Total 200 Questions On IIOT 20EC52I

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WOT 20£C521 222.2023 176.A multinational corporation has recently expanded its operations to a developing country and has faced several challenges related to globalization and emerging issues.How can the multinational corporation effectively address and manage globalization and emerging issues in the new market using IOT?CO1 L3 10 Marks The multinational corporation can effectively address and manage challenges associated with globalization and emerging issues in the new market by leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) in several ways: ‘The corporation can use IoT devices and sensors to monitor and optimize its supply chain operations in real-time, reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and improving visibility. Predictive maintenance: By using IoT devices and sensors to collect data on equipment performance, the corporation can predict maintenance needs and proactively address them, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. Smart Energy Management: IoT devices and sensors can be used to monitor and optimize energy usage in the corporation's operations, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions. Environmental monitoring: loT devices can be used to monitor environmental factors, such as, air and water quality, helping the corporation to identify and address any negative impacts on local communities and the environment. Social engagement: The corporation can use loT devices to engage with local communities and stakeholders, for example, by using social media platforms to gather feedback and respond to concerns in real-time. By leveraging oT technology, the multinational corporation can effectively address and manage the challenges associated with globalization and emerging issues in the new market, while also improving operational efficiency and sustainability. 177. A manufacturing company is looking to upgrade its production process and has been considering the implementation of either loT or HoT. How can the manufacturing company determine whether to implement IoT or IloT and what are the key differences between the two that should be taken into consideration? CO1 L3 10 Marks The manufacturing company can determine whether to implement 1oT or HoT by considering the following factors: SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 1 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Purpose: IoT is typically used for consumer applications, while IIoT is specifically designed for industrial and manufacturing environments. The manufacturing company should consider the specific requirements of its production process and determine whether loT or IloT is better suited for its needs. Reliability: IloT is designed for industrial use and is built to be more robust and reliable than oT, with a focus on reducing downtime and increasing efficiency. The manufacturing company should consider the level of reliability required for its production process and determine whether HoT is a better fit, Security: IoT devices are often less secure than TIOT devices, due to the sensitive nature of industrial and manufacturing data, The manufacturing company should consider the security requirements for its production process and determine whether IfoT is a better fit in terms of security. Integration: IloT is designed to integrate with existing industrial systems and processes, while JoT may require additional integration work to be compatible with industrial systems. The manufacturing company should consider the ease of integration with its existing systems and processes and determine whether HoT is a better fit, Data analysis: IloT devices are equipped with powerful data analysis capabilities, allowing for real-time data analysis and decision making, The manufacturing company should consider the data analysis requirements for its production process and determine whether ToT is a better fit in terms of data analysis. By considering these key differences between loT and IfoT, the manufacturing company can determine which technology is better suited for its needs and make an informed decision on whether to implement IoT or HoT. 178.How can an Internet of Things (IT) enabled smart home automation system be designed to control various household appliances and devices, such as lighting, heating, and security systems, using a single, user-friendly mobile application? CO5 L4 5 Marks A smart home automation system can be designed to control various household appliances and devices using a single, user-friendly mobile application by incorporating the following steps: Connecting all the devices to the Internet through Wi-Fi or other means of connectivity. Installing sensors and actuators in each device to enable communication and control. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 2 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Creating a centralized platform, such as a cloud server, to manage and monitor the devices. Developing a mobile application that communicates with the centralized platform to control the devices. Integrating a user-friendly interface in the mobile application that allows easy control and customization of each device Implementing security measures to protect the system from hacking and unauthorized access. Continuously monitoring and updating the system to ensure seamless and efficient operation, 179.You are working for a smart city project where you need to integrate the city's transportation system with the traffic management system. Your task is to make sure the integration is seamless and efficient. What are the technical requirements and standards for the integration of transportation and traffic management systems to guarantee secure and reliable data transfer?CO1 L3 10 Marks To guarantee secure and reliable data transfer between the transportation and traffic management systems, the following technical requirements and standards should be considered: Data Security: Ensure that data transmitted between the two systems is encrypted and secure from potential cyber attacks. This can be achieved by using secure protocols such as HTTPS, TLS or SSL. Data Integration: Standardize the data format between the two systems to ensure seamless integration. This can be done by using common data exchange formats such as XML or JSON. Data Quality: Implement data validation and error checking mechanisms to ensure data accuracy and integrity. Network Reliability: Ensure a stable and reliable network infrastructure to transmit data between the transportation and traffic management systems. System Interoperabi + Ensure that the systems are able to communicate and exchange data seamlessly with each other. This can be achieved by using common protocols such as OPC-UA or MQTT. Disaster Recovery: Implement backup and disaster recovery plans to ensure the continuity of data exchange in case of system failures or other unforeseen events. By adhering to these technical requirements and standards, you can ensure secure and reliable data transfer between the transportation and traffic management systems, SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1IS) 3 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 180.You are working for a water treatment plant that needs to automate its operations. Your task is to design a control system using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs).How can we use PLCs, SCADA, and HMIs to create a robust and efficient control system for the water treatment plant, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of the process and equipment? COS L4 10 Marks One approach to designing a control system for the water treatment plant using PLCs, SCADA, and HMIs could be as follows: PLCs: Implement PLCs at the field level to control and monitor the process and equipment, The PLCs can collect data from sensors, execute control algorithms, and communicate with the SCADA system. SCADA: Use SCADA as the centralized monitoring and control system to aggregate data from the PLCs, display real-time process information, and provide control functions. The SCADA system can also generate alarms and notifications in case of any deviations from the normal operating conditions. HMIs: Deploy HMIs at various locations within the plant for operators to monitor and control the process. The HMIs can provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for operators to view real-time process information, adjust control parameters, and execute control actions, By using these components, a robust and efficient control system for the water treatment plant can be created, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of the process and equipment. 181.You are working for a manufacturing company that operates a large fleet of production machines. Your task is to evaluate the effectiveness of the company's predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems. What is the impact of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems on the availability and reliability of the production machines, and what are the cost savings associated with the use of these systems?CO1 L4 10 Marks To evaluate the impact of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems on the availability and reliability of the production machines, the following analysis steps could be performed: SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1IS) 4 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Collect Data: Gather data on the performance of the production machines, including machine uptime, maintenance intervals, and equipment failures. The data can be collected from the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems, as well as from manual records. Analyze Availability: Analyze the availability of the production machines before and after the implementation of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems. The availability of the machines can be calculated as the proportion of time the machines are in operation compared to the total time. Analyze Reliability: Analyze the reliability of the production machines before and after the implementation of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems. The reliability of the machines can be calculated as the proportion of time the machines operate without failure. Calculate Cost Savings: Calculate the cost savings associated with the use of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems. The cost savings can be calculated as the reduction in maintenance costs, equipment replacement costs, and lost production time. By performing this analysis, the impact of the predictive maintenance and remote monitoring systems on the availability and reliability of the production machines, as well as the associated cost savings, can be evaluated. 182.You are working for a utility company that has implemented a smart grid system for its customers. Your task is to evaluate the impact of the smart metering and smart grid system on energy consumption and customer satisfaction. What is the effect of the smart metering and smart grid system on energy consumption patterns and customer satisfaction, and what are the cost savings and operational benefits of the system for the utility company?CO1 L4 10 Marks To evaluate the impact of the smart metering and smart grid system on energy consumption and customer satisfaction, the following analysis steps could be performed: Collect Data: Gather data on energy consumption patterns and customer satisfaction levels from both before and afier the implementation of the smart metering and smart grid system. The data can be collected from smart meter readings, customer surveys, and other sources. Analyze Energy Consumption: Analyze energy consumption patterns before and after the implementation of the smart metering and smart grid system. This can include analyzing energy consumption during peak hours, energy consumption by customers with different energy usage patterns, and changes in energy consumption over time. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Analyze Customer Satisfaction: Analyze customer satisfaction levels before and after the implementation of the smart metering and smart grid system, This can include evaluating customer satisfaction with the accuracy of their energy bills, the availability of usage data, and the overall customer experience with the smart grid system. Calculate Cost Savings and Benefits: Calculate the cost savings and operational benefits of the smart metering and smart grid system for the utility company. This can include reducing energy ‘waste, improving energy distribution, and reducing energy theft, as well as improving customer satisfaction and reducing customer service costs. By performing this analysis, the impact of the smart metering and smart grid system on energy. consumption and customer satisfaction can be evaluated, as well as the cost savings and operational benefits for the utility company. 183, You are working for a small delivery company that specializes in delivering small packages. Your task is to rove the efficiency and accuracy of the company’s asset tracking and logistics system. How can we use asset tracking and small logistics technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the delivery process, reducing costs and i iproving customer satisfaction?CO1 L5 5 Marks You can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the delivery process by implementing a real- time asset tracking system that utilizes GPS, RFID, and other tracking technologies (0 monitor the location and status of packages and delivery vehicles in real-time. This information can be integrated with the logistics system to optimize delivery routes, reduce wait times, and ensure timely delivery. Additionally, implementing automated systems for tracking and reporting can improve accuracy, reduce the risk of errors, and provide valuable data for making informed decisions about the delivery process. By reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction, the company can improve its overall competitiveness and growth. 184.You are working for a healthcare organization that is responsible for managing patient, data and information. Your task is to improve the organization's data management system to ensure better decision making and patient care. How can we use the DIKW (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom) framework to improve the organization's data management system, ensuring that data is transformed into actionable knowledge and decisions to provide better patient care? CO1 L4 10 Marks SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1IS) 6 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 The DIKW framework can be applied to improve the healthcare organization's data management system by following these steps: Data: Collect, store and organize the large amount of patient data in a secure and efficient manner. Information: Convert the raw data into meaningful and relevant information by using algorithms, data visualization tools and other techniques. Knowledge: Transform the information into actionable knowledge by using machine learning algorithms and data analysis to identify patterns, relationships, and trends. isdom: Use the knowledge to make informed and intelligent decisions about patient care by integrating it with the expertise and experience of healthcare professionals. By implementing these steps, the healthcare organization can ensure that data is transformed into actionable knowledge and decisions, leading to improved patient care and better decision making. The DIKW framework can help to improve the accuracy, speed, and effectiveness of data analysis, enabling healthcare organizations to provide more personalized and effective care. 185. You are working for a smart city project that aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of its services through the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Your task is to implement Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication to connect and control the various devices and sensors in the city. How can we use M2M communication to connect and control the devices and sensors in the city, improving the efficiency and sustainability of the city's services and allowing for real-time monitoring and decision making through the IoT?CO2 L4 10 Marks M2M communication can be used in a smart city by implementing IoT technologies that allow for the interconnectedness of devices and sensors. This can be achieved through various methods including: Wireless communication protocols: loT devices can communicate with each other using wireless protocols such as Wi-Fi, Zigbee, LoRaWAN, or cellular networks. Edge computing: This technology allows data processing to occur closer to the source, reducing the amount of data transmitted and enabling real-time decision making. Centralized management system: A centralized management system can be implemented to control and monitor all the connected devices and sensors in the city. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 7 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Standardized protocols: The use of standardized protocols, such as MQTT or CoAP, can ensure that all devices and sensors are able to communicate with each other seamlessly. By using M2M communication, the city can improve its efficiency and sustainability by enabling real-time monitoring, reducing energy consumption, and making data-driven decisions. This can lead to better management of city services, increased safety and security, and improved quality of life for citizens. 186. city wants to monitor and control its public lighting system to reduce energy consumption and improve public safety. How can the city utilize LoRaWAN technology to remotely monitor and control its public efficiency and public safety?CO2 L4 5 Marks The city can utilize LoRaWAN technology by deploying LoRaWAN enabled sensors and ting system in real-time, ensuring energy actuators at each public lighting location, ‘These sensors and actuators can be connected to a central LORaWAN network serve which can be accessed by authorized personnel to monitor and control the lighting system remotely. The sensors can collect data such as lighting usage, motion detection, and ambient light levels, which can then be used to dynamically control the lighting based on actual needs. For example, the lights can be dimmed or tuned off when not in use or when sufficient natural light is available. This can help reduce energy consumption and improve public safety. Additionally, real-time monitoring and control of the lighting system through the LoRaWAN network allows for quick identification and resolution of any issues, further improving energy efficiency and public safety. 187.A retail company wants to enhance its customer experience by allowing customers to make payments and access product information quickly and easily. How can the retail company utilize NEC technology to enable customers to make payments and access product information in a convenient and secure manner while shopping in the store? CO2 L3 5 Marks The retail company can utilize NFC technology by implementing NFC-enabled payment terminals and adding NFC tags to product displays. Customers can make payments quickly and easily by tapping their NFC-enabled devices, such as smartphones or smartwatches, on the payment terminals. The NFC tags on the product displays can be used to access information such as product specifications, reviews, and recommendations. This allows customers to make informed purchasing decisions without having to go to a separate location or device to access SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1IS) 8 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 this information, The use of NFC technology provides a seamless and convenient shopping experience for customers while also ensuring secure transactions through the use of encryption and secure element technology. 188.A utility company wants to monitor and manage its water distribution network in real- time to ensure efficient operations and detect and prevent water leaks. How can the utility company utilize Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) technology to remotely monitor and manage its water distribution network, detecting and preventing leaks in a timely and cost-effective manner?CO2 L3 5 Marks ‘The utility company can utilize Narrowband loT (NB-IoT) technology by installing NB-loT’ enabled sensors and devices at various points in the water distribution network. These sensors can collect data on parameters such as flow rate, pressure, and water level, and transmit this data in real-time to a central server via the NB-IoT network. The central server can then use this data to monitor and manage the water distribution network in real ne, detecting and preventing leaks quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, NB-IoT is a low-power and low-bandwidth technology, making it well suited for use in large-scale Io deployment and cost-effective in terms of energy consumption and network bandwidth usage. By utilizing NB-IoT technology, the utility company can ensure efficient operations, detect and prevent water leaks in a timely manner, and improve overall water management. 189. Some customers have trouble completing their purchases through our online store in the .what are the Possible reasons for customers having trouble completing purchases with the payment gateway ?CO2 L4 5 Marks There are several possible reasons why customers may have trouble completing purchases with a payment gateway, including: Tech al issues: Technical problems with the payment gateway such as connectivity issues, server downtime, or errors in the integration with the online store could cause customers to experience difficulties in completing their purchases. User experience: A confusing or cumbersome checkout process can lead to customers abandoning their purchases. Payment method: Customers may not have a preferred payment method available or the payment gateway may not support certain types of payments. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 9 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Security concerns: Customers may feel uncomfortable entering their sensitive financial information online, leading them to abandon their purchases. Payment failure: Transactions may fail due to issues with the customer's payment method, such as insufficient funds or expired credit cards. Shipping and handi Customers may abandon their purchases due to high shipping and handling costs or unexpected fees, By understanding the reasons why customers are having trouble completing purchases with the payment gateway, e-commerce companies can take steps to improve the customer experience and increase conversion rates. 190.An industrial company wants to implement a new system to control and monitor their machines remotely. The company is looking to use an industrial gateway to faci te the communication between the machines and a central server. How can the industrial gateway ensure secure and reliable communication between the machines and the central server, while also allowing for real-time monitoring and control of the machines?CO2 L4 5 Marks To ensure secure and reliable communication, the industrial gateway can implement several measures such as Encryption: The communication between the machines and the central server can be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access or tampering of the data. Firewall: A firewall can be integrated into the gateway (o prevent unauthorized access and protect against cyber threats. Network segmentation: The industrial network can be segmented into separate subnets to increase security and reliability. Redundant connections: The gateway can be configured with redundant connections to ensure that communication remains functional even if one of the connections fails. ‘he gateway can be equipped with real-time monitoring capabilities to provide real-time data on the health and performance of the machines, Remote control: The gateway can be configured to allow for remote control of the machines, enabling operators to make changes or resolve issues from a central location. By implementing these measures, the industrial gateway can provide a secure and reliable communication channel between the machines and the central server, while also allowing for real-time monitoring and control of the machines. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(119) 10, WOT 20£C521 222.2023 191. startup company wants to develop a new e-commerce platform to sell their products online. The company is considering using either Software as a Service (SaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) to build and host their platform. How can the company determine if using SaaS or PaaS would be the best option for their needs, considering factors such as cost, customization, scalability, and security? CO3 L4 5 Marks To determine the best option between SaaS and PaaS, the startup company should consider the following factors: Cost: SaaS often requires a lower upfront investment and provides a more predictable monthly or annual cost, while PaaS can be more expensive in the long run but offers more control over the infrastructure, Customization: SaaS offers li ited customization options, while PaaS pro ides greater flexibility in customizing the platform to meet the specific needs of the business. Scalability: Both SaaS and PaaS offer scalable solutions, but SaaS may be easier to scale as it managed by the service provider, while scaling PaaS may require additional resources and technical expertise. Security: SaaS providers typically offer high-level security measures, while PaaS requires the company to take on more responsibility for security, including configuring and maintaining security measures. The company should weigh the pros and cons of each option and determine which one best aligns with their goals, budget, and technical capabilities. It may also be helpful for the company to consult with experts in the field to gain a deeper understanding of the options available and make an informed decision. 192. company named "Contoso Ltd" wants to develop a new e-commerce platform for their business. They are considering using AWS, Azure, or GCP for hosting their application. The following are the requirements for the platform: ‘The platform must be scalable to handle increasing traffic during peak periods. It should have a database to store customer informati n and product catalog. ‘The platform must have a payment gateway to process online transactions. ‘The company wants to minimize downtime during updates and maintenance. With these requirements in mind, here's how the company can use AWS, Azure, and GCP to build their e-commerce platform:CO3 L4 10 Marks SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 11 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 AWS: Contoso Ltd can use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for scalable computing capacity and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for the database. They can use Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to handle payment transactions and ensure high availability using Amazon Route 53. Amure: Contoso Ltd can use Azure Virtual Machines for scalable computing and Azure Cosmos DB for the database. They can use Azure Functions for payment processing and achieve high availability using Azure Traffic Manager. GCP: Contoso Ltd can use Google Compute Engine for scalable computing and Google Cloud SQL for the database. They can use Google Cloud Functions for payment processing and achieve high availability using Google Load Balancer. By comparing these services, Contoso Ltd can choose the best cloud platform for their e- commerce platform based on their specific requirements and preferences. 193. smart home system is being developed for controlling various devices such as lights, temperature, and security systems. The following are the stages of the IoT architect ‘Smart devices and sensors: The home has several smart devices and sensors installed, including smart lights, smart thermostats, and motion sensors. These devices are connected to the internet and can be controlled using a mobile app. Connectivity: The smart devices and sensors use Wi-Fi or cellular networks to communicate with each other and with the cloud platform. Data Processing: The raw data collected from the smart devices and sensors is pracessed and analyzed by the cloud platform. The processed data is then used to control the smart devices and make decisions based on the data. Cloud Platforms: The processed data is stored in a cloud platform for safekeeping and to allow for easy access. In this scenario, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is used as the cloud platform, User Interface: The user interface for the smart home syste1 is a mobile app that allows the homeowner to control the smart devices and view the data from the sensors. Demonstrate the flow of data in an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture COS L4 10 Marks The flow of data in this scenario is as follows: SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(19) 12, WOT 20£C521 222.2023 The smart devices and sensors collect data about the environment and the usage of the smart devices. The collected data is sent to the cloud platform through the internet. The cloud platform processes and analyzes the data. ‘The processed data is stored in the cloud platform. ‘The homeowner can access the data and control the smart devices using the mobile app. The cloud platform uses the data to control the smart devices based on the homeowner's preferences. The updated status of the smart devices is sent back to the cloud platform and is reflected in the mobile app for the homeowner to see. 194.4 manufacturing company named "Acme Corp" is upgrading its production line toa connected and automated system using IIoT technology. The following are the design considerat ns for the HoT syster Architecture: The IoT architecture must be scalable and flexible to accommodate future expansion and changes in the production line. It should also be secure to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. Devices: The devices used in the production line must be reliable, efficient, and compatible with the HoT system. The devices must be able to communicate with each other and with the cloud platform. Network: The network infrastructure must be robust and able to handle the high volume of data generated by the production line. It should also have a low latency to ensure real-time communication between the devices. Cloud: The cloud platform must be secure, scalable, and able to handle large amounts of data. It should also provide real-time data analysis and visualization capa decision-making. Wi system:CO5 L4 10 Marks h these design considerations in mind, here's how Acme Corp cat Architecture: Acme Corp can use a microservices-based architecture for its IloT system to ensure scalability and flexibility. It can also use encryption and authentication technologies to secure the system. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1S) 13, WOT 20£C521 222.2023 Devices: Acme Corp can use industrial-grade sensors and devices that are compatible with the HoT system and have a proven track record of reliability. Network: Acme Corp can use a combination of Wi-Fi and cellular networks to ensure a robust and low-latency communication infrastructure. Cloud: Acme Corp can use Microsoft Azure as its cloud platform, which provides a secure and scalable platform for storing and analyzing data. Azure also provides real-time data visualization capabilities for decision-making, By considering these design considerations, Acme Corp can create a secure, scalable, and. efficient IloT system for its production line. 195.A water management company named "Aqua Inc." is tasked with monitoring the -d standards. The following are water quality of a river to ensure that it meets the requi the stages of the IoT-based DAS: Sensors: Aqua Inc. deploys mu Ie sensors along the river to collect data on various water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, and conductivity. These sensors are connected to the internet using Wi-Fi or cellular networks. Data Collection ‘The data collected from the sensors is sent to a central system for storage and analysi ¢ or in the cloud. . The central system can be either on-pres Data Processing: The raw data collected from the sensors is processed to remove any outliers and to ensure that it meets the required standards. The processed data is then stored in a database for future analysis. Data Visualization: The processed data is visualized using various tools such as graphs and charts to provide insights into the water quality over time, Alerts: 1 The DAS is configured to send alerts to Aqua Inc. when the water quality deviates from the required standards. This allows Aqua Inc. to take timely action to correct any issues. Demonstrate the use of an IoT-based data acquisition system (DAS) COS L4 10 Marks The flow of data in this scenario is as follows: The sensors collect data on the water quality parameters, The collected data is sent to the central system for storage and analysis, The raw data is processed to remove outliers and to ensure that it meets the required standards. The processed data is stored in a database for future analysis. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1IS) 4 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 The processed data is visualized to provide insights into the water quality over time. The DAS sends alerts to Aqua Inc. when the water quality deviates from the required standards. Aqua Inc. takes timely action to correct any issues and improve the water quality. By using an IoT-based DAS, Aqua Inc. can monitor the water quality of the river in real-time and take timely action to correct any issues. This helps to ensure that the river meets the required standards and provides safe drinking water to the communities that rely on it. 196.A smart grid company named "PowerNet" aims to use data analytics to optimize its energy management system. The following are the stages of PowerNet's data analytics system: Data Collection: PowerNet collects data from various sources such as smart meters, weather stations, and energy production facilities. The data is collected in real-time and sent to the data analytics system for processing. Data Processing: The data analytics system processes the collected data to iden and trends. The data is cleaned and transformed to ensure that is accurate and consistent. Data Visualization ‘The processed data is visuali id using various tools such as graphs and charts to provide i ights into energy demand, energy generation and distribution, and energy waste. Predictive Analyti : The data analytics system uses predictive analytics algorithms to forecast energy demand, predict potential energy waste, and optimize energy generation and distribution. Decision-Making: PowerNet uses the insights generated by the data analytics system to make informed decisions on energy management. The data analytics system provides recommendations on energy demand management, energy generation and distribution, and energy waste reduction. In this scenario demonstrate the impact of data analytics on smart grids CO4 L4 10 Marks The flow of data in this scenario is as follows: PowerNet collects data from various sources such as smart meters, weather stations, and energy production facilities The collected data is sent to the data analytics system for processing, SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1S) 15, WOT 20£C521 222.2023 The data analytics system processes the data to identify patterns and trends. The processed data is visualized to provide insights into energy demand, energy generation and distribution, and energy waste. The data analytics system uses predictive analytics algorithms to forecast energy demand, predict potential energy waste, and optimize energy generation and distribution, PowerNet uses the insights generated by the data analytics system to make informed decisions on energy management By using data analytics, PowerNet can optimize its energy management system, reduce energy ‘waste, and enhance the quality of life for its customers. The impact of data analytics on smart grids highlights the importance of data-driven decision-making in the energy sector. 197.A smart city named "Smartville" has implemented a network of loT devices to improve the quality of life for its residents. The devices are connected to the internet and are used to monitor and control various systems such as traffic, energy, and water. In this scenario demonstrate the analysis of IoT related issues related to security: CO4 L4 10 Marks The following are the security issues that Smartyille must address to ensure the security of its ToT network: Device Security: Smartville's IoT devices are connected to the internet and can be vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access. ‘The city must analyze the potential risks and implement security measures such as device authentication, encryption, and firewalls to protect its devices from cyber attacks. Data Privacy: Smartville collects and processes a large amount of data from its Io devices. The city must analyze the potential risks and implement measures such as data encryption, access controls, and data retention policies to ensure that the data is protected from unauthorized access and breaches. Network Security: The loT devices are connected to the internet through a network, and the network can be vulnerable to cyber attacks. The city must analyze the potential risks and implement measures such as network segmentation, intrusion detection and prevention, and firewalls to protect its network from cyber threats. Software Security: Smartyille uses software to control and monitor its [oT devices, and the software can be vulnerable to security threats such as malware, viruses, and hacking. The city SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(119) 16, WOT 20£C521 222.2023 ‘must analyze the potential risks and implement measures such as software patches, updates, and vulnerability assessments to ensure the security of its software. The analysis of the IoT related issues related to security in Smartville highlights the importance of implementing a comprehensive security strategy to ensure the security of [oT systems, The city must analyze the potential risks and implement measures to mitigate those risks, in order to ensure the security of its 1oT network and the safety of its residents. 198.A healthcare organization named "Healthtech" has implemented a network of computers and other devices to store and process sensitive patient information. Healthtech must implement a comprehensive security strategy to ensure the security of its systems and patient data, and educate its employees on how to recognize and av cyber attacks.In this scenario demonstrate the various types of cyber attacks: CO4 L4 10 Marks Phishing: Healthtech's employees receive emails that appear to be from a trusted source, asking for sensitive information such as passwords and financial data. The organization must educate its employees on how to recognize and avoid phishing scams and implement measures such as spam filters and two-factor authentication to protect against phishing attacks. Malware: Healthtech’s computers and devices can be infected with malware, which can compromise the security of its systems and steal sensitive information. The organization must implement measures such as antivirus software, software patches, and firewalls to protect against malware attacks Ransomware: Healthtech's systems and data can be encrypted by ransomware, which can prevent access to important information and demand payment in exchange for access. The organization must implement measures such as backup and disaster recovery plans and access controls to protect against ransomware attacks. Denial of Service (DoS): Healthtech's systems can be overwhelmed by a flood of traffic, causing them to become unavailable. The organization must implement measures such as load balancing, and intrusion detection and prevention to protect against DoS attacks. The scenario demonstrates the importance of understanding and guarding against various types of cyber attacks. Healthtech must implement a comprehensive security strategy to ensure the security of its systems and patient data, and educate its employees on how to recognize and avoid cyber attacks. SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(19) 17 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 199.A tourism company named "Virtual Tours" wants to provide its customers with ns and attractions, In this scenario demonstrate virtual experiences of popular destinat the application of virtual reality: CO5 L4 10 Marks The following is how Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to achieve its goal: Destination Experiences: Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to provide customers with virtual experiences of popular destinations and attractions. Customers can explore and interact with virtual environments, including landmarks, historical sites, and nature parks. Adventure Activities: Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to provide customers with virtual experiences of adventure activities such as skydiving, surfing, and snowboarding. Customers can participate in these activities from the comfort of their homes. Cultural Immersion: Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to provide customers with cultural immersion experiences. Customers can visit and explore virtual environments that represent different cultures, helping them to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives. Training and Simulation: Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to provide customers with training and simulation experiences. Customers can practice and develop new skills in a safe and controlled environment. The scenario demonstrates the application of virtual reality in the tourism industry. Virtual Tours can use virtual reality to provide customers with immersive and interactive experiences of popular destinations, adventure activities, and cultural immersion experiences, all while offering training and simulation opportunities. 100.A home design and renovation company named "Home Design Co." wants to provide its customers with a unique and interactive experience when choosing home design and renovation products. In this scenario demonstrate the application of augmented reality:COS L4 10 Marks The following is how Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to achieve its goal: Product Visualization: Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to provide customers with an interactive and immersive experience when choosing products. Customers can use their smartphones or tablets to see how products would look in their homes before making a purchase. Room Planning: Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to help customers plan their renovation projects. Customers can use their smartphones or tablets to visualize different design SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(1I9) 18 WOT 20£C521 222.2023 options and make informed decisions about the layout, furniture placement, and color choices for their rooms. Instructional Guides: Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to provide customers with step-by-step instructions for installing products. Customers can use their smartphones or tablets to follow along with the instructions and complete projects with ease Virtual Showroom: Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to create a virtual showroom, ‘where customers can interact with products and make purchases without visiting a physical store. ‘The scenario demonstrates the application of augmented reality in the home design and renovation industry. Home Design Co. can use augmented reality to provide customers with a unique and interactive experience when choosing products and completing projects, SHANTA C MUKARTIHAL SL GR LECTURER GOVT POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN BANGALORE(19) 19.

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