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Supplementary Services over the Core

Alonso Jesus De las Casas Zolezzi

San Ignacio University

Course number: MA61100

Instructor: Lascelle Sweetland

Due Date: 02/21/2024


Supplementary Services over the Core

Supplementary services are important to the core product because they enhance the

overall experience and value proposition for the customer. While the core product satisfices a

specific need or want, supplementary services provide additional benefits and support to ensure a

positive customer experience, since the service in not tangible (Goyal, 2008) the supplementary

services become more important in generating value.

The flower of service is constituted by 8 petals, which represent each part of the customer’s

buying process:

Information, Consultation, Order Taking, Hospitality, Safekeeping, Exception, Billing, Payment.

Each of these petals holds significant value as they are key aspects that customers tend to

evaluate when determining if that product of service is worth their money or covers any basic

need they may have, working on each as individual and the whole petals as group may be key to

get a better performance (Ahmad. Kakeesh, Abuhashesh, 2019).

Enhancing services refers to improving the basis of the core service offered by the brand this can

new features, improving quality, or enhancing the overall experience. For example: Apple

invests in the interface Formatting Content, Touch Controls, Hit Targets are examples of

enhancing the interface of the products offered by them. On the other hand, facilitating

supplementary services aim to make the core service more convenient or enjoyable, so the

customer is more comfortable with the product or service, in the case of Apple Text Size, High

Resolution, information received through their channels are the examples (Apple, n.d.)

Branding is essential in the organizations due to get an identity and to differentiate a product or

service from its competitors. Marriot gives high-quality hotel accommodation and exceptional

customer service. Their expertise can help you make the most out of your investment and ensure

a seamless experience throughout your ownership journey (Marriot, n.d.). On the other hand,

other competitors offer accommodation but not focused on the design as Holliday Inn or more

focused on the luxury resorts as Hilton.



Ahmad A., Kakeesh D., Abuhashesh M. (2021). The role of the online flower of service in

enhancing guest loyalty via the mediating role of guest experience: a structural equation

modelling approach. Inderscience.



Apple (n.d.). UI Design Dos and Don’ts.

Cserti R. (2023). What are facilitation skills and how to improve them? Session Lab.

Goyal, A. (2008). Managing perceived risk for credit card purchase through supplementary

services. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 12(4), 331-345.

Marriot International (n.d.). Brands.

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