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 Able : Sanggup (He will buy a new car as soon as he is able)

 Accompany : Menemani (I have two tickets for the theater on Saturday evening, would
you like to accompany me?)
 Allow : Mengizinkan (You’re not allowed to talk during the exam)
 Approach : Mendekati (I see it’s approaching lunchtime, so let’s take a break)
 Assist : Membantu (My boss asked me to assist the client in understanding the contract)
 Attend : Menghadiri (She attends classes on Tuesdays)
 Begin : Memulai (What time does the concert begin?)
 Bet : Bertaruh (I bet he won’t come)
 Bring : Membawa (What brings you here?)
 Build : Membangun (We want to build a better house for our future kids)
 Burn : Membakar (She burned his old love letters)
 Carry : Membawa dengan tangan (These books are too heavy for me to carry)
 Catch : Menangkap (I see a keeper catch a ball)
 Choose : Memilih (I can’t choose because I like all these dresses)
 Climb : Mendaki (We’re going climbing tomorrow morning)
 Comfort : Kenyamanan, menghibur (I’m trying to comfort my sister)
 Complain : Mengeluh (Lots of people have complained about the noise)
 Consider : Mempertimbangkan (I’d like some consider before I make decision)
 Cost : Biaya (How much does this book cost?)
 Count : Menghitung (We’re still waiting for the votes to be counted)
 Cover : Menutupi (The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes)
 Crash : Menabrak (The plane crashed into a mountainside)
 Create : Membuat, menciptakan (God create this world)
 Cut : Memotong (This knife doesn’t cut very well)
 Decide : Memutuskan (We decide to make a birthday cake together)
 Develop : Mengembangkan (I want to develop my skills in this company)
 Divide : Membagi (Divide the cake into six equal parts)
 Divorce : Bercerai (She’s divorcing her husband)
 Drag : Menyeret (She’s had to drag her kids away from toys store)
 Drive : Menyetir (They’re driving to chicago on Tuesday)
 Dry : Kering (If it’s dry tomorrow I’ll cut the grass)
 Exercise : Pelatihan (You really should take more exercise)
 Explain : Menjelaskan (Please could you explain why you’re so late)
 Feed : Memberi makanan (The baby had a feed an hour ago)
 Fit : Pas, cocok (My car’s too big to fit in this space)
 Fix : Memperbaiki (They couldn’t fix my old computer, so I bought a new one)
 Fry : Menggoreng (I have to fry fish for our dinner)
 Get : Mendapatkan (Where you get your shoes from?)
 Grateful : Bersyukur (I’m so grateful for all that you’ve done)
 Grow : Tumbuh (Children grow so quickly)
 Hold : Memegang (Can you hold this bag while I open the door?)
 Imagine : Membayangkan (They hadn’t imagined that it would be so difficult)
 Include : Termasuk (The bill include tax and service)
 Keep : Menyimpan (Don’t worry I will keep this secret)
 Lack : Kekurangan (Her only problem is a lack of confidence)
 Lend : Meminjamkan (If you need a coat I can lend you one)
 Let : Membiarkan (He decided to let his hair grow long)
 Lose : Kehilangan/kalah (I lost my keys somewhere in the house)
 Manage : Mengelola (He’s not very good at managing people)
 Move : Pindah (Will you help me move this table to the back room?)
 Need : Butuh (I need to do some shopping on my way home from work)
 Paint : Mengecat (All these pictures were painted by local artist)
 Park : Taman (I let the dogs run free in the park)
 Participate : Ikut serta (The teacher tries to get everyone to participate in the classroom
 Pay : Membayar (How much did you pay for the tickets)
 Plan : Rencana (What are your plans for this weekend?)
 Practice : Latihan (I need to get some more practice before I take TOEFL Exam)
 Prepare : Mempersiapkan (Have you prepared for your interview)
 Pretend : Berpura-pura (She’ll pretend that she hasn’t seen us)
 Produce : Menghasilkan (Cows produce milk)
 Pronounce : Melafalkan (How do you pronounce your surename?)
 Protect : Melindungi (It’s important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the
 Pull : Menarik (He pulled away his chair from the desk)
 Push : Mendorong (Can you help me to move this table? You push and I’ll pull)
 Put : Meletakkan (She put her bag on the table)
 Receive : Menerima (She will receive her barchelor’s degree next week)
 Regret : Menyesal (Is there anything you’ve done in your life that you regret?)
 Remember : Mengingat (I can remember people’s faces, but not their names)
 Remind : Mengingatkan (Could you remind Anna about dinner on Saturday?)
 Rent : Menyewa (My dad has a villa that he rents to tourists)
 Repair : Memperbaiki (I must get my bike repaired this weekend)
 Repeat : Mengulang (Would you mind to repeating what you just said?)
 Replace : Menggantikan (I promised to replace the plate that I had dropped)
 Reply : Membalas (I try to reply to letters the day I receive them)
 Rest : Istirahat (The doctor told him that he should rest for a few days)
 Return : Kembali (She left America at the age of 16 and has never returned)
 Revise : Merevisi (Her book is available in a new revised edition)
 Save : Menyimpan (I save all my old letters in case I want to read them again)
 Scold : Dimarahi (My mom scolded me for coming home late)
 Scream : Menjerit (They were scream)
 Seem : Terlihat (You seem very quiet today, what’s wrong?)
 Sell : Menjual (I sold my car to him for $600)
 Send : Mengirim (Could you send a reply to them as quickly as possible?)
 Share : Berbagi (Will you share your sandwhic with me?)
 Shave : Mencukur
 Show : Menunjukan (Let me show you this new book that I’ve just bought)
 Shut : Menutup (Can you shut up your mouth in this class?)
 Smell : Bau (Didn’t you smell that the pie was burning?)
 Sneeze : Bersin (Cats make me sneeze, I think I allergic to them)
 Spell : Mengeja (Could you spell your name please?)
 Spend : Menghabiskan (She spends a lot of money on clothes)
 Stand : Tahan/berdiri (I can’t stand hearing her crying)
 Start : Memulai (Could you help me? The engine don’t want to start)
 Stay : Tetap tinggal (I stayed in Bali for two weeks then flew home)
 Steal : Mencuri (I caught him trying to steal my bike)
 Stretch : Meregangkan (Yoga is the best way to stretch your body)
 Suggest : Menyarankan (I suggest you must ignore him)
 Swear : Bersumpah (You must swear for not telling anyone about it)
 Take : Mengambil/membawa (Can you take this bag while I open the door?)
 Talk : Berbicara (I talked with Carol on the phone yesterday)
 Taste : Rasa (I love the taste of bread)
 Teach : Mengajar (My sister ask me to teach her learning english)
 Tell : Memberitahu (Can you tell me how to get to the library?)
 Throw : Melempar (Don’t throw your clothes anywhere)
 Touch : Menyentuh (Please don’t touch any of my stuff while I’m away)
 Treat : Memperlakukan (My parents treated us all the same when we were kids)
 Try : Mencoba (I tried recipe that you gave me last night)
 Understand : Mengerti (It was so noisy I couldn’t understand what he was saying)
 Use : Menggunakan (This old hospital isn’t used any more)
 Visit : Mengunjungi (Could you visit me to the hospital?)
 Wait : Menunggu (Could you wait for a moment? I still on the way home)
 Walk : Jalan (I walk to work every morning)
 Want : Ingin (I wanted to bought that dress but it’s so expensive)
 Watch : Melihat (I had dinner and watched TV for a couple hours)
 Wish : Berharap (I wish that we can meet in the future)
 Write : Menulis (She hasn’t finished write her essay)
 Yawn : Menguap (I can’t stop yawning, I must so sleepy)

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