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Job Satisfaction: A Literature Review

Delving into the intricacies of job satisfaction is no simple task. It requires a comprehensive
understanding of various theories, empirical studies, and methodologies employed in the field of
management research. Crafting a literature review on this topic demands meticulous attention to
detail, critical analysis, and synthesis of diverse perspectives.

One of the most challenging aspects of writing a literature review on job satisfaction is navigating
through the vast array of scholarly articles, books, and research papers available. Each source
presents its own set of findings, theories, and interpretations, adding complexity to the task of
synthesizing information cohesively.

Furthermore, the multidisciplinary nature of job satisfaction research means that writers must draw
from fields such as psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, and human resource management.
This requires not only a broad understanding of these disciplines but also the ability to integrate their
insights into a cohesive narrative.

Moreover, evaluating the quality and relevance of each source is paramount in ensuring the
credibility and rigor of the literature review. Distinguishing between seminal works, empirical
studies, and theoretical frameworks is essential for constructing a well-rounded argument and
identifying gaps in existing research.

Given the challenges inherent in writing a literature review on job satisfaction, it is understandable
that many individuals seek assistance in this endeavor. For those looking for expert guidance and
support, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution. With a team of experienced writers well-
versed in management research and practice, ⇒ ⇔ can assist you in crafting a
literature review that meets the highest academic standards.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that your work will
be meticulously researched, thoughtfully written, and tailored to your specific requirements. Don't let
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exploration of job satisfaction.
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essay questions self confidence essay in english solving area problems grade 3. Demographic Factors
and Job Satisfaction: A Case of Teachers in Public Primar. 409 945-1-pb 409 945-1-pb An
Investigation into Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio. Employee welfare is an
essential part of social welfare. Influence of leadership styles on job satisfaction of employees in
small and. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(1), pp. 30-51. Mehra, S. and
Ranganathan, S. (2011) Implementing quality management practices without sacrificing employee
satisfaction. Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs i. In addition to that,
Gregory (2011) has also identified that employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any
business. Every employee in the company will have to be researchers and managers. Final Report of
capstone on Employees satisfaction in Proodle organisation (P. LITERATURE REVIEW The
literature search focused on reducing the absenteeism due to job dissatisfaction. Kreitner et al (2002)
identified various factors influencing job satisfaction, such as the need for management to create an
environment that encourages employee involvement and manages stress in the workplace. Rue and
Byars (1992) refer to job satisfaction as an individual’s mental state about the job. Review Of
Literature On Job Satisfaction Project Report. By: Michael G. Morris McIntire School of Commerce
University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22904. For Later 64% 64% found this document useful,
Mark this document as useful 36% 36% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not
useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 43 Search inside
document. Satisfaction in the workplace is valuable to study for multiple reasons: (a) increased
satisfaction is suggested to be related to increased productivity, and (b) promoting employee
satisfaction has inherent humanitarian value (Smith et al., 1969). In addition, job satisfaction is also
related to other positive outcomes in the workplace, employee turnover, safety, and customer loyalty
and satisfaction. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction
relates to inner feelings of workers. Report this Document Download now Save Save literature
review on job satisfaction among employ. Review of literature Employee satisfaction is the
individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the individual has an effect on his attitude.
With a greater level of uncertainty coming from increasingly demanding customers, service
organizations need to empower their employees to go extra miles to meet customer expectations. A
study conducted in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas reported similarities among. Herzberg
and Mausner’s Motivation-Hygiene theory has dominated the study of the nature of job satisfaction,
and formed a basis for the development of job satisfaction assessment. Enhanced employee
satisfaction leads to higher level of employee retention. They have accomplished this through a list
of 12 questions in their G12 employee engagement survey that identifies the percentages of
employees that fall into employee turnover, safety, and customer loyalty and satisfaction. Havelock,
Francois Rabelais, Marshall McLuhan 1181 Words 4 Pages The Relationship Between Job
Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Rate Introduction Adelphoi Village is a private, non- profit
company that provide community based services to children and adolescents in the Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia area. The objective of this paper is to conduct a literature
review and analysis on theories and empirical evidence on the relationship between employee
motivation and organizational productivity with a view to drawing important lessons for managerial
practice. Nash (1985) has extensively reviewed the nature of job satisfac tion in the industrial world
and found that job satisfaction is attributed not only to one but many factors and varies in its impact
on individuals satisfaction with life because work varies in importance from individual to individual.
Journal of Management, 24 (3), p. 351-389. Schein, E. H. 1995) Human Resouse Practices in
Organisational Transformation: Are They Culture Specific. Nurses need to be educated on and have
knowledge on how memory impairment in epilepsy affects patients. That is, based on how employees
perceive their job and work environment, they could get minimally to highly involve in their jobs.
Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the individual
has an effect on his attitude. It is based on psychological needs that inspires a performance set by an
objective. Project Report on Performance Appraisal System and Effectiveness in Flora Hot. Welfare
measures may be both voluntary and statutory. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Employee is a back
bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. The authors identify the
organizational levers that companies and frontline managers have at their disposal as they try to meet
workers' deep needs. To stay competitive a company will have to keep its employees fully involved
in everything that is happening towards their business outcomes. In addition it investigated in most
satisfying event of an employee in the job, why employees stay and leave the organization. The
objectives of this paper are threefold: 1 to examine the level of employee acceptance towards male
and female bosses; 2 to examine the effect of intrapsychic process, social structural, and interpersonal
interactions against employee acceptance towards male and female bosses; and 3 To examine the
mediating effect of job satisfaction between intrapsychic process, social structural, and interpersonal
interactions on employee acceptance towards male and female bosses. Buna gore, eger is yeri
cal?san?n beklentisini kars?l?yorsa is tatmini, aksi durumda is tatminsizligi olusmaktad?r Aziri, 2011.
The action you just performed triggered the security solution. It is posited that different incentives
have different effects on performance and job satisfaction. Although many studies had already been
conducted on job satisfaction and job performance, its relationship is still subject to much hated
debates to specifically determine the extent of its relationship. Having good relationships with the
colleagues, high salary, good working conditions, training. The finding shows significance different
when ages of groups of respondent were considered and no significance different in a group of
worker that is based on experience. Then, the author discusses the achievements of job satisfaction
and mentions a model describing the job satisfaction. This article aims to provide medium among
employers and employees to find common ground for the satisfaction level to ensure a harmony
environment of working. So, the influences on job satisfaction can be also divided into work- related
and employee-related factors (Glisson and Durick, 1988). LITERATURE REVIEW The literature
search focused on reducing the absenteeism due to job dissatisfaction. Health care, Illness, Medical
terms 1044 Words 4 Pages A review of employee training and development. Keywords: Human
resources, employee retention, job satisfaction, literature. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Although
there is a great deal of interest in engagement, there is also a good deal of confusion. Kristin et al.
(2004) cited in Paul (2012) found that the overall job satisfaction decreases after the age of 45;
perceptions of management fairness and problem resolution also decrease with age. Reward systems
that truly value good performance fulfill the drive to acquire. Results of this study demonstrate that
there is negative relationship in job stress and Organizational Commitment in banking sector.
According to Kreitner et al (2002) job satisfaction is an affective and emotional response to various
facets of one’s job. Supervision, benefits, coworkers, nature of work had a high mean value of 4.827
(SD 1.214), 4.323 (SD 1.123), 4.641 (SD 0.958), 4.769 (SD 0.993) respectively which can be
interpreted that software developers were moderately satisfied with supervision, benefits, coworkers
and nature of work. MD Pushpakumari Employee attitudes are important to management because
they determine the behavior of workers in the organization.
In a constantly changing world of today, where past is replaced by dynamic present and the dynamic
present is being replaced by more challenging future, the old ways of doing. At-will employment,
Employment, Job satisfaction 1233 Words 5 Pages A. Job analysis is the process of obtaining
information about jobs i. Review of literature Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a
professional person, that is, the individual has an effect on his attitude. For Later 64% 64% found
this document useful, Mark this document as useful 36% 36% found this document not useful, Mark
this document as not useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of
43 Search inside document. Introduction Employee satisfaction has been defined as a function of
perceived performance and expectations. Positive experiences in terms of friendly colleagues, good
remuneration, compassionate supervisors and attractive jobs create a positive internal sate. In addition
it investigated in most satisfying event of an employee in the job, why employees stay and leave the
organization. The literature review will pay attention to a book on the cult of Luxury Brand, Impact
of Personal Orientation on Luxury Brand Purchase Value, Shopper Behaviour in Recession and
impulsive buying behaviour in recession. Core purpose of this literature review is to examine the
impact of job A literature review on motivation. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense
feelings of joy and satisfaction. It is posited that different incentives have different effects on
performance and job satisfaction. Based on Maslow’s theory, job satisfaction has been approached by
some researchers from the perspective of need fulfillment (Kuhlen, 1963; Worf, 1970; Conrad et al.,
1985). Herzberg et al. That is, based on how employees perceive their job and work environment,
they could get minimally to highly involve in their jobs. Morse (1997) “Satisfaction refers to the level
of fulfilment of one s. Our findings provide support for some elements in this model, but not all.
Satisfaction depends basically upon what an individual wants from the. In addition to that, Gregory
(2011) has also identified that employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business.
Hence job satisfaction has become a major topic for research studies. As it is in this case much
information has been provided about the role of HRM, employee satisfaction and the various factors
which contribute to it. Hauser, Taylor and the various projects at the Western Electric plants in
Hawthorne. An Investigation into Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Review of literature gives the opportunity to
research worker to get information related to what has been already done in the area of job
satisfaction and absenteeism. Reward systems that truly value good performance fulfill the drive to
acquire. If want a higher resolution you can find it on Google Images. Download Free PDF View
View PDF Job Satisfaction among Employees Muhammad Irfan Purpose: To investigates the causes
of job satisfaction among the employees of different organizations and how can maximize the
performance of employees through job satisfaction. Maslow (1954) suggested that human needs
form a five-level hierarchy ranging from physiological needs, safety, belongingness and love, esteem
to self-actualization. Managerial trustworthiness and goal directedness increase the leverage of
intrinsic motivation on employee satisfaction, whereas extrinsic rewards expectancy decreases the
leverage. Research data was obtained from 94 executives who work at the factory.
Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the individual
has an effect on his attitude. Reward systems that truly value good performance fulfill the drive to
acquire. Job satisfaction results from the perception that one’s job fulfils or allows the fulfillment of
one’s own important job values, providing that and to the degree that those values are congruent with
one’s needs. However motivation like that of Herzberg had proven that pay is not the sole indicator
of employee motivation. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Final Report of capstone on Employees satisfaction
in Proodle organisation (P. Four hypotheses have been advanced regarding the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a satisfaction causes commitment, b
commitment causes satisfaction, c satisfaction and commitment are reciprocally related, and d no
causal relationship exists between the two constructs. Topics on gender and leadership style have
attracted many researchers from various field of study particularly in psychology and management
discipline. Key Words- Job satisfaction, Organization culture, Job rank, Work place conditions. The
study highlights customer satisfaction levels among young customers in banking industry. Many
studies have shown an unusually large impact on the job. Report this Document Download now
Save Save literature review on job satisfaction among employ. Note: Copyright of all images in
review of literature on job satisfaction project report content depends on the source site. So, it can be
understood that the Public sector jobs are generally more stable compared to the private sector, and
this factor contributes to both positive and negative perceived job satisfaction in these two sectors.
Now, how does a factor like age affect the level of employee satisfaction. The drive to bond is best
met by a culture that promotes collaboration and openness. On the basis of the literature review and
the interview research, it seems that all the in- Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as
a professional person, that is, the individual has an effect on his attitude. A unit may fall sick because
of a major lubricant i. This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies,
causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern approach o f assembly
lines and hourly wages. They were done at the Bell Telephone Western Electric. We examine the
effect of employee satisfaction on corporate performance using employees’. In the public sector,
however, training and personal development was found to be the most important factor on employee
satisfaction as training of workforce provides various benefits to organizations such as fewer
production errors, increased productivity, decreased turnover and improved safety (Turkyilmaz,
2011). The findings of the study suggest that the taken factors have explained the job satisfaction
and the policy framers and managers have to think about inclusion of the factors that affect
satisfaction to enhance their business. Buna gore, eger is yeri cal?san?n beklentisini kars?l?yorsa is
tatmini, aksi durumda is tatminsizligi olusmaktad?r Aziri, 2011. The review is a careful examination
of a body of literature pointing toward the answer to your research question. Luz Martinez
B01230407 B01230407 IOSR Journals Influence of leadership styles on job satisfaction of
employees in small and. According to Woods et al (2004), job satisfaction can be achieved when an
employee becomes one with t he organization, performs to the best of their ability and shows
commitment; moreover, job satisfaction and performance are positively influenced by rewards. Then,
the author discusses the achievements of job satisfaction and mentions a model describing the job
satisfaction. It focuses on its research studies on understanding of the concept, various factors
influencing it and proposes directions for future research. The EFQM Excellence Model is by far the
most widely used model for self - assessment in.
Managerial trustworthiness and goal directedness increase the leverage of intrinsic motivation on
employee satisfaction, whereas extrinsic rewards expectancy decreases the leverage. Employees,
whether working in private organizations or public institutions, need to be motivated for achieving
their own personal goals, as well as the organizational goals. Training enhances productivity through
socialization and multitasking. Despite this, there remains a paucity of critical academic literature on
the subject, and relatively little is known about how employee engagement can be influenced by
management. When taken to account the importance and sensitivity of the issue retention to any
organisation, this study is aimed to identify the relationship between HRM practices and employee
retention based on the literature review. An Investigation into Employee Job Satisfaction and Its
Impact on Organizatio. Job satisfaction in teaching profession Job satisfaction in teaching profession
REFEREED RESEARCH PAPER How Internal and External Business Effect Employee Turnover
intention. AResea. How Internal and External Business Effect Employee Turnover intention. AResea.
Factors To Job Satisfaction Essay Factors To Job Satisfaction Essay Demographic Factors and Job
Satisfaction: A Case of Teachers in Public Primar. MEHTA 2 ABSTRACT Motivated and engaged
employees tend to contribute more in terms of organizational productivity and support in maintaining
a higher commitment level leading to the higher customer satisfaction. The paper gives a
comprehensive review of studies made in the area and throws light on future areas for further
research. It can be argued that there are similarities between the definitions of job satisfaction that
can be defined as positive feelings about one's job or duties. It then uses Price's definition that sees
HRM as drawing on employee expertise to gain a competitive advantage. The objective of this paper
is to conduct a literature review and analysis on theories and empirical evidence on the relationship
between employee motivation and organizational productivity with a view to drawing important
lessons for managerial practice. Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene theory identifies satisfiers or
motivator factors as achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth,
on the other hand, dissatisfiers or hygiene factors as company policy, supervision, working
conditions, interpersonal relationship at work, salary and benefits, and job security (Gitman et al
2008). Organization member to its operating characteristic is the cognitive evaluation, employees get
through the more realistic values and expectations of the gap between the value obtained after the
meeting whether or not all aspects of work attitudes and emotional. Maslow (1954) suggested that
human needs form a five-level hierarchy ranging from physiological needs, safety, belongingness and
love, esteem to self-actualization. The document outlines key HR activities like planning, recruitment
and selection, training, and performance management. The study highlights customer satisfaction
levels among young customers in banking industry. It is posited that different incentives have
different effects on performance and job satisfaction. The objective of this study is to identify the
factors that affect the job satisfaction of employees and to analyze the impact of compensation,
organizational policy, working condition, job stress and promotion opportunities on job satisfaction
of employees. Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs i. It focuses on its
research studies on understanding of the concept, various factors influencing it and proposes
directions for future research. A somewhat different approach regarding the factors of job
satisfaction is provided by Rue and Byars, Figure 4. Negative experiences emanating from low pay,
less than stimulating jobs and criticism create a negative internal state. To show how employee
satisfaction result in growth, Shaw et al. (1998) as cited in Antoncic et al. (2011) examined practices
where management instills the possibility of education and training, adequate pay, benefits,
encourage high level of motivation, and the willingness of employees to invest in their own
knowledge and skills. Employee welfare is an essential part of social welfare. Moreover, Kivimaki et
al (1997) cited in Mehra et al (2011) has also said that adopting Total Quality Management in an
organization leads to decreased job satisfaction. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Purpose — general
practice model justin timberlake, and business in designing, work. Tqm report THE STUDY OF
AND CONTRACTORS Study on the Stress Level Study on the Stress Level Impact of Customer
Satisfaction on the Business Impact of Customer Satisfaction on the Business Final Report of
capstone on Employees satisfaction in Proodle organisation (P. It considered which rewards (intrinsic
and extrinsic) determine job satisfaction of an employee.

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