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Time Frame: 60 minutes

Prepared by: Aiden P. Macugay


At the end of a sixty-minute discussion, the BSEd 3 English major students
are expected to:
a. identify and analyze the message of "One Body, Many Parts"
b. explain "many parts but one body"
c. relate the moral of "One Body, Many Parts" to the community
A. CONTENT: One Body, Many Parts
B. MATERIALS: Flip Chart, PowerPoint, Blackboard, Laptop, Television
D. VALUES INTEGRATION: Patience, Knowledge, Camaraderie, Unity
E. SKILLS: Speaking, and Writing



Good morning BSEd 3! Good morning ma'am!


Lord, bless each and every student here,

as well as our teacher, as we embark on
Before we begin our class, let us first ask the
another day of learning. Please give us
guidance of Almighty God. Cherry Ann, please
clear minds and open our hearts so we
lead us in a prayer.
can grasp the knowledge and lesson set
before us. Help us to be attentive and let
Your wisdom guide us in our studies.
Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you.

You may now take your seats. Yes ma'am.


May I ask, are you all present today?

Class Rules

That is good to hear, I hope you keep that 1. Pay attend during the discussion
kind of attitude all throughout your class.
2. If you want to speak or share
something, raise your hand for
In preparation to our exciting discussion, I
want to reiterate some of the important rules 3. Respect each other and have a
inside the classroom that we will be applying friendly competition inside the
here in our class. Karla, please read. classroom.

Yes, ma'am.

(Students raise their hands)

Are the rules clear, class? Our last topic is all about On the Three
Evils by U Nu from Myanmar.
REVIEW OF PAST LESSON (Students raise their hands)

Now, let's have a quick review of our past The three evils are Greed, Hatred, and
lesson. Who can recall our last topic? Ignorance.

Yes, Janus?

(Students raise their hands)

That's right. So what are the three evils

according to U Nu?
Humans are led by the three evils,
although sometimes these three satisfy
our human body but it does not feed our
Yes, Charlene?
heavenly body.

Yes that's correct!

And what is the lesson that you have learned

about the story of On the Three Evils?

Yes, Babylyn

Thank you, that's right.

These three evils can make our earthly body

happy, but just like Babylyn said it does not
feed our soul. Why? If we let these three evils
lead our lives we are prone to making sins,
and we will regret them.

Okay, I saw that you've really understood our

last topic. I believe that you are now ready for (Students will count 1 to 3)
another lesson.


Prior to our lesson today, let's play a game

called "Human Knot" or what we call as a child
" Doctor Wakwak" Mechanics
● Form a circle, everyone stands
First, let's divide the class into 3 groups. shoulder to shoulder.

● Everyone lifts their right hand.

Now, stay with your groupmates.
● Everyone grabs the hand of
someone else in the circle. You
Here is the set of mechanics for the game.
cannot hold hands with the person
Brigette, please read and class listen carefully. next to you.

● Everyone lifts their left hand.

● Everyone grabs the hand of
someone else in the circle, but not
with the same person in the right
hand and you cannot hold hands
with the person next to you.

● The group has to untangle the

knot without letting go of
anyone's hand.

Goal: Undo the knot without letting go of

each other's hand.
Yes, ma’am.

And for the scoring, the first group that will (The students will proceed to the activity)
undo all the knots will be the winners. But, if
both groups are not able to undo all the knots,
the score will be based on how many
persons/students have been unknot.
Regardless if the students are facing the inside
or outside of the circle.
Yes, ma’am.

Are the mechanics clear class?

The strategy that we apply is, we first
undo the easiest knot we can undo and
then we move on to the next and into the
Okay, so let’s proceed to your activity. hardest.

PRESENTATION OF TOPIC Based on the outcome of the activity

ma’am, I believe it is effective because
we were able to achieve the goal of the
Did you enjoy our activity class? activity which is to undo the knot without
letting go of each other’s hand.

May I ask, what are your strategies in

unknotting your human knot?
Does your strategy effective?

I saw that you’ve enjoy, and each of you have

participated in the result of the activity.

Okay, so we’ll see now how this activity relates

to our topic today.

We will be discussing the story of One Body,

Many Parts.

You are probably thinking now how does

human knot activity related to one body many
parts, because from the title itself they are far

Yes, ma’am.

Let’s read what is all about One Body, Many

The body is unit, though it is made up of
Parts. In every passage or paragraph there will
many parts; and though all its parts are
be some questions that we will be answering,
many, they form one body. If the foot
so you have to listen carefully and understood
should say, “Because I am not a hand, I
what is being said in each passage.
do not belong to the body,” it would not
for that reason to be part of the body.
And if the ear should say, “Because I am
Is clear, class? not an eye, I do not belong to the body,”
it would not for that reason cease to be
part of the body.

Okay, let’s begin.

Avegail, please read.

The reasons of foot and ear are not

enough for them to be remove or not be
part of the body because the foot and
ear, even though they are not hand and
eye, they still have their own function for
the body to function properly.

If the whole body were an eye, where

would the sense of hearing be? If the
whole body were an ear, where would
the sense of smell be? But in fact God
has arranged the parts in the body,
everyone of them just as he wanted them
to be.

It is stated here that the body is a unit

meaning it is considered as one, but the body
is made up of many parts.

Now, what can you say about the reasons of

foot and ear, and why it is not a reason for
them refrain from being part of the body?

God has arranged the parts in the body

with a purpose in mind, and every part of
the body has its own function
contributing to the overall functioning of
Excellent, that’s right. For the next paragraph,
Jaylie, please read. the body.

If they were all in one part, where would

the body be? As it is, there are many
parts, but one body. The eye cannot say
to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the
head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need
This is the answer to the first question, why
the reasons of the foot and ear are not enough
for them to be not part of the body. Because if The eye and head cannot say that they
the whole body were an eye, where would the don’t need the other parts of the body
sense of hearing be? Meaning, the foot and because they could not stand on their
the ear have their own function in the body. own. Without the other parts of the body,
the body could not function well.

Here is another question.

On the contrary, those parts of the body
that seem to be weaker are
indispensable, and the parts that we think
“God has arrange the parts in the body,
are less honorable we treat with special
everyone of them, just as he wanted them to
honor. And the parts that are
be.” What does this mean?
unpresentable are treated with special
modesty, while our presentable parts
need no special treatment.

Very good explanation.

Lashes, pubic hair, nails, tongue etc.

Let’s continue reading, Diana?

Feet, mouth, tongue, buttocks, etc.

Breast, genitals, buttocks, underarm, etc.

In reference to the line, “there are many parts
but one body,” why cannot the eye and head
Face, hands, neck, arms, hair, etc.
say to the hand and feet respectively, that
they don’t need them?

Please continue reading, Karla?

But God has combined the members of

the body that have given greater honor to
the parys that lacked it, so that there
should be no division in the body, but
that its parts should have equal concern
for each other. If one part suffers, every
part suffers with it; if one part is
honoured, every part rejoices with it.

God intentionally organized the parts of

the body giving greater honor to parts
that perceived as lacking because the
Can you now cite some parts of the body that
goal os to foster unity and equal concern
seem to be weaker but indispensable.
among all part of the body.

How about the parts of the body that we think

are less honorable but we treat with special

How about the parts of the body that are The analogy of a body with many parts in
unpresentable but are treated with special the community is that there are many
modesty. sectors that make up a community. And
these sectors have their own
responsibility or function in order for a
And what are the parts of the body that are
community to work properly.
presentable but need no special treatment.

Those are the parts of the body that are

weaker but indispensable, less honorable but
we treat with special honor, unpresentable but
treated with special modesty, and the
presentable but need no special treatment.

Let’s continue reading, Jolina?

First I inform them, and remind them this

is for the betterment of our community,
and we do this not just for our
community but for ourselves.

It emphasizes the interconnectedness and

the shared responsibility to all parts of
the body.

What do you think does it mean in the

sentence “God has combined the members of
the body that have given greater honor to the
parts that lacked it, so that there should be no
division in the body?”

Yes, ma’am.

How does the analogy of a body with different

parts relates to the concept of unity and
None, ma’am.
diversity in a community?

Yes, ma’am.

Just like what you’ve done in our first activity,

you may be diverse but through cooperation
and determination to be as one you were able
to undo the knot and free yourself.

Some of you here are leaders, in your

community and here in school. Have a
question for you.
(Short video presentation)
What do you do to gather your members to
make a decision or action despite of diversity?

Yes, ma’am.

Explain “If one part suffers, every part suffers

with it; if one part is honored, every part
rejoices with it.”
 Each group will have a theme to
It means that if one part of the body is not  The students should create a still
functioning well, for example have a headache, image/picture regarding to their
your whole body is affected. And if part is assigned theme, without talking to
appreciated, your whole body rejoices, each other.
example when someone, appreciates or  However, the students are allowed
commended your hair, you will feel happy, it to communicate using physical
affects your mood. poses, gestures, and facial
 Right after giving the theme each
Did you understand class? group is given 60 seconds to
create the tableau.
 The audience/other groups should
be able to guess the theme
correctly based to the tableau of
Do you have any questions about the topic? the performing group for them to
have a point.

Are you now ready for another activity?

Yes, ma’am

None, ma’am

Our activity is called “Guess the Tableau”

(The students will perform the activity)

A tableau is a model that is motionless figures

representing a scene or a theme.

Before we proceed to our activity, I have here

an example for you to be able to understand it

Does that make it clear the activity class?

Okay, so here is the set of mechanics. Arnel,

please read.
Is the mechanics clear, class?

Do you have any questions before we


Okay, so let’s proceed to the activity.


Make a reflection about the message of “One Body, Many Parts.” And relate it
to your community.

5 4 3 2 1 0
An extensive Understanding The idea can The The No
understanding was evident be seen in explanation explanation answer.
was given based from the the and details and example
based from the explanation; explanation. of the were vague. A
explanation however, some However example limited
and/or deviates from some seem to be understanding
example. the discussion. insignificant misleading. was shown.
details were


Have an advance reading to our next topic “The Parable of the Lost Son.”

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