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no|y Sp|r|t Un|vers|ty of kas||k (USLk)

Iacu|ty of 8us|ness and Commerc|a| Sc|ences

lall 2011/2012

Course Informat|on
Code Mk1 323 1ype Course 1lLle Sales and ulsLrlbuLlon ManagemenL
number of credlLs 3 number of conLacL hours per week 3
rerequlslLes Mk1 220 CorequlslLes
Descr|pt|on 1hls course ls deslgned Lo lnLroduce sLudenLs Lo lssues ln Lhe managemenL of a sales program Lhe
role and responslblllLles of sales managemenL and Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe sales managemenL process Lo Lhe
broader lssues of managlng demand Lhe markeLlng process as well as Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon channels
1hls course wlll focus on Lhe role of Lhe sales manager ln developlng and lmplemenLlng sLraLeglc and LacLlcal
declslons and on admlnlsLraLlng Lhe sales force operaLlons Moreover lL focuses on bulldlng and malnLalnlng
relaLlonshlps wlLh parLners ln order Lo esLabllsh an effecLlve dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork

Schedu|e Informat|on
C8n SecLlon
uays/Llme class meeLs Ml 300613 LocaLlon of class meeLs u
name of lnsLrucLor ur uolly MA11A
1elephone 03 936 033
Lmall dollymaLLa[usekedulb
Course Cut||ne
Week 1op|cs
1 2
Chap 1Deve|opment and ko|e of Se|||ng |n Market|ng
O 1he naLure and 8ole of Selllng
O CharacLerlsLlcs of Modern Selllng
O Success lacLors for rofesslonal Salesperson
O 1ypes of Selllng
O lmages of Selllng
O 1he naLure and role of sales ManagemenL
O 1he MarkeLlng ConcepLs
O lmplemenLlng Lhe MarkeLlng ConcepL
O 1he 8elaLlonshlp 8eLween Sales and MarkeLlng

Chap 2 Sa|es Strateg|es
O Sales and MarkeLlng lannlng
O 1he plannlng rocess
O LsLabllshlng markeLlng lans
O An overvlew of Lhe markeLlng plannlng process
O 1he place of selllng ln Lhe MarkeLlng lan

Chap 6 Law and eth|ca| |ssues
O 8uslness racLlces and Legal ConLrol
lalse descrlpLlon
laulLy Coods
lnerLla Selllng
Colluslon beLween Sellers

O LLhlcal lssues
1he hard sell
romoLlonal lnducemenLs Lo Lhe 1rade
SloLLlng allowances

Case Stud|es
Auckland Lnglneers plc (pp 72 73)
kwlksell Cars LLd (p 217218)

3 4
Chap 7 Sa|es kespons|b|||t|es and reparat|on
O Sales 8esponslblllLles
Sources of rospecLs
uaLa and knowledge ManagemenL
Pandllng ComplalnLs
rovldlng Servlce
O reparaLlon
lor pure Selllng
lor Sales negoLlaLlon
O Concluslon

Chap 8 ersona| Se|||ng Sk|||s
O 1he Cpenlng
O need and roblem ldenLlflcaLlon
O 1he resenLaLlon and uemonsLraLlon
O ueallng WlLh Cb[ecLlons
O negoLlaLlon
+ Chap 4 1he sa|es sett|ngs
Sales romoLlons (pp 134138)
O Close Lhe Sale
O lollowup

Case Stud|es
1he Cbrlen Compnay (p 244)
Mordex hoLocopler Company(p 273)


Market|ng Channe|s and Supp|y Management Cha|n Management
O Supply Chalns and Lhe value uellvery neLwork
O 1he naLure luncLlons and lmporLance of MarkeLlng Channels
O Channel 8ehavlor and CrganlzaLlon
O Channel ueslgn ueclslons
O Channel ManagemenL ueclslons
O MarkeLlng LoglsLlcs and Supply Chaln ManagemenL

O SelecLlng/reappralslng Sales Channels (pp 120123) (from ChapLer Sales SeLLlngs)
O ulfference and lmpacL of lMCC and uurable goods on MarkeLlng channels


keta|||ng and Who|esa||ng
O WhaL ls 8eLalllng
O 1ypes of 8eLalllng
O 8eLaller MarkeLlng ueclslons
O 1he fuLure of 8eLalllng
O WhaL ls Wholesallng
O Wholesaler MarkeLlng ueclslons
O 1rends ln Wholesallng


Chap 9 key Account Management
O WhaL ls key accounL managemenL
O AdvanLages and uangers of key accounLs ManagemenL Lo Sellers
O Ad vanLages and uangers of key accounLs ManagemenL Lo CusLomers
O key AccounL ManagemenL 8elaLlonal uevelopmenL Model
O 8ulldlng 8elaLlonshlp WlLh key AccounLs


Chap 11 D|rect Market|ng
O WhaL ls ulrecL MarkeLlng?
O Medla ueclslons
Chap 12 Internet and I1 App||cat|ons |n Se|||ng and Sa|es Management
O 1he changlng naLure of Lhe sales force
O Dslng 1echnology Lo SupporL Sales acLlvlLles
AuLomaLlng Lhe sales force
1he use of 1echnology ln 1he 8eLall lndusLry

Case Stud|es

Cloverleaf plc (p 303)
keLLle loods (p 347)


Chap 13 kecru|tment and Se|ect|on
O 1he lmporLance of SelecLlon
O reparaLlon of Lhe !ob uescrlpLlon and SpeclflcaLlon

Chap 1S Crgan|zat|on and Compensat|on
O 1he workload Approach
O 1ypes of compensaLlons

Chap 14 Mot|vat|on and 1ra|n|ng
O llnanclal lncenLlves
O SeLLlng sales LargeLs or CuoLas
O oslLlve and negaLlve SLokes
O MerlL8ased promoLlon sysLem
O Sales ConLesL
O 8eneflLs of 1ralnlng
O MeLhods of 1ralnlng
O LvaluaLlon of 1ralnlng Courses
O 1ralnlng Sales Managers
Case Stud|es
lasLlc roducLs LLd (p 402)
8overLronlcs (p 433)
SllverLon ConfecLlonery Company (p 433)
Chap 16 Sa|es Iorecast|ng and 8udget|ng
O urpose
O lannlng
O Levels of lorecasLlng
O CuallLaLlve 1echnlques
Consumer/user survey meLhod
Sales force composlLe
roducL 1esLlng and 1esL markeLlng
O CuanLlLaLlve 1echnlques
Movlng Averages
Dse of compuLer sofLware ln sales forecasLlng
O 8udgeLlng
Sales 8udgeL
8udgeL AllocaLlon
Chap 17 Sa|esforce Lva|uat|on
O 1he salesforce evaluaLlon rocess
O 1he urpose of LvaluaLlon
13 llnal LvaluaLlon
Lva|uat|on Cr|ter|a (1ota| 100)
10 ALLendance and parLlclpaLlon
20 Cases for analysls and ro[ecL
30 urop Culzzes (10 ) MldLerm (23)
40 llnal exam

kequ|red 1exts
O uavld !obber and Ceoff LancasLer 5ellloq ooJ 5oles
Moooqemeot 8
LdlLlon renLlce Pall earson LducaLlon 2009

Supp|ementa| keferences
kequ|red Mater|a|s s peos popets

@e stoJeots most ptepote te cose stoJles befte otteoJloq t te closses

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