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ARC 3001

A2 – Personal Reflection

Conall Curry
Structural System
At the start of the technical study I had limited to no understanding of the integration
of combined concrete and steel systems and how they link, as previously I had
interacted with either pure steel or pure concrete. From my study of City Hall
Sunderland I have now gained insight into chemical anchoring to secure steel beams
to concrete cores. This in future will allow me to recognise, analyse and design non-
homogenous structures.
The knowledge gained from the study of the concrete core has also impacted other
areas, as previously I was unaware of how wind loading resistance can be created
without the use of x-bracings on exterior/façade walls. From the study I have now
gained knowledge and understanding of how large scale internal cores provide full
resistance to lateral loading. In future this will allow me to recognise how buildings
which the architectural design specifies full glass facades function through use of
I was unaware of the use of castellated beams as previously I had interacted only
with Universal Beams. From the study I have gained knowledge into the reasons for
use of castellated beams, such as offering lightweight options with lesser self-weight
and more importantly their use in order to facilitate pipes or other utilities. In future
this will allow me to consider how structural design interacts with utility design and
I was also completely unaware of how utilities are routed through the structural
design, in particular vertical integration of utilities. From the study I have gained
knowledge of what risers are and how they facilitate utilities. In future I will have
more consideration into the placement of risers in logical and convenient places,
further increasing my knowledge of interaction between utilities and structures.
Environmental Systems / Technological Strategies
Initially I had a lack of understanding around Graded Frit Glazing, I had little
understanding of what it is and believed this was purely aesthetic. I now understand
that they serve to control the influx of natural light, this serves multiple functions:
reduces glare, reduces excess solar heating, lowers cooling costs, improved privacy.
In future I will have more insight into form and function fitting together, with aesthetic
choices fulfilling practical functions.
Further, on the topic of air movement, I was unaware of the concept of cross-
ventilation. This concept involves the placement of doors or windows on opposite
sides of a structure, pressure differences due to wind or temperature then drive this
natural air through the building, additionally convection currents can also drive air
flow. In the future I will be more aware of concepts like this which work to make a
building more sustainable and cost effective by reducing the need for artificial
Another similar concept I was unaware of is a Thermostatic Balancing Valve, when
the temperature at the valve changes from a setpoint, the valve contracts or expands
to adjust the flow of hot water, this ensures heating elements or other utilities get the
hot water required to maintain a set temperature. This improves sustainability and
cost effectiveness in large systems by ensuring areas aren’t over or under heated. In
future I will be more thoughtful of sustainable measures like this that reduce a
buildings operating carbon output.
Initially I believed suspended ceilings were used purely to hide utilities, however in
City Hall Sunderland the utilities are on display behind the acoustic tiles as a design
choice. The tiles are used due to the need to block sound in an office which is open,
without significant walls to dampen sound. In future I will be aware of the utility of
features such as these tiles which seemed initially aesthetic, but actually serve a
distinct and necessary purpose.
Before I didn’t know what ground or air source heat pumps are. I now know that
these systems use an evaporator coil to extract heat, a compressor to increase the
temperature of the extracted heat, and a condenser coil to release heat into the
building, this process may be reversed for cooling. This is yet another heating utility I
will be aware of in the design of buildings to create a more sustainable building.
Spatial / Structural / Façade Arrangement
In the study of the spatial arrangement I was initially unaware of the concept of Stack
Effect. I am now aware of the phenomena which causes pressure differentials to
form when air is hotter than that of the outside temperature, as it rises through the
building, this was particularly relevant in City Hall Sunderland due to its large height
atrium. In future I will have greater understanding around how the spatial
arrangement of a design can factor into practicalities such as air flow.
Before the study I was unaware of regulations and policies surrounding the need for
natural light in large open areas, as such I was unaware of concepts used when
spaces are deep enough to be too far from a window. One such concept is a Light
Well, this is a vertical shaft which extends from the roof to lower levels, allowing light
to penetrate to otherwise inaccessible areas, essentially a conduit for light.
Consequently I will be more aware of how the spatial arrangement links to
An uncommon aspect of façade design I was initially unaware of is the impact on
wildlife, commonly associated with facades with large amounts of glass utilised. An
example impact would be the disorientation of birds that can be caused through
glare. The solution to this would be the earlier discussed graded frits. In future
obscure aspects of design that would not normally be considered primary will be
remembered with future projects.
Materials, Sustainability and Construction
Both a material and construction choice, hollow core flooring is something of which I
did not initially realise had excellent utility. One item linking back to earlier is that it
can allow utilities through like conduits or pipes, this is similar to the castellated
beams discussed earlier. The hollow cores provide a lightweight and efficient use of
material, and further provide acoustic dampening. Finally because they are precast it
is a rapid construction solution. These are all excellent factors making it a
construction solution that I would be encouraged to use in future designs.
A sustainable utility that I was unaware of is power factor correction, the power factor
of a system is a ratio of useful to real power, measured from 0-1 where 1 is at 100%
efficiency. It involves adding devices like capacitors, so that inductive loads drawn
from the motors for fans are offset pushing power factor closer to 1. This is another
aspect of sustainable design I did not consider, and in future I will have greater
understanding of how electrical design can reduce a buildings operating cost and
Another sustainable factor I was unaware of was the material PPC aluminium. It is
made by electrostatically charging pigment and resin, then spraying it on the
aluminium to form a protective coating. This creates a durable and corrosive
resistant material. Furthermore, aluminium is a highly recycled material, 75% of
aluminium produced is still in service, far above other materials, further it has an
excellent strength to weight ratio. These factors make it a highly sustainable and
useful material of which I will consider more in future.
Further a material choice which I was unfamiliar with was acid-etched concrete. This
is where dilute acid is applied to concrete, and once the desired finish is reached an
alkaline solution is applied. This provides a wear resistant, non-slip surface which
has aesthetics similar to stone. Further, it contains no VOCs that are present in some
finishes or paints, this ensures that a sustainable and longer lasting material suitable
for flooring or walls is created. In future I will be more considerate of the use of
concrete in purposes not structural.
Building Envelope
Before interaction with the buildings envelope and associated features I was
unaware of the importance of limiting solar gain, previously believing it was always
beneficial. I now understand the numerous effects of excessive solar gain, chiefly
overheating and the energy cost associated with cooling the building, glare problems
especially in offices, and UV damage to furnishings. In future I will be more aware of
features such as window treatments, high-performance glazing and exterior shading
to combat this.
Before the project I had little to no understanding to what a spandrel is. My
understanding has now developed so that I know that it is an element used in the
exterior wall or façade system, the member between structural columns and façade.
This has led to my understanding of how the structure interacts and links to the fade
system being vastly improved, in future I will take criteria such as this into
consideration in the structural design of a building.
Planning and Building Regulations
Initially my knowledge of fire protection consisted of that relating to structural
systems and the concrete necessary to protect it for a set period of time. I have since
reviewed the concept of a fire compartment, key features include doors ,barriers and
penetration seals to block spread of flames, and dampers installed in utility systems
to block spread of smoke. This offers several advantages, such as allowing for more
evacuation time due to limited smoke and spread, and easier containment and
firefighting with contained fires. In future I will be aware of the pivotal role this plays
in fire design, and not just focus on structural protection.
Before the project I had no knowledge of the requirements behind the number of
exits and distance permitted by regulations in buildings in case of emergency. An
example feature would be that number of exits is dictated by maximum capacity,
60 = 1 exit, 600 = 2 exits, >600 = 3 exits. Further in the example building examined
the distance allowed in one direction is 18m and in multiple directions is 45m. This
has given me greater insight into the allowances and regulations involved in
movement in buildings, and I will consider this in future designs.
Before this project I had limited knowledge of methods to maintain and clean a
façade. I have now been introduced to the concept of a Permanent Façade Access
System, allowing maintenance and cleaning. Some examples include, Building
Maintenance Units – motorised track-based systems on the façade, with an attached
arm and platform for workers, Gondolas – platform suspended by cables from roof,
common for maintenance and cleaning, and Davit Systems – Arms which can
support platforms for maintenance. From this I will be more aware and inclusive for
such designs to prolong and encourage safety in a buildings lifespan.
I was also unaware of the regulations behind protection required on fire escape
routes themselves. Examples of this include elevators must only be approached by
protected corridors, and evacuation stairs must have a clear headroom of 2M and be
fully protected. In future I will be fully aware and understand why layouts are set in
certain ways around vertical travel features.

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