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Literature Review: The Challenges of Sustainable Agriculture

In the contemporary realm of academic research, the undertaking of a literature review in the field of
sustainable agriculture presents a unique set of challenges that researchers and students alike must
navigate. Sustainable agriculture, with its multidisciplinary nature, involves the integration of various
scientific, economic, and social aspects. This complexity often requires an extensive and in-depth
exploration of literature, making the literature review process particularly daunting.

The Complexity of Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture aims to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves three main goals:
environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. Addressing these goals
necessitates an understanding of a wide range of topics including but not limited to crop science, soil
health, water use, pest management, and the socio-economic barriers to sustainable practices.

The Multifaceted Challenge of Literature Reviews

1. Volume of Information: The sheer volume of existing research can be overwhelming.

Thousands of studies, reports, and articles have been published on various aspects of
sustainable agriculture, ranging from technical agricultural practices to policy and socio-
economic considerations.
2. Interdisciplinary Research: The interdisciplinary nature of sustainable agriculture requires
reviewers to be conversant not just in agricultural sciences, but also in environmental science,
economics, sociology, and more. This diversity in disciplines makes synthesizing the literature
a complex task.
3. Rapid Evolution of the Field: Sustainable agriculture is a rapidly evolving field, with new
technologies, practices, and policies continually emerging. Keeping abreast of the latest
research and integrating it into a cohesive review demands constant vigilance and
4. Critical Analysis and Synthesis: Beyond merely summarizing existing literature, a literature
review must critically analyze and synthesize the findings to identify gaps in the current
knowledge, offer fresh insights, and suggest future research directions. This level of analysis
requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and a keen critical thinking ability.

The Solution: Professional Assistance

Given these challenges, it’s no surprise that many choose to seek professional assistance with their
literature reviews. This is ⇔/">⇒ ⇔ comes into play.
Recognizing the specialized skills required to develop a comprehensive, well-structured literature
review, especially in a field as complex as sustainable agriculture, turning to experts can be a wise

⇒ ⇔ offers tailored support for your literature review needs, ensuring that you
receive a document that is not only comprehensive but also meticulously researched and aligned
with your academic or professional objectives. With a team of experts who are well-versed in
sustainable agriculture and its many facets, ⇒ ⇔ provides a seamless and efficient
service that can help you overcome the hurdles of crafting a literature review in this challenging field.


Crafting a literature review in sustainable agriculture is undoubtedly a formidable task. The

interdisciplinary nature, coupled with the vast scope of the field, demands a sophisticated approach
to research, analysis, and synthesis. For those feeling overwhelmed by this endeavor, leveraging the
expertise and support of professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable
step towards achieving academic and research success.
Second, the methodological gaps among the available studies were highlighted to provide actionable
directions for future studies. More in depth, an integrative approach was chosen to explore the
investigated studies due to their heterogeneity in designs and outcomes preventing quantitative
analysis (Torraco 2005 ). In this view, researchers can reduce the possibility of reaching erroneous
conclusions by formulating a priori hypotheses that can be pursued in multiple ways and by assessing
the sensitivity of study conclusions to bias of varying degrees. Farmers need to stay informed about
the latest trends and update their skills to adopt the best available solutions. The configurational
approach acknowledges the concept of equifinality, understanding that different paths can lead to
success in various contexts. Consequently, it is suggested that prospective studies analyze this topic
in greater detail to better define possible differences in the adoption process of sustainable
innovations. Table 1 Quality assessment criteria (van Dinter et al. 2021 ) Full size table Narrative
summary of the studies This section outlines the factors affecting the innovation process found
within the analyzed documents. The results of these studies highlighted the benefits of organic
farming in terms of soil conservation, biodiversity promotion, and improved food quality. Of these,
the title and abstract were read to make an initial sorting, excluding studies involving consumer
behavior, performed in developing countries, and studies not examining factors influencing farmers
during the innovation process. Finally, data collection procedures (including all variables collected
and exact protocols applied) should be fully disclosed in future studies, allowing researchers to
replicate the analysis and effectively extend previous results. On the other hand, Thorsoe et al. (
2019 ) found that men are more favorable to the adoption of innovations. In order to devise a
strategy appropriate for this field, we need know the trend of individual indicators that are specific
for the sustainable development of agriculture; these indicators must be carefully analyzed and
interpreted in order to draw conclusions regarding the stage and the trends of sustainability in this
field of activity. Therefore, to overcome these limitations of the literature, future research must
further investigate whether age, gender, and educational status affect the process of innovation
adoption into the farm. In contrast, the configurational approach examines complex patterns and
configurations of variables that lead to specific results. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Therefore, only innovation adoption in developed countries was analyzed, as these
countries seem to possess the necessary scientific and technical knowledge to drive incentives and
facilitate the process and the possibility to acquire the appropriate technology and transfer
mechanism (Zanello et al. 2016 ). Following this initial screening, the authors read the full
manuscripts and applied the selection criteria, which brought the number of studies to 44. Analyzing
in detail the results of this SLR, some general considerations can be performed. It emerged that the
path to adopting sustainable innovations can be driven by environmental values; for example, when
comparing organic and conventional farming, organic farmers have a stronger environmental view
and are more likely to take less into account economic gains. Food and fiber productivity soared due
to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies
that favored maximizing production. Sustainable practices require a flexible approach tailored to the
specificities of individual farms and different regions. A score equal to 1 was given when the
criterion was fully met, a score equal to 0.5 in the case of incomplete information, and a score of 0 if
the criterion was not met in the study. Implementing awareness and outreach policies through
communication campaigns and promoting successful models of sustainable agriculture can increase
awareness among farmers and the general public about the benefits of sustainable practices in
addressing environmental and social challenges. Current outcomes could help policy institutions to
better target specific interventions to farmers’ individual characteristics and farms’ needs to promote
a wider diffusion of sustainable innovations and thus achieve the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals 2030 (FAO 2016 ). Moreover, when these factors were examined, the results
were inconsistent. Farmers need to be willing to experiment with new methods, integrate traditional
knowledge with innovations, and modify their existing practices to achieve more sustainable
outcomes. Instead, this review investigated studies of different nature (qualitative and quantitative)
and studies using samples with different numbers of participants and diverse selection modes (mainly
random convenience samples). The procedure was carried out by three researchers simultaneously,
following the suggestion of Pati and Lorusso ( 2018 ), and the final outcomes were the results of a
common agreement. Download Free PDF View PDF Sustainable Agriculture margie brendia
Download Free PDF View PDF What is Sustainable Agriculture. In this context, sustainable
agriculture is highly recommended as an eco-system approach where soil, water, plants, environment
and living organisms live in harmony. Evaluate sources. Identify themes, debates and gaps.
Sustainable agriculture is a subject of great interest and lively debate in many parts of the world.
Therefore, to overcome these limitations of the literature, future research must further investigate
whether age, gender, and educational status affect the process of innovation adoption into the farm.
It combines the. best of traditional methods with appropriate modern technology, balancing the
economic. Finally, this book focuses on the paradigmatic and policy dimensions and call for an
innovative approach by analyzing the key themes in a complex and interrelated manner. At the
methodological level, the current SLR provides several practical insights on possible patterns
scholars can follow to perform new empirical studies with higher levels of internal and external
validity. The agricultural sector is constantly evolving, with new scientific discoveries, technologies,
and practices emerging regularly. On the contrary, Barnes et al. ( 2019 ) found that younger farmers
are more likely to adopt innovations due to a greater adaptive capacity to new technologies. When
the cereal crops like rice, wheat, maize are grown in the soil, it uses up a lot of nitrogenous salts from
the soil. Agriculture is a globally occurring activity which relates directly and powerfully to the
present and future condition of environments, economies, and societies. Cognitive style and the
specification of entrepreneurial intentions models. (January 24, 2006) Krueger NFand Carsrud AL
(1993) Entrepreneurial intentions: applying the theory of planned behaviour. The results of this
review could have both theoretical and policy implications. Expert consultants can provide
personalized advice, helping farmers overcome technical challenges and optimize crop management
strategies. This may be the case with European CAP, which, relying primarily on traditional policy
instruments that do not deepen farmer decision-making understanding, has had a mixed record in
achieving environmental goals (Eurostat 2018 ). Benefits of 7 practices of sustainable agriculture
Here are the major benefits of 7 practices of sustainable agriculture. Potentially interesting research
may also not have been filtered as it might not have carried the specific search key terms in the text.
It emerged that the path to adopting sustainable innovations can be driven by environmental values;
for example, when comparing organic and conventional farming, organic farmers have a stronger
environmental view and are more likely to take less into account economic gains. This series gathers
review articles that analyze current agricultural issues and knowledge, then proposes alternative
solutions. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Practitioners of
sustainable agriculture seek to integrate three main objectives into their work: a healthy environment,
economic profitability, and social and economic equity. Findings provide important insights on
potential research avenues that could further depict farmers’ adoption dynamics of sustainable
innovations. In this study we simply investigate which variables influence farmers’ choices;
nevertheless, it would be greatly valuable to investigate the relations among factors in further
studies. A simple example for it is using the resources we get from cow like stated below, All farm
cows give milk and calf's and we sell it for good money. This agrees with Bonney et al. ( 2007 ) who
state that small- and medium-sized farms have always adapt and innovate to remain competitive in
the market. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. Concerning internal validity, scholars should apply validated
data collection methods based on efficient designs and robust data quality control. Best Example of
Self Sustaining Agriculture Practice As Agriculture is a practice of farming that produce food and
other consumable items directly or indirectly through it, but a self sustaining farming is more of a
direct approach only. Since that time, much attention has been devoted toward better defining the
concept, and developing measures to facilitate its assessment (for example, Daly and Cobb 1989;
Liverman et al. 1987). While the permutations are many, the common underlying premise relates to
the interdependencies and compatibility among environment, economy, and society. To understand
the reasons behind this phenomenon, the current systematic literature review (SLR) provides a
comprehensive overview of factors affecting farmers’ innovation adoption behavior in developed
countries. Instead, the integrative approach aims to obtain a comprehensive view of the results from
the included studies, seeking to identify patterns, trends, or common themes that emerge through the
analysis of both qualitative and quantitative evidence. Despite these limitations, theoretical,
methodological, and practical implications can be drawn from the work.
The output led to many studies (8167 in Scopus and 5784 in Web of Science). Food and fibre
productivity raised due to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization
and government policies that favoured maximizing production. Nevertheless, it is clear that this topic
has not been completely probed, and there exist some under-explored research areas that require
further investigation. This type of training enables farmers to understand the scientific rationale and
positive impacts of sustainable practices. We do so for two reasons: 1) to clarify the research agenda
and priorities of our program, and 2) to suggest to others practical steps that may be appropriate for
them in moving toward sustainable agriculture. These factors are crucial in shaping the strategic role
of individuals in embracing innovative practices. At a practical level, current results provide insights
contributing to the ongoing policy debate on the most effective measures to foster sustainable
innovation adoption among farmers in developed countries. Most of the studies were conducted in
Italy (9 studies), the USA and Germany (both with 8 studies), followed by the Netherlands and the
UK with 7 studies. This assessment was carried out by applying the eight quality criteria presented
by van Dinter et al. ( 2021 ) (Table 1 ). These innovations drive significant structural changes on
farms, necessary for achieving sustainability in the medium and long term (Gaziulusoy 2010 ). In
terms of policy implications, a clear picture of the factors underlying the dynamics of farmer’s
adoption of product and process innovations could be useful in better targeting policy measures
tailored to encourage sustainable innovations in the agricultural sector. Farmers need to be willing to
experiment with new methods, integrate traditional knowledge with innovations, and modify their
existing practices to achieve more sustainable outcomes. The agricultural sector is constantly
evolving, with new scientific discoveries, technologies, and practices emerging regularly. It is an
effective solution to stopping agricultural land degradation, for rehabilitation, and for sustainable
crop production intensification. The procedure was carried out by three researchers simultaneously,
following the suggestion of Pati and Lorusso ( 2018 ), and the final outcomes were the results of a
common agreement. Hanson Download Free PDF View PDF SOIL FERTILITY - AN IMPORTANT
PDF What is Sustainable Agriculture. Research procedure Review protocol Writing an SLR entails
the use of a protocol that systematically describes all the steps to be followed, from the definition of
the research question to the careful analysis of the selected manuscripts. This research is a part of the
BioDegraPack project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism
Policies (MIPAAF). Organic agriculture requires a constant commitment from farmers. For example,
Nastis et al. ( 2019 ) investigated the role of older farmers and, consequently, their years of
experience on the farm as an important factor affecting the individuals’ innovation adoption
strategies. Following this reasoning, farmers often have conflicting goals (Dessart et al. 2019 ), as
they want to introduce sustainable innovations while protecting their production activity (Gosling
and Williams 2010 ). Furthermore, findings confirmed that innovation adoption is influenced by
multiple factors of various natures that interact with each other during the adoption process and
therefore cannot be considered individually. It also aims at providing inputs to decision making
processes and encouraging the transfer of relevant know-how, technologies and expertise to different
countries where similar agro-climatic conditions may exist; thus saving precious resources and
promoting sustainable agricultural development as a relevant approach to tackle the food security
challenge. Moreover, policymakers should encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration among
farmers to facilitate mutual learning and the dissemination of practical information. In contrast, the
configurational approach examines complex patterns and configurations of variables that lead to
specific results. It was found that most of the studies were not built on a theory or model, but their
reasoning was only supported by previous empirical studies. Type of innovation The analyzed
manuscripts were classified into four innovation categories: organic farming, precision farming,
regenerative agriculture, and agroecology. Sustainable practices require a flexible approach tailored to
the specificities of individual farms and different regions. Finally, policymakers can take several
actions to promote the adoption of sustainable practices. Furthermore, Zanello et al. ( 2016 ) pointed
out that innovation is costly and risky; thus, pioneering innovation is mainly concentrated in few rich
A growing movement has emerged during the past two decades to question the role of the
agricultural establishment in promoting practices that contribute to these social problems. Today this
movement for sustainable agriculture is garnering increasing support and acceptance within
mainstream agriculture. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labor demands to
produce the majority of the food and fiber in the U.S. Although these changes have had many
positive effects and reduced many risks in farming, there have also been significant costs. This is all
on 7 practices of sustainable agriculture, hope you find this article very useful, if you feel the need to
add anything just comment down below. Food and fiber productivity soared due to new
technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that
favored maximizing production. Provide your details and our sales reps will help you get started.
However, the relationship between these factors is quite complex (Krueger and Kickul 2006 ).
Sustainable agriculture is a subject of great interest and lively debate in many parts of the world. The
networking structure is another important factor. These studies highlighted the increasing interest in
this practice and analyzed its positive effects on agricultural productivity and resource efficiency. In
other words, Sustainable agriculture is a kind of agriculture that mainly concentrates on producing
long-term crops and livestock while having little effects on the environment. Evaluate sources.
Identify themes, debates, and gaps. These innovations drive significant structural changes on farms,
necessary for achieving sustainability in the medium and long term (Gaziulusoy 2010 ). These
conflicting results do not allow to depict a clear picture of the socio-demographic characteristics of
the adopter. IPM aims to suppress the basic pest populations below the economic injury level (EIL).
This resulted in a total of 89 reports assessed for eligibility. It was found that most of the studies
were not built on a theory or model, but their reasoning was only supported by previous empirical
studies. Antonio Castellanos-Navarrete Download Free PDF View PDF What is Sustainable
Agriculture. When the cereal crops like rice, wheat, maize are grown in the soil, it uses up a lot of
nitrogenous salts from the soil. Any one who is working in agriculture or related to agriculture field
must know the 7 practices of sustainable agriculture to improve the agriculture life cycle, that is why
we insist you on reading full article properly. Configurational theory suggests that there is no single
path to pursue in implementing sustainable innovations, as there are infinite combinations of factors.
Agriculture is a globally occurring activity which relates directly and powerfully to the present and
future condition of environments, economies, and societies. The psychological and socio-
demographic characteristics of adopters significantly influence their willingness to embrace
innovations. This paper is an effort to identify the ideas, practices and policies that constitute our
concept of sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, book, general reports, and conference proceedings
were also excluded as lacking peer review and with more limited availability (Alves et al. 2016 ).
Finally, only studies reporting results from the primary data collection were included in the analysis,
as they are suitable for collecting useful information (e.g., sample number, country, methodology,
and factors that influenced farmers) to achieve the intended goal. For example, through direct
payments decoupled from production decreed by the European CAP, the risk tolerance of European
farmers has increased (Koundouri et al. 2009 ). In addition, the ability to have advisory services can
improve the farmers’ awareness, their environmental concerns, and the significance they place on
preserving natural environment (Cullen et al. 2018 ). Likewise, long-term planning and teamwork
have been found to help the implementation of innovation. Moreover, when these factors were
examined, the results were inconsistent. Retrieved December 16, 2021, retrieved from Feliciano D
(2022) Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: the case of seven
horticultural farms in the United Kingdom. One of the reasons for this is that policies can enhance
the farmers’ confidence and incentivize the adoption of sustainable practices. There are many basic
advantages and may be there are too many to describe.
The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This approach
acknowledges nonlinearity, where variables that are found to determine the development of a given
phenomenon in one situation might yield different results in another situation (Fiss et al. 2013 ). In
this view, the current SLR uses a configurational theorization: past findings may be contradictory
because they acknowledge that a given cause would affect all farmers in the same way, irrespective
of its combination with other factors. These conflicting results do not allow to depict a clear picture
of the socio-demographic characteristics of the adopter. This includes investing in agricultural
education to provide targeted training programs that raise awareness, develop technical skills, and
enhance understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable practices.
Provide your details and our sales reps will help you get started. Emerald Group Publishing Limited,
In Configurational theory and methods in organizational research Book. About years of experience in
the industry, Garcia-Cortijo et al. ( 2019 ) and Vezina et al. ( 2017 ) found that older farms are more
likely to adopt new practices or products because the farmer at their helm possess the experience that
can guide them on the new path. Open innovation can lead to a balance between productivity and
sustainability (Chesbrough 2003 ). Sharing best practices, experiences, and challenges allows farmers
to benefit from the expertise of others and adopt more effective approaches. This paper is an effort
to identify the ideas, practices and policies that constitute concept of sustainable agriculture. For
example, regarding the size of the farm, Dalla Corte et al. ( 2015 ), Rosenbusch et al. ( 2011 ), and
Cohen ( 2010 ) found that a smaller farm size gives the company a greater agility to change routines
for innovation implementation. A further limitation of this study lies in choosing to use only
scientific articles and excluding all other documents (such as books and gray literature). We use your
information as described in our Privacy Notice. Expert consultants can provide personalized advice,
helping farmers overcome technical challenges and optimize crop management strategies. This
finding could be of significant interest for policymakers to build specific incentives to foster the
adoption of innovations in the agricultural sector. Food and fibre productivity raised due to new
technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that
favoured maximizing production. Notwithstanding, however, there are several alternative robust
theoretical models available. So now you know what is sustainable agriculture, so let us explain why
we need it so much. The concluding scores obtained ranged from the lowest score of 4.5 to the
highest of 8. Findings provide important insights on potential research avenues that could further
depict farmers’ adoption dynamics of sustainable innovations. In order to perform a balanced
assessment of the progress incurred by agriculture on its path to sustainable development, we must
identify and analyze in detail all social, environmental and economic factors characterizing
sustainability. As a result, its implementation is among the objectives of the European Green Deal,
which aims to gradually lead the continent towards climate neutrality. Agric Syst 198:103368 Vezina
M, Malo MC, Ben Selma M (2017) Mature social economy enterprise and social innovation: the case
of the Desjardins environmental fund. A growing movement has emerged during the past two
decades to question the role of the agricultural establishment in promoting practices that contribute to
these social problems. Today this movement for sustainable agriculture is garnering increasing support
and acceptance within mainstream agriculture. The main geographical area of data collection was
Europe. Innovation requires appropriate institutions and policies to drive incentives and facilitate the
process, as well as strong local capabilities to identify the right technology and appropriate transfer
mechanism and to absorb and make adaptations based on local economic, social, technical, and
environmental conditions (Fu and Gong 2011 ). A total of 44 studies, published since 2010, were
identified, analyzed, and summarized. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The process of transitioning to
sustainability requires farmers to set aside much of the knowledge they have acquired in intensive
production and acquire new knowledge (Morgan and Murdoch 2000 ). Then, filters concerning the
type of manuscript, the years and place of publication, and the English language were applied to
select the documents, and later the titles and abstracts of the studies have been read.
Furthermore, findings confirmed that innovation adoption is influenced by multiple factors of various
natures that interact with each other during the adoption process and therefore cannot be considered
individually. Financial incentives, such as grants and tax incentives, can help reduce costs and
barriers related to the adoption of sustainable practices. These environmental values are stronger
among organic farmers (Siepmann and Nicholas 2018 ). Firstly, a low number of studies have
considered the socio-demographic characteristics of farmers as factors affecting the adoption of
sustainable innovations. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs
in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Evaluate sources. Identify themes, debates, and gaps. A lot more can be taken out of it, still it
provides a self sustainable cycle. Interaction and collaboration among farmers, experts,
organizations, and research institutions facilitate the exchange of knowledge and mutual learning. It
is assumed that if an innovation is seen as strongly desirable, farmer may make it feasible, by
actively seeking to financial or technical aids. The study was conducted based on the following
research question: “What are the main factors influencing the sustainable innovation adoption process
by farmers?” Subsequently, a six-step selection process was followed starting in March 2021,
according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses approach-
PRISMA (Page et al. 2021 ). Initially, the search results were manually tabulated in a spreadsheet,
and duplicates were removed. Finally, the nature of the studies analyzed did not allow a thorough
investigation of the interactions among the various factors influencing the innovation process. Place
your own research within the context of existing literature making a case for why further study is
needed. It is a discipline that addresses current issues: climate change, increasing food and fuel
prices, poor-nation starvation, rich-nation obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest
control and biodiversity depletion. Organic agriculture has been at the forefront of the agricultural
revolution in recent years. These findings are consistent with Pierpaoli et al. ( 2013 ) who state that
the observability of innovation results, good work design, and perceived ease of use were ranked as
determinants to be considered. There plants have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen to form
nitrogen compounds through the help of certain bacteria present in their base root. Moreover, when
these factors were examined, the results were inconsistent. Following this reasoning, farmers often
have conflicting goals (Dessart et al. 2019 ), as they want to introduce sustainable innovations while
protecting their production activity (Gosling and Williams 2010 ). Many of them were performed in
recent years, highlighting the growing importance of the topic among scholars. Fig. 2 Number of
publications per year Full size image Countries included in the reviewed studies The 44 studies in the
review were carried out in 15 different countries. Nine articles were found that investigated the
adoption of precision farming by farmers. About years of experience in the industry, Garcia-Cortijo
et al. ( 2019 ) and Vezina et al. ( 2017 ) found that older farms are more likely to adopt new practices
or products because the farmer at their helm possess the experience that can guide them on the new
path. Therefore, excluding some factors can lead to unrealistic ex-ante policy assessments.
Concerning internal validity, scholars should apply validated data collection methods based on
efficient designs and robust data quality control. Consumers and retailers concerned with
sustainability can look for “values-based” foods that are grown using methods promoting farm
worker wellbeing, that are environmentally friendly, or that strengthen the local economy. Indeed, it
synthesizes econometrically the data from various sources to obtain a global estimation of the effect
or association between the variables of interest. It emerged that the path to adopting sustainable
innovations can be driven by environmental values; for example, when comparing organic and
conventional farming, organic farmers have a stronger environmental view and are more likely to
take less into account economic gains. Additionally, it is possible that valuable studies were published
on platforms other than Scopus and Web of Science, despite their recognized value and
dissemination in the international scientific community. Theoretical backgrounds of the studies The
main theories and models applied by the investigated studies were also detected. Furthermore,
regarding the types of innovation identified in this systematic literature review, it can be stated that
all four agricultural approaches have demonstrated significant importance in terms of reducing
environmental impact. Furthermore, Zanello et al. ( 2016 ) pointed out that innovation is costly and
risky; thus, pioneering innovation is mainly concentrated in few rich countries.

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