Cot1 English Sy.2023-2024

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Division of Cotabato

Matalam South District

West Patadon, Matalam, Cotabato



At the end of the class, the pupils will be able to;
a. Understand the adjective word.
b. Identify adjectives in the given sentences.
c. Use adjective word in a sentence.


TOPIC: Adjective Words
REFERENCES: Joy in Learning p.105 Developing my English Power 5, pp.60 & 64,
MATERIALS: TV, laptop, Blackboard, Manila Paper
KEY VALUES: Cooperation and Timely


Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

1. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
May I request ALKHAIR to
lead the prayer.
- (Bismillah Rahmani Raheem……)

b. Greetings
Good morning class.

- - Good morning Teacher Jas!

- - Good morning Visitor!
- Good morning classmates!
- Good morning!
c. Song/Energizer
Let’s do the energizer.
(KRA 1-Objective 1
Applied knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas.)
(the pupils will act accordingly.)

d. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent

No teacher!

If that so, then

let’s give a
“congratulation clap” for

(the pupils will act accordingly)

e. Checking of Assignment
Do we have an
assignment class?

None teacher.

f. Recalling of Classroom Rules

(KRA 2- Objective 5
Established safe and secure learning
environments to enhance learning
through the consistent implementation
of policies and procedures.)

If you see my hand like


What does it

Sit properly teacher!

Very Good! How about
like this?

Listen carefully teacher.

Correct children. And
how about this sign?

Excellent! The last one is Raise your right if you want to answer teacher.
like this. What is it mean?

Keep quiet teacher.

All of your answer are
absolutely correct.
Hopefully you all do
these things when the
class discussion is going
on. Is it clear?

Yes, teacher.

g. Review
What was our lesson last

Our lesson last meeting was all about subject verb-agreement:

inverted sentence
Who can give an example of it?

In her hand, there are two roses.

Excellent! So now are you ready for our
new lesson?

h. Unlocking of Difficulties Yes, teacher.

Before we proceed to our lesson proper,
let us find out first the meaning of the
following words that might new to you.

a. Adjective
b. attributive
c. predicative

Adjective – modifier of a noun

II. LESSON PROPER Attributive – an adjective word written before a noun.
Predicative- an adjective word written after a noun.
a. Motivation
Look at these pictures. Say
something about it. (The teacher will note
pupils’ answer on the board, then will
give emphasis on adjective word that
have been mentioned.)

b. Presentation
Today, we’re going to learn about
Adjective Words. (The pupils’ answer may vary.)
(KRA 2- Objective 4
Displayed proficient use of mother
Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning.)

c. Discussion
An adjective is a word that modifies or
describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives
can be used to describe the qualities of
someone or something independently or
in comparison to something else.


* They live in a beautiful house.

* My classmates are smart.
* Ben is an adorable baby.

NOTE: An adjective can be written as

attributive (occurring before the noun)
or predicative (occurring after the noun).

Attributive position:
Ex. The proud soldier is home.

Predicative Position:
Ex. The soldier is proud.

Guided Practice
Let’s try this as our practice exercise:

Activity 1:
This time I will call 4 volunteers to be
here in front. One by one, press the
“next” button on the laptop and when the
sentence appears, read it aloud and
identify the given adjective word in the
sentence. Is it clear?
(KRA 1 – Objective 2
Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy
and numeracy skills.)

1. She has a pretty face.

2. This soup is delicious.
3. My mother is sick.
4. She has a red car.

Yes teacher!

Now class, how many adjective words

that have been mentioned?

Excellent class! Answers are:

1. pretty
D. APPLICATION 2. delicious
I will group you into 2 groups. Each 3. sick
group must accomplish the task 4. red
accordingly. You have 5 minutes to do it.
(KRA 2- Objective 6
Maintained learning environments that
promote fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning.)
4 teacher!
Criteria Group 1 Group 2

Group 1
Directions: Put CHECK (√) on the blank
if the underlined word is adjective and
(X) if it is a noun.
_____1. The children are excited.
1. _____ 2. She wore a beautiful dress.
2. _____ 3. Maria cook a tasty carbonara.
3. _____ 4. This glass is unbreakable.
4. _____ 5. Maria saw her handsome

Group 2

Directions: Underline the given adjective

words in each sentence.

1. Jack is a tall man.

2. Shaina is a beautiful lady.
3. Her pencil is yellow.
4. Mickey went to a far place.
5. She is a gorgeous waitress.
1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. X

The teacher will ask the following
questions to the pupils.
(KRA 1- Objective 3
Applied a range of teaching strategies to
develop critical thinking and creative
thinking as well as other higher order
thinking skills.)
To wrap everything, what is adjective

1. tall 2. Beautiful 3. Yellow 4. Far 5. gorgeous

Very good! Who can give me an

adjective word?
If you’re going to describe yourself, in
what word and why?

Adjective is a word that modifies or describes noun or pronoun.

Excellent class! Prepare yourself for
another activity.

III. Evaluation
Directions: Fill in the blank with the
appropriate adjective word to make the
sentence correct. Choose your answer Honest, beautiful, grateful and kind.
from the box.

(The pupils’ answers may vary.)

1. She belongs to a ________ family.

2. Her house is very ________ every
3. Mike is the most ______ in our class.
4. She shares me a ________ jokes.
5. He is a ________ person.

IV. Assignment
Directions: Make at least 5 sentences
out of these adjective words.

1. kind
2. friendly
3. joyful
4. creative
5. noisy
6. fast
7. easy
8. long

1. poor 2. Dark 3. Genius 4. Funny 5. happy

(The pupils’ answer may vary)

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
evaluation _____ out of ______ Learners who earned 80% above
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation who scored below 80% ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners ___Yes ___No
who have caught up with the lesson ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Strategies used that work well: Why?
Why did these work? ___ Group collaboration ___ Complete IMs
___ Games ___ Availability of Materials
___ Power Point Presentation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Answering preliminary ___ Group member’s Cooperation in
activities/exercises doing their tasks
___ Discussion
___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my __ Bullying among pupils __ Colorful IMs
principal or supervisor can help me solve? __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Additional Clerical
__ Unavailable Technology Equipment works
(AVR/LCD) Others (Please specify):
__ Science/ Computer/Internet Lab __________________

G. What innovation or localized materials did I Planned Innovations:

use/discover which I wish to share with other __ Localized Videos
teachers? __ Making use big books from views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ Local poetical composition

Prepared by:


Checked by:
Master Teacher I

Observed by:
Cluster Head

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