Project Report Final 0.003

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Figure 1 Geometry of Heat exchanger

The heat exchanger design was first created in Solidworks and then transferred
to ANSYS Fluent with the help of an IGES file. Essential geometric operations were
carried out using ANSYS Fluid Fluent, which also identified and corrected problems
such as overlapping surfaces to guarantee a well-defined and physically accurate
geometry. This painstaking procedure is essential to producing a trustworthy mesh and
getting accurate simulation results. This workflow's efficiency is highlighted by the
smooth integration of Solidworks and ANSYS Fluent, which makes it possible to
analyze the thermal performance of the plate heat exchanger in great detail.

Figure 2 Meshing with Statistics

Because of the complex geometry of the system, an unstructured meshing technique

was used for the plate heat exchanger analysis in ANSYS Fluid Fluent. Because
unstructured meshing allows for unevenly shaped pieces, it offers flexibility in
addressing complex geometries. In this instance, there are 424,024 elements and
137,756 nodes in the mesh. It is ensured that the discretization is appropriate for
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations by using a fluid-fluent supported
mesh. For the plate heat exchanger to effectively capture fluid flow patterns,
temperature distributions, and heat transfer, the mesh resolution is essential. In order to
achieve computational efficiency and dependable findings in the CFD analysis, node
count and element quality must be balanced.

Model Selection
Figure 3 Model selection for solution

The k-epsilon Realizable model, which includes the Enhanced Wall Treatment
(EWT) function, is the selected viscous model for the plate heat exchanger analysis.
With the help of this model, turbulent flows may be effectively simulated by calculating
the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (epsilon). With its improved ability
to forecast intricate turbulent behaviors, the Realizable variation finds a wider range of

Furthermore, the Enhanced Wall Treatment feature must be included in close

proximity to solid surfaces. By improving the modelling of boundary layer effects, it
guarantees more accurate flow characteristic predictions in close proximity to walls.
Furthermore, the simulation has turned on the energy equation. By taking into account
the impacts of thermal energy transfer, this equation advances our knowledge of the
patterns of heat transfer inside plate heat exchangers. By accurately capturing both fluid
dynamics and thermal behavior, the k-epsilon Realizable model with Enhanced Wall
Treatment and the energy equation work together to improve simulation quality.

Material Properties

Figure 4 Material Water liquid

Figure 5 Material Steel

Figure 6 Material selection

Boundary Conditions

Figure 7 Velocity Inlet

Figure 8 Boundary Conditions

Method for Solution

Figure 9 SIMPLEC Model Selection

The SIMPLEC method is used for solution discretization in the plate heat
exchanger simulation. The Navier-Stokes equations can be solved with stability and
efficiency using this semi implicit method for pressure linked equations.

A second-order upwind scheme is applied to the momentum equation, turbulent

dissipation rate (epsilon), and turbulent kinetic energy (k) for the discretization schemes.
This selection guarantees convective fluxes are accurately captured, particularly in
areas with sharp gradients. When calculating gradients, the least squares method is
applied, which improves the precision of identifying spatial variations. In contrast, for
better numerical stability, a second-order technique is applied to the pressure equation.
Figure 10 Convergence Criteria

Figure 11 Solution Converged


Figure 12 Temperature Contour

The data show that there has been a significant drop in temperature inside the
plate heat exchanger. Despite the fluid's initial inflow temperature of 373 K, the lowest
temperature of the fluid is measured at 312.5 K. The heat exchange that takes place
within the plate heat exchanger between the hot and cold fluids is what is responsible
for this temperature drop.

Heat is transferred from the hotter fluid (373 K) to the cooler fluid when the fluids
pass through the exchanger. An essential component of the heat exchanger's operation
is heat transfer, and the process' effectiveness is shown by the temperature reduction
that has been seen. The fluid's ultimate temperature, which represents the equilibrium
condition attained through the transfer of thermal energy, shows whether the plate heat
exchanger was successful in producing the intended cooling or heating effect.
Figure 13 Pressure Contour

A pressure distribution inside the plate heat exchanger is seen from the pressure
contours. 114.3 Pa is the maximum pressure that was measured, while 0 Pa is the
lowest pressure that was recorded.

The highest pressure reading of 114.3 Pa most likely happens in areas where
fluid movement is constrained or accelerated, which raises pressure levels. This might
occur at the heat exchanger's bends, constrictions, or other geometrical features. The
pressure at which the lowest value, 0 Pa, occurs is perhaps a baseline or a reference
point for places where the pressure is very low. It could be the outcome of the numerical
simulation and the reference frame that was employed, and it does not mean to reflect a
true absence of pressure.
Figure 14 Velocity Contour

A variety of fluid velocities within the plate heat exchanger is indicated by the
velocity results. The highest velocity recorded is 0.02581 m/s, and the lowest velocity is
reported as 0 m/s.

Where the flow is more accelerated or confined within the heat exchanger is
probably where the maximum velocity occurs. This might occur at ports of entry, small
passageways, or locations where there is a greater need for fluid flow. In the heat
exchanger, stagnant or almost stagnant zones where the fluid is essentially at rest may
be indicated by a minimum velocity of 0 m/s. This could happen in places with low flow
rates, close to exits, or in places where the flow is purposefully made to be as little as
Figure 15 Turbulence Kinetic Energy

The measure of turbulent motion and energy in a fluid flow is called turbulent
kinetic energy, or TKE. It stands for the varying portion of kinetic energy connected to
turbulent vortices and eddies. The TKE results shed light on the degree of turbulence in
the fluid within the framework of your plate heat exchanger simulation.

The observed maximum turbulent kinetic energy of 0.000009972 2 denotes areas
with increased turbulence. This might happen in places with considerable changes in
the direction or velocity gradient of the fluid, high fluid velocity locations, or flow
disruptions. Conversely, the regions indicated by the minimum turbulent kinetic energy
of 0.0000000003471 2 indicate rather calm flow conditions with low turbulence. This may
occur in sections of the flow channel that are straight, in regions where the fluid velocity
is reduced, or in places where the turbulence has subsided.
Figure 16 Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient

Within the plate heat exchanger, a crucial measure that characterizes the rate of
heat transfer between the fluid and solid surfaces is the wall heat transfer coefficient.
The outcomes of your simulation show a variety of wall heat transfer coefficients, with 0
2 2
W /m K as the lowest value and 2818 W /m K as the largest.

The greatest value of 2818 W /m2 K indicates areas where the fluid's and the
nearby solid surfaces' heat transmission is most efficient. This could happen in regions
where there is a lot of flow disturbance, close to hot or cold fluid inlets, or in high
turbulence areas where convective heat transfer is boosted. On the other hand, areas
with minimal or nonexistent heat transport may be indicated by a minimum value of 0
W /m K . This could occur in places like stagnant zones or close to surfaces with
insulating properties where there is little to no interaction between the fluid and solid

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