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Adjectives and Adverbs

I / Warm-up :
Brainstorm adjectives and adverbs you know in English

Adjectives Adverbs

He works hard

Beautiful Girl
II/ Definitions
2-1 adjective

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or

pronoun, giving more information about its size, shape, color,
texture, origin, material, etc. Adjectives usually come before the
noun they describe, but can also come after the verb "to be."
Examples of adjectives are: beautiful, tall, red, wooden, Italian,

Example sentences:

● The beautiful sunset painted the sky with orange and pink.
● She has a tall brother who plays basketball.

2-2 adverb

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective,

or other adverb, giving more information about how, when,
where, or to what extent something is done or happens. Adverbs
usually end in "-ly," but not all of them do. Examples of adverbs
are: quickly, well, loudly, often, here, now, etc.

Example sentences:
● She sang beautifully and moved the audience to tears.
● He studies diligently every day to prepare for his exams.
III/ Practise
Exercise 1: Identify the Adjectives and Adverbs

Identify the adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences

and write them in the spaces provided:

The old man walked slowly down the street.

1. Adjective: ____old _ Adverb: slowly

She wore a beautiful blue dress to the party.

2. Adjective: _beautiful/ blue_ Adverb: __ __

He spoke loudly and confidently during his presentation.

3. Adjective: _________ Adverb: loudly/ confidently_______

The small kitten chased the fast mouse around the room.

4. Adjective: small/ fast _ Adverb: _________

She ate the delicious pizza quickly because she was starving.
5. Adjective: delicious___ Adverb:quickly____

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective or adverb from the
given choices:

1. She sings (beautiful, beautifully) and always amazes the

2. He is a (good, well) basketball player and scores many
3. The (quick, quickly) brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. The teacher speaks (clear, clearly) so that everyone can
5. The (sad, sadly) news of her grandfather's death made her

Exercise 3: Choose the Correct Form

Choose the correct form of the adjective or adverb to complete

the sentence:

1. She sings well_________ (good, well).

2. The children played ___happily_____ (happy, happily) in
the park.
3. He ran ____quickly_____ (quick, quickly) to catch the
4. The coffee smells ____well______ (good, well).
5. She speaks English ____fluently____ (fluent, fluently).

Exercise 4: Add the Correct Adjective or Adverb

Add the correct adjective or adverb to complete the sentence:

1. He is a ____polite ___ person.

2. She speaks _____softly____ so as not to disturb the baby.
3. The cat is ___active/ curious__and explores everything.
4. She painted the picture ____well____ and it won first prize.
5. He is driving _____fast____ on the highway.

Exercise 5: Rewrite the Sentence

Rewrite the sentence using an adjective to describe the

underlined nouns :

1. She sings well.

She is a good singer.
2. The sun is shining brightly.
The sun is bright in the morning.
3. The cake tastes delicious.
The cake is delicious.
4. He studies hard.
He is a hard working student.
5. The flowers smell sweet.
The flowers are sweet-smiling .

IV/ Comparative and Superlative Forms

4-1 Comparative

*To make an adj or adv in the comparative form we add “er’’ to

the end of the adj or adv and use “than’’.
*If the word is made out of more than 5 letters we use “more’’
before the adj/adv
Examples :
Big >> bigger
Small >> smaller
Beautiful >> more beautiful

4-2 Superlative

*To make an adj or adv in the superlative form we use the article
“the’’ add “est’’ to the end of the adj or adv.
*If the word is made out of more than 5 letters we use “the
most’’ before the adj/adv
Examples :
Big >> the biggest
Small >> the smallest
Beautiful >> the most beautiful
There are some adj/adv which are irregular
Ex : good >> better >> the best

Exercise 7: Write the comparative and superlative forms of

the following adjectives:

1. Small >> smaller >> the smallest

2. Fast >> faster >> the fastest
3. Good >> better >> the best
4. Bad >> worse >> the worst
5. Beautiful >> more beautiful >> the most beautiful
6. Tasty >> tastier >> the tastiest
7. Funny >> funnier >> the funniest
8. Tall >> taller >> the tallest

Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with the comparative or

superlative form of the adjective:

1. He is _____taller____ (tall) than his brother.

2. This is ____the worst______ (bad) movie I have ever seen.
3. The pizza is ___more_delicious_____ (delicious) than the
4. She is ___the __smart_________ (smart) student in her
5. This dress is __more__beautiful_ (beautiful) than the other

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