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Don Severino Pagalilauan

GRADES 1 to 12 School: National High School Grade Level: 9

LOG Teaching Date and
March 6,2024 Quarter: 4th

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
literature and other text types serve as means of preserving
unchanging values in a changing world; also, how to use the features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, active and passive
A. Content Standards
constructions, information and subjective statements plus direct and
indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-

The learners skillfully construct factual and subjective statements on a

B. Performance
certain topic on social issues to enable him/her competently performs
in a full-length.

Learning Competencies: EN9LC-IVg-13.4: Judge the relevance and

truthfulness of the ideas listened to.
C. Learning
Competencies/  Recognize the structures and types of stage for stage plays.
 Differentiate the structures and types of stage plays.
Write the LC code for
each  Show enthusiasm when learning the different types of stage
forstage plays

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
2. Learner's Materials A Journey Through Anglo- American Literature
3. Textbook pages Pages 350-352
4. Additional manila paper , cartolina
Materials from
B. Other Learning Visual aids, Power point presentation

This lesson plan will utilize the active learning strategy or participative
learning style, content-based instruction, technology-aided instruction,
IV. PROCEDURES explicit instruction, collaborative activities, and tasked-based approach.
A. Reviewing A. The teacher will show a picture of theater and she will let the students
previous lesson or analyze the picture
presenting the new

1. What did you notice from the picture?

2. What do you call of this?

In today’s lesson, you are expected to:

 Recognize the structures and types of stage for stage plays.
B. Establishing a
 Differentiate the structures and types of stage plays.
purpose for the
lesson  Show enthusiasm when learning the different types of stage forstage

The teacher will let the students play the game called GALLERY WALK
Direction: The class will be divided into four groups. Each group shall go to
the different stations posted inside the classroom. They will be tasked to write
their observations based on the picture on each station. After all groups all
the stations a representative for each group will report their observation in
front of the class

C. Presenting
examples/ instances Leader1: We encounter the types of stages ma’am
of the new lesson Leader 2: We encounter there are many seats that have different directions
Leader3: The seats are form in round
Leader4: The seats are form on two sides only

Based on our game, what do you think is our lesson today?

 Our lesson is all about different types of stages maam
Today’s lesson is all about the different types of stages and the
components the stage direction

D. Discussing new
concepts and THEATRE
practicing new skills -The word theater comes from a Greek word “theatron” meaning seeing place.
Thes structure within which theatrical performance are given. Usually
includes an orchestra or seating area, and a stage

-It is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the
experience of a real or imagined events.

Different type of stage

1. THRUST-the playing area protrudes out into the house with audience
seating on more than one side. The thrust configuration is the oldest
known fixed type of staging in the world, and it is a thousand of years

Example: Crucible theater-sheffiled, south Yorkshire-1971-arch.

Renton howard wood associate

2. PROSCENIUM STAGE-The proscenium of a theater stage is a

structure in front of the stage that frames the action of the play. It can
be square or arched, and the stage curtain is generally directly behind
it.The ancient Greeks gave us the modern concept of theater and, with
it, the proscenium, one of the divisions of the stage. The word itself can
be broken down into prō-, "in front of," and skēnē, "scene":
-The proscenium is thus the part "in front of the scenery." In a modern
theater, the proscenium makes up the so-called "fourth wall," the invisible
barrier that separates the stage from the audience and through which the
audience watches the action.

3. IN- ROUND STAGE- it is positioned at the center of the audience. This

type of stage creates quiet an intimate atmosphere, and is good for
drama that needs audience involvement.

4. TRAVERSE STAGE- the elongated playing area is surrounded by

audience seating two sides
- A stage where the audience sist on tow sides. This type of stage is
good for creating an intimate atmosphere

-the view stage for the audience; also called proscenium arch. The
archway is a sense the frame for the stage as defined by the
boundaries of stage beyond which a viewer cannot see.
2. TEASER- The boarder drapes across the top of the stage that conceals
the lighting instruments
3. TORMENTOR- the drops on the stage that conceals the backstage
4. CYCLORAMA- the large muslim drape hung across the extreme
uspstage area that represents sky
5. GRAND DRAPE- the main curtain that conceals the stage from the
audience. Usually red.
6. APRON- the area on the stage on the audience of the grand drape
7. FLY RAIL- The ropes, pulleys and the arbors off the stage right that
control the height of the drapes, electric battens and hanging scenery
8. BATTEN- pipes hung above the width of the stage that can be used for
hanging scenery
9. ELECTRIC- a bitten affixed with electric outlets used for hanging and
powering lighting instruments.
10.BACKDROP- a large piece of painted fabric hung behind the actors.
Usually painted to resemble a realistic location.

- An instruction in the text of a play, especially one indicating the
movement, position, or tone of an actor, or the sound effects a
1. Upstage: the area of the stage furthest from the audience
2. Downstage: the area of the stage closest to the audience
3. Stage left: the area of the stage to the performers left, when
facing downstage( i.e towards the audience)
4. Stage right: the area of the stage the performers right, when
facing downstage ( i.e towards the audience)
5. Center stage: the center of the playing ( performance) area.
6. Center line: an imaginary reference line on the playing area
that indicates the exact center of the stage , travelling from up
to downstage.
7. Onstage: the portion of the playing area visible to the audience
8. Offstage: the area surrounding the playing space not visible to
the audience.
E. Finding practical Raise your board
applications of The teacher will divide the class into three groups and each group
concepts and skills in holding a board for them to write their answer.
Direction: the teacher will show a different type and components of
daily living
stage through pictures and the students will identify what type and
components of the stage is shown in the following picture.
Possible Answer:
1. Proscenium stage
2. Traverse stage
3. In the round stage
4. In the round stage
5. Thrust stage
6. Proscenium stage
7. Proscenium stage
8. Traverse stage
9. Thrust stage
10.Traverse stage

Let’s test your understanding about the lesson.

 What is theatre?
It is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the
experience of a real or imagined events.

 What type of stages when the audience directly faces the

playing area which is separated by a portal called the
F. Making
-Proscenium stage .
and abstractions
about the lesson
 Where do the audience seats when the stage is traverse
A stage where the audience sist on tow sides. This type of
stage is good for creating an intimate atmosphere

 It is the type of play that a playing area protrudes out into

the house with audience seating on more than one side
-Thrust stage
G. Evaluating Quiz
Direction: a
1. The audience of the playing area visible to the audience?
2. An imaginary reference line on the playing area that indicates the exact
center of the stage, travelling from up to the stage
3. The area of the stage closest to the audience
4. The area of the stage furthest from the audience
5. The boarder drapes on the side of the stage that conceals the backstage

Possible Answers:
1.onstage line
H. Additional Watch television news and list down (5) facts and (5) opinions you hear. Write
activities for your homework on your assignment notebook and to be passed by next
application or meeting.

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the ___ of Learners who earned 80% above

B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored
below 80%

C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners ___Yes ___No
who have ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners
who continue
to require ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my Strategies used that work well:

teaching ___ Group collaboration
strategies ___ Games
worked well? ___ Power Point Presentation
Why did these ___ Answering preliminary
work? activities/exercises
___ Discussion
___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks
F. What __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties did __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
I encounter __ Colorful IMs
__ Unavailable Technology
which my
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
principal or __ Science/ Computer/
supervisor can Internet Lab
help me solve? __ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What Planned Innovations:
innovation or __ Localized Videos
localized __ Making use big books from
views of the locality
materials did I
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
use/discover __ local poetical composition
which I wish to __Fashcards
share with __Pictures

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Principal III

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