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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna


Examinee ID. 01-EDD-2-007 Date: 0919-21

Course/Major: EDD-EM

1. Why curriculum is considered the “heart” of every learning institution?

Curriculum is considered the “heart” of every learning institution because it is the bible

of every learning institution, the constitution and by-laws of the school. Curriculum is

the blue print of the learning institution, nut not limited to books, paper and pencils and

other learning materials. But also the computers, printers, chairs and table and other

school equipment like buildings and other facilities like covered court and gymnasium.

Also as important part of the curriculum is the man power of the school like teachers

and the non-working personnel.

2. Sabre tooth curriculum is experiential and authentic, does it still exist in the present?
Cite example of your evidence.

Sabretooth Curriculum is authentic, that is the learning method used by man long

time ago. Yes, it still exists in the present time. Some of the none-formal education

sector uses the said curriculum especially those that needs more demonstration and

application like technical and vocational courses. Sabre tooth curriculum is focusing on

the actual process and less theory. This is similar to the theory of John Dewey known

for his “learning by doing”. In may own opinion, although sabretooth curriculum

developed a long time ago some institution still practices it.

Comprehensive Examination – SEPTEMBER 19, 2021

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3. How can the curriculum contribute to the development of the society in general,
taking into consideration the discoveries and inventions that inevitably changed the
ancients way of life for the better?

Curriculum contributes to the development of the society, even in the ancient

time curriculum plays a major role in the progress of the society, take for example in

ancient Egypt, they have their own forms of writing the “hieroglyphics”, in China in

the time of dynasty and even here in the Philippines we have our own form of writing

the “alibata or baybayin”. In present time, due globalization and modernization

curriculum also changes. The best example is the transition of curriculum is from the

20th century to the 21st century. there are a lot of gadgets like computers cellular

phone that we could use in the learning process like in our current condition, due to

global pandemic brought by Covid19 the global curriculum changes. The traditional

face to face classes is no longer advisable because of the treat of disease

transmission. So now we are using the online modality, taking advantage of the

modern technology.

The bottom line is whether ancient or modern times, curriculum contributes to the

development and progress of every nation.

4. Describe the four phases in curriculum development. Which do you think is the
critical phase? Why?

The four phases of curriculum development are: (1) Planning and Research, (2)

Curriculum development, (3) Professional Learning, and lastly (4) the implementation.

These phases are working in cycle.

Plan and Research refers to the development of the plan that will ensure timely

completion and implementation of the curriculum development process.

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Curriculum development, in this phase the curriculum content is written. The primary

purpose of this phase is the curriculum mapping and seeks possible supports for the

development of the curriculum.

Professional Learning refers to the preparation of the curriculum for implementation, it

will take place to ensure that written curriculum will become taught curriculum. In this

phase teacher will have a clear understanding on how to teach the written curriculum

Implementation refers to the process of making written curriculum to taught curriculum,

as the curriculum implemented. The evaluation of the curriculum also takes place.

For me the critical phase of curriculum development is the Planning and

Research because planning must come first before anything else to make sure

that everything is in proper place. Planning stage will predict the possible

outcomes of the curriculum, foresee the possible shortcomings that will

encounter in the implementation of the curriculum.

5. Expound: “Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary, and desirable.”

Curriculum change is inevitable because the needs of learner’s changes

from time to time, what we know and believe that is right in the past maybe

obsolete in the future. For example: when I was a young boy during my

elementary days the state of matter is only three (3) that is solid, liquid and gas,

but now that information is no longer true because the phases of matter now is 6,

that is solid, liquid, gas, plasma, BE condensate and FE condensate. Who

knows in the future there is another addition. My point is we cannot avoid

curriculum change because the world changes.

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Curriculum change is necessary for us to cope up with the evolving world,

it is necessary for us to jive with the flow of time, as we progress along the way

we need to adopt to those changes in our lives especially the learning process.

Curriculum change is desirable because we have to accept the reality that

we need it. We cannot stay in one place forever, we need to move forwards

because the world is revolving and everything in it changes.

The bottom line is, Curriculum changes because the needs of the

learners changes.

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