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University of Dokuz Eylul, Department of Business

IBS 4012 - Project Management in International Business

Emine KUY 2019434047 Nazmi ÖZSOY 2019434071 Sinem ÖZDEMİR 2019434068 Asal

INAMOVA 2020434010

Doç. Dr. Özge ÖZGEN

March 19, 2024

Problem: Lack of Help and Support for Workers After Disaster

Lack of Psychological and Social Support: After a disaster, employees may experience
stress, anxiety and trauma. This situation may negatively affect the psychological health of
employees and reduce their work performance.

Decrease in Motivation and Productivity: Uncertainty and difficulties experienced after a

disaster can reduce employees' motivation and affect their productivity.

Failure to Ensure the Health and Safety of Employees: Insufficient security measures in
post-disaster logistics operations may threaten the physical health of employees.


● Chaos and uncertainties experienced in post-disaster logistics operations can

negatively affect the psychological health of employees.
● Insufficient resources or lack of training can result in inadequate security measures.
● Lack of communication or lack of support provided by management can reduce
employee motivation and productivity.


● Low motivation and productivity can reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of
logistics operations.
● Lack of psychological and social support can affect employee satisfaction and
turnover rates.
● Health and safety deficiencies can increase workers' risk of injury or illness.
Solution Offers

Providing Psychological and Social Support

For psychological support programs, an agreement can be made with expert psychologists or
counselors. These programs may include individual counseling sessions, group therapies, and
stress management techniques.

Additionally, mentoring programs can be created among employees. Experienced employees

can support others by sharing their post-disaster experiences. These programs can increase
motivation and strengthen engagement at work.

Measures to Increase Motivation:

For motivational activities, team buildings, competitions or award ceremonies can be

organized. These events can boost morale and motivation by ensuring employees have the
opportunity to work together and celebrate their achievements.

Additionally, it is important that employees' ideas and suggestions are valued. It is possible to
encourage employee participation and increase their motivation by creating feedback

Strengthening Health and Safety Measures:

Training programs should be specifically designed for post-disaster logistics operations. This
training should include topics such as emergency plans, first aid techniques and safety

Security audits should be performed and reported regularly. Audits are important to ensure
that security standards are implemented and identify potential risks.
Average Budget Planning

To Provide Psychological and Social Support

Consulting services: 30,000 TL

Psychological support programs and group therapies: 25,000 TL

Support groups and mentoring programs: 20,000 TL

Total: 75,000 TL

For Measures to Increase Motivation:

Incentive reward systems: 20,000 TL

Motivational activities (e.g. team events, motivational speeches): 15,000 TL

Training to promote open and regular communication: 10,000 TL

Total: 45,000 TL

To Strengthen Health and Safety Measures

Occupational health and safety training programs: 25,000 TL

Security audits and equipment updates: 30,000 TL

Improvement of the workplace environment (for example, ergonomic regulations): 20,000 TL

Total: 75,000 TL

Total Budget: 195,000 TL

This budget can meet the needs of employees more effectively by allocating more resources
for more comprehensive psychological support, motivation-enhancing measures and health
and safety improvements. In this way, employees' job performance and satisfaction can be
increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of logistics operations.

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