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If your group were implementors of the program, how would you mitigate the

negative financial impact and other adversaries on the jeepney

drivers/members of operator organizations?

Expound this answer in one paragraph, 6 sentences:

To mitigate the negative financial impact of this program, focusing on sourcing from
local manufacturers

- To assist the drivers, increase equity subsidy,

- focus on sourcing from local manufacturers, example of local manufacturer is
Francisco Motors, who is set to release 1000 units which would cost 985k,
cheaper than the 2million
- to not rush the modernization process and to give it more time for research
- This would be a better alternative since it local sourcing would be faster and
reduce costs that would

How would your group ensure that the stakeholders in general (i.e., jeepney
drivers and operators, government, the public, etc.) benefit from the program?

- To ensure that stakeholders such as jeepney drivers and operators, the

government, and the public broadly benefit from the Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization Program (PUVMP) in the Philippines, a comprehensive,
stakeholder inclusive approach would be vital. First, our group would initiate
a participatory planning process involving all stakeholders to ensure their
concerns and needs are addressed in the program’s implementation, fostering
a sense of ownership and commitment to the program’s success. By providing
financial assistance and training programs for jeepney drivers and operators,
we aim to ease the transition to modernized vehicles, ensuring that their
livelihoods are not adversely affected. Additionally, to ensure the collective
benefit of the program for stakeholders, our group prioritizes effective
communication and transparency. This involves fostering active engagement
between implementers and stakeholders to collaboratively develop a
comprehensive plan that addresses the needs of all parties involved. Also, we
emphasize transparency to prevent any party from exploiting the situation,
fostering an environment where mutual gains are achieved for jeepney
drivers, operators, the government, and the public. Overall, our group would
ensure that we formulate long-term plans that would support the PUVMP,
taking all things into consideration, such as the needs of the drivers and the
needs of the public, including their satisfaction.

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