Interaction Parameters For Multi Compone

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Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

Interaction parameters for multi-component aromatic

extraction with sulfolane
S.A. Ahmad, R.S. Tanwar, R.K. Gupta, A. Khanna∗
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India

Received 11 May 2002; accepted 4 February 2004

Available online 4 June 2004


Aromatic extraction is an important operation in petrochemical processing. Design of an aromatic extractor requires the knowledge of
multi-component liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) data. Such experimental LLE data are usually not available and therefore can be predicted
using various activity coefficient models. These models require proper binary interaction parameters, which are not yet available for all
aromatic extraction systems. Furthermore, the parameters available for most of the ternary systems are specific to that system only and cannot
be used for other ternary or multi-component systems. An attempt has been made to obtain these parameters that are globally applicable. For
this purpose, the parameter estimation procedure has been modified to estimate the parameters simultaneously for different systems involving
common pairs. UINQUAC and UNIFAC models have been used for parameter estimation. The regressed parameters are shown to be applicable
for the ternary as well as for the multi-component systems. It is observed that UNIQUAC parameters provide a better fit for ternary LLE data,
whereas, as one moves towards the higher component systems (quaternary and quinary) the UNIFAC parameters, which are a measure of the
group contributions, predict the LLE better. Effect of temperature on UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters has been studied and a linear
dependence has been observed.
© 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Multi-component; Maximum likelihood; Liquid–liquid equilibria; Binary interaction parameters; IVEM

1. Introduction represent LLE for highly non-ideal liquid mixtures usually

encountered in aromatic extraction. These parameters are
Aromatics such as benzene, toluene, and xylene are con- yet not entirely available for the multi-component systems
sidered essential in the chemical industry because they are encountered in aromatic extraction. These are generally es-
the source of many organic chemicals. These aromatics are timated using experimental LLE data. In case no experimen-
present in the naphtha feed. High purity aromatics are dif- tal liquid–liquid equilibrium data for the systems of interest
ficult to be separated using ordinary distillation operation, are available, the infinite dilution activity coefficients can be
since they form several binary azeotropes with aliphatics. used for parameter estimation but at the cost of accuracy [1].
Extraction is therefore a better choice to separate the aromat- A least square minimization or a maximum likelihood ap-
ics from the naphtha feed, as they are preferentially soluble proach can be used for the estimation of binary interaction
in a variety of solvents. parameters. It has been observed that the binary interaction
To predict the separation, it is necessary to know the LLE parameters for the same pairs are found to be different for
data for a particular system. Various thermodynamic mod- different ternary systems [2]. For example, the binary inter-
els such as UNIQUAC, UNIFAC and NRTL can be used to action parameters between the pair hexane–benzene in the
predict the LLE. These models use the activity coefficients, system hexane–benzene–sulfolane are different from those
which require proper binary interaction parameters that can in hexane–benzene–triethylene glycol system [3]. Interac-
tion parameters are therefore specific for the system from
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-512-2597117;
which they have been estimated and hence cannot be used to
fax: +91-512-2590104.
predict LLE for the other systems or for the multi-component
E-mail address: (A. Khanna). extraction. It has also been reported that the different sets of

0378-3812/$ – see front matter © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

190 S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

initial guesses result in different estimates of the parameters In the maximum likelihood approach a priori estimate of
due to existence of several local minima [4]. variances is made based on the experimental errors, but this
To overcome these problems, the parameter estimation method is internally inconsistent. This is because the apri-
approach is modified in which the binary interaction pa- ori estimate of variance-covariance matrix is not, in general,
rameters for different ternary systems involving common equal to the final values obtained from the residuals at the
pairs are estimated simultaneously using a modified objec- conclusion of the regression procedure [4]. To avoid this
tive function. A brief description of the method used for the inconsistency in maximum likelihood approach, an Inside
parameter estimation is given in the next section. Results of variance estimation method (IVEM) recently implemented
parameter estimation and multi-component LLE prediction by Vasquez et al. [4] has been adopted in which the ob-
are presented and discussed in the later section. The effect jective function of Eq. (1) is used, but V k is re-estimated
of temperature on UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at each iteration of the optimization procedure. At the end,
is also presented and discussed in the same section. The the residuals are consistent with V k guaranteeing the most
conclusions drawn are reported in the final section. likely values for the parameter vector θ.

2.1. Choice of initial guess

2. Estimation of interaction parameter
The Objective function defined by Eq. (1) is highly non-
Two approaches are widely used for parameter estima- linear and non convex in nature. Different initial guesses may
tion [4]. Least square minimization approach and maxi- lead to different minima. A proper choice of initial guess is,
mum likelihood approach. The least square minimization therefore, important in parameter estimation. Any one of the
approach requires less computational effort but it does not following strategies may be used to obtain the initial guess.
take into account the possible random errors in the exper-
1. By running “property estimation” program of Aspen Plus
iments. The maximum likelihood approach maximizes the
simulator using UNIF–LL method to estimate UNIQUAC
likelihood function and also takes into account the possible
binary interaction parameters.
random errors in the experiments [4]. This is therefore the
2. By minimizing the activity difference objective function
preferred method. The objective function that is to be mini-
mized takes the following form  
 F(θ) = [aik (xik , θ) − aik (xik , θ)]2 (2)
mn m 
F(θ) = −ln L = ln 2π + ln vii k=1 i=1
2 2
i=1 using any initial guess. In Eq. (2) aik represents the ac-
1  T −1 tivity of the component i for the kth tie line and I and II
+ ek V k ek (1)
2 represent the coexisting phases.
The objective function defined by Eq. (2) does not yield
where L is the likelihood function, m is the number of ex- a good agreement between experimental and predicted
perimental data or tie lines, n is the number of measured LLE. However it has a very good convergence property
variables, ek is the vector of errors for kth experimental data, and therefore is better suited for initial guess for mini-
V k is the variance-covariance matrix for kth experimental mization of any other objective function [6].
data, and νii is the variance of ith measured variable. This 3. By using reported values in the literatures. Both system
method has been discussed in detail by Esposito et al. [5]. specific or common parameters can be used.

Table 1
Ternary systems at different temperatures used for parameter estimation
S. no. System name Temperature (◦ C) Reference

1 Hexane–benzene–sulfolane 25, 50, 75, 100 [7,8]

2 Hexane–toluene–sulfolane 25 [7]
3 Hexane–xylene–sulfolane 25 [7]
4 Heptane–benzene–sulfolane 25 [9]
5 Heptane–toluene–sulfolane 25, 50, 75, 100 [8–11]
6 Heptane–xylene–sulfolane 17, 25, 50 [10,11]
7 Octane–benzene–sulfolane 25, 35, 45, 70.2, 99.2, 129.2 [7,12,13]
8 Octane–toluene–sulfolane 25, 35, 45, 70.2, 99.2, 129.2 [7,12,13]
9 Octane–xylene–sulfolane 25, 30, 35, 45, 70.2, 99.2, 129.2 [7,12,13]
10 Pentane–benzene–sulfolane 17, 25, 50 [14]
11 Pentane–toluene–sulfolane 17, 25, 50 [14]
12 Cyclohexane–benzene–sulfolane 25, 50, 75, 100 [8]
13 Cyclohexane–toluene–sulfolane 25 [10]
S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198 191

Table 2
Quaternary and quinary systems used for validation
S. no. System name Temperature (◦ C) Reference

1 Hexane–benzene–xylene–sulfolane 25 [7]
2 Hexane–octane–benzene–sulfolane 25 [7]
3 Octane–toluene–xylene–sulfolane 25 [7]
4 Hexane–heptane–toluene–sulfolane 25 [15]
5 Heptane–octane–xylene–sulfolane 25 [15]
6 Heptane–benzene–toluene–sulfolane 25 [15]
7 Hexane–octane–benzene–toluene–sulfolane 25 [7]
8 Hexane–heptane–toluene–xylene–sulfolane 25 [15]
9 Heptane–octane–benzene–xylene–sulfolane 25 [15]

The predicted LLE using binary interaction parameters Therefore, the feed is generally assumed to be composed of
obtained by minimization of the objective function of Eq. (1) only key components. The number of such key components
are compared with the experimental ones using either the is also tentative and depends largely on the availability of ex-
value of the objective function at optimality or the value of perimental data. Therefore for simplicity, the feed has been
root mean square deviation (RMSD) which for c component modeled as having only one aromatic and one non-aromatic
system is defined as key component. More components can be added based on
 1/2 the availability of experimental LLE data. Binary interac-
m  c 2 j j
 (xik − x̂ik )2 tion parameters for different ternary systems are estimated
RMSD = 100   (3)
2mc separately, they are specific for a particular system. To over-
k=1 i=1 j=1
come this specificity, parameters for different ternary sys-
j j
where xik and x̂ik are the experimental and predicted mole tems involving common pairs are estimated simultaneously.
fraction of the component i in the phase j for the tie line k The parameters obtained from simultaneous estimation have
respectively. been used for the prediction of multi-component LLE and
they are compared with experimental data. The systems con-
sidered in this work for parameter estimation are listed in
3. Results and discussions Table 1 and those for validation in Table 2. The correspond-
ing temperatures and source of experimental LLE data are
The naphtha feed from which the aromatics are extracted also shown in these tables.
contains large number of components belonging to different
families (paraffin, iso-parrafin, olefin, naphthene, and aro- 3.1. Separate estimation of parameters
matics). It is very difficult to model the aromatic extraction
system exactly because of the presence of components cov- Varhegyi and Eon [16] have shown that the binary in-
ering a large range of molecular weights and also due to teraction parameters for a particular ternary system must
different compositions of aromatic and non-aromatic com- be evaluated from the same ternary data. This significantly
pounds in the naphtha feed obtained from different sources. reduces the RMSD. Consequently this approach has been

Table 3
Specific UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at 298.15 K for hexane–benzene–sulfolane for different initial guesses [7]
Binary pair i–j Initial guess, aij Regressed parameters, aij Objective function, −ln L RMSD RMSD DECHEMA [17]
Initial guess 1
Hexane–benzene −116.105 −117.626 −154.822 0.6045 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 609.336
Benzene–hexane 157.958 156.310
Benzene–sulfolane 21.908 19.931
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 69.250
Sulfolane–benzene 59.084 60.264
Initial guess 2
Hexane–benzene −288.367 −263.377 −143.962 0.7753 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 501.863 459.073
Benzene–hexane −25.304 −29.183
Benzene–sulfolane 54.486 60.821
Sulfolane–hexane 99.005 80.761
Sulfolane–benzene −239.095 −260.902
n.a.: not available.
192 S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

Table 4
Specific UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters for at 298.15 K Hexane–toluene–sulfolane for different initial guesses [7]
Binary pair i–j Initial guess, aij Regressed parameters, aij Objective function, −ln L RMSD RMSD DECHEMA [17]

Initial guess 1
Hexane–toluene 167.205 139.977 −161.705 0.6851 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 658.218
Toluene–hexane −137.162 −105.237
Toluene–sulfolane 47.058 60.637
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 66.196
Sulfolane–toluene 79.687 69.181
Initial guess 2
Hexane–toluene −53.247 −53.808 −98.785 0.8528 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 392.861 366.612
Toluene–hexane −312.903 −296.944
Toluene–sulfolane 246.093 255.279
Sulfolane–hexane 132.275 121.639
Sulfolane–Toluene −194.270 −221.172
n.a.: not available.

implemented in DECHEMA Chemistry Data Series [2] system hexane–toluene–sulfolane is 658.218. The same is
for the ternary systems reported. Similar approach has true for the reverse pair sulfolane–hexane. Similar results
been adopted to confirm the specificity of the regressed are obtained with the second set of initial guesses. It is also
parameters. Two systems, hexane–benzene–sulfolane and evident that the different sets of initial guesses result in
hexane–toluene–sulfolane at 298.15 K have been consid- different estimates of the binary interaction parameters. A
ered. UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters for these proper choice of initial guess is therefore important. An ac-
systems have been estimated using two sets of initial ceptable choice would be that which gives the better RMSD
guesses. Initial guess 1 is obtained by running the param- and/or the objective function value. The parameters reported
eter estimation program of Aspen Plus simulator using in this work are those which exhibit less RMSD values.
UNIF–LL method and initial guess 2 is obtained by min- Further the parameters estimated from different sets of
imizing the activity difference objective function defined LLE data for the same systems are found to be different.
by Eq. (2). The binary interaction parameters thus ob- For example, UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters re-
tained are shown in Tables 3 and 4 respectively with the gressed from LLE data reported by Chen et al. [7] are
common pair parameters underlined. The corresponding different from those regressed from LLE data reported by
values of objective function and RMSD are also shown. It DeFré and Verhoeye [8]. The regressed parameters for these
can be seen that the binary interaction parameter for the two data sets along with the corresponding objective func-
common pair hexane–sulfolane are different for both the tion and RMSD values are shown in Table 5. To avoid this
systems. For the first set of initial guesses, the value of in- discrepancy such data sets are taken simultaneously in the
teraction parameter of hexane–sulfolane pair in the system regression procedure. Also both the objective function and
hexane–benzene–sulfolane is 609.336 whereas that in the RMSD values indicate that DeFré’s data [8] is slightly bet-

Table 5
Specific UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at 298.15 K for Hexane–benzene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j Initial guess, aij Regressed parameters, aij Objective function, −ln L RMSD RMSD DECHEMA [17]
Data Set 1 [7]
Hexane–benzene −116.105 −117.626 −154.822 0.6045 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 609.336
Benzene–hexane 157.958 156.310
Benzene–sulfolane 21.908 19.931
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 69.250
Sulfolane–benzene 59.084 60.264
Data Set 2 [8]
Hexane–benzene −116.105 −114.532 −184.434 0.5090 0.52
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 606.890
Benzene–hexane 157.958 151.923
Benzene–sulfolane 21.908 21.759
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 70.830
Sulfolane–benzene 59.084 59.254
n.a.: not available.
S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198 193

Table 6
Simultaneous UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at 298.15 K for Hexane–benzene/toluene/xylene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j No. of data Initial guess, aij Regressed parameters, aij Objective function, −ln L RMSD RMSD
sets [Ref.] DECHEMA [17]
Hexane–benzene −116.105 −126.003 −329.271 0.6167 5.15
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 681.179
Benzene–hexane 2 157.958 165.755
Benzene–sulfolane [7,8] 21.908 21.598
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 65.573
Sulfolane–benzene 59.084 59.180
Hexane–toluene 167.205 180.432 −157.126 0.9302 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 681.179
Toluene–hexane 1 −137.162 −128.705
Toluene–sulfolane [7] 47.058 50.487
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 65.573
Sulfolane–toluene 79.687 79.309
Hexane–xylene 272.415 262.852 −138.991 0.9120 n.a.
Hexane–sulfolane 561.401 681.179
Xylene–hexane 1 −212.109 −199.216
Xylene–sulfolane [7] 98.425 97.216
Sulfolane–hexane 67.843 65.573
Sulfolane–xylene 65.007 48.879
Overall objective function value = −625.388
Overall RMSD = 0.8321
n.a.: not available.

ter than Chen’s data [7]. Also for DeFré’s data [8] RMSD lined. The number of data sets available for each system
value is compared with those reported in DECHEMA with their sources is indicated. The objective function val-
[17] for the specific UNIQUAC parameters. The RMSD ues and the corresponding RMSD values are also shown.
value obtained in this work is better than those reported The RMSD values calculated from using the available com-
in DECHEMA, which confirms the authenticity of the es- mon UNIQUAC parameters reported in DECHEMA [17]
timated parameters using IVEM. Chen’s data [7] have not for these systems are also given in the table.
been processed for UNIQUAC parameters and hence their
RMSD values could not be compared with those of present
Table 7
Simultaneous UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at 298.15 K for
systems in Table 1
3.2. Simultaneous estimation of parameters involving Binary pair i–j Binary interaction parameters (K)
common pair
aij aji

In simultaneous estimation of parameters the objective Pentane–benzene −124.530 154.243

function is calculated for each ternary system keeping the Pentane–toluene 140.138 −105.381
Pentane–sulfolane 849.121 82.770
parameters between the common pair same in all the sys- Hexane–benzene −126.003 165.755
tems. The modified objective function is taken as the sum Hexane–Toluene 180.432 −128.705
of objective functions of individual system. Hexane–xylene 262.852 −199.216
Using the above scheme the UNIQUAC binary interaction Hexane–sulfolane 681.179 65.573
parameters have been estimated simultaneously taking the Heptane–benzene −125.230 166.246
Heptane–toluene 181.432 −129.505
systems that involve only one common pair. Table 6 shows Heptane–xylene 264.201 −200.150
the results of simultaneous parameter estimation for the sys- Heptane–sulfolane 683.994 65.776
tem hexane–benzene–sulfolane, hexane–toluene–sulfolane, Octane–benzene −120.367 165.083
and hexane–xylene–sulfolane, at 298.15 K. The common Octane–toluene 181.706 −126.341
pair involved in this system is hexane–sulfolane whose Octane–xylene 257.508 −198.570
Octane–sulfolane 747.083 67.323
parameters are kept same in all the three systems. Ini- CycloHexane–benzene −131.926 176.370
tial guesses of the parameters have been obtained from Cyclohexane–toluene 161.663 −152.302
running the property estimation program of Aspen Plus CycloHexane–sulfolane 554.680 67.652
simulator, as the results with these initial guesses exhibit Benzene–sulfolane 21.598 59.180
better RMSD values. The parameters for the common pair Toluene–sulfolane 50.487 79.309
Xylene–sulfolane 97.845 48.879
hexane–sulfolane and sulfolane–hexane are shown under-
194 S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

Table 8 are presented in Table 8. The fixed parameters are shown in

UNIFAC group interaction parameters at 298.15 K for sulfolane with other italics and the estimated parameters are shown bold faced.
main groups
The RMSD values obtained using the UNIQUAC binary
i–j Binary group interaction parameters, aij interaction parameters in Table 7 and UNIFAC binary group
CH3 CH2 ACHa ACCH3 a Sulfolane interaction parameters given in Table 8 are shown in Table 9.
The calculated RMSD values using available common UNI-
CH3 0 0 −114.80 −115.70 665.45
CH2 0 0 −114.80 −115.70 665.45
QUAC parameters reported in DECHEMA [17] are also
ACHa 156.50 156.50 0 167.00 36.30 given for comparison. It is to be noted that the RMSD values
ACCH3 a 104.40 104.40 −146.80 0 236.58 obtained using UNIQUAC parameters are better than those
Sulfolane 52.39 52.39 54.33 9.93 0 obtained using UNIFAC parameters for all the ternary sys-
a AC stands for aromatic carbon. tems studied. Additionally the RMSD values for simultane-
ous parameter estimation are at least five times better than
those calculated from using common parameters reported in
Similar approach has been adopted to estimate the UNI- DECHEMA [17].
QUAC binary interaction parameters for the other ternary
systems (System 4 to 13 in Table 1) at 298.15 K by changing 3.3. Validation of simultaneous estimation of parameters
only the nonaromatic component. The binary parameters re-
ported in Table 6 have been supplied as initial guesses. While The UNIQUAC and UNIFAC parameters estimated in the
estimating the parameters for these systems, the parame- previous section and reported in Tables 7 and 8 have been
ters of the aromatic-solvent pairs that is benzene–sulfolane, tested for their validity for the multi-component systems
toluene–sulfolane, and xylene–sulfolane have been kept listed in Table 2. Table 10 shows the experimental and pre-
fixed at those obtained from earlier regression and as shown dicted equilibrium composition for the quaternary system
in Table 6. The comprehensive results of such parameter hexane–benzene–xylene–sulfolane at 298.15 K using the ex-
estimations are given in Table 7. The parameters that are perimental LLE data reported by Chen et al. [7]. Interaction
kept fixed at previously obtained values are shown in italics. parameters between the components of same homologous
UNIFAC group interaction parameters have also been series (e.g. benzene–xylene) are taken as zero as suggested
estimated in our previous work [18] with the same ap- by Salem et al. [20]. Prediction of Chen et al. [7] using
proach taking the three systems hexane–benzene–sulfolane, their NRTL parameters are also shown. The corresponding
hexane–toluene–sulfolane, and hexane–xylene–sulfolane, at RMSD values are also given in the table. The UNIFAC pa-
298.15 K simultaneously. Sulfolane is considered as a single rameters show a better agreement between the experimental
group and its interaction parameter with the groups CH3 , and predicted compositions than those for UNIQUAC and
CH2 , ACH and ACCH3 have been estimated. Mutual inter- NRTL parameters as evident from their respective RMSD
action parameters between the groups CH3 , CH2 , ACH and values.
ACCH3 are directly taken from those given by Magnussen LLE for the other multi-component systems listed in
et al. [19] and are kept fixed because these are universally ac- Table 2 have been predicted similarly. The RMSD values
cepted parameters tested by several investigators. The results using UNIQUAC and UNIFAC parameters as well as those

Table 9
Comparative RMSD values for the ternary systems
S. no. System name UNIFAC UNIQUAC
This work This work DECHEMA [17]
1 Hexane–benzene–sulfolane 0.6249 0.6167 5.15
2 Hexane–toluene–sulfolane 0.4852 0.9302 n.a.
3 Hexane–xylene–sulfolane 0.9236 0.9120 n.a.
4 Heptane–benzene–sulfolane 0.7233 0.5378 3.85
5 Heptane–toluene–sulfolane 0.7810 0.5799 2.18
6 Heptane–xylene–sulfolane 0.9166 0.5749 n.a.
7 Octane–benzene–sulfolane 1.0542 0.9062 n.a.
8 Octane–toluene–sulfolane 0.8164 0.5339 n.a.
9 Octane–xylene–sulfolane 1.1409 1.0370 n.a.
10 Pentane–benzene–sulfolane 0.8100 0.7193 n.a.
11 Pentane–toluene–sulfolane 0.9515 0.6985 n.a.
12 Cyclohexane–benzene–sulfolane 0.8494 0.6955 2.91
13 Cyclohexane–toluene–sulfolane 0.8338 0.7716 8.60
n.a.: not available.
S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198 195

Table 10
Comparison of experimental and predicted LLE using estimated binary interaction parameters for the system hexane (1), benzene (2), xylene (3), Sulfolane
(4) at 298.15 K
Tie line Raffinate phase Extract Phase
x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4

1 Experimental 0.857 0.076 0.051 0.017 0.016 0.052 0.010 0.921

UNIQUAC 0.863 0.081 0.054 0.002 0.016 0.047 0.008 0.929
UNIFAC [18] 0.869 0.079 0.049 0.002 0.020 0.049 0.012 0.919
NRTL [7] 0.876 0.074 0.049 0.001 0.014 0.054 0.013 0.919
2 Experimental 0.709 0.135 0.143 0.013 0.021 0.094 0.043 0.841
UNIQUAC 0.702 0.142 0.148 0.009 0.020 0.086 0.036 0.858
UNIFAC [18] 0.709 0.138 0.145 0.008 0.023 0.091 0.041 0.845
NRTL [7] 0.719 0.132 0.143 0.006 0.019 0.098 0.044 0.739
3 Experimental 0.575 0.266 0.134 0.025 0.028 0.199 0.046 0.727
UNIQUAC 0.577 0.261 0.140 0.022 0.026 0.190 0.046 0.938
UNIFAC [18] 0.577 0.271 0.133 0.019 0.031 0.195 0.047 0.726
NRTL [7] 0.587 0.263 0.133 0.017 0.030 0.203 0.049 0.718
4 Experimental 0.450 0.156 0.356 0.038 0.026 0.107 0.135 0.732
UNIQUAC 0.446 0.155 0.356 0.032 0.026 0.108 0.136 0.730
UNIFAC [18] 0.448 0.154 0.358 0.040 0.028 0.109 0.133 0.729
NRTL [7] 0.457 0.150 0.357 0.036 0.027 0.114 0.138 0.721
5 Experimental 0.316 0.497 0.098 0.088 0.083 0.432 0.062 0.423
UNIQUAC 0.323 0.492 0.105 0.079 0.077 0.436 0.056 0.431
UNIFAC [18] 0.322 0.495 0.098 0.085 0.077 0.434 0.062 0.427
NRTL [7] 0.316 0.494 0.098 0.091 0.082 0.435 0.061 0.422
RMSD using UNIQUAC parameters = 0.6633 [This work]
RMSD using UNIFAC parameters = 0.4156 Ref. [18]
RMSD using NRTL parameters = 0.6900 Ref. [7]

reported by Chen et al. [7,15] are given in Table 11. It is given in Table 1 for which LLE data are available at more
seen that RMSD values for UNIFAC parameters are better than one temperature. The results are shown in Tables
in most of the cases. Further, it is even better for the quinary 12–16. To establish the temperature effect the binary inter-
systems than those for quaternary systems. Thus it can be action parameters for the aromatic–sulfolane pairs (such as
said that UNIFAC parameters are more suitable for predic- benzene–sulfolane, etc.) which are involved in all the sys-
tion of multi-component LLE as the number of components tems are plotted against the temperature and are shown in
increase. Fig. 1. A best-fit straight line is also drawn along with the
estimated points. For other pairs the goodness of linear fit
3.4. Effect of temperature on UNIQUAC binary interaction can also be gauged from the coefficient of correlation which
parameters lies in the range 0.6–0.98. The values of the coefficient
of correlation, r, for the different pairs are also reported
Temperature dependence of UNIQUAC binary interac- in the respective tables. This establishes a linear depen-
tion parameters have been investigated for the systems, dence of binary interaction parameters on temperature,

Table 11
Root mean square deviation (RMSD) between experimental and predicted LLE for quaternary and quinary systems at 298.15 K
S. no. System name UNIQUAC (this work) UNIFAC [18] NRTL [7,15]
1 Hexane–benzene–xylene–sulfolane 0.6633 0.4156 0.6900
2 Hexane–octane–benzene–sulfolane 0.8806 1.0566 0.9900
3 Octane–toluene–xylene–sulfolane 0.8332 0.6200 0.6600
4 Hexane–heptane–toluene–sulfolane 0.5933 0.4566 0.4800
5 Heptane–octane–xylene–sulfolane 0.5506 0.5644 0.6900
6 Heptane–benzene–toluene–sulfolane 0.9412 0.3541 0.5900
7 Hexane–octane–benzene–toluene–sulfolane 0.6416 0.3700 0.4200
8 Hexane–heptane–toluene–xylene–sulfolane 0.8091 0.6302 0.8600
9 Heptane–octane–benzene–xylene–sulfolane 0.9933 0.5211 0.9800
196 S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

Table 12
UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at different temperature for Hexane–benzene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j Temperature (K) r
298.15 323.15 348.15 373.15
Hexane–benzene −126.003 −128.299 −139.180 −143.562 0.9705
Hexane–sulfolane 681.179 570.130 565.053 447.108 0.9551
Benzene–hexane 165.755 164.399 147.655 162.628 0.6015
Benzene–sulfolane 21.598 22.580 23.626 24.275 0.8137
Sulfolane–hexane 65.573 65.560 64.276 64.843 0.7167
Sulfolane–benzene 59.180 65.100 67.873 68.527 0.9435
RMSD 0.6167 0.3602 0.8158 0.3325

Table 13
UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at different temperatures for Pentane–benzene/toluene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j Temperature (K) r
290.15 298.15 323.15
Pentane–benzene −125.791 −124.530 −127.329 0.7642
Pentane–sulfolane 852.671 849.121 838.204 1.0000
Benzene–pentane 157.850 154.243 154.910 0.6029
Benzene–sulfolane 21.844 21.598 22.580 0.8137
Sulfolane–pentane 80.249 82.770 81.722 0.6255
Sulfolane–benzene 60.048 59.180 65.10 0.9435
Pentane–toluene 150.199 140.138 147.187 0.6069
Toluene–pentane −104.923 −105.381 −105.349 0.6448
Toluene–sulfolane 45.811 50.487 52.018 0.6384
Sulfolane–toluene 77.576 79.309 83.389 0.8327
RMSD 0.7358 0.7090 0.6042

Table 14
UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at different temperatures for heptane–toluene/xylene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j Temperature (K) r
290.15 298.15 323.15 348.15 373.15
Heptane–toluene – 181.432 178.809 173.809 177.601 0.6719
Heptane–sulfolane 734.982 683.994 677.464 681.344 701.836 0.6266
Toluene–heptane – −129.505 −130.562 −135.701 −135.836 0.9329
Toluene–sulfolane 45.811 50.487 52.018 52.076 52.456 0.6384
Sulfolane–heptane 63.961 65.776 65.260 64.483 64.122 0.6474
Sulfolane–toluene 77.576 79.309 83.389 84.880 85.295 0.8327
Heptane–xylene 272.322 264.201 273.643 – – 0.6065
Xylene–heptane −177.500 −200.150 −194.354 – – 0.6875
Xylene–sulfolane 99.815 97.845 96.625 – – 0.7819
Sulfolane–xylene 46.059 48.879 51.467 – – 0.9072
RMSD 0.8562 0.5799 0.7813 0.8472 0.8191

Table 15
UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at different temperatures for Octane–benzene/toluene/xylene–sulfolane
Binary pair i–j Temperature (K) r
298.15 308.15 318.15 343.35 372.35 402.35
Octane–benzene −120.367 −131.472 −144.329 −145.753 −149.229 −160.722 0.9094
Octane-Sulfolane 747.083 777.310 747.070 742.058 701.039 646.127 0.9275
Benzene–octane 165.114 165.491 163.086 161.158 158.327 150.997 0.9713
Benzene–sulfolane 21.598 23.161 23.511 23.802 24.828 23.847 0.8137
Sulfolane–octane 67.323 77.160 77.518 79.949 79.961 79.813 0.6777
Sulfolane–benzene 59.180 62.660 64.613 67.210 66.985 72.028 0.9435
Octane–toluene 181.706 182.684 156.195 154.468 155.577 154.141 0.7352
Toluene–octane −126.341 −130.990 −141.442 −136.695 −139.776 −141.355 0.7214
Toluene–sulfolane 50.487 49.116 49.416 51.418 51.069 51.157 0.6384
Sulfolane–toluene 79.309 82.012 84.005 84.701 85.115 85.426 0.8327
Octane–xylene 257.508 279.014 269.609 239.457 225.751 206.011 0.9320
Xylene–octane −198.570 −171.034 −156.062 −164.696 −168.305 −188.333 0.6421
Xylene–sulfolane 97.845 97.501 95.823 98.816 101.192 106.052 0.7819
Sulfolane–xylene 48.879 49.631 47.944 50.780 52.006 55.393 0.9072
RMSD 0.9062 0.6655 0.9430 0.7553 0.9383 0.6190
S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198 197

Table 16
UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters at different temperature for CycloHexane–Benzene–sulfolane
Binary Pair i–j Temperature (K) r

298.15 323.15 348.15 373.15

CycloHexane–benzene −131.926 −143.454 −150.836 −168.332 0.9863
CycloHexane–sulfolane 554.680 456.733 405.443 390.101 0.9469
Benzene–cyclohexane 176.370 185.511 198.411 201.515 0.9773
Benzene–sulfolane 21.598 22.580 23.626 24.275 0.8137
Sulfolane–cyclohexane 67.632 72.469 73.098 70.081 0.6133
Sulfolane–benzene 59.180 65.100 67.873 68.527 0.9435
RMSD 0.6955 0.8680 0.9291 0.6376

Table 17
Coefficients of the linear temperature dependent UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters
I j aij0 aij1 aji0 aji1
Pentane Benzene −107.2440 −0.0624 174.7540 −0.0615
Pentane Toluene 146.8190 −0.0021 −102.5710 −0.0095
Pentane Sulfolane 982.1280 −0.4388 74.4837 0.0239
Hexane Benzene −49.0543 −0.2547 158.7020 −0.0990
Hexane Sulfolane 1519.4000 −2.8345 69.9034 −0.0129
Heptane Toluene 200.5190 −0.0661 −100.7270 −0.0966
Heptane Xylene 233.8820 0.1212 −89.6206 −0.3324
Heptane Sulfolane 770.0360 −0.2219 67.4096 −0.0018
Octane Benzene −33.7946 −0.3184 205.6910 −0.1307
Octane Toluene −251.4260 −0.2551 −98.7479 −0.1105
Octane Xylene 464.4700 −0.6382 −169.3070 −0.0165
Octane Sulfolane 1061.4800 −1.0674 49.1646 0.0820
Cyclohexane Benzene 7.9271 −0.4686 72.0021 0.3393
Cyclohexane Sulfolane 1185.9800 −2.1830 60.2334 0.0320
Benzene Sulfolane 15.6213 −0.0230 31.0430 0.1022
Toluene Sulfolane 38.9405 0.0345 62.3736 0.0621
Xylene Sulfolane 70.3958 0.0660 28.1608 0.0665

hence systems at all available temperatures have been taken simul-

taneously, leading to the estimation of a total of sixty-eight
aij = aij0 + aij1 T (4) coefficients (four coefficients aij0 , aij1 , aij0 , aji0 , and aij1 corre-
sponding to each seventeen i-j pairs). Initial guess for these
where T is in Kelvin.
coefficients are obtained by fitting a straight line through the
The coefficients of the Eq. (4), aij0 and aij1 , have been esti-
points by linear regression. The estimated parameter values
mated using simultaneous parameter estimation scheme. All
are given in Table 17. The overall RMSD value for each sys-
tem is given in Table 18. The RMSD values are in the range
140 of 0.6–0.95, which can be considered satisfactory. Addition-
Benzene-Sulfolane Sulfolane-Benzene
Toluene-Sulfolane Sulfolane-Toluene ally, the parameters obtained are applicable over a wider
range of temperatures and systems.
Interaction parameters, K

Xylene-Sulfolane Sulfolane-Xylene


Table 18
Overall RMSD values for the ternary systems for estimation of coefficients
in temperature dependent equation
S. no. System name RMSD
1 Pentane–benzene–sulfolane 0.7698
2 Pentane–toluene–sulfolane 0.7756
3 Hexane–benzene–sulfolane 0.7463
4 Heptane–toluene–sulfolane 0.8717
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 5 Heptane–xylene–sulfolane 0.9188
6 CycloHexane–benzene–sulfolane 0.7980
Temperature, K 7 Octane-benzene–sulfolane 0.8324
8 Octane–toluene–sulfolane 0.7503
Fig. 1. UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters for aromatic–sulfolane
9 Octane-xylene-Sulfolane 0.6761
198 S.A. Ahmad et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 220 (2004) 189–198

4. Conclusions Superscripts
j phase
An Inside variance estimation method based on maxi- I, II coexisting liquid phases
mum likelihood function has been used to estimate the bi-
nary interaction parameters using ternary systems. Results
of separate estimation show that the binary interaction pa- Acknowledgements
rameters for the same pair are different for different systems.
To overcome this problem, the objective function has been Financial support from BPCL project entitled “extraction
modified to estimate the binary interaction parameters us- of aromatics from petroleum naphtha” is gratefully acknowl-
ing three systems with common pairs simultaneously. The edged.
parameters thus obtained have been found applicable for
the other ternary systems. Results of simultaneous param-
eter estimation have been used successfully to predict the References
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