys pieces of art? Do you agree that art is often very expensive? When pieces of art sell for millions
of dollars, do artists only benefit? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 Look at the quotes below. What do they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Share your ideas with the rest of
the class:

• " A true artist is not one who

is inspired, but one who
inspires others."
- Salvador Dali

• " If I create from the heart, nearly

everything works; if from
the head, almost nothing."
- Marc Chagall

• " When I paint, I never think of

selling. People fail to understand
that we paint in order to
experiment and to develop
ourselves as we strive for
greater heights."
- Edvard Munch

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Before you watch

1 Look at these pictures. Match them to the right words. Then check your answers with a partner.

1 2

3 4

a farming crops
b gas station
c CO2 emissions
d petroleum
e biofuels

2 Why is there concern over the safety of the global environment? What does Going Green mean? Look at the words
and phrases below. How are they associated with the environment?

conservation renewable energy carbon footprint sustainable development

3 Biofuels have been heralded as the solution to humanity’s energy problem for some time now. Do you know what
biofuels are? Look at the facts about biofuels below. Work with a partner and decide which ones are True (T) and
which ones are False (F).
1 Biofuels are a relatively new concept.
Brazil has successfully developed ethanol from sugarcane
which is being used to power many of the country’s cars.
The plants that biofuels come from are natural absorbers
of carbon dioxide.
Farmers have to rely on their own financial resources to grow
corn and other crops required for ethanol production.
The process of turning crops into biofuels is significantly
more environmentally friendly than that which is used to
refine petroleum products.

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
1  It is highly unlikely / possible that we will have machines which can convert the waste we produce in our
homes into biofuels in the near future.
2 All commercial biofuel in the US is produced from industrial / farming crops.
3 At the moment, the biofuel industry is mainly directed towards biodiesel / biogasoline.
4 No net carbon emissions / New CO2 emissions are added to the atmosphere when petroleum burns.
5 One of the biggest problems that the biofuel market has to deal with is that of production / cost.
6 Gas stations make most of their profit from their main / secondary products.
7 Climbing corn prices recently destroyed the margin on biofuels / oil.
8 Effective technology / Government support is required for biofuels to proceed in a successful way.

After you watch u watch

1 Do you believe that biofuels are the solution to the impending energy crisis? Will it still be necessary to conserve
energy if we start using biofuels? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

2 Is it possible that biofuels will break the power of oil companies and of the automotive industry in the future?
How can biofuels affect the production of food globally? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Look at these quotes. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

• 'Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.'
- Mahatma Gandhi

• 'The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.'
- Robert Swan

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Before you watch

1 Do you ever watch films at home? Where do you watch them? How often do you go to the cinema? What was the
last film you saw? Have you got a favorite film? Tell your partner about it.

2 Match the words 1-8 with their definitions a-h.

1 film industry a a place where cinema movies are made or produced
2 streaming b 
the activity of listening to or watching sound or video directly from
the internet
3 movie genre
c a group of people that have come to a place to see a movie
4 movie studio
a particular type of movie which people consider as a class because it
5 director has special characteristics
6 sequel e a very successful movie that earns a lot of money
7 box-office hit f 
a person who is in charge of a movie and tells the actors how to play
their parts
8 audience
g all the companies, studios and people involved in making commercial films
h a movie that continues the story of a previous one

3 How would you define a great movie? What does it need to contain? Many people believe that sequels are never as
good as the first film. Do you agree? If not, can you think of any exceptions? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

spending profit genres success collaborating earn

reality content

Films appeal to a variety of different people and allow us to
escape from .
People have been trying to determine the factors which
affect the of movies since the
first movies were produced.
The more video streaming services we get, the more
consumers will request original
in movies.
Major film studios have been
with computer giants to discover what it is about a movie
that audiences like.
The use of data science can help movie studios to optimize
movie content and the highest
possible turnover for their investment.
Netflix has organized its movies and TV shows into certain
based on a study of various
Film studios have been increasing amounts of money on producing movie sequels.
A movie has to make two to three times its production cost to make a and be
considered a box-office hit.

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After you watch u watch

1 How can movies impact our societies? Are there any movies which have had a big influence on your life? Which
one(s)? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

2 Are movies better today or are they worse than the movies which were produced in the past? Do you think that
star actors and special effects drive the success of modern movies? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Think of a movie you have recently seen and write a short review for it. Your review should include your thoughts
on the following topics:

• T
 he plot
• T
 he acting
• W
 hy you would / wouldn’t recommend this movie

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Before you watch

1 Look at the picture below. What

does it show? What does a balanced
diet include? Do you eat a healthy
diet? How could you make your diet
more balanced?

2 Look at the products below. What healthy substitutes are there to these things? Which do you prefer and why?
Should people be consuming anything artificial? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Products Healthy substitutes Which ones I prefer and why?

ice cream
French fries

3 Look at some facts about sugar below. Work with a partner and decide which ones are True (T) and which ones
are False (F). Discuss your answers in class. Which facts were the most interesting? Why?

Sugar was a luxury in Europe until the 18th century when it
became more widely available.
Until the late 19th century sugar was purchased in loaves which
had to be cut using special tools.
3 Cutting back on sugar may help your skin retain its flexibility.
4 China is the world’s largest sugar consumer.
In developed countries, the average person consumes about
24 kilograms of sugar each year.
Sugar is a viable source of power and has even been used to
help power cars and other vehicles.

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

1 Our daily intake of sugar a in our brain and makes us feel good.
2 Sugar tastes good b can cause weight gain.
3 Dopamine is a chemical which is released c reduce a person’s stress levels.
4 Food manufacturers use a variety of d averages 95 grams.
5 Insulin is a hormone that e vitamins and antioxidants.
6 Processed foods contain a lot of f sugar and have little nutritional value.
7 A daily walk can help g and it’s also addictive.
8 Fiber-rich foods are high in h different names for the most common sugars.

After you watch u watch

1 Governments in many countries have introduced special taxes on foods and beverages with high levels of sugar.
Can taxes on unhealthy foods reduce obesity and encourage people to purchase more healthy alternatives?
Discuss your ideas in small groups.

2 In the video you watched, you saw five simple things people can do to reverse the damage caused by sugar.
Work with a partner. Write a short list of tips to help people reduce their sugar intake. Don’t forget to mention the
health benefits.


3 Look at the quotes below. What do they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss your ideas in class.

• "It is really important for you to look after your health because you will never use as much
salt and fat and sugar as a corporation will use cooking for you."
- Michael Pollan

• " The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest
form of poison."
- Ann Wigmore

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Before you watch

1 Look at this picture. What do you think it shows? What kind of

things spring to mind when you think of the term ‘globalization’?
What is it and what does it involve?

2 Match the words 1-6 with their definitions a-f.

1 manufacture a 
a country with little industrial and economic activity where
2 production cost people generally have low incomes
3 supplier b 
the combined total of raw material and direct labor costs
4 industrialized country incurred in production
5 disadvantaged country c 
a program carried out by a government to provide economic
6 social insurance assistance to the unemployed, the elderly or the disabled
d a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale
e to produce goods in large numbers
f a person or company that supplies goods

3 How do you think globalization has affected your country? Work with a partner. Make a list of the positive and
negative consequences of globalization. Compare your answers in small groups.

Positive consequences Negative consequences

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

goods atmosphere advances employment environmental affordable

Globalization has been made possible due to technological which can allow
information and products to travel much faster nowadays.
Globalization allows the buying and selling of and services between different
countries around the world.
Many products and services have become to the average consumer due to
4 In many areas, people have suffered serious harm because of globalization.
5 Globalization can affect negatively in industrialized countries.
Increased human activities over the world have given rise to the concentration of carbon dioxide in
our .

After you watch u

1 What products does your country export and import? Has this trade helped the people in your country? What
foreign imports do you buy? Are they more or less expensive than locally produced goods? Discuss your ideas
with a partner.

2 According to the video, developed countries are the ones who may lose out due to globalization as they
are involved in outsourcing many of the manufacturing jobs that used to be done by their own citizens.
Have manufacturing jobs increased or decreased in your country as a result of globalization? Do you believe
that globalization leads to a race to the bottom in terms of wages and working conditions? Discuss your ideas
in class.

3 Look at the quotes below. What do they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

• "Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility."

- Kofi Annan

• "Contrary to the received wisdom, global markets are not unregulated. They are
regulated to produce inequality."
- Kevin Watkins

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Before you watch

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

labor workforce marginalized mobility remote

intelligence skills entrepreneur

Even in a highly skilled , some people will be more capable and thus better paid
than others.
2 work allows professionals to work outside of a traditional office environment.
Emotional allows people to manage and control their emotions whilst influencing
the emotions of others too.
Career can be a result of both-the choice of the employee or the choice of the
5 Women’s full participation in the market is a necessary condition of equality.
6 A(n) often takes business risks in the hope of making a profit.
Your next position should match the areas of special knowledge and transferable
you love using.
8  populations are groups and communities that experience discrimination and

2 What job would you like to do in the future? What qualifications do you need in order to do this job? Do you have a
career plan? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 Do you think it is better to work for a company or be self-employed? Why do people sometimes stay in a job that
makes them unhappy? Do you think people would be happier if they could see the value in their work? Discuss
your ideas in small groups.

While you watch u watch

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.

Equipping the workforce of today and tomorrow with the degrees / skills needed in the labor market
is essential.
2 Most future jobs are extremely computer/human - centered.
3 Verbal / Emotional intelligence helps remote workers connect to their workplace.
Eight out of ten of the young people who are now in low and middle-income countries are going to have
to be entrepreneurs / workers.
5 Interpersonal / Transferrable skills are skills that will be developed and applicable in every profession.
A corporation which assumes social responsibility, by giving back to the community / its employees, can
be more successful.
Only women / Both men and women should be the drivers of building the economic recovery and resilience
in today’s global market.
8 A technological / social revolution will allow all people to flourish in today’s world.

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After you watch u watch

1 A large number of people claim that the ‘automation revolution’ will change what it means to be employable in
the future. Do you agree or disagree? What jobs do you believe will not exist in the future? What are the best
subjects to study to secure a job in the future? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

2 Do you believe there is a gender gap in employment? What is the women’s situation in the labor market in your
country and worldwide? Despite significant progress in reducing gender inequalities, many state that women
continue to be consistently overrepresented in low-paid sectors and in part-time or temporary jobs. Do you agree
or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Look at the quotes below. What do they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss your ideas in class.

• "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
- Confucius

• "A sustainable world means working together to create prosperity for all."
- Jacqueline Novogratz

• "Gender parity is not just good for women-it’s good for societies."
- Angelica Fuentes

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Before you watch

1 Look at the pictures below. What do they show? Which of these things do you think we will see in the cities of the
future? Are any of these innovations currently available? If yes, in what form and how are they used? Discuss your
ideas in small groups.

1 2 3

4 5

2 How much do you know about electric cars? Are they good for the environment? In what ways are electric cars
better than petrol cars? Would you ever consider buying an electric car? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 According to scientists, the global middle class is expected to grow by 3 billion over the next twenty years. What
will the consequences of this be for energy consumption and the environment? How can the world produce enough
energy to meet the needs of the growing population and still protect the environment? Discuss your ideas in class.

While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1 Elon Musk has recently been voted the most innovative person in the world for the first time. T F
2 Space Rockets, unlike airplanes, can be reused tens of thousands of times. T F
3 SpaceX and Elon Musk are trying to make spaceflight routine and affordable to all humans. T F
4 Tesla’s Electric semi-trucks are already fully autonomous. T F
5 Self-driving cars will eventually be safer than the average human driver. T F
6 Battery manufacturing is where Tesla’s main expertise is. T F
7 Starlink is a project by SpaceX which aims to produce nearly 12,000 electric cars by 2030. T F
Elon Musk views the accomplishment of his goals as a necessary step toward ensuring
the future sustainability of the human species. T F

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After you watch u watch

1 Do you believe SpaceX will be able to send people to Mars? Why would some people like to travel to and live on
Mars? Would you like to live on Mars? Why/Why not? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

2 Get into two groups in order to discuss the topics below. Use the ideas given and your own. Take turns to present
your arguments in class.
• In favor of sending both human and robotic missions to space
- Exploration provides us knowledge about the universe.
- It allows us to access new mineral sources.
- It can allow us to locate potential dangers ahead of time.

• Not in favor of space exploration

- It is a costly venture.
- Nations could use space exploration to exploit one another.
- We could be harming our planet in order to explore others.

3 Look at these quotes from Elon Musk. What do you think they mean? Do you agree or disagree? Did they inspire
you at all to take on the impossible? Discuss your ideas in class.

• "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."
• "Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."
• "I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. "

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Before you watch

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

algorithm sensory motion adapt subconscious hybrid

1 The woman made a little fluttering with her hands.

2 Such memories exist only at the level.
A(n) is a series of mathematical steps which will give you the answer to a
particular kind of problem or question.
4 The animal looks like a(n) of a zebra and a horse.
5 It has been really hard for Jim to to the new working environment.
A study was recently conducted by the university on stimulation and its effects
on the brain.

2 What are robots? Do they have to look like humans? Why do engineers design and build robots? Where do ideas
for how robots work come from? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 The word ‘robot’ might remind us of images of famous Hollywood humanoid characters, but in reality, robots
have been programmed to carry out activities which might seem complex or boring for humans. Look at
the pictures below. What applications of robotics in our daily life can you think of? Discuss your ideas in
small groups.

1 2

3 4

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
1 It’s much harder / It’s not hard for a robot to control its motion compared to a person.
Our conscious / subconscious mind helps synchronize our movements by doing all the necessary complex
calculations required.
The cortex / cerebellum is a structure located at the back of our brain which coordinates activation patterns
that get passed to the brain stem and are sent out to all our muscles.
4 We should / shouldn’t be concerned about how robots on wheels balance as they have a stable base.
5 The Helios / Gerty from Team MIT is a version of the Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics.
6 Coordination / Motor planning is even harder to program in robots that motor control.
Some labs are working on certain types of hybrids / robots that will be able to develop their motor planning
skills from their environment exactly like humans do in infancy.
It takes up to 50% / 80% of our brain power just to keep up with all the sensory information which is received
from our eyes.

After you watch u watch

1 As robotics, logistics and other emerging technologies become more capable, our world also becomes more
efficient and, consequently, richer. Are there any ethical issues surrounding the emerging technology of robot
evolution? Discuss in groups. You may use the ideas below.

• employment
• equality
• security
• singularity

2 Get into two groups in order to discuss this topic. Take turns to present your arguments for and against the
question below in class.
‘Should we be worried that one day AI will surpass our intelligence if we don’t stop making it stronger than ours?’

3 Look at the quote below. What does it mean? Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in class.

• ‘We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any
task. I believe that society needs to confront this question before it is upon us: if machines are
capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do?’
- Moshe Vardi

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Before you watch

1 Match the words 1-6 with their definitions a-f.

1 DNA sequencing a 
a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope,
2 virus that causes disease in people
3 bacteria b 
a room or building with scientific equipment for doing
scientific tests
4 infection
c the act or process of causing or getting a disease
5 lab
the process of determining the four chemical building
6 treatment blocks that make up the DNA molecule
something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to
make someone feel good
very small organisms that are found everywhere and are
the cause of many diseases

2 How often do you get sick? How do you feel about going to see a doctor or visiting a hospital? What is the
healthcare system like in your country? Which countries do you think have the best healthcare systems in the
world? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 Have you ever heard of DNA sequencing? What do you think it is?
DNA sequencing is a laboratory technique which is used to determine the DNA base. DNA sequence information
is important to scientists in order to investigate the functions of genes. How can DNA sequencing be applied to
the medical field? Look at the facts below. Which ones are True (T) and which ones are False (F)? Discuss your
ideas in class.

1 Many rare diseases are caused by a single gene alteration.

Scientists can use the knowledge of a patient’s predisposition
for certain diseases to proactively alter their diet and lifestyle.
3 All people who suffer from the same illness respond in a similar way to medication.
4 Some common diseases that result from genetic mutations are asthma and diabetes.
Studying DNA sequencing will gradually allow scientists to address illnesses
with specific treatments for specific people.

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While you watch u watch

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1 Every person has a DNA sequence which is about 10 billion letters long. T F
A doctor will usually try to guess what type of infection a patient has and then
ask for a specific test to be done. T F
3 Joshua Osborne’s symptoms began last June with fevers and headaches. T F
The first thing doctors decided to do when Joshua was hospitalized was
a brain scan. T F
None of the multiple labs to which Joshua’s tests and samples were sent could give
a definite answer about his medical condition. T F
6 Joshua had most possibly contracted a particular organism when he last visited Uruguay. T F
7 Unfortunately, there is no straightforward treatment for Joshua’s bacterial infection. T F
8 Joshua is looking forward to making his lifelong dreams come true. T F

After you watch u watch

1 Does everyone in your country have equal access to the same level of healthcare? How do you think healthcare
will be different in the future? How will artificial intelligence change healthcare? Discuss your ideas with a

2 Why do you think scientists are exploring the possibilities of genetic engineering? If the technology permits
it, would it be a good idea to genetically modify humans to live longer? What would the advantages and
disadvantages be? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

3 Get into two groups in order to discuss the topics below. Use the ideas given and your own. Take turns to present
your arguments in class.
• Human reproductive cloning should be completely illegal.
- It can cause a further divide among people.
- It poses the risk of being abused by people and scientists.

• Human reproductive cloning should be completely legal.

- It can help people fulfil their dreams of having children.
- It can help cure life-threatening diseases.

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Answer Key


Before you watch Before you watch Before you watch
2 1 3
Suggested answers: 1 c 1 T
share, unfollow, social gaming, 2 e 2 T
status, profile, inbox, notification, 3 a
3 T
filter, hashtag, block, engagement, 4 b
4 F
followers, feed, influencer, post, 5 d
India is the world’s largest sugar
While you watch Biofuels are fuels derived from 5 T
1 unreliable renewable plant and animal biomass. 6 T
2 academic 1 F
3 the less privileged 2 T While you watch
4 facilitates 3 T 1 d
5 social isolation 4 F 2 g
6 advertising 5 T 3 a
7 revenue 4 h
8 recruitment While you watch 5 b
1 highly unlikely
6 f
UNIT 2 2 farming
7 c
Before you watch 3 biodiesel
8 e
1 4 New CO2 emissions
a Abstract 5 cost
6 secondary After you watch
b Cubism
7 biofuels Suggested answers:
c Impressionism
8 Government support 1 Eliminate the most obvious
d Minimalism
sources of sugar gradually.
3 UNIT 4 2 Read product labels carefully
1 h Before you watch to identify which types of
2 c 2 sugar to avoid.
3 f 1 g 3 Try to avoid white flour, white
4 a 2 b pasta and rice.
5 d 3 d 4 Avoid sugar sweetened drinks.
6 g 4 a Drink mineral water or herbal
7 b 5 f tea instead.
8 e 6 h
5 Avoid eating processed
7 e
foods and plan your meal
While you watch 8 c
1 T
2 F While you watch
3 F 1 reality Health benefits:
4 T 2 success 1 lose weight and prevent obesity
5 F 3 content 2 have better skin
6 T 4 collaborating 3 prevent mood shifts
7 T 5 earn 4 reduce the risk of diabetes
8 F 6 genres and certain types of cancer
7 spending
8 profit

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UNIT 6 4 mobility While you watch

Before you watch 5 labor 1 It’s much harder
2 6 entrepreneur 2 subconscious
1 e 7 skills 3 cerebellum
2 b 8 Marginalized 4 shouldn’t
3 f 5 Helios
4 d While you watch 6 Motor planning
5 a 1 skills 7 robots
6 c 2 human 8 50%
3 Emotional
3 4 entrepreneurs UNIT 10
Suggested answers: 5 Transferrable Before you watch
Positive consequences: gives 6 the community 1
access to a larger market, provides 7 Both men and women 1 d
cheaper goods for consumers, can 8 social 2 a
lead to better economies, promotes 3 f
innovation, better quality and variety. UNIT 8 4 c
While you watch 5 b
Negative consequences: 1 F 6 e
environmental damage, fluctuation of 2 F
prices, job insecurity. 3 T 3
4 F 1 T
While you watch 5 T 2 T
1 advances 6 T 3 F
2 goods 7 F 4 T
3 affordable 8 T 5 T
4 environmental
5 employment UNIT 9 While you watch
6 atmosphere Before you watch 1 F
1 2 T
UNIT 7 1 motion 3 F
Before you watch 2 subconscious 4 F
1 3 algorithm 5 T
1 workforce 4 hybrid 6 F
2 Remote 5 adapt 7 F
3 intelligence 6 sensory 8 T

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